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Her Best Friend Forever

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by Guy Winters

  Her Best Friend Forever

  Her Best Friend Forever


  Her Best Friend Forever

  by Dreamweaver594

  Copyright ©2017 K. Winters

  Published by Buckhorn Publishing at Smashwords

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  While sitting on the back terrace watching the sunset with his wife Mieko, Kevin finally broached a subject that had long been dormant in the deep recesses of his soul. It was based on a deep-seated curiosity about women, and how they think.

  Mieko was a very smart businesswoman he met in college his freshman year. It was a freshman mixer, one of those dreadful things that the college administration organized, sort of like a church social. Heavily chaperoned and lacking of anything that young students could use to get into trouble, like alcohol and libertine behavior.

  Mieko stood off to the side, as Kevin did, not wanting to get too involved and therefore be labeled as ‘one of those people’, however one perceived it as being either good or bad. Actually, Kevin first noticed her in the reference stacks of the old library. He was totally smitten and looked for her at the mixer. He smiled to her and she reciprocated, thankfully. They started dating a month after their freshman year began, Kevin shared several classes with Mieko and it was clearly evident from his actions, that he was smitten. For that matter, so was she and by their sophomore year they were living together.

  Mieko was always a little standoffish. She didn’t belong to a sorority or gather in the gossip groups that clustered around the lunch table each day in the student lounge. Labeled as ‘one of the smart ones’, she excelled in the math and science classes which propelled her to the top of her class, both in academics and scholarship, much to the chagrin of her fellow female classmates. Kevin always thought it was out and out jealousy; he wasn’t far off.

  Kevin was a popular student, average in his academics, choosing to concentrate more as an artist and illustrator in the art department. He ‘got by’ in most areas other than art and graphics where he excelled. As a couple, Mieko and Kevin made an unlikely pair, nevertheless, they fell deeply in love and for most of their friends, they were considered inseparable.

  After college, Kevin found a job in Columbus as a graphic artist, illustrating book covers for an up and coming publishing house. Mieko had her pick of entrepreneurial businesses flourishing in the city. She eventually settled with a ‘green company that was focused on innovative technology. She wasn’t a technician as much as she was a tremendous saleswoman. Unfortunately, that required travel on her part and it pulled her away from home frequently. However, Kevin was never far from her mind.

  One lazy Friday afternoon they found themselves lounging on their terrace as trees swayed gently in the breeze and birds looped overhead in the constant search for the next bug sandwich.

  "What's it like to be you?" He asked sitting comfortably in a lounge chair on the terrace. He was gazing out across the backyard and watching the sun dance among the clouds as it slowly disappeared beneath the horizon. He glanced over at his wife. She’d flopped down on the fabric-covered lounger, her favorite chair, after she retrieved the wine bottle off the kitchen counter. Her raven black hair fell loosely from her head like a shimmering waterfall. Usually she tied it back or up but tonight it was radiant, just the way Kevin adored it. It framed a beautiful face with ruby lips and high arched eyebrows above eyes that captured Kevin’s heart the first time he saw her.

  At first Mieko didn't understand the deeper implications of the question. It had been a long day at the office and she was exhausted. She responded with the cursory flippant remark. "Well in these heels right now, painful." She kicked them off and they tumbled to the patio pavers.

  He smiled. He expected that in the back of her mind she might be curious about this, too. But it certainly wasn’t something she expected him to ask. He glanced over and saw her sneaking a quick peek in his direction. He moved over to sit at her feet then he reached down to lift them up and place them in his lap. He began to gently rub the arches of her feet pressing against her aching muscles.

  “Oh, my God, that feels so good,” she murmured.

  Suddenly, feeling bold, he decided to pursue his line of thought more diligently. "No sweetheart, to be you? Women always share things so freely with other women. Guys never do that. What’s it like to be able to be open and intimate with another woman? To share feelings or thoughts that you would never reveal to a man, even your husband?”

  He watched her a moment out of the corner of his eye. Would she understand the implications of the question? He was serious about this; it was something that he mulled over in his mind for sometime. He decided to push the issue and see if she rose to the occasion. “What I mean is, to freely discuss the most intimate details of a relationship knowing full well that those details would never be revealed to your husband or anyone else for that matter."

  She sat up. “What brought this on?”

  “Curiosity? Women, especially you, fascinate me and I always want to know more about them. So, what’s it like?”

  "I don't know, because I've never had the experience you've described."

  "What do you mean?"

  "I've never met a woman I trusted enough to share anything like that. If you'll notice dear, all my friends are really acquaintances. I know them, we invite them to dinner occasionally, and they reciprocate. But there's nothing intimate about it. The only true friend I have is you."

  Kevin paused a moment and considered her response. “But I’ve seen stories on television and read them in books where girls share everything.”

  “Well that’s just make-believe, at least for me. I understand what you’re asking and I’ve known other women who have had close female relationships, but I’m just not one of them.”

