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Shades of Desire: 10 Sweet & Spicy Romances

Page 31

by J. A. Coffey

  "Yes, you can." He stormed into the bedroom, shuffled around for a minute, and emerged wearing his slacks he'd come in while sliding his arm in his dress shirt.

  "Then stay by yourself." He stuffed his wallet in his pants pocket and grabbed the keys to the SUV.

  "But I can't. I need to do something here before we leave." All strength left her. "If you help me, it'll get done a lot sooner."

  He paused the task of buttoning his shirt. "What do you need to do?"

  She didn't want to tell him about the money yet, but what choice did she have? "There is money here. A lot of it. I was instructed to take enough to set up a new life."

  He returned to fastening the buttons, faster this time. "No way. I'm not looking for the money and neither are you."


  "You're coming with me." He grabbed her hand, pulling her up to her feet. "Right now."

  He'd really do that? Make her leave without anything? Fear swirled her stomach and settled in her chest, making it hard for her to breathe. "But my stuff. I'm forced to set up a life with no money? Not even the clothes or personal hygiene items I'd left home with?"

  "You'll manage." He turned toward the door.

  "How? I can't use my accounts, and if you go with me, you can't use yours, either."

  He let go of her hand as he cocked his head in the direction of the bedroom. His face softened as he said, "Fine. Grab your stuff. Five minutes, though. We have to get out of here. If you want the kitten, bring her out to the SUV."

  Chapter Fourteen

  Mikolas slammed the SUV into gear and started down the driveway. This wasn't Gabi's fault. All his, pure and simple. How the fuck could he let this happen? He'd let her bring him here without knowing why. He'd let his dick do the thinking. Glancing in the rearview mirror, his heart sank. He couldn't deny that they'd had some fun here, had grown closer, and he had loved every second she'd curled up next to him in that small bed.

  "Why didn't you bring the kitten?" he asked.

  She sighed. "I couldn't find her. Maybe she snuck out."

  "She'll find her way back to her original home."

  All of her smiles were gone, because of him, as she rested her head against the passenger side window. She lifted a hand to gently wipe her cheeks. Was she crying?

  Guilt crushed his chest. He jerked the steering wheel to turn back to the cabin. The wheels slipped on the snow, sending the SUV sideways. Gabi screamed next to him as he tried to turn the wheel again to straighten the vehicle out but rammed into a tree. Metal crunched. The airbag popped out of the center of the steering wheel. His face bounced off the plastic, and all he heard was Gabi's cry as it echoed through the air.

  "Gabi!" he yelled. He flung his seatbelt off and turned to her, meeting her tear-filled gaze. "Are you okay?"

  She nodded. "I think so. Nothing feels broken."

  "Good." He pulled her to him, pressing his lips against hers, wanting to let the world around them disappear once again and live in the magic of each other.

  The SUV's engine stopped running, forcing him to pull away from her. "Fuck." A ball of steam rose from the hood. The SUV wasn't going anywhere with the front end crunched around a tree.

  He stared down at his smashed up SUV. "Double fuck," he yelled again and kicked the tire. The steam bellowing out from under the smashed hood meant a cracked radiator. Nope, it wasn't going anywhere. They were officially stuck.

  Gabi's footsteps crunched over the icy ground. "I asked if you were okay."

  "I didn't hear you. Sorry. I'm fine, but this..." He held his hands out as if she couldn't see the SUV. "The SUV is wrecked."

  "That's obvious. Can we go inside?" The sun had dipped all the way behind the trees and the porch light hadn't been turned on before they'd tried to leave. "It's cold and dark."

  "And you want to talk about the obvious?" His hands balled into fists as he shot her a glare. He knew he shouldn't be mad at her. Once again, he thought he was doing the right thing given the circumstances but brought them bigger problems instead.

  They needed a new plan and his mind muddled between her kiss and his broken vehicle. He stomped passed her, up the stairs, and flung the door open. She scurried in after him and shut the door behind her. He flung his soaked shoes off and didn't care if they weren't close enough to the fire. Who cared if the damned shoes dried? He flopped down on the couch and glanced up at Gabi, who looked like a deer caught in headlights.

