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Our Darkest Maze

Page 29

by Sarah Bailey

  “I see.”

  “What about you?”

  She looked away, her eyes darting down to her plate.

  “What exactly are you asking?”

  “I’m not going to get weird if you tell me you’ve dated other people in the past three years, Rora.”

  Whilst I knew we should be engaging in conversation with my parents, I was curious about what her answer would be.

  “I have, but none of them were serious. Guess you could say I was protecting myself from getting hurt again. And no, I’m not trying to be a bitch by saying that, it’s the truth. Besides, they didn’t get me… not like you do.”

  My heart couldn’t fucking take it. The look in her eyes made it rattle against my chest. Knowing no one lived up to me in the way no one had ever lived up to her was the confirmation I needed about her feelings. She didn’t have to reciprocate my love as long as she stayed by my side.

  If my parents hadn’t been there, I would’ve kissed her, but I settled for a smile instead.

  “No? Did you compare them all to me or something?”

  “Shut up.”

  I smiled wider, but as I didn’t want to embarrass her further, I turned my attention back to my parents. Aurora noticed and her lips curved upwards.

  “So, Liora, Logan told me you’re a zookeeper,” Aurora said, getting my mum’s attention.

  Mum’s favourite subject was animals. Dad and I looked at each other, knowing this would go on for a while.

  “Yes, at London Zoo. I’ve taken care of a lot of different animals, but at the moment, I work with the big cats.”

  I watched Aurora interact with my parents, feeling all kinds of happy to see her so relaxed and at ease with them. She was such a confident girl. There was never any doubt she’d cope with it all, especially given she knew about how my family had initially reacted to me and her. The past was fucked up, but she was here now. It’s all that mattered.

  Later, when we’d retired upstairs to the living room with tea and cake, Mum and I were watching Dad show Aurora some photos from the collection which was launching soon.

  “She’s just like you described her.”

  “Is that a good thing?”

  “Are you asking if I approve?”

  I glanced at her, trying not to grin. It wouldn’t matter either way since I was determined to be with Aurora no matter what anyone said.

  “Yeah, I guess I am.”

  She put a hand on my arm and gave it a squeeze.

  “Anyone can see how happy she makes you.”

  “That didn’t answer my question.”

  “You don’t need my approval, Logan, but if you really want to know, both Dante and I love her.”

  I looked at my girl and my dad again. The two of them were laughing at something. Aurora met my eyes a moment later. The affection and happiness in them was everything I could ever need.

  “He said that?”

  “His exact words were… our son has finally found someone who won’t take his shit.”

  I snorted. Aurora stood up to me more often than I liked. She had no qualms about telling it like it is. It was refreshing. More people should be open and honest like her.

  “And you took that as him approving of her?”

  “You know your father. He’s not one for sappy declarations.”

  “You’re the only exception to that rule. Besides, the number of times I’ve seen you put him in his place, it’s no wonder I chose a girl who does the same for me.”

  She laughed.

  “Like father like son.”

  Well, there were many ways I wasn’t like my dad, but she was right. We did both like strong women who spoke their own minds.

  “Would you mind if I took her on a tour of the house?”

  Mum gave me a look.

  “If you want to be alone with her, you don’t have to ask.”


  She stroked my face and gave me a smile.

  “Go be with your girl, okay?”

  I shook my head, but it didn’t stop me from getting up and going over to her. Aurora looked up at me as I put my hand out to her.

  “Sorry to interrupt. Do you want to see the rest of the house?”

  Aurora’s eyebrow raised knowing very well that was code for ‘I’m taking you to my bedroom to fuck the living daylights out of you.’ I wouldn’t deny it. It was exactly what I intended to do. I didn’t care if my parents were in the house.

  She put her hand in mine a moment later, making me grin. Aurora wanted me as much as I did her. I was going to damn well show this girl exactly how much I loved her by sinking into her over and over until she cried out my name with her climax. It would be the perfect way to end a perfect evening with the perfect girl.

  Chapter Forty One

  Contrary to what Logan said, he didn’t take me on a tour of the house. He whisked me up the second flight of stairs to the top floor and along to the front of the house. Opening the door, he ushered me into a bedroom, flipping the light switch on to illuminate it in the darkness. The walls were pale green and had a leaf pattern print all over them. There were framed photos of various animals on the walls. The furniture was a pale grey as was his bedspread which had a pale green blanket on the end.

  “I take it this is your room,” I said after he shut the door.

  “Mmm, yes. Has been since I was a baby.”

  He tugged me over to the bed before curling his hands around my waist and pulling me flush with his body. His hands were in my hair and his lips on my neck, making me gasp.

  “I thought you were giving me a tour.”

  “I’m giving you a fucking tour… meaning you get to tour the various positions I’m going to fuck you in.”

  I couldn’t help surrendering to his words, allowing him to unbutton my cardigan and push it off my shoulders. Having gone with something smart casual for meeting his parents, there was no easy access for him tonight.

  “Shouldn’t we talk?”

  “Talking comes later, little masochist.”

