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Analise's Journey, Bundle (Doms of Chicago Serial Spin Off)

Page 17

by Trace, Dakota

  “Smart-mouthed wench.” He muttered as he led her down the hall and into one of the smaller, unused offices. Once she passed him, he shut and locked the door before leaning against its smooth wood surface. Staring at her, he hungrily ate up her presence. As usual her dark hair framed her ivory face, but the noticeable bags under her beautiful green eyes had his heart clenching. Both he and Liam had a lot to answer for, but they couldn’t make begin to make amends if she refused to talk to them.

  “Let’s get this over with. What was so important that you felt the need to shanghai me at work, Grim?”

  He pushed away from the door. “You know exactly why I dragged you in here.” Moving closer, he didn’t stop until he had her pinned between him and the desk. “You refuse to talk to me, you hang up on Liam. I get we fucked up, but how are we supposed to fix it, if you won’t let us in?”

  Her lower lip trembled before her eyes drifted shut, hiding her feelings. A low growl built in his throat. Even standing in front of him, she tried to hide. He wasn’t going to allow it. “Look at me, Analise.”

  She opened her eyes, and he wanted to kick himself. He couldn’t read anything in their blank depths. “Perhaps it’s because I’m not ready.” She kept her voice modulated. “I’m still angry with both of you, and pushing me isn’t going to help your case.”

  “So in other words, I’m supposed to let you continue to hide from us? Until you finally decide you’re calm enough to discuss what happened?”

  “I’m not hiding.” She countered, her voice rising slightly, giving him first glimpse of the hurt woman under her facade. “I’m being realistic. I may be younger than you and Grim but I’m not stupid. When I decided to offer my submission to you, it wasn’t so you could decide my every move, or make my decisions for me.” She pressed against his chest. “So yes, I’m pissed you assumed you knew what was going through my head, when nothing was further from the truth.”

  The idea she was making them jump through hoops because she was angry, pissed off Grim to the point he was afraid he was going to bend her over his leg and paddle her ass. “So you’re going to continue to keep us apart because you’re mad? Doesn’t that seem a bit childish to you?”

  Her eyes narrowed. “If it was merely because I was pissed off, I would’ve come and discussed it with you several days ago, Sir.” The emphasis she placed on the last word had him freezing. That couldn’t be a good thing, and he was going to have to tread carefully.

  “Then why the hell didn’t you?” He forced his anger back.

  “Because I realized something very important after you left.” She stepped away from the desk. “Neither you nor Liam trust me. And that doesn’t just piss me off...” She pressed her hand against his heart. “…that hurts, right here. So forgive me if I’d rather be alone, than be around the Doms who inflicted the wound.” She moved away from him. “Now, if you’ll excuse me, your uncle is expecting me, and the last thing I need is to be late.” Then she slipped around him, unlocked the door and was gone, leaving a stunned Grim in the middle of the room.

  The enormity of his and Liam’s fuck up sank in, as the door clicked shut behind her. They were so screwed. The last thing either of them wanted Analise to think was that they didn’t trust her. Walking behind the desk to stare out the window, he reached for the phone clipped to his belt to call Liam. Pressing his palm against the cool glass, he tried to remain calm as the phone rang in his ear. Three rings later, Liam answered.

  “Inamorato? Is everything okay? You usually don’t call this early. Has something happened?” The concern in Liam’s voice nearly did him in.

  It took several tries, but he was finally able to speak. “We fucked up. BIG.”

  A long drawn out sigh filled his ear. “I’m assuming you finally cornered Analise?”

  He nodded then remembered Liam couldn’t see him. “Yeah and it’s gonna take more than just a dozen roses to make it up to her.” He turned and sank into the chair behind the desk, squeezing the bridge of his nose. “She thinks we don’t trust her.”

  “What!” He could hear the shock in Liam’s voice. “How the hell could she even entertain such an idea? A BDSM relationship is founded on trust. It has to go both ways or it won’t work.”

  “I don’t know. But somehow she took our assumptions about her motives as a sign that we don’t trust her to know what she wants.”

