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Analise's Journey, Bundle (Doms of Chicago Serial Spin Off)

Page 16

by Trace, Dakota

“Of course, Mistress Olivia.” It seemed as if Paul wanted to say more, but he wisely held his tongue. Giving a slight tug on the leash still in his hand, Paul’s submissive followed his Master out of the room, but not before he shot an apologetic look Liam’s way. It was good to know the sub didn’t carry the same opinion as the Master. Perhaps Reed might be able to talk to Paul, and convince the man that Analise’s choices were hers to make.

  “Shall we go home?” Liam cupped Analise’s face.

  “Please?” The undisguised need to leave all over her face sealed it for him. They could always come back at a later date.

  * * * *

  Walking between her Masters, Analise shivered despite the warmth of the night, as they escorted her up the walk to her home. The drive back to her apartment from the club had passed in a blur. She was still reeling from the shock of running into Uncle Paulie at the club. She never dreamed in a million years he’d be in a BDSM club, or that he’d turn on her like he had. And it truly had pissed her off. She’d never once stood up to him, or her father, but when she’d realized he might actually hit Liam, she’d come unglued. Now that she’d had time to cool off, she couldn’t help but wonder what kind of punishment she’d incurring by yelling at another Dom.

  “Watch your step, Analise.” Liam guided her through the front door, as Grim held it open. She nodded mutely, stepping over the threshold, growing even tenser as she remembered that her confrontation with Paulie, hadn’t been her only screw up. What punishment would her Doms dole out tonight for her mistakes? By the time they made it to her door, she felt like an overstrung rubber band. Ready to snap at the slightest move. Fumbling with the keys, she finally managed to unlock her door. Turning to face them, she bit her lower lip. “I’m sorry about what happened tonight.”

  Grim nodded, shoving his hands in his pockets while Liam was unreadable. “You had no idea your uncle was going to be at the club.”

  She fidgeted, and finally stepped inside the apartment. “Well, I suppose…” She wrapped her hand around the knob.

  “Invite us in, piccola.” Liam’s gaze was heavy on her.

  The command in his carefully worded request, made her swallow, even as the tone seemed to stroke something inside of her — a darker need she’d suppressed for so long.

  “We need to talk.” Grim added.

  Assuming it had to do with her infractions, she strove to keep her voice calm, as she fought the need to give herself over to them. “About what happened at the club?”

  Liam moved closer, his hand brushing over her waist, as he edged her back. “Among other things.”

  At the brush of his body against hers, she sighed and relented. She was theirs to do what they wished. It should’ve scared her, but it didn’t. “I guess we do.” She pulled away from Liam to let both men into her apartment. “Please come in.”

  After they passed her, she shut the door and followed them into the living room. As Liam sank onto her second-hand couch, she clasped her hands in front of her. “I’ll get you some coffee.” Then scurried into her kitchenette, before Master or Sir had a chance to stop her.

  Leaning over with her elbows on the counter, she braced her head in her hands, and tried to figure out what she was going to do. Every fiber of her being wanted to go out and beg them to keep her, while the other part, the old part of her, was shy and uncertain how to proceed. She was suddenly angry. She’d followed the rules set down by her family and look where it got her - torn between running from the men she’d slowly but surely fallen for, and offering herself up to them.

  Touching the collar at her throat, she remembered Liam’s words earlier in the night, about being sure she understood what becoming their permanent submissive meant, and stiffened her spine. She’d prove to the men, despite her mistakes tonight, she was more than capable of being their submissive. She was done hiding in the kitchen. She’d take whatever punishment Sir and Master decided was appropriate, and hope that afterward they would accept her offer to stay the night. She’d discovered that she’d enjoyed waking between them this morning.

  With a plan in place, she poured a cup of coffee for Master, adding the half and half and sugar she knew he took. Then quickly fixed Sir’s - strong, black, and straight. Carrying both cups carefully, she took a deep breath and went back into the living room.

