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Shades of Desire: 10 Sweet & Spicy Romances

Page 30

by J. A. Coffey

  "I was wondering what we‘d have to eat and wasn‘t hopeful. This sure is a pleasant surprise." He held the potatoes above the fire.

  "I'm glad you like them. I wasn't sure if you even ate breakfast." She pulled the eggs from the top of the flames to stir them before holding it back over the fire. Breakfast was turning out better than she had hoped.

  "We've known each other for a long time. Years. But I don't know much about you," he said. He kept his gaze on the sticks he twirled in the fire while the potatoes started to turn brown.

  "I know what you mean." She stared at his profile. The olive skin and brown eyes were handsome with the square shape of his jaw. He didn't have rippling muscles but lean instead.

  He glanced over at her with his intense gaze. "I really am glad you brought me here. We get to learn all the little things about each other we've missed out on over the years."

  She nodded even though he had already turned back to the task of cooking. "Do you work out?" she asked, pulling the eggs from the fire again and set the pan on the bricks in front of the fireplace. She hopped up from the floor to grab some plates and forks from the kitchen. While in there, she figured she'd give the kitten some of the eggs and a small bowl of milk.

  "I only workout few times a week, but I'm not a fanatic about it."

  "You don't like to?" Gabrielle asked as she carried the utensils back into the living room for their fireside picnic.

  "I do. You see, it is best that I look like everyone else. If I'm just an Average Joe people don't notice me. Everyone looks at those buff guys." He watched her dish up the eggs and make an extra small dish for the kitten.

  "I guess you're right about that. It wouldn't be a good idea to stand out from the crowd. You'd be easy to identify." She looked up as she took a bite of her scrambled eggs which tasted pretty good.

  "Mm, these are great." As he ate, he stole several glances at her. He took the last bite and set his plate behind him on the coffee table. "Have you gone camping a lot?"

  She shook her head. "Just with the friends I made while traveling abroad. Good thing I knew how to make these or we might've starved."

  "You know, we haven't really hung out at all since..." He leaned back against the chair, his body turned toward her, "we were at your going away party. I was fifteen."

  The smile slowly spread across her lips. He remembered. "I uh..."

  He crossed his arms over his stomach. "I noticed the picture of the night on your mantle. Do you actually remember that moment, though?"

  "I remember everything about the night before I left the States. We took a picture together in front of the pool."

  His arms relaxed and he smiled at her. "The picture."

  Heat crept over her cheeks. "My mom mailed it to me while I was away and I carried it around Italy with me."

  He laughed. "Really."

  Damn she was stupid. She never should've revealed that to him. "Yes. I guess it's childish."

  "Not at all. It's cute. Are you done eating?" he asked. After she nodded, he took her plate along with his into the kitchen. Mik came back into the living room, holding his hand out to her. "Come on."

  "Where are we going?" Gabrielle wrapped her arms around her legs and pulled them to her chest.

  "To play in the snow." He reached out to take her hand in his as if she didn't have a choice. But she did have a choice and didn't want to go along with his idea.

  "But it's cold out there."

  "How long has it been since you've had a snow day?" He turned away from her, and for a minute, she thought he had given up. That was until he slipped his socks and shoes on.


  He grabbed his t-shirt and sweatshirt from where he'd tossed them earlier, pulling them back on. "Make one snow angel with me and then come back in if you want. Come on... just one." He turned back to her and held out his hand again.

  Gabrielle sighed. "What's a snow angel?"

  His laugh was rich and sexy as hell. "You don't know what a snow angel is? I thought everyone knew."

  "A person who doesn't like the snow wouldn't." She tried to resist but ended up putting her hand in his and he pulled her to her feet. If Mik wanted her to make a snow angel she would.

  "It'll be fun. Trust me."

  She pulled away. If she had to trust him with her life, she would. Taking his word that the snow would be fun was nothing she couldn't do. "Let me throw on some clothes."


