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Analise's Journey, Bundle (Doms of Chicago Serial Spin Off)

Page 11

by Trace, Dakota

  She nodded, and obeyed by nudging off her sneakers. Standing in her white socks, she was unsure of what to do next, as Liam sank down onto the bench adjacent to the door and Grim helped his Master off with his dark biker boots. Liam’s muffled chuckle, before he jerked his foot away from Grim’s teasing fingers, was a surprise.

  “Now there will be none of that, Grimwell.”

  The dog, Dobby, she assumed barked at his Masters, obviously wanting to play too.

  “Enough, Dobby. Sit.” Liam commanded as Grim began to work on his other boot. The dog immediately obeyed, his long tongue rolled out of the side of his mouth. He was so adorable she wanted to hug him. She’d never been around a Saint Bernard before.

  Grim finished removed Liam’s other boot, then smiled over at Analise. “It’s hard to believe, but Master has very ticklish feet.”

  “Which he can’t seem to resist tickling.” Liam stood, snapping his fingers. Dobby came to stand next to him. “But enough of that. Is dinner nearly ready, or do I have time to take Dobby outside?”

  Grim straightened. “There’s time, Master. I haven’t set the table yet or brought the food out.” He turned to Analise. “Would you like to help me, Analise? It’s either that or you’re gonna get stuck doing dishes with Master.”

  Easing at his familiar grin, she relaxed. “I’d be delighted.” She followed him into the kitchen when a sudden thought struck her before she entered the culinary domain. If she was going to seriously think about being part of their relationship, she couldn’t show any favoritism, even if she was more comfortable around Grim. She turned around, and caught Liam as he was attaching the leash to Dobby’s collar. “Liam?”

  He looked up. “Yes?”

  “Don’t think for a minute, I’m not going to help you with dishes afterwards as well. Got to be an equal opportunity gal.”

  Grim’s laughter assured her she’d started this off on the right foot at least. Liam gave her a small smile.

  “That would be wonderful, piccola.”

  Episode VII: The Discussion & Hard Limits

  Part XIII: The Discussion

  After a meal of the most delicious tasting chicken cacciatore she’d ever tasted, Analise found herself standing next to Liam as they hand-washed the dishes. She was surprised at the easy camaraderie that had cropped up between them during the meal. While Grim seemed to be the more animated of the two men, she’d found that Liam had a wicked sense of humor that came out more than once during their meal. In fact, he’d regaled both her and Grim with stories of a recent trip to one of the local elementary schools.

  “I can’t believe you donate your time like that.” Analise reached for one of the wine flutes they’d used, drying it with the potato sack cloth, Liam had given her.

  “Even kiddos need to know how to stay safe on the Internet, Analise. We’re now in a technological era. They are teaching children in third grade how to use the computer. The idea that some freak or predator might prey on them, had me approaching my boss at the college about coming up with a course set up for young students.” A grin tugged at the corner of his mouth. “Imagine my surprise when he not only agreed to it - but put me in charge of it.”

  “Well, I would imagine as a teacher you’re comfortable with kids…”

  He chuckled. “Let me tell you a room full of super genius smart-assed college kids are nothing like the third graders I taught a few weeks ago. In fact, the third graders are easier. I don’t have to prove myself to them.” He handed her a plate, their fingers brushing across the slippery surface.

  She pushed aside the familiar tingle, not wanting her body’s desire for him, to distract her. She was enjoying the relaxed Liam nearly as much as the dominating one she’d glimpsed in her office. She’d never imagined she’d catch him up to his elbows in suds doing something as domesticated as washing dishes.

  “I can so see you having to go cave man on some of them, if they are anything like some of the tech guys I met at U. of I. Brilliant minds but even bigger egos. And don’t even get me started on the women techs I’ve met. Not that they are all like that. One of my college roommates was a computer science major and she was cool.” She dried the plate before setting it on the counter next to her.

  “That about sums it up.” He agreed, handing her another plate. “No matter how many classes I teach, there is always one student every term who thinks they know more than me, but as a whole they are a good bunch. Eager to learn.”