  "What?" he snapped.

  "Nothing." She swung around and went into the kitchen which he was glad for since he needed a minute to gather his thoughts before he told her the truth. It was time.

  He listened to her rummage around in the kitchen. A cupboard opened and then slammed shut. Another cupboard went through the same abuse before she emerged with a bottle of clear alcohol and two glasses.

  "Want some?" she asked as she poured the liquid into the glass.

  "I don't drink." He crossed his arms over his chest and turned his attention to the fire. Please go in the other room for a minute, Gabi, he silently begged. But of course she didn't. Instead, she curled up in the chair with the bottle in one hand and a glass in the other.

  "I usually don't drink either."

  He glanced over at her just as she brought the glass to her lips. "Then why now?"

  "Because I want to." She drained the alcohol, flinched at the taste, and then started to pour some more but stopped. "What's the point?" She set the glass on the table and brought the bottle to her lips.

  He tried ignoring her but couldn't. He was drawn to her like a thirsty animal to a fresh stream of water. She took a few more drinks but didn't say anything. Her eyes quickly glazed over while her lips turned up at the corners, giving him a sexy smile.

  "I don't want to be friends anymore, Mik," she whispered.

  This was the moment he'd been waiting for. "I don't either." His declaration came out as a low rumble.

  "Do you love me, Mikolas Russo?" She came closer, giving him the chance to see the haziness of her eyes. Damn it, alcohol had taken affect already. He didn't want to talk to her about this while she was intoxicated. It just didn't seem right, but he couldn't rip his gaze from her.

  With the glow of the fire dancing over her body, she looked like some exotic woman. Who was he kidding? That's exactly what she was in his eyes. She stopped dancing long enough to push the coffee table out from in front of him, leaving a wide open space. What was she going to do?

  She giggled. "Are you going to answer my question?"

  Panic rushed through him as he shook his head. "I don't want to talk about this while you're drunk."

  She slid her hands over her breasts, making her nipples pucker against the fabric of her t-shirt. His dick stood at attention.

  "But I'm not drunk."

  The common sense that had been screaming in his head quickly began to dissolve into the desire pumping through his body, making his dick throb for release. He wanted to touch her. Kiss her. Feel her wrapped around him. But not now. Not when she was in this condition.

  "Yes you are." He picked his book up from the coffee table and flipped it open, knowing full well he wouldn't be able to ignore her. He'd try though.

  "I can't take it anymore, Mik." She swayed her hips again. She snatched the book from his hand and tossed it carelessly on the floor. "Aren't I more interesting than a stupid book? Tell me you'll go away with me. Let's have a life together far from here."

  "We'll do this in the morning. Okay?" He asked but was more curious to find out if she was wearing a pair of her thong panties under those pants.

  "I have to leave anyway, so I want you with me." She slid her hand up her shirt, revealing her bare stomach, and the smallest amount of breast. Holy hell, she wasn't wearing a bra.

  "But I-"

  She put a finger to his lips. "Sh." Her hand slid up her shirt again, this time showing off the full shape of her round breast and part of each nipple. She brought her hand out of her shirt and wrapped her fingers around
the hem and slid it all the way over her head before tossing it to the floor.

  He licked his lips as he stared at her bare nipples, the rose colored circles puckered out to him as they wanted him as much as he wanted them. His heart pounded in his ribcage like a steel drum. She slowly traced a circle around her nipple with her finger, making his erection strain the fabric of his pants. Please don't actually touch me, he begged silently. If she did, he was likely to explode. Or put her down on the floor in front of the fire and make love to her all night long. That would not be a good thing.

  His gazed locked onto hers as she lowered her pink lips to her budded nipple. A groan started low in his throat and rumbled out. Instead of looking up at him, she traced the same nipple with her tongue as she'd just done with her finger only moments before.

  "I have wanted you for so long," she whispered as she walked closer to him.