  She disappeared into the bedroom as Mikolas opened the door and went outside to wait for her. The cold air felt good on his hot skin as he leaned against the railing and watched the trees sway in the breeze. It was so beautiful up here he didn't think he'd ever want to leave. If perfection existed he had found the place and the woman. Even though there was no such thing as something being perfect, he was as close as he would ever come.

  Movement by the woods caught his eye. A twig broke. He squatted down behind the rail to peer out. Something was over there for sure. Damn it. No gun on him. A brown figure emerged slightly from the shelter of the trees. A breath of relief released the panic pressure in his chest as a deer came out from behind a tree. It looked around slowly, as if it were looking for its home. No, he didn't want to ever leave.

  The door opened behind him. The deer darted all the way out from the trees. The creature stopped with its eyes wide with fright as it stared at them.

  "Gabi, look!" Mikolas stood up and pointed at the deer.

  She froze on the porch, staring at the animal. "It's cute." The deer darted back between the trees, disappearing to be lost in the woods again.

  "Come on," he called and ran down the stairs. He hit the bottom step and slipped, falling on his butt in a mound of powdered snow.

  Gabi laughed behind him. Before he had a chance to get up, a snowball smacked him in the back. He turned to her. An evil grin played on her lips, but she broke out with more laughter.

  "That's it. You're going to get what you deserve." He pretended to start up the steps, but she sprinted to the end of the porch and climbed over the railing. He ran around the porch to where she jumped into the snow on the ground below. She laughed so hard she had trouble standing, giving him the advantage of going back down the stairs to her.

  "Stay away from me," she screeched as she ran across the yard. Her laughs echoed through the cold air. He ran after her, but she ducked behind a tree. When he went one way, she darted another. He lunged for her, the snowball slamming into his chest, stopping him short.

  "I will catch you sooner or later... make that sooner!" He lunged for her again. She turned and tried running passed him, but his arms went around her waist, sending them tumbling to the ground with Gabi on top of him.

  "Looks like I got you instead." She looked down at him. Her face was pink from the cold, her breaths came out as puffs of air. Snow started to fall again, snowflakes tangling in her hair.

  He'd tell her. Today. While they were playing in the snow. It couldn't be a more perfect time to convince her that she was all that mattered to him.

  "It does look that way, huh?" His mouth moved closer to hers.

  She moved closer to him. Shit. Here it comes. She's going to kiss him back. Maybe, just maybe, this would be the day it all happens.

  "I‘m cold," she whispered and then rolled off him. "Show me how to make a snow angel, so I can go back inside."

  He stayed in the snow, shock vibrating through his body. She had almost kissed him. He knew she was going to, but why had she stopped? He stared up at her as she held her hand out to him.

  "Come on." Her smile was bright as the wind tousled her hair. He put his hand in hers and climbed to his feet. Not wanting to let go, Mikolas stood there without saying anything.

  "Snow angel?" She raised her eyebrows. "Or do I get out of making one?"

  "Oh. Right." He let go of her hand, his fell to his side.

  "Okay. We need some fresh snow where we haven't made any footprints." He walked over to the other side of where his SUV wa
s parked. He pointed. "Right over there would be good."

  "What should I do next?"

  "Lay on your back in the snow." He crossed his arms over his chest and hoped the fire was still going inside. It was getting pretty cold out and the snow didn't seem to want to stop falling.

  "Like this?" She lay down with her arms across her chest.

  "Put your arms and legs out wide." She did what he instructed, and then he said, "Now move them back and forth fast." He laughed as he watched her.

  She stopped. "You're messing with me, huh?"

  "No. Stand up now." Mikolas took a few steps back.

  Gabi stood and walked over to him. She turned and beamed. "Mik, it looks like an angel!" Her hands clasped together as she looked at the shape with excitement. A warm feeling started in his stomach and spread up to his heart as he watched her burst with a simple but wonderful happiness.

  "But I'm freezing." Her teeth chattered as she said the words.

