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Her Best Friend Forever

Page 2

by Guy Winters

  “No, we can wait. I took an earlier flight and now I just want to rest.”

  Kevin tossed his book onto the table in front of the couch and propped his feet up.

  Mieko glanced up from her magazine and smirked. “You look comfortable.”

  “Yeah, I am. Do you like it? I saw it in Marshalls the other day when we were out shopping. I had to stop in a shop near there yesterday so I thought I’d go buy it.”

  “For a moment there I thought you were someone else.”


  “A woman.” She picked up her glass and took a sip watching his reaction over the rim of the glass.

  “Really? Hmm. Do I look that feminine in this?”

  She nodded. “Yes, you sort of do. I suppose with a bit of makeup and your hair done right you’d probably pass.”

  “You’re kidding, right?”

  “Does that bother you? That you can easily look feminine?”

  Kevin thought about that for a moment. “Hmmm.” He had long since given up worrying about what other people thought, except for Mieko, she was always at the center of his heart. “No, I don’t think it bothers me, does it bother you?”

  “No. It’s intriguing actually.”

  “Uh-Oh. You have that gleam in your eye. Whenever you get that gleam something naughty is going to happen.”

  “Maybe, maybe not. It all depends on whether you’re willing to play along.”

  “With what?”

  She hesitated a moment. Could she spill the beans so easily? Would he flinch? “Dressing up.”

  Kevin expression dissolved into a curious smile. “Really? You mean as a girl?”

  “A woman actually, but yes.”

  Mieko set her wine glass down and moved over to sit next to him on the couch. Sitting this close to him dressed as he was sent chills down her spine. She was excited. Not like the excitement she gets whenever she would share an intimate moment with him but a different kind of excitement, something deep inside, something purely feminine. “You asked me a couple of weeks ago if I’ve ever had a girlfriend I could share thoughts with intimately.”

  “Yes, I remember that. You told me that you never found anyone who you trusted that completely.”

  “Uh-huh. But I trust you. Completely.”

  “You want me to be your girlfriend?”

  “Sometimes, when I really need a girlfriend to talk to.”

  “But wouldn’t you want to share things with this girlfriend that you would never share with me?”

  “Yes, and anything that I tell you as my girlfriend you can never say to my husband. You have to promise that.”

  “This’s weird.”

  “Maybe, but isn’t it worth a try?”

  Kevin reached up and rubbed a spot on his forehead. He always did that when he was thinking about something complex, and what Mieko suggested was sounding complex. “Okay, so what if we try this and it doesn’t work out?”

  “Then we go back to being who we are. But I think I want to try this.”

  “It’s platonic, right? Your not interested in…”

  She shrugged her shoulders and offered him an enigmatic smile. “No, just two girlfriends, sharing a different kind of love. Not better, just different.”

  Mieko picked up her wine glass and walked to the kitchen to refill it while Kevin absentmindedly picked up his book while pondering her offer.

  Kevin did want to be closer to her. He often wondered about what it must be like to be a woman, and talk about things that interested women, intimately. But could he pass as a woman? Did he have to pass as a woman? Wouldn’t this be something private? Why would he have to pass? Maybe she wanted to go shopping or have coffee somewhere, wouldn’t he have to look and act feminine? Could he do that? Or would he look like some sort of outlandish guy in a dress, all awkward and clumsy?

  She seemed to think it might work. He guessed they could try it and if it didn’t work out they could at least get a good laugh out of it. He’d just have to trust her and put himself in her hands.

  Mieko walked back out of the kitchen and sat on the lounger again. She glanced over at Kevin, watching him mull over her idea.

  He stood up slowly. He leaned over and kissed her gently on the lips then he offered her just one word framed with a wry grin. “Okay.” He turned and walked into the kitchen to start dinner.

  Mieko leaned back and smiled. Her worry and doubt that Kevin would balk at the idea was replaced quickly but a girlish squeal of delight. Of course she waited until he was out of earshot to do it. It filled her heart with excitement. He is her best friend, now she would see if he could become her best girlfriend too, something she’d secretly desired for a very long time, but chose to bury it deep inside..