  Mieko glanced at him again. Curiosity was dancing in her eyes. “What about you? Don’t guys talk about things they would never want their wives to know about?”

  “Perhaps some do, but mostly no. Being open and candid about a man’s relationship with a woman flies in the face of male pride. No one would admit anything about their performance or if they did it would be laced with bravado and tempered with lies.”

  “Humph, and you think women are any less tempted to exaggerate or stretch the truth? My love, you are indeed naïve.”

  “No. Yes. Perhaps, a little.”

  “Women have to be so much more guarded than men,” she said tipping the wine bottle and filling her glass again. A splash of red wine spotted the table and she dipped a finger into it and sucked her finger into her mouth.

  “You do know that drives me crazy when you do that, don’t you?”

  She looked at him coquettishly as she set the bottle down, her eyes dazzled with a devilish gleam.

  Kevin stood up and swept her into his arms. She giggled and squealed as he embraced her. His arm moved down beneath her perfect ass and lifted her up to carry her into their bedroom where he laid her gently on the bed.

  “You are so incredibly beautiful,” he whispered as he leaned over her and kissed her lips then trailed kisses down her neck to the valley between her breasts.

  She moaned and squirmed under his attention. He sat up and pulled his shirt off as she moved to
unbuckle his belt.

  “Let me,” she whispered as lightly drew her nails across his naked back then moved to push his pants off his cute butt and down his legs. She brought her hands back up to knead his butt cheeks for a moment then she moved her hands around to cup his balls and wrap them around his rigid shaft.

  “Mmmm, very nice.” She lightly raked her fingernails across his perineum as she slowly stroked him.

  Kevin groaned and kissed her again then he moved his body down between her thighs, leaving her hands to pinch her nipples as they moved by on his way to the moist heaven of her clitoris and sweet full lips. He extended his tongue and began to lightly tickle her clit, knowing that it would drive her wild.

  She wrapped her legs around his back and pressed against his head moaning his name as she began to soar. Her desire grew as her passion began to flow, leaving a large wet spot beneath them.

  Kevin slipped one and then another finger inside her vagina moving gently around in search of her ‘g-spot’. When he found it her legs clinched around him like a vice.

  “Oh my God I want you inside of me now, love. God, I love what you do to me!”

  She sighed briefly as he removed his fingers then he moved to straddle her crotch bringing his leg across her abdomen not unlike two sets of fingers interlocking. She reached over to caress his face as he settled against her. She closed her eyes, enraptured by the bliss that enveloped her body as he thrust into her delicate place with a long, slow, but deliberate plunge.

  “Oh God, you fit so perfect,” she murmured as her hips began to undulate, matching his rhythmic thrusts.

  As their passion grew so did the pace of their lovemaking. The room was filled with the tender sounds of flesh pushing against flesh muffled by moans and the chants of heavy breathing. She was close; Kevin could feel the strengths of her thrusts increase to meet his. The muscles of her inner thigh began to bear down on him as he pushed deeper into her.

  Her voice was now a tiny squeak as she squealed her joy. It was barely audible above the sound of their rapid breathing. She crested into oblivion as his seed flowed into her. She dug her fingernails into his shoulders as her juices flowed from her pussy, coating their bodies with her nectar.

  Kevin lay silent, still breathing rapidly. He softened and slipped out of her lithe body to lay next to her and listen to her breathing. It was soft and gentle, down some from the intensity of a few minutes earlier. He thought back to the conversation they had on the terrace. The one where he asked her about whether she would like to have a girlfriend to share her secrets. He wondered why she never met a woman to whom she felt she could be a close friend. Then he thought about his own life and realized that he never had that experience as well. There weren’t any guys that he could share with either. Mieko was his best friend, his only true friend. He remembered when he met her for the first time.

  She was searching for a book in the reserved storage shelves down in the basement of the old library building on campus. He was trying to find an obscure reference book and the section he tried at first offered nothing for his efforts. He turned a narrow corner in the maze of bookshelves and stopped in his tracks. Crouching on the floor and reaching for another book from the bottom shelf was Mieko. She looked up with those beautiful dark eyes and he was forever smitten. If he could, he would have melted into the palm of her hand.

  He moved his hand to cradle one of her breasts. They were soft and supple; her nipples were still hard, sitting on top of her breasts like a cherry placed on top of a mountain of delicious ice cream. He traced gently around her nipple then drew a lacey pattern around both of her breasts. Then he brought his hand up to caress her cheek. She smiled and looked over at his wry grin. “What?”

  Kevin offered her a subtle smile. “I was just thinking.”

  “About what?”

  “About what we talked about before, about having a best girlfriend.”


  He leaned forward and kissed her cheek. “Well I realized that I’ve never had a guy friend, or anyone, I could talk to either, never, until I met you. You’re my best friend, Mieko. Thank you for being here for me.”