  "How does some hot cocoa sound? I know I'm ready for a mug." He glanced over at her and smiled. "Don't say no because a snow day isn't complete without a cup to warm you up."

  She slipped her arm in his and turned toward the house. "I'd love some."

  And he loved her.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Johnny planned on killing Enrico today right here in the restaurant and that's all there was to it. He needed to get into his "Johnny" persona to fulfill this act.

  The people walking around the restaurant had no idea they had a killer in their midst or members of the mob coming for lunch. They passed by him without even a glance. They should look at him though. Give him praise and admire him since he was better than all of the people in the place. Probably had more money than most of them, too. If not now, he would once he accomplished the hit on Enrico ordered by the Regusa Family.

  Here Enrico came wearing his fancy expensive suit, shiny shoes, and fake smile. He said hi to a few people as he passed them. They had no idea they had just said hi to a soon to be dead man.

  "Nice to see you again." Enrico pulled the chair out and took a seat across from him.

  "How are things?" Johnny watched as Enrico signaled for the waiter with a flip of his hand. Enrico sure had power but Johnny was going to snuff it out like the flame on a candle.

  "What can I get for you, Mr. Medini?"

  Enrico kept his seriousness as he said, "Filet mignon with a baked potato. A rum and coke from the lounge. And a glass of iced water."

  "And for your guest?" the waiter asked.

  "He would like the same."

  As if Johnny didn't have an idea what he wanted. Couldn't Enrico let him order for himself? This was just ridiculous. The longer he stayed around Enrico, the more he couldn't wait for the old man to be dead. Johnny didn't want to be the Family's peon anymore.

  "What's up?" Johnny asked, knowing there had to be a reason for getting the order to meet Enrico here.

  "I have a message job for you." Enrico took a sip of his water.

  "Whatever you want."

  Enrico pulled a piece of paper out of the inside of his jacket and passed the small rectangle over the table to him. He picked it up, looked at the name scribbled on the paper, and then slid the order back. He knew Enrico would destroy the paper as soon as they left the restaurant. The guy listed on the paper found his lucky day because Enrico asked Johnny to do the hit instead of Mikolas. Enrico would be dead long before the hit could be expected to be taken out and when that happened the Family would be in such a chaotic frenzy that nobody will be paying attention to small details like the message job Johnny didn't fulfill. What a surprise all of them have. Enrico Medini was going to be dead by Johnny's hand. Dead. Life couldn't be any sweeter.

  He fingered the vial in his pocket. Another opportunity to kill Enrico and have it look like an accident had presented itself with Enrico's lunch invitation. They'd be long gone from the restaurant when the Strychnine took effect.

  "I'm going to visit the restroom before the food gets here," Enrico said as he slid from his chair and stood.

  As soon as Enrico disappeared into the bathroom, the waiter brought their drinks over. "Oh, Mr. Medini stepped out? Would you like me to hold these until he comes back?"

  The best service only for Mr. Medini. Disgusting. "No. He'll only be a minute."

  Alone with Enrico's drink, Johnny took the vial out of his jacket pocket. One glance over to the bathroom door before he twisted the lid off and sprinkled the powder into Enrico's drink. When all the powder was dumped in the glass, Johnny twirled the liquid around so the powder would dissolve as much as possible and set the glass back down in its place.

  Enrico shuffled back to his seat. He eyed the glass first and then lifted it up. Did he know what was in it? He swirled it around a bit. "Why did the waiter leave this when I wasn't out here?" Enrico asked.

  "I don't know, Enrico." He sipped his own drink and prayed Enrico drank his rum and Coke. He had to.

  "It's watered down."

  "He just brought it. I'm sure it's fine."

  "Naw." Enrico's face twisted into a scowl as his hand shot up in the air and motioned for the waiter, who appeared in less than a second.

  "What can I get for you, Mr. Medini?"

  "A fresh drink. Red wine- my favorite label."

