Book Read Free

His Virgin Bride

Page 1

by Sam Crescent

  Evernight Publishing ®

  Copyright© 2015 Sam Crescent

  ISBN: 978-1-77233-477-7

  Cover Artist: Jay Aheer

  Editor: Karyn White


  WARNING: The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. No part of this book may be used or reproduced electronically or in print without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in reviews.

  This is a work of fiction. All names, characters, and places are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.


  This is for all the women who love a bad boy, and just know they can tame them in some way.


  The Bad Boy Collection, 1

  Sam Crescent

  Copyright © 2015

  Chapter One

  Kurtis Spencer watched as the woman who’d been begging to suck his cock actually did. She took him deep into her throat to the point where she almost gagged, then came back up. The bitch was a pro. He’d seen her around college, and he couldn’t remember what her fucking name was, didn’t give a shit about it either. She wanted to suck his dick, and he wasn’t going to argue. No guy in his right mind turned down free head, no matter who was giving it.

  Sinking his fingers into her hair, he pushed her down, making her take him just a little deeper. Fuck, that felt a lot better. The bathroom opened, and in walked one of his friends, Danny.

  “For fuck’s sake, man, we’re right out there waiting for you.”

  “So fucking what? I’m not turning down the opportunity of my dick getting sucked.” He was close to coming anyway. He wondered if the bitch at his feet would spit or swallow. Kurtis preferred it when they swallowed as it saved on the mess he had to clean up.

  “At least we know you’re not fucking dead.” Danny turned to leave.

  “If you want some of the action, whack it out, man,” he said.

  “I don’t step out on Cynthia. I’ve told you that shit.” Danny didn’t stop and left him alone.

  Danny was one of his closest friends, along with Steve. They had grown up together, shared fucking everything together. The moment they hit college, Danny and Steve had found two girls, and had settled down in the last three years. They’d been with Cynthia and Collette for three years now. Their time for partying and having fun lasted all of three months. It didn’t matter to Kurtis that his friends still partied it up with their girls. As far as he was concerned, college wasn’t the time to settle down, or to spend it with just one girl. He’d not.

  There were too many delectable women for him to taste, and he intended to taste them all.

  “Fuck, baby, that’s right. Suck my dick, fuck yeah.”

  He closed his eyes, close to reaching that point where there was really no return. Holding her head into place, he filled her mouth with his spunk, and groaned as he did. Well, she swallowed him down like he was a chocolate flavored lollipop.

  The moment it was over, he pulled his dick out of her mouth, and tucked it back in.

  “So, do you want to go to my place?” the woman asked.

  “No, darling, I don’t think so.”

  “I just sucked your dick.”

  “So? You were the one begging for it. If you wanted something else, you should think twice about pulling a man into the bathroom, and going down on him.” He gave her a wink and left the room.

  Making his way back to the table he saw that Cynthia and Collette had arrived. If they’d arrived, it meant that Tillie Powell wasn’t far behind. His two best friends had fallen for two women in the same little group, and they also came with a third.

  He didn’t stop on his way to the table, and he took the seat.

  “Hey, guys,” he said, smirking over at Danny, who scrunched his nose at him.

  “Hey,” Cynthia and Collette said, but their gaze was focused on the bar.

  “Am I missing something?” Kurtis asked.

  At first he’d not been well liked by the two women in front of him, and he couldn’t give a shit about that. He was who he was, and no one was ever going to fucking change him. Over the last three years Cynthia and Collette’s complete hatred of him disappeared. He was part of their little group, with Tillie as well. They’d wanted him to date Tillie, but she’d refused to date him, or to have anything to do with him other than to be friends.

  It was a first for him. Tillie had shot him right down from the beginning. She didn’t want to be his girlfriend, or even a forced fuck.

  “Oh my God, he’s going to do it. I’m telling you, he’s going to ask her out,” Cynthia said, reaching over the table to tap Collette’s hand.


  Both women were grinning while his friends just shook their head.

  “What am I missing?” he asked.

  Glancing behind him toward the bar, he saw the focus of their attention. Tillie was standing by the bar. He should have known she’d be here, but what was pissing him off was the sight of Brandon fucking Sparks talking to her. Brandon was a rich, preppy boy who thought he could have whatever he fucking wanted. For the past couple of years, he’d gone through the sorority sisters like they were fashion.

  “What’s Tillie talking to that dick for?” he asked, angry at seeing her talking to the guy. In all the years he’d known her, which was only three, he’d never seen her pay attention to other guys. She didn’t go looking for dates or even try to get their attention. Looking at her, he saw that Tillie had finally revealed a little bit of skin. She usually wore long jeans, shirts that were two sizes too big, and her long chestnut brown hair covered her face. What he saw before him now was not anything like the Tillie he’d come to know. She wore three quarter length jeans that showed off her ankles, and a shirt that showed off a great deal of her tits. Three years he’d been her friend, and he’d never once seen a glance of the nice full body that was on display.