  She walked into the kitchen and wrapped her arms around his chest and squeezed tightly. Then she leaned up and kissed the nape of his neck. “Thank you, my love, very much.”


  Mieko lounged on their bed browsing through a fashion magazine while Kevin finished up in the shower.

  Boys are so silly sometimes. Still, he has every right to be worried. The whole social construct that seeks to revile men who want to explore their feminine side would condemn him if he were discovered. With all the finger pointing and ridicule, no one would be willing to look past the blouse and into the heart. Stupid, narrow-minded, bigots. Everybody has a feminine and a masculine side, men as well as women. It just seems that men fear that others, especially other men, will emasculate them for being ‘sissies’, or that women would see them as something less than a man or even a woman.

  But, blaming society won’t make Kevin feel less nervous about the idea of going out in public dressed as a woman, unless she could convince him otherwise. She pursed her lips together smugly. With his natural features and her skill, no one would ever know. “Hmmm,” she wondered, crafting a plan.

  Kevin stepped out of the shower into a steamy bathroom. He opened the door to let some of the vapor billow out. Then he pulled a towel off the rack and wrapped it around his waist. He pulled a second towel off the rack and started to dry his hair.

  Across the bedroom Mieko lounged on their bed admiring him. She smiled seductively as the bathroom door opened. He stood a moment in the doorway, naked, before he wrapped a towel around his waist.

  He was remarkably sexy. He wasn’t much taller than she was, maybe an inch or two, and his lanky frame was firm without being muscular. She loved his hair. More than once he wanted to cut it but she made him stop, and now she was glad she did. He usually wore it in a ponytail or stuffed under a cap. But now, as he stood drying his hair, it softened his appearance as it fell in natural curls across his shoulders.

  Kevin glanced over at his wife. “So, just out of curiosity,” he grinned as the towel rubbed across his head, “what would I have to do for you to accept me as your girlfriend?”

  “Hmm. Good question.” Mieko tossed the magazine onto the floor and sat up. “Earrings definitely, and maybe to have your nails done.”

  “My nails? Wouldn’t that look odd when I dressed as Kevin?”

  “I suppose so. Although, false nails would substitute, I suppose. Oh, and you would have to shave your body hair. Or you could go for electrolysis.”

  Kevin rubbed the moisture out of his hair. “I’ll stick to shaving, we don’t know if this is going to work out yet. Besides, with my light body hair, it shouldn’t be much of an issue.”

  “That’s true, but electrolysis is easier in the long run.” Mieko stood up and began to undress. “We could easily find clothes that would look nice on you. Plus, your feet are small for a man so shoes won’t be a problem either.”

  Kevin replaced the towel he used on his hair and walked into the bedroom. “What about makeup? You are a wizard with the stuff. I, on the other hand, am not.”

  Mieko smiled and draped her hand across his chest as she walked past him towards the bathroom. “Makeup is just a skill like riding a bike. It just takes practice.” She paused at
the bathroom door and glanced over her shoulder. “Have you decided on a name yet?”

  “A name?”

  “Yes,” she said with a smirk, “I can’t very well call you Kevin. It should be something feminine.” She turned and stood in the bathroom doorway. “Besides, if we go out for brunch calling you Kevin might be awkward.”

  “Who said anything about going out? This is just supposed to be between us.”

  She smiled serenely as she walked over to caress his cheek. “You’re my best friend honey, I would never force you to do anything to embarrass you. But…you are also beautiful and with the right touches I think you would look lovely. Don’t you trust me?”

  “Yes,” he said as he leaned over and kissed her lightly on the lips. “I always have and I always will.”

  She turned and dropped her skirt into the hamper. “So, what’s your name girlfriend?”

  “How about Kimberly, or Kim for short?”

