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His Virgin Bride

Page 2

by Sam Crescent

  “Nothing. We’re just dancing. You don’t need to go running off.”

  Staring at him for several seconds, she nodded her head. “Fine, I can stay and dance. No problem.” Placing her hands on both of his shoulders, she took a deep breath, and just allowed herself to relax. There wasn’t anything else she could do.

  “So, virgin, huh?”

  Scrunching her hands into fists, she glared at him. “Don’t even think about it. I’m not interested in being hit at with jibes and crap.”

  He shrugged his shoulders. “I’m not hitting at you with anything. I just think it’s … unusual.”

  “Unusual? Fucked many virgins have you?”

  “None. Unless you count myself of course.”

  “You can’t fuck yourself.”

  “I’ll have you know that I’ve spent a great deal of time with my fist making happy times.”

  “You’re disgusting, and you’re touching me with those hands.”

  He kept his hold on her firm even as she made to break apart from him. “Stop, I’m kidding, for the most part.”

  “How do girls even find you attractive? You’re revolting.”

  Kurtis smirked. “I’ve got a very long dick that keeps them satisfied.”

  Rolling her eyes, she turned her head to find her friends smiling over at her. She didn’t even want to know what they were thinking right now. From the look in their eyes, it wasn’t good. They wanted her to lose her virginity to Kurtis, but no, it wasn’t happening. Tillie wouldn’t sleep with Kurtis if he was the last man on earth.

  Chapter Two

  The girls had gone back to the bathroom, and Kurtis had been dancing with Tillie for the past hour. Every time she tried to get away, he just couldn’t bring himself to let her go. He stood at the bar with Danny and Steve, waiting to order a couple of beers.

  “What the fuck, man?” Danny said, speaking up first.

  “What?” Kurtis frowned as he looked from one of his friend’s to the other.

  “Dancing with Tillie?” Steve asked. “You’ve never danced with her before, or shown an interest in her.”

  Kurtis didn’t know what the fuck had come over him. One moment he’d been happy with getting his dick sucked in the bathroom, the next moment he’d seen red when he’d spotted Brandon fucking talking to her. In that moment, he’d wanted to tear Tillie away from the bastard, protect her, keep her, make her his.


  He didn’t know where all the crazy assed thoughts were coming from. Tillie had been a friend, not even that, a mere acquaintance, and yet he couldn’t stand another guy touching her? None of it made any sense to him.

  “So? We danced, that’s it.”

  “You and Tillie, you don’t dance. You both argue, or just deal with being with each other,” Steve said. “I watched you. You pulled her onto the dance-floor, and waited. It’s completely out of character for you.”

  There was nothing for him to say. The truth was Kurtis didn’t have a clue what was going on inside his head. “It’s nothing. I asked her to dance.”

  “Hey, handsome,” a woman said to him, whispering against his ear. She wrapped her arms around his waist, going to the belt holding up his jeans.

  Glancing over his shoulder he saw Nicole pressed against him. She was one of his regular fucks, and like him, she came from money. Her life in college was fucking easy as neither of them had to work for it.

  “I wondered if you’d come to the bar,” she said, biting onto his earlobe.

  Usually her antics turned him on. Tonight, he wasn’t interested, not at all. His cock remained flaccid. “Not tonight, babe.” He tapped her hand, pushing them away. At that moment, the three women came back.

  Kurtis tensed, watching as Tillie looked at Nicole then at him.

  “Hey, Nicole,” she said, showing absolutely no sign of caring that he was being touched by another woman.

  What the fuck was wrong with her?

  Suddenly a loud upbeat song came over the speakers, and he watched as Tillie disappeared with her friends to dance.

  “I feel so sorry for her. She really doesn’t fit in with your little group,” Nicole said. Her voice dripped with derision.

  “What the fuck are you talking about?” Steve asked.

  “Tillie, silly. She’s not got what it takes to fit in. She’s your fifth wheel. You really need to drop her.”

  Gritting his teeth, Kurtis shook her off. “Fuck off, Nicole. She’s a friend.”