  She wasn’t model thin, and he’d put her at a size sixteen or maybe even a bit bigger. Kurtis didn’t care about her size. He’d fuck them big or small. Tillie had shot him down, even though he’d offered her a pity fuck. She could have gone round campus saying she’d fucked the popular Kurtis Spencer. Tillie didn’t want that name, so he hadn’t pressured her.

  “He started talking to her during their English class. They’re partners or something, and he asked her out. Tillie, of course, turned him down, but he’s coming in again to ask for more,” Collette said, giggling.

  Kurtis didn’t see what was fucking funny, not by a long shot. Brandon wasn’t the kind of man that should be hanging around Tillie. He was an asshole of the highest order.

  “He’s an asshole,” Kurtis said. “Tillie shouldn’t be hanging out with him.”

  “It’s not your decision. If she likes him, I think she should go for it,” Cynthia said.

  He didn’t have to listen to this shit.

  About to storm off, he stopped himself when he noticed Tillie walking toward their table. The new clothes she was wearing enhanced her figure to perfection. All her curves were on display, and he wanted to touch them, to draw her close, and hold her.

  “Hey, guys,” she said, placing their drinks down. She was carrying a tray, and set all of their drinks down. Before he got a chance to say anything to her, she was off again, handing the tray to the bartender. She didn’t stop to make conversation and was back with them within seconds.

  “What should we drink to?” Cynthia asked.

  “Our last year in college,” Tillie said, whooping as she did. She grabbed one of the shots from the tray and downed it in one. They were on thei
r summer vacation, and college was out for the next few weeks.

  Kurtis couldn’t keep his eyes off Tillie. She looked different.

  Downing his shot, he quickly grabbed another. Tillie hadn’t even looked in his direction.

  “Come on, spill,” Collette said.

  “What?” Tillie frowned, looking at her friend.

  Glancing over at his friends, he saw they were both listening in as well.

  “Come on, Brandon, spill about him,” Cynthia asked.

  “Nothing happened. He offered to buy me a drink, I turned him down nicely, and that was it.”

  “He’s asking you out, and you can’t just turn down free booze.” This came from Collette.

  “I can turn down any guy that I want. I’m not interested in Brandon. You’ve heard about him and what he’s like. It’s not going to happen, not by a long shot. Sorry, this girl is staying fresh and single.” Tillie took another shot, downing it again.

  Once she’d had her limit, which was usually four, she’d move onto soda. He’d watched the way she worked, keeping herself always in control but still having an element of fun.

  “How are you going to lose your V-card, Tillie? I mean seriously. You’re twenty-one years old and still a virgin,” Collette said.

  Everyone at the table froze. Kurtis couldn’t believe what he just heard. “You’re still a virgin?”

  Tillie had gone bright red, and she was shooting daggers at Collette with her eyes. He didn’t believe for a second that Tillie was a virgin. Who stayed a virgin anymore? It was the best thing to lose it.

  From the look on her face, Tillie was indeed a virgin, and Kurtis couldn’t believe it.


  She was going to kill her friend.

  “Right, let’s move on,” Tillie said, trying to think of anything else to say. “What’s happening this weekend?”

  “Yeah, I was thinking shopping would be good,” Collette said.

  “No, no, no, no, you girls aren’t going to get away with this shit that easily,” Kurtis said, holding up his hand.

  Rolling her eyes, she turned her attention to the man beside her. He was the guy she’d ended up hanging out with because her friends were dating his friends. She didn’t actually like him. Well, he was okay, but she wouldn’t consider him anything special, not by a long shot, but that was her thoughts. They were friends, that was it. She didn’t see the attraction that most women threw themselves at him.

  Sure, he was a good friend, but some of his ex-fucks liked to take his lack of attention on them and blame her.

  It wasn’t her fault that Kurtis wasn’t interested. She was sure the only reason he hung around with her was because Danny and Steve wanted to be around her friends.

  Letting out a sigh, she turned to Kurtis.

  “What do you want to know?”

  “Are you a virgin? Yes or no?”

  She rolled her eyes, shooting another glare at her friends before turning back to him. “Yes, I’m a virgin. If you bring this up to anyone else outside of this table, I will hurt you, Kurtis, I mean it.”

  “I can’t believe you’re a fucking Mary.”

  She slapped him in the stomach. “Stop, I will cut your dick off.”

  He started chuckling. “Fine, fine, your secret is safe with me.”

  Staring at him for a few seconds, she shook her head. “I’m going to the bathroom.”

  Without waiting for anyone to respond, she made her way toward the back of the club. She couldn’t believe Collette opened her big mouth. That was her private business. No one else needed to know that she’d not been with a guy, and now Kurtis fucking knew.

  Slamming into the bathroom, she went into the first available stall, and locked the door.

  “I’m so sorry, Tillie, it just slipped out.”

  “I told you both that in the strictest of confidences. Now Kurtis knows, and he’s going to be ribbing me about that shit.” She finished on the toilet, flushed, and left the stall. Washing her hands in the sink, she tried to gather her thoughts before turning toward her two friends who’d followed her into the room.