  Her legs spread apart, straddling his. She stood so her nipple was barely a centimeter from his lips. He craved her. Wanted her. Needed her so bad it actually hurt. He shook his head in an attempt to resist the seduction.

  "So do you want me?"

  He nodded. How could he deny it when her crotch was only inches above his erection?

  She lowered enough for him to feel the heat against his lap and her bare breasts against his chest. Whispering in his ear, she asked, "Are you going to take me?"

  "I can't-"

  "Oh? You want me to stop?"

  Yes, he wanted to say, but instead, "No, I don't think so," came out in a rough voice.

  She went backward until she had enough room to turn around. Her hands slid down the waist of her pants, her thumbs catching the waistband, pulling them down as she swayed her hips. The top of the pink glittery thong came into view. Then she pulled her pants down the rest of the way, her ass barely off his lap. He had never been so hard in his life. She kicked the pants off and bent all the way over, revealing her silky smooth sheath to him.

  He couldn't keep from touching her another moment. He slid his fingers over her bare skin and let them slide all the way down her thigh. She moaned but stood up and turned toward him to straddle his lap. This time, she sat right down on his erection. He could feel the heat of her core through his pants as she slid back and forth over him. Her lips found the curve of his neck and she sucked on his skin. His fingers made a trail across her thigh, up her stomach, and found her plump breast. Her nipple puckered even more under his fingertips.

  "Gabi," he breathed.


  She pressed her lips against his, urged his to part and a second later he was finally able to taste the woman he yearned for. He needed to think with the head on his shoulders and not his dick or one more night would be all they had together. He wanted so much more.

  He ended the kiss even though he didn‘t want to. "I want you," he began.

  "I want you too. Right now." She tried kissing him again but he put his hand on her shoulder to stop her from taking over the last bit of his senses.

  "Not when you've been drinking." He knew he hadn't been fair to have let this go on too far to just slam the brakes on the situation, but he had to. Maybe she'd thank him once sober. Or maybe not. He'd have to take the chance.

  She looked up at him, her eyes wide. "I'm not drunk."

  "But I don't want anything to be the blame for tonight. I'll make love to you tomorrow. All day if you want. And I promise to make plans for the future with you." He smiled at her. Did she understand why he chose not to do this right now? Or did she view it as a rejection?

  "You're really going to leave with me?" She slid off his lap.

  "I would be a fool not to, Gabi. You're beautiful both inside and out."

  "You really think so?" She smiled back at him.

  "I have loved you since I was fifteen-years-old. Come on." He stood up from the couch. He picked her up in his arms. "Let's go to bed and sleep. We can talk about this all tomorrow."

  "Are you going to hold me all night again?" she asked, looking into his eyes. Fear flecked in those gorgeous eyes of hers.

  "If you want me to." He laid her down on the bed and spread the blanket over her.

  "What if I want you to every night from now on?"

  He undressed and tossed his clothes in a pile. "Then you'll have me." He slid into bed next to her.

  "What if I want it to be forever?"

  "Honey, I don't think I'll ever want to sleep another night without you by my side." His lips found hers this time but kept the kiss short and sweet. If he tasted her again, he wouldn't be able to stop himself. He snuggled up behind her with his arm hugging her waist.

  "Mik?" she whispered in the dark. "Can I tell you something?"

  "You can tell me anything you want."

  She let her fingers entwine with his. "It's something I've never told anyone before."

  "Okay." He gave her a gentle squeeze.

  "I'm scared of the dark." She sucked in her breath, waiting for him to respond or to laugh.


  "Yes. When I was fourteen, a guy climbed through my bedroom window. I screamed. Dad ran in and shot him right there in my room. I have been scared of the dark ever since then." She took a deep breath. "Is that stupid?"

  "No. You switched bedrooms right after, didn't you? I remember helping you move your stuff, but it only had been a month or so before you left." He pulled her closer to him. It all made sense now and he didn't plan on her sleeping alone again.