  “I’m gonna paddle her ass. You and I may have both fucked up, but never once did we say that we thought she didn’t know what she was doing.” The sound of Liam’s hand hitting wood echoed through the phone.

  “Believe me, I was tempted.” He rubbed the back of his neck. “You should’ve seen the look on her face, Liam. She looked like someone had kicked her favorite cat. She’s hurting, and it’s because we didn’t stick around to straighten this mess out the night it happened.”

  Liam sighed. “It wouldn’t have done much good, Grim. She wouldn’t have listened. Even the night I punished her, she was willing to listen. The night we fought she was closed off.”

  “So what are we going to do? We can’t lose her like this.”

  “We’re not going to lose her. If she wanted this over, she would’ve already ended it. Instead we’re going to sit down and figure out a way to make her believe we trust her.”

  “And how are we going to do that?” He drummed his fingers on the desk. “It took me ambushing her as she came out of the elevator, and threatening to make a scene in the middle of our workplace, to just get her to talk to me for five minutes.”

  “Just because the front door is closed at the moment, doesn’t mean we can’t come in the back. We’re going to call on Lena and Mason. As her friends, they may have an idea of how to get through to her.”

  Grim leaned back in the chair. The idea had merit. “Alright, it’s worth a shot, since I don’t have any other ideas right now, other than kidnapping her and dragging her off to someplace she can’t escape.”

  Liam chuckled. “Well, I’ll keep that in mind, inamorato. Now, I’m gonna get off the phone, so I can make a few discrete inquiries, then see if I can find a number for Mason or Lena. Love you.”

  Grim sighed, recognizing the determination in his Master’s voice. “Love you too, Master. I’ll call or text you later.” He glanced at the clock on the wall. “Shit, I’ve got a conference call in ten minutes. Bye.” Hitting the end button, he strode from the room with a new confidence. Passing by Analise’s empty desk on his way to his own office, he leaned over and scrawled a note on one of her ‘post it’ notes. Finishing, he straightened. “Let’s see you ignore that, sweetheart.”

  Part XX: The Getaway Begins

  “This isn’t over.” ~Grim

  Analise tried to ignore the yellow post-it note in her purse, as she navigated her rental down the ramp Lena had told her to take. She wasn’t even sure why she had taken it with her. By all rights she should’ve tossed it into the trash can, not cherished it like some great love letter. As she slowed, she glanced at the hand-printed instructions she’d taped to the dash, using the glow from the street light just off the exit to make out the words. Night had begun to fall about thirty minutes ago. Soon it would be completely dark, and she’d be unable to read the directions at all. Making a left at the stop sign, she only grew tenser. Hopefully this cabin was close as Mason had promised. She honestly didn’t want to be wandering around the back roads of rural Wisconsin in the dark. Perhaps this little getaway to Mason’s cabin wasn’t such a good idea.

  She had a half a mind to go back to Chicago and track down Grim and Liam, but she forced herself to ignore the need. In the week since Grim had cornered her, she’d received numerous calls from both men. Even if she didn’t answer, neither of them had any qualms about conversing with her machine. She had expected them to get angrier as she continued to ignore the calls, but instead they seemed more contrite each time they called.

  It was the last call where Liam had all but seduced her over the phone with his gruff statement of missing
her, and how he kept waking in the middle of the night reaching for her, which had pushed her into taking Lena and Mason up on their offer. She needed an escape from the city and her meddling friends, who were no better than the men themselves. If she had to hear from Lena or Mason one more time on how she should give them a second chance, she’d scream. She wasn’t going to be forced into seeing them before she was ready, even if their arguments in favor of Liam and Grim made sense.

  She’d decided after spending a weekend lounging in the water, working on her tan, she’d get her head on straight, then go back to Chicago to deal with her Doms. “Stubborn men.” She muttered as she made another turn. Following the instructions, she found herself turning up a rutted track leading up to Mason’s cabin about fifteen minutes later. She was glad she’d taken his advice and rented the four wheel drive vehicle. The damn driveway was almost as bad as the path that lead out to the back forty on her dad’s farm.

  Wrestling with the wheel, she rounded the last sharp corner and scowled as the cabin came into view - along with a familiar S.U.V. in the fading light.