  “I’m really sorry,” Collette said again.

  “There’s nothing we can do now. It’s out in the open for anyone to listen to. Yay, let’s move on.” She finished washing her hands, but both of her friends wouldn’t let her pass.

  “Maybe you could take Brandon for a test drive,” Cynthia asked.

  “No, I think she should take Kurtis for a test drive,” Collette said, drawing all the attention to her.

  “What?” Tillie asked, not sure she’d heard right.

  “Think about it. Kurtis is the best guy to get rid of your—” Tillie held her hand up to stop Collette saying anything. “Well, he’s the best at it, and I think he’d make it good for you.”

  “I’m not screwing Kurtis Spencer. That guy has been with everyone.” She shuddered thinking about what kind of diseases the man carried. Tillie didn’t even want to think about him not bagging his dick up.

  “Exactly, you’ll get rid of it, and then it’ll be over and done with,” Cynthia said.

  Both of her friends looked like it was a brilliant idea.

  “It’s not happening.” She and Kurtis had been thrown together because of their friends’ relationships. In the beginning he’d asked her if she wanted to date him, and she’d laughed. They would partner up when needed. Like if they went to the funfair on the rides, they’d go on the rides together. They’d partner up for the movies, or either of them would be the driver of the evening. Sometimes he’d take a girl with him, but that rarely happened.

  Tillie had thought about sex a lot, and at first, she wanted to lose her virginity. Then, it just didn’t happen, but she wanted to experience other things, like kissing, touching, caressing, everything she’d missed out on during high school because of her big brothers always being around. Pushing the yearning for something more aside, Tillie was determined to have a good time.

  She followed her friends back to the table. The moment Cynthia and Collette were at the table, Steve and Danny took them away onto the dance-floor, leaving her and Kurtis alone. She felt his eyes on her. Glancing over at him, she saw he was indeed staring at her.

  “What is your problem?” she asked.

  “I’m just curious about you is all.”


  “This is the first time I’ve met a virgin. I wondered if you’d got some kind of halo.”

  “Fuck off, Kurtis. You’re not even funny. Where’s one of your regulars, huh? Or have you already had a flavor for the night?”

  “Wow, you’re showing to have claws. I like it. It turns me on.”

  Rolling her eyes, she finally took a seat, and looked toward the dancefloor. It was a tune that everyone just had to dance to, swinging their hips from side to side.

  “Will you stop staring at me?” she asked, turning back toward him.

  “I’ve always stared at you.”

  “No, you’ve put up with me like I put up with you. It’s entirely different.”

  “Put up with me?”

  “We wouldn’t even be sitting here having a conversation if it wasn’t for our friends. Believe me, Kurtis, I know I’m not the kind of friend you have.” They had talked a lot over the course of their friends’ relationship but nothing like this. She tried to avoid talking to him, usually because there was a woman not far away trying to get into his pants.

  “Are you saying you’re too good for me?”

  “No. I’m saying that I’m the last person you’d be talking to.”


  Letting out a frustrated sigh, she turned all the way toward him. “Really, you want to do this now? After three years you really don’t see it?” She was getting angry with him.

  “I want you to enlighten me as to why I wouldn’t be talking to you.”

  “Fine, look at the women you fuck about with, Kurtis. Your only friends are men, okay? You don’t have female friends unless they’re
the kind that you fuck, and I’m not your type.”

  “I don’t have a type.”

  “You have a type. They’re usually blonde, slender, with barely anything for a brain. Their only wish in life is to serve the great and powerful Kurtis Spencer.” She dropped her hands and glared at him. “There, I’ve said what I need to say.”

  He sat back, smirking at her.

  “Do you want to dance?” he asked, taking her completely by surprise.


  “You heard me, do you want to dance?”

  She looked toward the floor where both of her friends were having fun, then back at Kurtis. Not once had she danced with him.

  “Is this some joke?”

  He rolled his eyes, getting up from his seat, and grabbing her hand. “No joke.” Kurtis took the lead making their way onto the dance-floor.

  At first she was way too self-conscious of everything that was going on. She didn’t know what to do.

  “Come on, relax. I’ve seen you dance before. You don’t have to be a statue, not even with me.” He grabbed her hips, spinning her around so that her back was pressed to his front. Suddenly he started to grind against her ass, taking her hips, and swinging them from side to side. “Let the music work your body. It’s just me, Tillie. I’m not going to hurt you.”

  Gritting her teeth, she closed her eyes, and tried to relax. The song ran on, and by the end of the song, she was dancing with Kurtis as if they’d been doing it her entire life.

  The next song rolled on, and it was a slow love song. About to leave the dance-floor, she gave a little squeal as Kurtis spun her around and banded his arms around her waist. Tillie was shocked by his show of strength. She knew he was a strong guy, had seen him break into a fight several times, but nothing prepared her for when that strength was turned on her.

  She couldn’t fight him. He was the one in control, not her.

  “What are you doing?” she asked.


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