  "Yes. I thought moving rooms would help, but it didn't. I think that's why my father sent me away. Now that I know what he does, I realize the intruder had nothing to do with me. Father sent me away to keep me safe just as Mom is doing now. For a long time I'd thought it was because I'd done something wrong. Now being scared of the dark is something I have to deal with." She pulled his arm tighter around her. "Thank you for not laughing at me."

  He snuggled his face in her hair. Damn, she smelled good. "I'd never laugh at you and I missed you every day you were gone."

  "You did?" She glanced at him even though he wanted to continue taking in her scent.

  What could he say? He ached for her more than he could explain at all? There were no words to express how much he missed her when they'd been teens. He hadn't been able to get much until Enrico had called the family together, warning them not to speak of any Family activity in front of her.

  He'd thought he'd move on but wasn't able to. No matter who he dated, the day Gabi got back, without question, was the best day of his life. He'd wanted to be there to pick her up from the airport but Enrico had denied the request. But none of that mattered anymore because she was in his arms now and he had every intention to keep her there forever no matter what it took.

  "Mik?" She turned away from him again.

  Did she have more revelations? If so, he wanted to hear every single one.

  "I love you, too."

  Mikolas kissed her cheek and in a matter of minutes, she was asleep in his arms. He followed right behind her.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Mikolas should've avoided the little girl's gaze. Too late to worry about that. She'd already seen him and Mik was sure she knew he had hurt her father. But she didn't run away from him. She stared up at him with those big cerulean colored eyes.

  What should he do? The rule of a hit was to take out anyone in the way. She wasn't in the way but counted as a witness. Would she be able to identify him?

  Tears slid down her cheek. "What's wrong with my daddy?"

  "I didn't do anything to him. The police will help him soon." The words made him want to gag. Uncertainty made him want to run. The girl's fear made him want to cry with her. Even though he had been deemed a hitman for the Mafia, he still had a heart even though they'd try to force him to forget about it. He reached for the girl and pulled her into his arms.

  As she lowered her head to his chest, he realized he would rather go to prison for the murder instead of taking the life of this child.

  "Are you goin
g to stay with me until they come?"

  He couldn't do that. "I need to go but they'll be here soon."

  "Why are you going to leave me, Uncle Brent?"

  Uncle Brent? What the hell was she talking about? "You know me?"

  "I saw you outside with Daddy once. Daddy said your name is Uncle Brent." The little girl pulled away and looked up at him again as if she could read the truth in his eyes. "You are Uncle Brent, right?"

  Mikolas nodded. "Yes, I'm Uncle Brent and I'm going to get the police now. Go wait in your bed, okay?" The lie didn't set well with him as he let go of the girl and walked out of the apartment.

  Mik felt his tense body shake back and forth. He didn't like the end of the dream any more than the beginning even though he hadn't harmed the girl physically. The mental harm he knew he'd done to her was what haunted him.

  "Mikolas?" Gabi's voice broke through the dark haze of the dream.

  His stomach hurt as he rolled the images of his dream through his mind again.

  "Mik! You're hurting me."

  He snapped his eyes open to realize his arm was still around Gabi's waist, squeezing her tight. Bile rose in his throat as his stomach twisted in knots. He jumped from the bed and ran through the dark to the bathroom, reaching the toilet just as his last meal erupted from his gut. Right as he finished, Gabi's soft touch slid over his bare back.

  "Are you okay?"

  He shook his head, embarrassed that the dream had pushed him to this point and Gabi had been there to see. "It was worse this time." The memory had never played itself to that point before. Each time the recollection visited his dreams, it seemed like it was happening in real time. The feeling of his finger on the trigger, the smell of blood in his nose, and the power washing through him returned. And those terror-filled eyes? The flashback made him vomit again.

  Once he knew he was finished, he turned toward Gabi. "I'm so sorry you had to see this. It's never been this bad. I don't know why the degree of the nightmare has changed." Glad to have water still, he turned the tap on to rinse the foul taste out of his mouth.

  "Do you want to talk about it?" she asked as they walked back to the bedroom.


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