  “Son of a…” She muttered the expletive as she drove closer. She was going to kill Mason and Lena for their underhanded tactics. She’d warned them she wanted to be left alone, and not to spill her whereabouts to Liam and Grim. If she hadn’t been so pissed that her Doms were so certain of their welcome that they’d parked in plain sight, she would’ve turned around and headed back to Chicago. But the devil on her shoulder shouted at her, that it wasn’t fair that she should have to give up her weekend of relaxation, because the men had come uninvited. Parking next to the SUV, she slammed her car into park and slipped outside it, ready to storm inside the cabin and demand they leave.

  She was stomping up the steps to the porch when a very naked, very aroused Grim came to stand in front of the screen door, the light behind him outlining every inch of him. Her step faltered for a moment before she straightened her back. She was going to let the fact that Grim was a sexy sight for sore eyes go by her. She would just ignore the fact that his tightly muscled body, thick cock, and bare balls had her wanting to fall to her knees and beg to trace every inch of his body with her tongue, to see if she could take him as far down her throat as she had Liam.

  “Analise.” The welcome in his face did little to cool her ire.

  “What the hell are you doing here?” She placed her hands on her hips. “I told Lena and Mason…”

  “Inamorato, who’s at the door.” Liam’s voice came from inside the cabin.

  “A special guest, Master.” Grim looked over his shoulder. “One I think we should snatch up and keep for the weekend.”

  The lust in Grim’s tone and the bob of his cock sent a flurry of heat to Analise’s cheeks. Perhaps confronting her Doms wasn’t a good idea. Especially when a nearly naked Liam appeared in the door behind Grim. She caught her lip between her teeth when Liam’s arm threaded through one of Grim’s, so Master could tug on Grim’s erection.

  Grim moaned softly as Liam chuckled. “It sure looks like your cock agrees, slave.”

  Analise tried to tell her feet to move, but found herself mesmerized as Liam pleasured his sub, until Grim was tipping his head back to rest it against Liam’s shoulder.

  The rasp of Liam’s voice, as he whispered barely audible phrases in Grim’s ear, had her panties growing damp in a matter of heartbeats. She rubbed her suddenly wet palms over her khaki covered thighs. Every part of her longed to join them, to kneel before them, and help Master bring Sir to peak. Her breath caught in her throat. It was too close to her favorite fantasy. True, Liam wasn’t buried deep inside Grim as she pleasured Sir with her mouth, but she still found it hard to resist. Her knees trembled and she grabbed for the railing. “I…I have to get out of here…” She tried to turn away, but Master’s voice wrapped around her.

  “Stop.” The harsh command was like fingers running up her spine and overriding her need to flee.

  Squeezing her eyes shut, she tried to pull free of her natural urge to submit. This wasn’t right. She wasn’t part of them, not really, and to watch such an intimate moment made her feel like an intruder - especially with the tension still between them.

  “Why are you here, piccola?” His question was like pouring salt into an open wound. His surprise was genuine - he hadn’t expected her to show up at his and Grim’s private retreat. It stung, but she had no one but herself to blame. If she’d have answered her phone once over the past several days, she might have been invited.

  “Obviously Mason didn’t talk to Lena before offering their cabin to you for the weekend. Don’t worry, I’m not staying.” She let go of the railing, turned and walked back towards the Jeep Cherokee she’d rented.

  “Oh, no you don’t. You are delusional if you think I’m going to let you leave, when this is the first time you’ve gotten within ten feet of both of us since our fight.” She found herself spun and hoisted over a wide shoulder. From the breadth of the shoulder, the length of the hair, and the shorts covering the tight ass mere inches from her fingertips, she could only assume that it was Liam who’d grabbed her. She was tempted to squirm around, but knew from experience that he wouldn’t hesitate to warm her bottom with his palm if she struggled.

  “Open the door, Grim.” Liam’s order obviously had her Sir obeying, because in less than two strides she found herself inside a darkened living room. Around the main room, there were at least twenty lit candles, and scent of something delicious in the air. Burgers, if she wasn’t mistaken. Her tummy growled in reaction. It’d been several hours since she’d eaten her bologna and cheese sandwich at lunchtime.

