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Analise's Journey, Bundle (Doms of Chicago Serial Spin Off)

Page 12

by Trace, Dakota

  At the stunned silence, she grew redder and trying to lighten things, she retreated to humor. “See, I told you I was a small town girl.”

  Grim pulled his feet away from her and stood. “Don’t belittle yourself, Analise. This is my fault. We originally agreed for the scene in your office the rules were in place, and my text confused you. If anyone is to blame here, it’s me.” Leaning in, he nudged her over before slipping between her and Liam. She let out a squeal of surprise when Grin lifted her, and situated her across until her back was resting against Liam’s supporting arm and her legs were draped across his lap. “I’m sorry.” He pressed a kiss to her fingertips. “I’m new to this dominating thing, but have patience with me. Master won’t let me fuck up too much.”

  “Of course I won’t. That’s not to say we won’t stumble here and there, Analise, when we’re trying to balance the three of our needs. It’s difficult to even balance two people’s wants and needs at times. Especially when you add the domination aspect to it. It will take all three of us working together, communicating to make it work.”

  She stared up at Liam’s face, trying to grasp if the idea of adding another person’s needs to an already established relationship? “And you want that third to be me? Knowing that I know very little about the scene, let alone how to proceed in most situations? Pardon me if that seems rather risky to me on your parts.”

  Liam cupped her chin and brushed a kiss across her lips. “Both Grim and I know the risk. We wouldn’t have approached you if we weren’t prepared to take it.”

  Grim’s hand traced up her thigh, near but not quite touching the leggings covered apex at the top, drawing her attention from Liam to him. “We decided a long time ago that we wanted someone to share.”

  She absorbed the sincerity in their voices and decided it might be just worth it. “So what exactly should’ve been the protocol for handling my need earlier? If I was your third, how should I have handled it?”

  “Called me up and we’d have had phone sex?” Grim offered hopefully.

  “Really?” Her answer came out as a squeak. She’d never had phone sex before. She didn’t know if she could honestly talk dirty on the phone without dying of embarrassment.

  “Well, that’s one option.” Liam said sternly. “But not the only one. A simple text asking to masturbate would’ve sufficed.”

  “Not that Master would automatically say yes.” Grim warned. “He usually makes me work for it.”

  Now she was intrigued, her mind whirling with the possibilities as her breath caught even as her face flushed again. She had the absurd image of Grim washing Liam’s motorcycle, coming in all sweaty, then being ordered to drop trou and jerk off for his master’s pleasure.

  “Hmmm, that’s quite the blush you have going on there, piccola. Care to share what exactly caused it? “

  “Not really…just a thought.” She covered her flaming cheeks with her hands. She was so out of depth here.

  “I’ll let that one slide, since you’re new. But when I ask what you’re thinking, I expect an honest answer. I wouldn’t ask if I didn’t want to know. And believe me, my questions are meant to embarrass you. It’s my way of figuring out what works for you and what doesn’t. Understand?”

  She nodded, beginning to understand how the relationship would work. “Yes, we’d be communicating.” She took a deep breath. “So what exactly did Grim mean when he said you make him work for it?”

  Liam’s dimple appeared. “If it’s when we’re apart, like the situation you found yourself in earlier, I sometimes ask him to wait for thirty minutes before he starts, or where he writes down ten words describing why he wants to and texts them to me, other times it’s sending me a picture text of his erect cock before I allow him to masturbate.”

  “And that’s some of the minor things he’s had me do. He’s truly devious.” Grim retorted. “The worst one was when he told me recently I had to keep myself erect during a conference call with my uncle and several other department heads, while I was out of town, before I could come. Which wouldn’t have been so bad, but twice my uncle asked me if I was okay, or if I was coming down with a cold.”

  Liam shrugged his shoulders. “But you came like a geyser, right?”

  Grim nodded. “Of course I did. The conference call was nearly an hour long. You try staying hard that long.”

  Liam chuckled, toying with a piece of Analise’s hair. “Don’t let him fool you. He loves stuff like that. He’s a true exhibitionist. More than once he’s begged me to fuck him at work. I think he gets off on the idea of getting caught.”