  “Learn what?” Grim appeared behind them, a mischievous look in his blue eyes.

  “Not what you’re thinking, Grimwell. Get your mind out of the gutter. Analise and I were talking about the smart-asses I teach.” He turned to Analise. “I’ll have to warn you, he’s friskier than a pup at times, when it comes to sex. He sees it everywhere.”

  Analise giggled, glancing at the approaching Grim. “I’d have never guessed.”

  “Hey, I might resemble that remark.” Grim joined them at the counter, taking the dried dishes, which Analise had neatly stacked on the counter, and began putting them away. “Almost done?”

  Liam rolled his eyes. “Down boy. We’re getting there. Only a few more to go.”

  Analise couldn’t help it. She burst out laughing. She’d never laughed as much with a man, let alone two, as she had tonight. Grim and Liam were perfect foils for one another.

  Grim shook his head. “Just you wait, Analise. You won’t be laughing when he’s driving you out of your mind with pleasure, and then says some variation of that when all you want to do is cum.”

  Just like that the easy camaraderie they’d fostered died and tension seeped back into the room. Her nipples tightened against her bra and the flesh between her thighs quivered.

  “Good going, inamorato. Just when I had her relaxed, you had to go and bring sex back into it.” Liam sighed dramatically. “I guess I’m going to have to take you to task for that later.” He gave Analise a reluctant grin. “I told you he was obsessed with sex. There will be no sex until everyone is willing and we’ve had our discussion. And for Mr. Horndog here…maybe not even then.”

  Another bubble of laughter slipped free of Analise. She relaxed once more as Liam handed her the final plate. Accepting it, she dried it quickly before passing it to a pouting Grim, which only sent another wave of humor through her. “Don’t worry, Grim. I doubt he’ll go too hard on you.”

  Grim gave a mock-whine. “But what if I want him to go hard on me?”

  She shook her head. “You’re absolutely incorrigible, Sir.”

  His eyes darkened. “Of course I am.”

  * * * *

  Watching Analise cuddle on the couch next to Liam, Grim sighed at the sight. It was something he could definitely get used to seeing. Any doubts he might have harbored about how Analise would fit into their home had been dashed, when she settled into their routine with very little fuss. His heart had nearly melted when she’d told Master she’d do the dishes with him after supper. She’d even verbalized that she wasn’t going to play favorites. Which bodes well for this working. As long as we can get through our discussion without having it blow up in our faces.

  After setting the tray filled with after dinner coffee and cognac for his Master on the low ottoman, Grim sank to his knees next to Liam’s leg and rested his head against it. There was a lull in the conversation before he felt the familiar brush of fingers through his hair. A soft mewl of pleasure escaped him.

  “He does this daily. It’s part of our ritual. We both enjoy it.”

  Grim closed his eyes as Master explained this part of their ritual to Analise. Even though he still craved submission when in his Master’s presence, he could only hope it didn’t make him weak in Analise’s eyes, because more than anything he wanted to dominate her. To give her the same pleasure his own master gave him.

  “We usually talk about our day. And let me assure you, you’ve been a frequent topic since your arrival at Sneezeclods. I dare say that he was taken with you from the very start.” />
  “Of course, I was, Master.” The fingers in his hair tightened for a moment before releasing, the only indication that his master gave that he heard his response. It was enough. He didn’t take the slight tug as punishment at all. It was more like an erotic pain to him, prepping him for his Master’s eventual claiming. Which he totally expected to experience before the night was over. The signs were there and had been showing since Liam had arrived home with a wind-flushed Analise.

  “While I don’t think I’m anything special, I’ll admit I’m probably a bit different than he’s used to with my small town roots. I guess I should be thankful he did find me interesting, instead of odd, since it has allowed me to spend time with two very intriguing men.”

  Analise seemed to be having no issues so far, which made Grim relax more. He wasn’t sure how she would react to being with them, since their intimacy at the office. Hopefully, she’d react well to their request without desire clouding the issue.

  “Which we’ve both enjoyed immensely. You don’t realize how difficult it is to find a third which both of us find attractive physically, but who also doesn’t bore one of us to tears out of bed.”