  “Ooo, I like that, it’s pretty.” She unhooked her bra and her lovely breasts fell free of their fabric prison. She caught him admiring them as she tossed her bra into the hamper. “Jealous?”

  He reached over to gently caress her breast. “No, but they are lovely, just like you.” He leaned forward and kissed her neck then he trailed kisses down until he kissed between her breasts. He inhaled her scent. “My God you are intoxicating.”

  She squealed as he scooped her up and carried her to their bed. She reached over and tugged at his towel. It fell away to reveal his rigid cock pulsing with excitement. Her hands reached up to pull him too her.

  He leaned over and touched the tip of his tongue to her navel, delicately tracing little circles around her tummy. She squirmed as he tickled her, trailing his tongue down her torso to nestle his nose in the soft down of her sex.

  One hand reached up to caress her breast as the other settled between her thighs to tease her lips open like a lotus blossom.

  She moaned in rapture as he continued to caress her body, sending her mind soaring in bliss with her heart quick to follow. She reached down and felt his cock throbbing to the beat of his heart. “Now my love, I need you inside me now!”

  He moved back up her body and slipped between her thighs as she wrapped her legs around him squeezing him, urging him to enter her.

  Her breath was rapid, her heart was racing, she spread her fingers across his ass, curling them into him, urging him to thrust deeper, faster. He filled her wonderfully, his powerful thrusts commanding her body to share in his bliss. She squeezed her vaginal muscles tighter, wrapping them around his cock, milking him.

  His thrusts became stronger and deeper. She could feel him swell; he was close, so close to giving her his seed. One last thrust, deeper than before and she tightened her legs around him, trapping him, never wanting to let go.

  Sunday morning arrived with the sun streaming through the bedroom windows that looked out over the terrace. Next to her, Kevin lay partially covered by the sheets. His hair draped over his shoulders to fall in gentle curls towards the bed. It almost looked like Kim was lying next to her except for the little tuft of hair that nestled near the crack of his butt cheeks. But that’s an easy fix, a quick trip to the store for some exfoliate and a shower to wash it away.

  She slipped quietly out of bed, grabbed a cotton robe and went downstairs to fix breakfast. Today was going to be an interesting day.

  Later, Kevin walked into the kitchen and nuzzled his nose against her neck. She squirmed under his caress and turned in his embrace to kiss him.


  “The coffee smells wonderful, love,” he said reaching around he to grab a mug off the counter. “That and toast is fine.”

  “Coming right up,” she said turning back to the counter. “So, how about letting me meet Kim after we’ve read the morning paper?”

  He shrugged. “I suppose. We have nothing planned so why not?” Kevin paused a moment and turned to her. “But…I want you to understand that this does not make me a sissy. It’s just another expression of who I am, in this case my feminine side. I also want you to know, that I only have only eyes for you, darling, I have no desire to be with anyone else as Kim or Kevin, and that includes a man.”

  Mieko smiled serenely. “I know, I only have eyes for you too, my darling. And I also don’t want to include anyone else in our little experiment. Bringing others into the mix always complicates things and often ends up serving their needs before out own.”

  “Agreed.” Kevin finished his toast and the paper.

  He stood up and smiled. “I’m going to use the guest room for a bit. Kim will be back shortly.”

  It was apparent to Mieko that Kevin wanted to have a definite separation between himself and Kimberly. They would, in his mind and hers, become two separate individuals, if she wanted the total girlfriend experience. Blending that together would only muddy the waters, so the definition was fine by her. Others might view it as schizophrenic but who cares, they wouldn’t understand anyway.

  A half hour later, Kim appeared in the hallway wearing a simple cotton skirt, which was fitted at the waist and flared in fullness to finish just below the knee. She wore a beige cotton blouse with a plain collar and a pink ribbon tied in a bow. Beneath all of this were camel colored hose and beige colored flats with a small heel. She looked remarkably natural, just right for a trip out.

  “Can you help me finish my makeup? I can’t get the eyes right.”

  Mieko stood up from the dinning room table and walked towards Kim. “Absolutely, by the way, you look marvelous, where did you find this stuff?”