  “I love you,” she said leaning over to kiss him.

  “I love you too, more than anything else in the world.”

  “Thank you too for being here for me.” She pulled his arm around her and curled up against his chest.

  “You’re welcome.”

  Mieko thought about that question for a moment. It was something she put out of her mind long ago, the thought of finding a female friend to share intimate details, someone with whom she could be just a woman.

  She knew other women had best girlfriends but it never worked out for her. Trust was always the issue. She looked through high school, even college, but there was never anyone she met she trusted more than Kevin, whom she met in her freshman year.

  Now that Kevin brought it up again, did she want a girlfriend to talk to?

  She gazed into his smoky grey eyes and smiled. "Yes," she whispered to him. “I’d like that. Maybe someday.”

  She offered him that as a parting gesture, it was a way of letting him know that she would think about it nonetheless.

  Over the next week, during quiet moments, Mieko did think a lot about the question her husband asked. ‘Would you like a girlfriend you could share with intimately?’ His question haunted her.

  On the way to Cleveland, while the plane sat on the tarmac waiting for a departure window, her mind drifted back to his question once again. And once again the same unanswered questions drifted through her mind.

  She wondered if there was someone she knew who she could trust that much. Who would open up to her as well and share her secrets too? But no one came to mind.

  And what did he mean by intimate? Did he mean sex? Did he think she might be bi-sexual? She was pretty sure she wasn’t but then…she considered it for a moment. She wondered what it would be like to share a bed with another woman, to touch and be touched, to taste and explore, openly and perhaps wantonly.

  The thought sent a chill down her spine. She loved Kevin very much. He was her best friend. She knew that she would never violate that trust.

  The plane taxied to the runway and took off. As the plane soared above the clouds she wondered if he had any guy friends he shared his feelings with? He said he didn’t. Did he think about that too?

  She settled back in her seat. The flight to Cleveland wasn’t very long, just under an hour. She would be back home tomorrow afternoon. Maybe then she would ask him what he meant.

  Mieko walked into the house drenched from an afternoon cloudburst that seemed to catch everyone in the neighborhood by surprise. She shook her hair loose from the encumbrances of a metal clasp and pulled off her suit jacket to hang it on the hook by the door.

  “I’m home,” she shouted as she dropped her suitcase by the front door and walked down the hallway in stocking feet.

  She walked by the atrium doors that led to the covered terrace in the back of the house and glanced outside on her way to the kitchen. She couldn’t see anyone outside so she called out again.

  “Kevin, I’m home. I caught an earlier flight. Kevin?” Still no answer. “Humph.”

  She turned and walked into the kitchen. On the counter the remains of a bottle of Pinot Noir sat by the coffee maker that he must have opened last night. The cork still looked fresh. She pulled down two glasses from the shelf and filled one for herself.

  Then she scanned the counter for a note hoping that he was just out shopping and would be back soon. But she didn’t find anything.

  Because she took an earlier flight there was no way that Kevin would expect her this soon. She shrugged her shoulders and picked up the mail he tossed into a basket earlier. Nothing looked interesting but there was a magazine she had been waiting for. She grabbed her wine glass and walked back towards the terrace to relax until he returned.

  As she walked out onto the terrace she saw movement on the couch. It was Ke
vin and he had earbuds jammed into his ears so he couldn’t have heard her shout earlier. He was lying sideways on the couch, which was probably why she didn’t notice him at first. His head was bobbing to music she could barely hear from his earbuds.

  She scrunched her mouth into an awkward smile and started to reach over to jostle him when she noticed what he was wearing. It was sort of a robe but not. Like a kaftan but at the same time it wasn’t made out of the usual heavy woven material that most men’s kaftans are made from. It was soft and silky and it shimmered in the afternoon sun. It finally dawned on her, it was a women’s dressing gown. One of those one-size fits all; satin items women sometimes wear to lounge around the house.

  Why was he wearing that? It wasn’t one of hers. He sort of looks kind of cute in that thing with his long sandy blonde hair draping across his back. It was held in place by a band that created a ponytail full of curls. He kept his hair long because she asked him too when they first started dating. He was going to cut it one hot summer day and she pleaded with him not to. She liked how soft and full it was. It reminded her of her father’s hair before he died. He was a musician and kept it long like Kevin did because he lived in an age when having long hair was rebellious and being a rock musician needed rebellion.

  She smiled to herself and moved over to the lounger to sit down.

  “Hey, I didn’t hear you come in.” He sat up and pulled his earbuds out.

  She smirked. “Maybe because of that Pearl Jam riff that’s swimming around inside your head.”

  “Yeah, I suppose. How was your flight?

  She put her glass down on the coffee table and opened her magazine. “Good. Uneventful, which is always nice.”

  “And the meeting?”

  She rolled her eyes. “Boring, dreadfully boring.”

  “Are you hungry? I can start dinner now if you’d like.”


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