  “Sounds like someone skipped dinner, Master.” The reproach in Grim’s voice was plain to hear, before he slipped away into the kitchen.

  “That it does.” A broad palm rubbed over her bottom. “Did you skip dinner, Analise?”

  “I planned on eating something when I got here…”


  Pain and heat radiated from her bottom. “What was that for?”

  “You’ve been warned about skipping meals, piccola.” Then she found herself dropped onto a heavy leather couch, similar to the one in Liam and Grim’s home in Chicago. “You’re lucky I don’t do more than warm your hind end.” He placed his hands on his hips, as Grim scurried back from the kitchen carrying a plate filled with a cheese burger, chips, and several large succulent strawberries. He rejoined them and placed the plate on Analise’s legs. “Eat while you can, because soon as you’re finished, we’re going to have that talk.”

  She looked tiny between the two men, as they sank down on either side of her, crowding around her. Somehow she didn’t think this was such a good idea but her stomach over ruled her head. Lifting the burger, she bit into it, moaning as the savory taste of charbroiled meat burst over her tongue along with the crisp lettuce and slightly acidic tomatoes. Grim had actually remembered how she took her burgers and as hungry as she was, she pushed her concern away, and reached for a berry.

  * * * *

  Liam sat back and watched, as Analise plowed through the burger Grim had brought her. Next to her, Grim idly fondled his cock. A sense of contentment filled Liam. He hadn’t even had to remind his submissive of his earlier promise. He wanted Grim hard and aching until he allowed Grim release. Of course being the sadist he was, Liam wasn’t planning on allowing that for quite some time. And now that Analise was here, he had a new way to string Grim out. Earlier he’d had the absurd notion that Analise had wanted to drop to her knees and suck Grim as he, himself, stroked a hand up and down Grim’s length. Perhaps, before the night was through, he’d be able to indulge. The idea of watching Grim cover their sub’s face with his sweet cream had his own cock throbbing against his fly.

  From the way that Grim was watching her, he didn’t think his lover would protest. The minutes seemed to drag, until she finally took the last bite of her burger. Taking the plate away from her, he nodded to Grim, who took it as his cue to pin their sub between them.
With his arm lying on the back of the couch and Grim’s thigh tossed over her knee, she wasn’t going to get anywhere fast.

  “Ah…guys you don’t have to trap me…I’m not going anywhere.”

  Liam nodded. “I know you’re not.” He trailed his fingertips over the top of her shoulder and down her arm. “But I’m still not going to risk it.” He brushed his knuckles over her cheek, giving her a tender look. Then he hardened his voice. “Because come hell or high water, we’re going to clear this issue up. I miss my little piccola.”

  His determination must have rang through, because her eyes widened. “Ah…I…don’t know what you want me to say, Liam.”

  “Well first, you can explain why you don’t think we trust you.” He rubbed his thumb over her lower lip. “Because I don’t think we’ve ever given you a reason to think such a thing.”

  She shifted away from his touch. “I would think that was obvious. You both jumped to the conclusion that the only reason I wanted you to stay was because I was out to get back at my uncle. Then when I tried to explain, you closed me off as if nothing I said mattered. You had already made your mind up, Liam. Nothing I would’ve said that night would’ve changed your opinion.”

  Liam gave a thoughtful nod. “True, I probably wouldn’t have listened. The confrontation with Paul left all of us on edge. It was probably best we didn’t become lovers that night.”

  She pursed her lips. “See again, you are assuming that was the right move without consulting me about what my opinion might be.” She drew a deep breath. “I realize I’m supposed to be the submissive in this relationship, but I don’t know if I can just let you take over my life…”

  “Of course not. Is that how you view my submission to Liam?” Grim asked, his hand still working between his legs.

  She shrugged. “I don’t know. Every time I’ve seen the two of you together, you’re always deferring to him. I just don’t know if I can do that. I love the idea of submitting sexually to you, but to just allow you to take over the rest of my life?” She shook her head. “I don’t think I can do that. I worked too hard for my independence to give it up because I yearn for your dominance.”


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