  Tillie was a nice woman to the core. She didn’t deserve this kind of shit, and he didn’t like it.

  “What? I’m only saying the kind of shit that everyone’s talking about. You really need to see she’s dragging you down. Her fat ass and poor style.” She flicked her hair over her shoulder, and walked away.

  “I fucking hate that bitch,” Danny said.

  Kurtis stared out at the dance-floor watching as Tillie danced between her friends. He was only focused on her, and it was like he’d been asleep for the past three years. What the fuck was happening to him? He watched her smile and laugh. Her body was full, ripe, and ready to be fucked. The truth was, he’d never noticed her, not really.

  Why now? Why was he seeing her now?

  Sure, they’d talked a little, putting up with each other.

  “Dude, you’re drooling,” Steve said.

  Pulling out of his thoughts, he saw his friends were smirking at him.

  “I wondered when you’d see Tillie in a new light,” Danny said.

  “I don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about.” He tried to bluff his way out of it.

  “Tillie’s hot, but she hides behind all of those clothes that are way too big for her. She’s sweet, and the only girl I know you’ve been happy to hang around with her while we’re with our girls. It was only a matter of time,” Danny said.

  Steve gripped him around the neck, pulling him in. “Welcome to the whipped pussy club. This is what we feel every second for our girls.”

  Shoving Steve away, he glared at both men. “I don’t fucking feel anything. Keep that shit to yourself.”

  “You might also want to know that she was raised by six brothers,” Danny said.

  Pausing, Kurtis turned to look at his friends. “Six brothers?”

  “Yeah, parents died in a hit and run or something like that. I asked Cynthia, but I can’t remember the entire details. Tillie is the youngest, and her eldest brother took charge, and they all helped raise her. It’s why she doesn’t dress like a girl. She was never raised by one.” This was all explained by Danny.

  Three years he’d known her, and not once had he asked her a personal question.

  “Cynthia and Collette have tried to help as well. Her brothers are all protective of her,” Danny said.

  “No shit, six brothers?” No wonder she was a fucking virgin. He’d bet his family’s fortune that all of her brothers scared away any potential dates. Grabbing their drinks, he made his way back to the table with the boys following behind him. He couldn’t look away from Tillie, didn’t want to. Her arms were up in the air, and she was shaking her ass. It was the sexiest sight he’d ever seen.

  Sipping at his beer, Kurtis realized in that moment he could watch Tillie forever. There was something captivating about her. Her long chestnut hair was cascading down her back, touching the curves of her ass, an ass he’d love to spank. It was so full and ripe, he’d love to ride her tight little pussy, and slap her ass a few times. The moment he thought about it, his dick went from soft to fucking hard. Staying at the table, he drank his beer and listened to his friends.

  After another song played, the girls headed back their way. Tillie sat next to him, taking the soda he’d brought for her.

  See, he had noticed something about her.

  She’d do enough shots to get a buzz, and then stick with soda.

  He wanted to say something to her, but he couldn’t think of anything that didn’t make him sound like a complete and total douchebag.

p; “You know Nicole?” he asked, finally.

  Turning toward him, she nodded. “Everyone knows Nicole. Isn’t she your on and off again girlfriend or something?”


  She smiled. “It’s not what she’s telling everyone on campus. You two are together.” She air quoted the together part. “It’s what she’s telling everyone.”

  “I’m not with that bitch, okay.”

  Tillie held her hands up in surrender. “Don’t get your knickers in a twist.”

  “Hey,” Danny said, pulling him away from his little dispute with Tillie. “We’re heading back to their apartment. You tagging along?”

  Normally, Kurtis declined going to the girls’ apartment. They lived on the outside of campus in a pretty neat apartment for the three of them. All three girls had grown up together, going through high school, now college.

  “Sure, I’ll tag along.”

  What the fuck is happening to you?

  He didn’t know the answer to that question.

  “You sure?” Steve asked.

  “I said I’d tag along.”