  “Well that’s good to know. I’d hate to think I was boring.”

  “Boring is the last thing I’d call you.” Grim said softly, turning his face up to peek at Liam. There was no disapproval in his Master’s expression.

  “Why don’t you join us up here, inamorato? I don’t want you to get a crick in your neck.” He patted the arm of the couch, indicating where he wanted Grim. Rising gracefully from his knees, he perched himself on the edge of the padded arm, unsure how to arrange himself without invading both his Master’s and Analise’s personal space. He damned his long legs.

  “Well that doesn’t look very comfortable.” Analise cocked her head. “Why don’t you turn sideways, Grim? You look like you’re going to fall off there. Besides I’d like to see your face as we talk.”

  “The curse of long legs, no place to put them.” He patted his knees.

  “I do believe he’s worried about kicking you.” Liam sighed.

  “Nonsense. Swing them over here, and I’ll give you a foot rub while we talk,” Analise offered.

  Grim looked from his Master to Analise and back. He suddenly felt out of his depth. Here he was sitting with the man he’d promised to share his body with exclusively and contemplating the idea of another touching him. This was going to be a bit more difficult than he realized. He was torn between the two parts of him.

  “Relax, Grim. Enjoy a foot rub.” As usual, his Master was in tune with him. With Liam’s help, he spun around and they arranged his legs so Analise could reach them. A low groan escaped him as her small fingers wrapped around his bare feet and began to knead. Pleasure, sharp and pure, raced up his legs and settled in his groin. Not only were her hands soft, but she seemed to know every aching inch of his feet. And damned if he didn’t sprout a boner right then and there.

  Liam shot a look at him before glancing down at his lap. “Hmmm, that’s good to know.”

  Analise looked up. “What’s good to know?”

  “I do believe Grim finds your touch stimulating.”

  She flushed and paused. “Should I stop?”

  “Dear Lord, no.” Grim’s plea sounded hoarse even to his own ears.

  “Go ahead. We can still talk while he enjoys the foot rub.” Liam tapped his knee. “But there will be no coming, understand?”

  “Yes, Master.” He gritted his teeth as Analise found a knotted spot on his feet, and her strong, supple fingers began to rub the knot free.

  “You mean he’d come from a foot rub?” Analise seemed more intrigued than appalled.

  His master nodded. “You’ll find he can come from just about anything. I’ve just never thought of stimulating his feet. He’s extraordinarily ticklish.”

  “Oh God, no tickling please.” To Grim, tickling was a true form of torture, ever since his older brother used to hold him down and tickle him mercilessly as a child.

  “No tickling.” Analise agreed. “I wouldn’t be that mean. After all you fed me a wonderful dinner, Grim. I’ve never tasted cacciatore that delicious before.”

  “It was my pleasure. I love cooking and it was nice to have company to spoil besides Master.”

  “Which brings us to why we asked you to have dinner with us, piccola. As you probably noticed both of us find you attractive and have from the start. Of course we realize the relationship we enjoy isn’t for everyone. We enjoy a true D/s relationship, which is why I was pleasantly surprised to see you at the monthly munch at Poulanos earlier this month. I’m hoping that might imply that you’re open to the type of relationship we have.”

  Analise paused for a moment, as if she were gathering her thoughts. “I’m curious and have never been judgmental about what people do in their bedrooms as long as it’s between consenting adults.”

  “Which is the heart of BDSM.” Grim groaned as her finger moved to his toes.

  “Grim is right. I’m assuming since you understood what safewords and limits were when we asked about them earlier, you have been doing some research?

  “Yes. I’ve done a ton of reading both fiction and nonfiction. I find the idea of BDSM erotic but I’m not stupid. I realize that reading isn’t enough, and I need to actually see and perhaps experience it, before I can say if it’s truly for me or not. In here...” She lifted one hand and pressed it against her heart. “…I’m almost certain it is, but I don’t want to commit to something as life changing as this without weighing all my options.”

  Grim sighed. “Great…another plotter.”