  “Your coffee, Master.” She approached the couch and handed him the cup. “And yours, Sir.” She knelt down next to where Grim sat, on the floor, with his arm draped over Liam’s knee. It wasn’t the traditional position Grim usually took, but a modified one, which allowed Grim to be a participant in their discussion.

  As both men sipped on their drinks, she knelt quietly, resting her head against Liam’s knee. When he didn’t protest and merely stroked her hair, she relaxed. Surely, if he was truly angry with her, he’d have pulled away, instead of treating her as if nothing had happened.

  Finally, she heard him sigh, before he placed his cup on the table next to her couch. “Thank you for the coffee, Analise. It was delicious, but it’s not enough to get you out of our talk.” His fingers tightened in her hair and tugged her hair up, so he could look into her eyes. “And before you go apologizing again about what happened at the club tonight - don’t.” The anger, she thought he wasn’t feeling, shone from his eyes.

  “Yes, Master.” She caught her breath as he hauled her up and over his lap. Somehow Sir knew to scramble out of the way, as she landed face down over Master’s legs. She braced herself for the first swat. When it landed a moment later, tears stung her eyes, but she braced herself, thinking she deserved it.

  “Is that what you were expecting, piccola? What had you scurrying into the kitchen like a scared mouse?” The iciness of his tone, had her flinching, as he jerked her upright to stare at him.

  “I yelled at another Dom, even after you explained to me how you expected me to act at the club. I deserve more.” She took a deep breath. “I knew the consequences, but still did it.” She tucked her hair behind her ear, looking from Master to Sir. “I wasn’t running to the kitchen because I was scared of either of you, or to avoid…my punishment.” She just shrugged. “I just needed a moment to think, to make a decision.”

  “A decision?” Grim’s confusion was echoed in Liam’s face.

  “And what did you decide?” Liam grew tense under her. “That you don’t want—”

  Placing her fingers over his lips, she shook her head. “No.” She took a deep breath, before plunging in feet first. “That after my punishment is over, I’d like both of you to stay the night with me.” She gave them both a tentative smile. “I found I liked waking up between you this morning.”

  Liam’s brows shot up, and next to them, Grim’s sharp inhalation had her shifting nervously. “Unless, of course, you don’t want me?”

  Liam groaned. “What am I going to do with you?” He jerked her forward and covered her lips with his. She moaned softly, as his tongue parted them and brushed over hers before conquering her mouth. A moment later she felt the heat of Grim against her back, as he slipped off the couch to kneel between Liam’s parted thighs. Their master caught her gasp as Grim nipped at her shoulder, and his arms reached around to cup her breasts under her poet’s shirt. Trapped between her Master’s seductive mouth and Sir’s skillful fingers, she was lost in a world of sensations, until Liam finally pulled back with a muffled growl.

  Taking her head in his hands, his chest heaved and rubbed against Grim’s hands. “We need to get something straight here. One, you did nothing wrong at the club, despite what Olivia said. Paul wasn’t acting like a Dom when he verbally attacked you. He was acting like a pissed off uncle, who just realized his little girl had grown up on him. I was proud you were confident enough to stand up to him. It showed you were committed to us. Two, if you even think about being ashamed of being with us, I will paddle your ass, and three…” he moved Grim’s hands away from her breasts. “…Grim and I are going to have to refuse your invitation tonight.”

  Her hea
rt, which had been soaring at the idea of Liam being proud of her, plummeted back to Earth. “Ah…I see.” She moved to stand, but didn’t get far.

  “Before you go off half-cocked and earn another spanking from Master, let us explain.” Grim requested, as he moved around to sit next Liam. “While we’d love to spend the night wrapped around you, neither Master nor I have the self-control tonight to leave it at just holding. We want you badly, but we won’t be taking your virginity tonight, and if we crawl into bed with you, that’s exactly will happen.” Grim touched her hair. “And I want your first time to be special, not because you are trying to get even with Paul.”

  Ice filled her veins, as she looked from one to the other, before settling on Liam. Surely he didn’t think she was so shallow, she’d try to compensate by sleeping with them as retribution. “Let me guess - that is how you feel as well?”