  Chewing on her lip, she just stared at both of the men. She couldn’t imagine being in Grim’s shoes and forestalling release that long. She turned down right bitchy if she didn’t get to come after a few minutes of play. How could Liam be so confident Grim had obeyed? “So how do you know that he didn’t cheat?”

  “Because he would tell me if he had.” Liam tucked her hair behind her ear. “We don’t lie to one another, even if the truth hurts. I’d rather have it out in the open, than worrying about whether or not my submissive was hiding things from me.”

  She was beginning to really understand how it was between Liam and Grim. She idly wondered what it would feel like to be in such a relationship. “It all comes back to honest communication. Okay, so I know my own hard limits, or think I do.”

  Grim’s hand, which had been rubbing her thigh, stopped. “Okay, hit us with them.”

  She pursed her lips as she thought about some of the more extreme play she’d seen on the Internet. “No blood play. I nearly passed out when I got my ears pierced.”

  Liam nodded. “I don’t particularly care for it myself, but what about piercings? Is it negotiable? If there was a way to keep from seeing the blood? I love nipple piercings on both men and women. Grim had his done for me.”

  Her eyes flew to Grim’s covered chest.

  He smiled at her. “I’ll show them to you later, if you’re good.”

  “Tease.” She sighed. “I’ll admit the idea of nipple rings are intriguing but the needles…”

  “So we’ll put that down as a soft limit that we’ll revisit later.” Liam suggested. “So no blood play, piercings maybe. What about anal? Being bisexual, anal is a big part of Grim’s and my relationship. On both of our parts. ”

  She flushed at the idea of Liam submitting to Grim in such a manner. “I haven’t tried it, though I did recently buy an anal plug. I haven’t tried it out yet, but I’d like to experiment with it.”

  Grim hissed, his hand tightening on her thigh. “Damn, the idea of you sticking a plug up your ass is hot, Analise.”

  “It is?” She shifted against the hard cock under her bottom. Sometime during their conversation, Liam had grown erect.

  “Little tease, you know it is.” Liam’s hoarse retort was accompanied by a strong hand on her hip, stilling her movements.

  “Any other hard limits?” Grim asked.

  She shrugged her shoulders. “Being whipped until I bled. Not to say I don’t want to experience the feel of a whip or flogger, maybe even a paddle. I just don’t want it to leave lasting marks or cause me to bleed.” She shrugged her shoulders. “I’m a wimp. I basically am against anything that will cause me true harm. Breathe play or whatever you call when you strangle someone during sex doesn’t appeal, nor does being set on fire. I’m not sure how those subs handle fire-play. I would think it hurts.”

  “You’re not a wimp because you don’t want to bleed, piccola.” Liam’s palm kneaded the swell of her hip. “There are many subs who aren’t into heavy impact play.”

  “He’s right, Analise. However, for example, fireplay, if the master knows what he’s doing, is reasonably safe, or so I’ve been told.” Grim’s fingers trailed down to her knee. “I’ve seen some remarkable shows at Olivia’s where a master has sent his sub into subspace, during a scene by using a firewand. It’s safe if the master takes proper precautions.”

  “That would be interes
ting to see.” She agreed. “But I don’t know if I’d still want it done to me though.” Analise‘s breath caught as he teased the back of her knee.

  “And no one is saying that we’ll do that to you.” Liam assured her. “Grim was just explaining if you do decide to try it, it’s fairly safe under the right circumstances. So in essence your hard limits are no edge play - that’d be breathe play, fire play or blood play. Grim and I aren’t that extreme, so it won’t be an issue. I’ve been known to flog him upon occasion and I love to tie him up and push his self-control. Do you think you could handle stuff like that? Or is there something else?”

  She nibbled on her lower lip, debating on how much to tell them. Did she tell them she was a virgin, and wanted it to be just the three of them? She was inexperienced but she wasn’t naive. Diseases notwithstanding, she didn’t sleep around with just any person, and wasn’t sure she could handle her lover, or lovers in this case, doing the same. Even if it didn’t end up being permanent between them - she wanted it to only be them while it lasted. Without their agreement to that, she couldn’t see herself staying with them even to scene. Which probably made it one of her hard limits.