  Logan was busy unbuttoning my blouse and pulling it off me. My hands went to his t-shirt, tugging at it so he’d let me take it off him. The two of us were rushing through getting each other naked for the next couple of minutes. Being without him for well over a week had made me as eager as he was.

  “You’re fucking stunning,” he told me, as he pushed me on the bed and held my hands down on the covers, “And you’re mine. I can’t believe you’re all fucking mine.”

  The intensity in those ice-blue eyes had me trembling. All of his desperation and need for me poured out of him. No one had ever looked at me like he did. No one saw me in the way Logan always had. I loved this man. And I had fallen in love with his parents too even though it had only been a couple of hours. They were so nice to me and had made me feel welcome. If I was in any doubt of Logan’s words about his family no longer objecting to him being with me, tonight had washed those away.

  “I am all yours.”

  He leant closer, his lips curving upwards.

  “Are we going to let go of the past?”

  I nodded. Dwelling on it wouldn’t do either of us any favours. Both of us had changed. We’d grown up and learnt a lot of lessons.

  “It’s not important. Not when I want a future with you.”

  He pressed a kiss to the side of my mouth.

  “I want one with you too.”

  I smiled, letting him kiss my jaw as I tried not to wriggle underneath him.



  “Look at me.”

  He raised his head and met my eyes. There was nowhere else in this world I’d rather be than right here with him. He made my heart soar. I didn’t care about the past any longer. All I cared about was him.

  “I love you.”

  The way his eyes widened made my heart full. Logan hadn’t been expecting me to say it, but I needed to. He’d
told me several times how he felt. It was time I owned up to my own. Besides, I didn’t want to start off this relationship with secrets between us.

  “You do?” he whispered, his voice shaky.

  “I kind of fell in love with you three years ago and forgot to fall out of it.”

  He let go of my hands to cup my cheek with one of his before kissing me. His tongue tangled with mine as he fit himself between my legs. Having his solid body pressed against mine, his cock sliding along my pussy made me moan in his mouth. My hands wrapped around his back, encouraging him to keep going. His free hand slid down my body, grasping my thigh to widen my legs.

  “My little masochist,” he murmured against my lips.

  I pressed my hips up, wanting him so fucking badly I ached with it.

  “Logan,” I moaned, “Please.”

  His hand fell from my face to my neck, his thumb running down the centre of it as he held onto it with a loose grip. It didn’t scare me in the slightest. I’d always trusted Logan during sex never to take anything too far. He cared about my pleasure more than his, though I don’t think I’d ever left him unsatisfied.

  He kissed his way down to my ear, his hot breath making me crazy.

  “You’re mine,” he told me, his voice deeper and more seductive than he’d ever sounded before, “I’m going to fuck this soaking wet pussy until you’re screaming my name. Then I’m going to fuck it some more because I can.”

  His hand around my neck moved closer to my jaw, holding it shut. I wasn’t easily able to respond.

  “I’m never letting you go, Rora. Not now I have you.”

  And with that, Logan slid inside me, making me whimper because he felt so fucking good.

  “That’s it. Take my cock.”

  He might not be holding me down, but the way his body mastered mine had me surrendering to everything he did. I didn’t feel the need to fight against him when he was right. I was his. And I was going to take everything he gave me.

  As he pulled back and fucked me with long, drawn-out strokes, my body moved with his. I didn’t want him to leave. His warmth and his presence only made me crave the intimacy I shared with him. We didn’t need to ask each other what we wanted. We knew instinctively, our bodies matching each other’s rhythm.

  “Fuck,” he grunted in my ear, “You feel so good, fuck.”

  It was then I realised Logan hadn’t wrapped up his dick. It hadn’t occurred to either of us this time. I was caught up in my need for him.

  “Logan, condom.”

  “Shit,” He didn’t stop, if anything his thrusts increased in their intensity, “I’ll pull out.”

  I wondered for a moment whether to tell him it wasn’t strictly necessary since I never failed to have the injection. Then I realised it would be idiotic to keep such things from him. We were together now. He should know and to be honest, it felt better like this with nothing between us.

  “I get the injection. You don’t have to pull out.”

  He raised his head to look at me then.

  “You sure?”

  “I trust you.”

  The way his eyes softened had my heart hammering.

  “But if you do fuck some other girl, I won’t be responsible for my actions… they may involve a knife and your dick.”

  He bit his lip.

  “I would never cheat on you. Also, I’d prefer it if you didn’t talk about cutting my dick off whilst I’m inside you.”


  The two of us were still for a moment before both breaking out into laughter. It took several minutes before we calmed down enough to resume what we’d been doing. I hitched my leg over his hip, allowing him deeper access, which Logan didn’t hesitate in taking advantage of. This time, he took me with slow thrusts, staring down at me. His hand was still half around my neck, stroking my skin. There were no words. I lost myself in his gaze. In the way he took me. And how I loved him more and more with each passing moment.