  Liam smiled softly at her. “Of course. We both want it to be a magical moment…”

  Keeping her composure was hard, but she did it. She wouldn’t lash out at the two pea-brained men in front of her. “Please let me up.”

  “What?” Liam sounded bewildered, as Grim looked perplexed.

  “Don’t make me safe-word.” The words came out as a hiss then she pushed at his chest.

  “Whoa…slow down…we didn’t mean anything bad by wanting to wait…” Grim grabbed her hand, only to have her pull it away from him.

  “Why are you so pissed, piccola? Even if we don’t become intimate tonight, we’d never leave you aching.” He rubbed his thumb over her nipple.

  “This isn’t about sex!” She slapped his hand away. “It’s about you and Grim. Both of you are assuming that the only way I’d offer myself to you is to get even with Uncle Paulie.”

  Grim’s eyes widened in shock as Liam scowled at her. “Weren’t you?”

  Counting in her head, she only made it to three before she lost it. Reaching up, she unbuckled the training collar around her neck and threw it at him. “You’re being an ass, Master. I decided earlier today that I wanted to make love with both of you - before we left for the club.” Using his shock to her advantage, she scrambled free of his hold.

  “But you said you’d come to a decision…” he gritted out, rising to his feet, his face flushed.

  Placing her hands on her hips, she stared him down. “I did. That, even if I was punished for bad behavior at the club, that I still wanted you to stay.” She threw her hands up in the air. “I may be submissive, but I’m not stupid, nor am I vindictive enough to do what you suggested. I’m insulted you both would think I’m capable of such a thing.”

  She held her hand up to stop both men’s protests. “I don’t want to hear it right now. You’re right. My first time should be special and magical. And right now I don’t feel either of those, so please see yourselves out. Perhaps we’ll talk again, when I’m not so upset.” Grabbing the coffee cups from the table, she turned on her heel and headed towards the kitchen. Setting the cups down on the counter, she put away the half and half and sugar. She was just placing the cups in her tiny dishwasher, when she heard the front door open and close. A lone tear streaked down her cheek.

  Episode X: Penance & the Getaway

  Part XIX: Penance

  Stepping onto the “L” with Lena, Analise was distracted. It’d been nearly a week since her blow up with the guys. Despite talking to Liam on the phone and seeing Grim in passing at work, she hadn’t been in the presence of both men since she’d asked them to leave. It seemed as if there was an ever-widening chasm between them, and damned if she knew how to cross it.

  “You know I’m really getting tired of seeing that expression on your face, Ani. You’re going to have to forgive them sometime soon if you want to continue as their submissive.” Standing next to her, Lena clung to one of the overhead straps while balancing her table against her thigh with the other. Today, her friend wore her hair in some kind of elaborate twist, while the dove gray pants suit accented her curvy figure.

  Focusing on her friend, she sighed. “So I’m just supposed to forget the fact they rejected my offer because they thought I was being vindictive?” She gave a mirthless laugh. “Sorry to disappoint you, but this is more than hurt feelings. They’ve asked me to trust them, but last week showed they don’t trust me to know what I want. I’m sorry but that is a hard pill to swallow.”

  “So what are you going to do?” Lena asked, swaying with the motion of the car. “Break it off with them?”

  Tears burned the back of Analise’s eyes. “I don’t think I can. I’m stuck. I can’t go forward but nor can I go back. I love the feeling of giving over to them, but I don’t know if I can keep doing it.”

  Lena let go of the handle as they came to a stop at the next station. She placed it on Analise’s shoulder. “Then I say you have some soul searching to do. Why don’t you take Mason up on his offer? A weekend away from the city might just be good for what ails you. You’re a country girl. Go out and commune with nature. Perhaps it will clear your mind - show you the path you need to take.

  Analise shrugged, thinking about Mason’s very generous offer. It seemed he had a fishing cabin, just on the other side of the Wisconsin border, that he didn’t mind letting her use for the upcoming holiday weekend. “I’ll think about it, Lena.” It would take some doing. She’d have to rent a car to get to it, and she wasn’t sure she wanted the hassle of driving North and fighting the crazy traffic. Traveling the L and subway had spoiled her. She liked being able to jump on the train and go. No worries about other drivers, or finding parking was a perk.