  “Talk to us, Analise.” Grim’s soft reminder was accompanied by Liam’s hand on her back. “We can see the wheels in your head turning. Tell us what is going on in that pretty little head of yours.”

  Looking back and forth between them, she decided not telling them about her virginity would be a lie of omission, and would be just as bad as lying to them. So she blurted it out. “I…well, you may decide you don’t want me as a third, but I’m…a virgin and while we’re together, I’d like exclusivity. I don’t think I could do this without it.”

  She squeezed her eyes shut, as she waited for their reaction. When she didn’t get dumped off their laps in disgust, she peeked at them from beneath her lashes. Liam was studying her, his face difficult to read, but Grim had a huge grin on his. What the hell? That was the last thing she’d expected. When they continued to stare at her, she finally opened her eyes. “What? Have I actually shocked you?”

  “No,” Grim tugged on her hair. “But something as important as this is not something we’re going to let you hide from - even if it’s behind your lashes.”

  “Perhaps we haven’t made it very clear to you? While we’d cherish the gift of your virginity, piccola, we’re hoping for more here than sex. We want your beautiful body, but we also want the rest that goes with it. We expect to spend time with you which isn’t in between the sheets or leading up to that.”

  She looked back and forth between the men. “So you don’t mind being exclusive?”

  Liam shook his head, his shoulder length hair moving against his shoulders. “As long as you agree to our limits as well, we have no issues at all with committing ourselves to you for as long as we’re together.”

  Grim echoed his master. “No problem at all.”

  “So what are your hard limits?” It seemed rather odd that the men had them as well, but she supposed even Masters had limits on what they would or wouldn’t do.

  “Some of them are similar to yours. No blood play, no breathing play. I have no desire to choke or beat my submissives ‘til they bleed. I’m after mutual pleasure and driving my lovers out of their mind with lust.” Liam assured her.

  “And we’ll be supplying you with clean bills of health from our doctors before we become intimate, and will expect one from you in return. Even if you’re a virgin, we’d like to make sure there are no hidden medical issues like my high blood pressure or diabetes.” Grim added.

  Her brow furrowed. “That’s a hard limit?”

  “Hell, yeah. It keeps not only us safe but you as well.” Liam rubbed her back. “Which also brings us to the issue of birth control. Are you on any? If not, Grim and I will wear condoms.”

  Her head was spinning. How had they gone from discussing limits to birth control? “Whoa…overload.”

  Grim pulled her off Liam’s lap and cuddled her close. “Shhhh, it doesn’t have to be decided tonight, we just want to let you know we’re serious about protecting you.” He pressed a kiss to the crown of her head. “And in the end, the only truly hard limit we have is that our third accept us as we are.”

  She lifted her head. “What do you mean accept you as you are?”

  Liam crowded closer, wrapping an arm around her and Grim both. “In the past women we’ve approached have either wanted us for merely sex, or they have wanted only one of us. Or even thought they could cure of us of our bisexuality. Grim and I love each other, and we’re not going to give one another up to be with a woman. I know it’s harsh but -”

  Shock washed through her. “What crazy-assed bitches have you been dating? I don’t have an issue with you being together. In fact, the idea of you and Grim together makes me hot. I wouldn’t care if you stripped down here and did the hula in front of me. Any fool can see you two belong together. I’d never try to come between you.”

  Liam chuckled. “Strip down and do the hula?”

  She nodded. “Yeah. It might be pretty sexy.”

  Grim laughed. “Oh, I could soooo see you, Master, parading around the house in a grass skirt.”

  Liam swatted her bottom. “See what you started? Now he’s going to be pestering me to wear a grass skirt.”

  She widened her eyes innocently. “Does he honestly need any help from me?”

  A bemused smile crossed Liam’s face. “Not particularly.”

  “So is it a deal?” Grim asked, bucking his hips up at Analise. “No edge play, moderate play, exclusivity, and no breaking up the horny men?” He gave them puppy dog eyes. “Can we fool around now?”