  Whilst I didn’t believe in fates and destinies, I’d met him for a reason. We had always challenged each other. Once we’d been on opposite sides, but now we were on the same course. The two of us guiding each other through the maze of life. This might be the beginning of our committed relationship with each other, but we had history cementing us together. Agreeing to leave the past behind us didn’t erase it. It merely gave us a foundation to build our future on.

  “Harder,” I whispered, “Make me come.”

  Logan’s smirk set my blood on fire. He took one of my hands from my back and shoved it between us, encouraging me to stroke my swollen bud. And he fucked me harder until I climaxed, crying out his name as the sheer bliss of the moment washed over me. It didn’t take him long to grunt with his own.

  After we’d cleaned up, we lay on top of his covers together, me wrapped up in his arms as I trailed my fingers down his bare chest.

  “I told my dad about us… and he wants you to come to dinner at our house.”

  He froze as I looked up at his face.

  “He doesn’t want to string me up or anything, does he?”

  “No. Well, I can’t promise he won’t, but if things get out of hand, the rest of my dads won’t let him do anything stupid.”

  “I don’t know whether that makes me more or less concerned about meeting your entire family.”

  I grinned. My family could be a lot, but most of them would accept Logan as my boyfriend. Dad was the only person we had to worry about, and even he wouldn’t go too far. He might be protective over me, but I didn’t take any shit off him either. I wouldn’t allow him to have a go at Logan. I could be fucking well protective too. No doubt about it, I’d keep my man safe.

  “They aren’t that bad. Besides, they don’t get a say in my decision. I want you, no one else. You’re the only person I’ve ever felt anything real for. I mean, yeah, you also piss me off and have done some fucked up things, but I know you’re sorry. You love me and it’s all I give a shit about.”

  He stroked his fingers along my waist.

  “I do love you.”

  “Will it reassure you if I told you my mum said you were incredibly handsome and she doesn’t blame me for wanting you?”

  He raised an eyebrow.


  “Okay, well maybe that’s a bit weird since it’s my mum.”

  “You don’t say.”

  I could see he was trying to hide a smile.

  “She appreciated the flowers, by the way. Dad thought she had a secret admirer as she wouldn’t tell him who she’d got them from. He wasn’t happy, which amused my other dads, particularly Xav. He loves to wind everyone up. You know, he actually asked me if I was out on a booty call the first night you took me out.”

  Logan cocked his head to the side.

  “Who asks their daughter that?”

  “I asked him the same thing, not that I got a straight answer. He just says it like it is.”

  He tightened his arms around me.

  “I remember you telling me Rory is who you’re closest to. Is that still the case?”

  I gave him a smile.

  “Yeah. He helped me when I was trying to work out my feelings and whether I wanted to give you a second chance. He supports me being with you, by the way. So does Mum.”

  “Nice to know I won’t have to contend with all your parents hating me.”

  I shifted higher and kissed his lips.

  “Just remember I love you and what my dad thinks is irrelevant.”

  I almost got carried away with kissing him, but I pulled back and stroked his face.

  “So, will you come to dinner?”

  “Yes, but I’d like us to spend more time together before I meet your parents. There are a lot of things I want to learn about you before I get the third degree from them.”

  I ran my tongue along my bottom lip.

  “Oh, you want to reacquaint yourself with every inch of me, do you?”
br />   He rolled me over onto my back and stared down at me.

  “Something like that.”

  “Well, I won’t complain about it.”

  And I let Logan use his mouth to re-discover my body in all the best ways possible. We could do meeting my parents at a later date. I was just happy to have him back in my life and committed to me and only me. He was mine. I would make damn sure it stayed that way no matter what my father said or did. Logan was my future. No one was going to take him away from me again.

  Chapter Forty Two

  I might have agreed to meet Aurora’s parents, but it wasn’t until two months after we’d become official when I actually went around to her place. In that time, I’d moved into my new house after the work was completed. Aurora helped me choose a lot of the decorative items in the place. The two of us had thoroughly christened every surface we could. Having my own space meant I could have her here whenever I wanted. We hadn’t been inseparable or anything, but Aurora fit into my life like she’d always been there.

  Aurora had met the rest of my family, having come to one of our big get-together dinners at my parent’s house. It had been a little awkward between her and my uncle at first, but once they’d had a conversation, everything had been fine. He’d had a private talk with me afterwards, apologising again for what happened three years ago and telling me he liked how strong-willed she was. Considering he’d married Aunt Jen, it didn’t come as a surprise. She was probably the most brash, unrelenting woman I’d ever met, but in a good way.

  Whilst I might not have officially met Aurora’s parents, I had met her brothers. She’d brought them around my house for dinner one night a couple of weeks ago, saying they’d harassed her over it for weeks and she couldn’t take it any longer. I liked Duke, Raphi and Cole. They were all very different, but you could see how much they cared about each other and their sister. It made me less nervous about meeting the rest of her family.

  When I knocked at the door, Aurora answered it, all smiles as she stepped forward and kissed me. I was here for one of their monthly Sunday family lunches, which meant her grandparents would also be in attendance. Aurora had warned me about her grandmother and her tendency to get into arguments with her parents. I’d prepared myself for anything to happen.


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