  “Goodwill, they have lots of slightly worn stuff that still looks good.”

  “You’re right, we should go back for more next week. But we should go shopping for new stuff, too.”

  They moved to the main bedroom and Kim sat on a bench at the dressing table. Mieko pulled out some eye shadow and color swatches to blend on her eyes. In a matter of minutes, Kim’s eyes looked great.

  “We need to do a little plucking, you have a few too many stray hairs that have to go.”

  Kim frowned and Mieko grinned. “I know, it hurts like a bitch, but right now it looks like a hairy caterpillar.”

  “Not too much, love, I still need to be Kevin next week for that new client I’m meeting.”

  “I know, just enough to help but not enough to matter,” she smiled, picking up the tweezers.

  “Ouch,” Kim said after Mieko pulled a stray hair. “Ouch,” again as she pulled another.

  A few minutes later, Kim turned and examined the results of Mieko’s finishing work in the dressing table mirror. She looked remarkable. “Very feminine, dear, I can’t believe it’s me.”

  “I know, Kim, you’re beautiful. Let’s get a cup of coffee to celebrate.”

  “Do we have to? I’m don’t have enough confidence to be out in public yet.”

  “You’ll be fine. You still have a few things to work on, especially your walk and your voice, but if you keep your voice soft, we should be all right.”

  “And my walk?”

  “Take smaller steps and you’ll be fine. Now, come on,” Mieko said grabbing her purse and the car keys.

  Suddenly, she turned and dashed back into her closet in the bedroom. She rummaged around on the floor a moment then retrieved a small brown clutch purse. She dropped some tissues, a Kotex, and a small compact in it then handed it to Kim. “Don’t forget your purse, dear, a girl would never go out without it.”

  Kim dropped her wallet and a spare set of keys in it and slung the leather strap over her shoulder. “Ready, I guess,” she added nervously.

  “Oh, you’ll do fine, darling, you look great. My car is in last, so I’ll drive.”

  At the coffee shop they ordered two cappuccinos and sat in a corner booth. “This is marvelous,” Mieko whispered excitedly. “I can’t tell you how much this means to me, Kim, being here with you today.”

  “I feel like a long tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs
,” he grinned at her. “But I’m happy I could make this happen for you.”

  “Thank you.”

  They sat quietly for a while then Mieko smiled. “Next weekend we have to go shopping.”

  “What for?”

  “Well, you have to get your ears pierced and you need new shoes and maybe a mani-pedi at the salon.”

  “That sounds dangerous, especially the manicure.”

  “Oh, men do it all the time and don’t worry about the manicure, you can always get a clear coat on your fingers, your toes can get a color because they will be covered for work.”

  Kim nodded still unconvinced but willing to try it for Mieko’s sake.

  The following weekend they went shopping for earrings and Kevin picked out a simple starter set after which he got his ears pierced. That part hurt a bit more than he expected. At the cosmetics store she bought him some foundation and a few more eye shadow colors.

  They both got mani-pedies, Mieko selected a dark ruby red for her nails and Kim selected a nice clear coat for her hands and the same dark ruby red color for her toes. They looked marvelous with her sandals. Mieko said they’d look for fake nails online later when they got home.

  Next they went to several shoe stores before they found a pair that fit and ones that Kimberly liked. It was a pair of four-inch black leather pumps with a block heel plus another pair of sandals and an extra pair of flats.

  “The block heel is easier to learn to walk in because the offer you more support. We might look for some wedges next week.”

  Sunday morning Mieko asked if she could have breakfast with Kim. She wanted to ‘test the waters’ of his/her reliability.

  Mieko told Kim a secret about her relationship with Kevin, how she doesn’t think he’s much of a singer, especially in the shower.

  Kim looked up from the paper. “Have you ever encouraged him to sing?”

  "No,” she smiled sweetly, “but I haven’t admonished him either. He just does it and he thinks he’s cool but he so can’t carry a tune."


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