  Analise giggled. “Well I’ve never heard it put quite like that, but I’m willing to try if you guys are.”

  “Thank you, Analise.” Liam lifted her hand and brushed his lips against her palm, before Grim gave a whoop and captured her mouth in a passionate kiss.

  Episode VIII: Training & the Call:

  Part XV: Training

  “You’re doing wonderful, piccola.”

  Kneeling with her arms palm down above her head and her forehead touching the floor, Analise clung to the approval she heard in her Master’s voice, as she held the karta position both he and Grim had been working with her on. The feel of his hand on her bare spine was comforting as she struggled with her urge to wiggle. She’d have never guessed kneeling could be such hard work, but she was finding out it was.

  Always active, she’d been accused more than once of having ants in her pants, by everyone from her father to her teachers. Her uncle just said she was bouncy. But no matter which way one put it, she wasn’t used to being still. If she had to hazard a guess, she’d say that the stillness they requested was more challenging than the nudity they insisted upon when she was at their house. In fact, she was starting to become comfortable with the idea of stripping down to her birthday suit the moment she entered their home.

  “Thank you, Master.”

  “Grim will be very pleased when he comes home and finds you presenting yourself in such a manner. You’ve improved greatly since our first time.”

  She nodded, before remembering to use her words. “Yes, Master. I’ve missed him.”

  He sighed, his voice seeming to be further away. “As have I. Come, return to the nadu position. That’s enough for right now. I don’t want all your blood to rush to your head.”

  Taking a deep breath, she focused on slowly but smoothly straightening, keeping her movements liquid as Master and Sir had insisted upon. When she was finally upright, her thighs splayed until her pussy was visible to her master and her hands palm up on top of her thighs, she turned her head to the left. Lucky for her, Liam had chosen to take up a position on her left side. She could see him, or at least his legs, as she kept her head up but eyes lowered. He was leaning against the wall of his and Grim’s playroom. It was the same place that all of her previous training in the past two weeks had been held. Gazing around the room, she f
ound herself just as intrigued as she’d been the first time she’d entered.

  “Beautiful, Analise. You’re almost as graceful as Grim.”

  She beamed with pleasure. The first time she’d witnessed Grim execute the position, she’d been awed but figured she’d never be half as graceful as her Sir. So the unexpected praise sank deep into her soul.

  “Thank you, Master. I’ve been practicing at home as you suggested.”

  “Grim will be pleased when he returns from his business trip.”

  “I hope so, Master. I miss him.” The phone calls and texts had been great, but she found herself lonely without him, even when she was with Liam. Not that her master wasn’t good company. He was. It just seemed like part of her was missing.

  “As do I. The phone calls aren’t enough. There are times I’d like to choke his uncle for sending him out of town on business so often. But this,” he gestured to her, “…will be a wonderful surprise for tomorrow night. You were able to get the day off?”

  “Yes, Master. Mr. Sneezeclod didn’t have an issue with me having a personal day.”

  “Good. I was concerned with you only being there sixty days whether or not he’d give you the time off.”

  She shook her head. “I work hard for him, Master, and haven’t called in sick once or been late.”

  “Yes, you’re very punctual…which makes me very happy.” He pushed off the door and approached her. “Unlike my inamorato, who’d be late to his own funeral, you arrive on time, every time. Speaking of him, I promised I’d call him tonight, and it’s nearly time.” Her breath caught as he crouched down next to her. “So I do believe our training is done for the night, Analise.”

  “Yes, Master. I’ll go and get dressed now, so I don’t interrupt your call.” She tried to keep the frustration out of her voice as she stood, but knew she’d failed when Liam sighed and straightened up next to her. Not waiting for his answer, she slipped out of the playroom, tuning out his voice as he tried to call her back. Heading to the front of the house, where her clothes were neatly folded, she fought the tears. She was trying not to be needy, but she wasn’t ready to go home to her empty, lonely apartment. It seemed like their training got shorter each time she’d come over since Sir’s absence. She wasn’t sure if she’d done something wrong or not. Or perhaps Liam wasn’t comfortable with it just being her and him.


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