  Fuck. Enrico was going to live for another day. Patience was wearing thin with the other Family. Johnny had to find a way to do it. Johnny had his piece tucked safely in his pants. Should Johnny pop a bullet in his boss now? He looked around the restaurant. Too many people. He wouldn't escape the restaurant if he did.

  Enrico planned on going to the vault soon and Johnny wasn't allowed to be part of the trip. With only a very limited number of people going, Enrico would be easier to kill. All Johnny had to do was follow the van to the vault and kill them all. He'd have access to the entire Medini Family fortune and return to Vegas to collect payment for killing Enrico. He'd be able to leave town and possibly start his own Family in another city.


  The steam rose up from the mug of hot cocoa. Gabrielle blew it before taking a sip. She leaned her head against the stack of pillows piled up on the floor in front of the fire. Playing in the snow had been fun but now goosebumps broke out all over her skin even with her warmest clothes on.

  "This is good. I think you make the best hot cocoa in the world," she said to Mik, who was next to her on the floor. Both watched the flames jumping around the burning logs.

  "Hot cocoa isn't hard to make, you know." His laugh sounded as rich as the cocoa in her cup tasted. He reached down to stroke the kitten between them. "Even though it's one of the few things I can prepare that actually tastes good."

  "Can't cook?" She loved the way a strand of hair fell down against his forehead.

  "Nope." He sipped from the mug he held in his hands but met her gaze. He gently lowered it and turned to her. She had almost kissed those lips today out in the snow and the very thought of that sent flurries through her stomach. If only she had the nerve to actually go through with the motion.

  "There's something I want to talk to you about," he said. He tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear.

  "Fine. I'll tell you about why we are here." The words rushed out.

  His forehead crinkled as he looked down at her. "Okay? But that's-"

  "Someone wants to kill my dad," she blurted out as she set her mug on the coffee table.

  "A lot of people want to kill your dad. It's one of the downfalls of being a Mafia boss. That doesn‘t mean someone will kill him, Gabi." He set his cup next to hers.

  "Even though I had reason to believe you had a bigger part in my father's Family, I knew you weren't involved with the hit." Relief washed through her.

  "What?" He snapped his gaze to her. "What hit?"

  "On my father." She looked down at her hands folded in her lap as if she were an ashamed child. Probably looked like one, too.

  He moved from the floor to the chair. "How do you know this?
" He wiped his hands on his pants and then glanced over to the door. "Gabi, you have to tell me."

  "I overheard a conversation between my father and yours. They said one of their men had been hired to kill my father and Leon assured my dad he would take care of us if the hit was followed through. They are trying to figure out which guy is trying to do the job." The heat coursing through her cheeks burned out of control. She should've told him long before now.

  "And you planned this whole thing up on your own?"

  "No. After Friday night dinner my mother told me about the cabin and instructed me to leave Vegas.

  He leaned forward. "So she wanted you to use the cabin as a safe house."

  She shook her head.

  "Then what, Gabi?"

  "I was supposed to be here for the night and then start my life somewhere new. Your name came up in their conversation and I couldn't leave you behind in that situation. They were trying to figure out who was going to do the hit." The tears welled in her eyes. "I didn't want them to kill you."

  "Well, it's not me!" His voice boomed, making Gabrielle's eyes widen with surprise and the kitten took off running to a hiding spot.

  "I know."

  Mik stood up. "We should've been out of here days ago, but we're here," his hand swung out in the air, "snowed in."

  She hugged her knees to her chest. "I know-"

  "Does your dad know where you are?" He raked his fingers through his hair.

  "I'm sorry, Mik." She stood and put her hand on his arm but he shook it off. "Mom probably told him by now."

  "We're leaving right now." He put his socks and shoes on and then snatched the t-shirt off the back of the chair he'd been sitting in.

  "I can't leave yet." She hugged her knees tighter. He wouldn't go without her, would he? Besides, it was almost dark and the electric still hadn't come back on.


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