  “Well, think about it and let me know.” She squeezed Analise’s shoulder as the train pulled out of the station again.

  “I will, even though I’m surprised you and Mason don’t jump at the chance to go up there for Labor Day weekend, instead of staying here in the city.

  Lena chuckled. “Ani, I’m a city girl through and through. Besides there’s a play party at one of our friend’s places and….” She leaned in close enough her words wouldn’t be overheard by the surrounding passengers. “Hot sex trumps nature every time, baby.”

  She chuckled. “Well, I’ll have to take your word for it.”

  Her humor died a short death a few minutes later, as Lena got off at her stop. Now that her friend was gone, she didn’t have to put up a front. She rode the rest of the trip in silence before getting off at her own stop. She was going to have to come to a decision soon about the situation with Grim and Liam, no matter how much it tore up her heart. But as she pushed through the doors at Sneezeclod, she pushed her personal life to the back burner. She had a job to do, and never would it be said that a Rochon fell down on her duty.

  * * * *

  Watching Analise come through the front doors via the security cameras, Grim wondered if his obsession with Analise was healthy. He couldn’t help it though. He thought of her day and night, of how her mouth quivered when she asked why they were refusing her generous offer, before firming up and asking them to leave. If he hadn’t loved her before, he did after witnessing her stand up to not only him but Liam. It took a formidable will to butt heads with his Master and remain standing. But his Analise had managed, and he never had been more proud of her, even if her actions had made his life at home a bit rough. Liam was as growly as a bear. Especially after he called her to apologize, and she hung up on him. Even now Grim could remember hearing the phone hit the wall in their den. He’d rushed down the hall to find his Master kneeling on the floor picking up the broken pieces of the phone.

  “Is everything alright, Mr. Harkin?” Jason, one of the security guards on duty, interrupted his thoughts.

  “Yes, Jason.” He glanced at the uniformed man, after watching Analise enter one of the bank of elevators. “Thank you for letting me sit in this morning. I just needed to make sure I caught Ms. Rochon, before she goes up to my uncle’s office.” He flashed the guard a smile. “She’s supposed to be helping me plan his surprise party, and I can’t very well dr
ag her down to my office to discuss it.” He reached for his briefcase.

  “No problem. It looks like she entered elevator three and…” Jason checked his equipment. “She’s headed for the fourth floor.”

  “Great, I should be able to catch her when she gets off. Thanks for everything.”

  “Sure, anything for a great party. Just let me know when and the guys and I will be there.”

  “Will do.” He slipped out of security headed for the elevators. He knew that if he timed it right, he could grab her before she headed down the south hall towards his uncle’s office. Leaning against the wall, he waited for the elevator to arrive. When the doors finally slid open, he stood off to the side. It would be a matter of timing and surprise.

  When she walked by him, her light floral scent teasing his nose, he grabbed her arm and leaned in to speak softly to her. “We need to talk.”

  Her eyes widened in disbelief. “Excuse me? I don’t have anything to say to you at the moment, Mr. Harkin.” She tried to tug her arm free.

  “Well, I do have something to say to you. You either come along with me quietly, or I’ll toss your ass over my shoulder then cart you off like the willful little baggage you are.”

  Her lips thinned as she stiffened. “You wouldn’t dare.”

  “Want to try me?” He nipped her ear. “Right at this moment, I don’t care if I embarrass the both of us. This avoidance is over. We will talk, and frankly I don’t give a damn if I have to be an ass to get your cooperation.” He lifted his head. “So pick? Are you walking like a civilized person, or am I carrying you?”

  She seemed to study him before she finally gave an exasperated sigh. “You’re not going to let this drop, are you?”


  “Fine. Let go of me. I’ll go with you.” She tugged her arm free.

  “You try to run, and I’m going to bend you over and paddle your bum, do you understand?”

  “Yeah, crystal clear. No running for the subbie. Lead the way.” She made a grand gesture that any other time would have made him smile.


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