  “We don’t have other women at our place. You can’t bring anyone here to fuck,” Cynthia said.

  “Fine by me. You don’t see a woman on my arm, do you?” he asked. “Besides, I can keep Tillie company while you four go and fuck.”

  She shoved his arm, which he’d placed around her while talking to her friend, off her shoulder.

  Brandon chose that moment to come close to their table. Kurtis was fuming inside. He wanted to beat the shit out of the little fucker, and then do it all over again, just to make it all the more fun.

  “Hey, Tillie.”

  Glancing at her friends, Kurtis saw them all smiling.

  “What’s up, Brandon?”

  “I was wondering if you’d want to dance with me.” Brandon leaned in close, cutting off Kurtis’s visual of Tillie. He was so damned pissed with the cocky fucker.

  “Move, asshole,” Kurtis said, shoving his arm.

  Brandon moved out of the way, and turned to glare at him.

  Tillie stood. “I’m sorry, Brandon. I’m about to leave. Maybe another time.”

  “I’ll keep you to that.”

  Brandon shot her a smile before leaving the table. Kurtis would have to remind the asshole in private not to mess with Tillie.


  “What the fuck is your problem?” Tillie asked, turning to glare at Kurtis. She’d never known him to act like that to anyone.

  Having six brothers she’d not been kept in the dark when it came to fighting. Her brothers wanted her to be able to protect herself, and so they’d set about sparring with her. None of them hit her. They just told her where best to take a man down when necessary. Lewis, her oldest brother, had made sure to take care of all of them, including her, when their parents were killed in a hit and run. It was hard, but she could handle herself against a man like Brandon, or Kurtis for that matter.

  “Asshole was in my space.”

  “Whatever. It wasn’t any of your business to go and push him like that.”

  “He was in my space. I don’t like being crowded or locked in by assholes, forgive me.”

  She rolled her eyes, finished her soda, and followed her friends out toward the cab that Collette had already called ahead. She saw a second cab for the boys, and without looking toward them, she climbed in the back. Cynthia sat in the front seat, while Collette was in the back with her.

  “Oh my God, did you see the way Kurtis was looking at you? I saw him while you were on the dance-floor, and he wasn’t having any innocent thoughts if you know what I mean. He was thinking about fucking you,” Cynthia said, turning toward her.

  “You’ve got it all wrong.”

  “No, she hasn’t,” Collette said. “Look at what just happened at the table. He was jealous of Brandon. I bet he wanted to beat him up.”

  “This is not going to happen, okay? Kurtis is just being an asshole.”

  “When have you ever known him to dance with you? When have you ever known him to get pissed over a guy coming to ask you to dance?” The two questions came from Collette.

  “First, I’ve never had a guy come to the table and ask me out before. Second, he forced me to dance. I didn’t have any part in that.” Tillie stared at one friend to the other.

  “Okay, what about the fact he’s coming home with us to keep you company?” Collette asked.

  “It’s pure coincidence. Nothing is going on between Kurtis and me. Besides, he’s probably only interested because of you shooting off your big mouth. I’m sure the whole of the bar heard it.”

  “I’m really sorry.”

  Tillie smiled. She couldn’t be mad at her friends for long. They were her life, and if it wasn’t for them all of her brothers would have made her to go to a college closer to home. She’d wanted to get out, and away from it all. Tillie loved her brothers, but they were a little controlling, always there and interrogating her dates.

  “Don’t worry about it. There’s nothing we can do now. They know, and I’ll just deal with whatever crap Kurtis decides to throw at me.” She tried to comfort her friends, even though it was her in the line of fire.

  Tillie paid the cab driver and followed her friends toward her apartment. Danny, Steve, and Kurtis were pulling up as they were at the door. She let one of the girls stay behind. Going up to their apartment, she left the door open. Kicking off her shoes, she placed them on the shoe rack beside the door. She didn’t stay around. Going into her room, she closed the door, and stripped out of her clothing, putting on a pair of shorts and vest shirt. It was too hot for anything else, and she was so damn happy to get out of the jeans. They were good, and made her ass look good according to Collette, but in the heat they were close to unbearable.