  “Are you suggesting there’s something wrong with plotting stuff out, slave?” Liam’s tone was silky with warning. The last time Grim had questioned his master’s meticulous tactics, he’d found himself tied to the pillory for nearly an hour, while Liam sent him out of his mind with desire.

  “No, Master.”

  “Good, because when it comes to this, Analise is being smart and protecting herself, just as she did earlier when she texted her friend.”

  He hung his head. “Which is why it’s a good thing I have you to help reign in some of my impulsiveness.”

  “Exactly, now getting back to the matter at hand.” Liam turned his attention back to Analise. “As you’ve said, you’ve done reading and research on the subject of BDSM?”

  “Yes.” She tucked a piece of hair behind her ear, before resuming Grim’s foot rub, her dainty fingers running up his instep. “I’ve also spoken with Lena and Mason. They are a fountain of information, even if they embarrass me with some of the frank answers they give.”

  “Embarrassment has no place in BDSM, Analise.” Grim reached out and lightly brushed her cheek. “There’s nothing to be ashamed of, nor are there any questions you shouldn’t ask. We have to communicate honestly. Do you understand?”

  Part XIV: Hard Limits

  Analise nodded, her words caught in her throat. If someone had mentioned earlier in the day, she’d be in Grim’s family room, curled up next to two men, talking about BDSM and the possibility of her joining them, she’d have asked what they had been smoking. But it was just as Lena had suggested, earlier in the day. She had to communicate. Clearing her throat, she finally was able to speak.

  “Of course. Lena warned me as much when I was struggling earlier.”

  “Struggling with what?” Liam drew her attention away from Grim.

  Her cheeks flushed. “Grim…Sir’s instructions.” She stumbled over what to call the man whose feet she’d offered to rub. All night he’d been Grim, but somehow in the last few minutes, things had changed. He was now Sir. The same man who’d sent the text suggesting what she would wear or rather not wear, and teasingly reminding her she’d agreed to not come without his or Liam’s permission.

  “And what exactly about them bothered you? His suggestions on what to wear? He knew that I was picking you up on Betty. In a D/s relationship, it’s not uncommon for the do
minant one to dress their sub as they see fit.”

  “You dress Grim? I couldn’t imagine allowing another to dress me as they saw fit. It’d be like being a child.” The question came out of her mouth unbidden.

  Liam stiffened at her words. “I’ve never viewed him as a child, Analise. Sometimes if we’re going out to a club, I lay out what I’d like him to wear. It usually ties into what I’m planning on demonstrating at the club, or a special scene I want to indulge in. But when it comes to every day clothing for work, I let him wear what he wants. He knows better than I what is appropriate for dealing with clients. I wear jeans and button down shirts for class. I don’t get dressed up unless Grim is dragging me to some work function or wedding.”

  She had to keep from fidgeting under his gaze. Nibbling on her lip, Analise realized her question had put Liam on the defense. The last thing she’d wanted. “Cool, I was hoping you weren’t responsible for some of the wacky ties he wears. I swear I about lost it when he showed up wearing that lollipop tie.”

  Liam stared at her for second, before a chuckle slipped free. “It is truly hideous, isn’t it?”

  She nodded.

  “So if it wasn’t his request of attire, then what unsettled you?” Liam asked.

  “His reminder about only…” her face heated even more. “…about not coming without your guys permission.”

  Grim’s face flushed. “Aw hell, Analise, I was just foolin’ around, hoping to remind you of the fun we had in the office. I didn’t realize you’d take it seriously.”

  Liam sighed. “I’m sorry if that caused you discomfort, Analise. It’s very much a part of our lifestyle. I own Grim’s pleasure because he chooses to give it to me. We both find the power exchange erotic. Perhaps you don’t wish to be submissive if it bothered you?”

  Looking back and forth between the men, she forced her nerves down and finally blurted out the answer. “It wasn’t the command itself that bothered me. It was just that I got horny and wasn’t sure how I was to proceed.” Her ears began to burn. “I tried to…masturbate…but I couldn’t…and I wasn’t sure if I was supposed to call and ask. Or if that would be presumptuous on my part.” She dragged a hand through her hair - her earlier frustration coming back.


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