  Throwing the clothes into the hamper, she made her way outside to find her friends were already in the kitchen making drinks while the guys were picking a movie.

  Entering the kitchen, she let the girls go to change while she finished arranging the drinks and snacks on a plate.

  “Do you need any help?” Kurtis asked.

  She turned to find his gaze was on her legs. “Sure.” She handed him the tray of drinks. “You can take that in.”

  “Are you going to date Brandon?”

  Pushing some hair out of her eyes, she stared up at him. “What?”

  “Brandon, are you going to date him?”

  “No, he’s a work partner, and that is all.” She tilted her head to the side. “Is this sudden interest because you’ve found out I’ve got a cherry?”

  Kurtis smirked. “Nah, I know why you’ve got your cherry still.”

  “Is that right?”

  “I imagine it’s hard to lose your virginity when you’ve got six brothers breathing down your neck. Is that why you’ve left home for college? Are you going to be adventurous?”

  She chuckled. “You’ve got it partly right. If I ever tried to make out with a guy, one of my brothers would always be there to stop it happening. They were kind of frustrating that way. They always seemed to know when I was being naughty or thinking of doing something against their rules.”

  “I bet.”

  “They have a rule that I’m not allowed to date a guy until I’m thirty.”

  “Nine years left to go.”

  “I know. They can be total buttheads, but I wouldn’t have them any other way.”

  “It must have been hard with no parents.”

  Tillie took a breath. “It was hard. It still is at times. Lewis, the brother who raised me, he had it hard. I admire him.”


  “He took his five brothers and one sister, and raised them. Okay, he had help from everyone. We all wanted to stay together. The thing is, he could have left me in foster care, and some of my brothers. He didn’t. I love him for that, and so I put up with his nagging and insistence of meeting all the guys who think they’re good enough to go on a date,” Tillie said.

bsp; “Come on, you two, we’re hungry, and the movie is about to start,” Danny said, breaking whatever moment they were having.

  “We better go,” she said, picking up the tray of snacks. Entering their sitting room, she saw that on one small couch Danny and Cynthia were curled up against each other, and on the other were Steve and Collette. Taking one end of the final small couch, Tillie sat down. Kurtis did the same, sitting beside her.

  He was much taller than she was, bigger as well. Kurtis was all muscle, and there wasn’t exactly much room for her. His arms were huge, covered in ink. He’d removed his jacket and sat back, with his arm across the back of the sofa. She curled her feet up, aware of how close he actually was. The movie started, and—shock—it was a horror. The guys always chose a horror film. Reaching beside the couch, she grabbed her pillow, ready for any scenes that were going to make her jump. She hated this, hated horror flicks.

  They were twenty minutes into the movie when Kurtis tugged her arm, making her fall against him. She didn’t question it and found herself hiding behind the pillow, and pressed against his side.

  The guys were laughing, and the girls just kept on screaming.

  By the end of the movie, Tillie was pleased it came to an end. Cleaning up the mess, she was surprised when their friends made their way into their own rooms. Within minutes of the doors closing, moans, groans, and pleas for more were heard. She ignored them, but with Kurtis in the apartment, she felt hot and flustered all over.

  “Is it always like this?” he asked.

  “Them having sex? Yeah. I listen to music and it drowns them out, or I just turn up the television. Are you heading out?” she asked, walking back into the sitting room.

  “I’ve drank a little too much. You got a problem with me crashing here?”

  “Nah, go ahead.” She grabbed a spare blanket, handing it to him. “You can take whichever couch you like. I’ll see you in the morning.” She gave him a smile, and left him alone.

  Closing her bedroom door, she leaned against it, and pressed a hand to her hammering heart. Her pussy was slick, and she was aroused. She didn’t understand it. Her friends had been fucking their boyfriends for the last three years, but not once in all of those times had Kurtis been around to listen. He had seemed to stand a little too close, invading her space. The sounds had affected her in ways that she was completely unsure about.


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