Hippie Hippie Shake
Page 45
Libertarian Broadsheet, The 17
Lieberson, Sandy 240
Linken, Dr Arnold 318–19
Listener 339–40
Little Red Schoolbook 276, 280, 310, 353
Living Theatre 133, 155–7, 170, 180, 190–2, 241
Locke, Gerald 41, 42, 43–6, 50
Logue, Christopher 123, 164
London xi, 56, 57, 58–9
London Arts Gallery 187
London Free School 91
Loving Couch Press 129
Luff, D.I. Fred 273, 368
raids 211–13, 248–9, 318, 320
Oz trial 225, 251–2, 256, 287–9, 305, 307, 326–7, 332, 337, 350
Lumley, Nigel 225
Macalpine, Samantha 268
McCartney, Linda 144
McCartney, Paul 38, 73, 83, 144, 202
MacDonald, Country Joe 193
McGough, Roger 99
McGuinness, Paddy 17, 72
McHale, Mr (barrister) 331
MacInnes, Colin 70, 76, 243, 252, 340
MacKnight, Betty see Neville, Betty
MacPherson, Lenny 55–6
Mahendra, Prince 182–3
‘Maiden’s Key to Chastity’ 27
Malaysia 60
Malik, Desiree 182, 259
Malina, Judith 156, 215
Mangrove Nine 310
Mann, Manfred 106, 182
Manson, Charles 200, 235
Manyon, Julian 98
Mark, Robert 348
Marnham, Patrick 127
Marrakesh 132–5, 141
Mars-Jones, Mr Justice 349
Marx, Groucho 1, 282
Marylebone Magistrates’ Court 218, 224
Maudling, Reginald 258, 335
Mavis Bramston Show 56, 121
MC5 139, 147, 149
Melbourne 34, 54
Melly, George 252–4, 294–6, 318, 328
Menzies, Sir Robert 6, 26, 33, 35
Merv Griffin Show 231, 234
Michael X 83, 104, 109, 123, 187, 195, 310, 368–9
meetings with RN 89–92, 138–9, 182, 259
& Oz 76, 104
Mick (newspaper seller) 6, 39
Middle Earth 113, 194, 273
Miles, Barry 73, 163
Miles, Sue 273, 280, 369
Millar, Gavin 98
Miller, Henry 20
Miranda, Fanny 191
Missing Links 57
Miss World 245, 260
Mitchell, Alex 144–5, 147–8, 151–2, 158, 266–9, 272, 274
Moody, Chief Supt. Bill 348
Moorehouse, Frank 50
Mora, Phillipe 126
Morford, Mark 359
Morocco 132–5, 141–2
Morris, Keith 118, 160
Morrisey, Paul 108–9
Morrison, Jim 146, 219
Morrison, Van 197–8, 206, 228
Mortimer, John 2, 275–6, 279–80, 284–5, 288, 303–5, 315–16, 320–1, 331–2, 336, 337, 350–1, 353, 369
Muehl, Otto 201, 223–4, 237–8, 239–43, 369
Muggeridge, Malcolm 102
Mullis, Kary 360
Murdoch, Rupert 21, 25, 26, 30, 31, 39, 43, 144–5, 165, 178–9, 267–8, 361
Murphy, Bridget 138, 157, 214
Murray, Charles Shaar 203, 222, 245, 282, 307, 369
‘My Chick’s Dynamite’ 33
Nairn, Tom 107, 158
Nation 26, 33
Nation Review 341
National Association of Probation Officers 340
National Council for Civil Liberties 285, 315
National Institute of Dramatic Arts 15, 28
Neelia (society hostess) 51
Neogy, Raja 80
Nepal 59, 61–3, 68
Neville, Lady Anne 62–3, 73, 182
Neville, Betty 7–8, 10–13, 16, 21, 24, 29, 32, 42, 45, 48, 56, 120, 149, 167–8, 217, 333
Neville, Colonel x, 7–9, 12–13, 24, 32, 45, 48, 52–3, 55–7, 120–2, 149, 217–18, 333, 339, 341
Neville, Jill 7, 46, 53, 65–9, 71, 79–80, 82, 111, 130–1, 141, 148–9, 197, 217, 228–9, 276, 339, 345, 353, 369
Fall Girl 57
The Love Germ 148, 181–2
Neville, Josie 7, 48, 57, 120, 217–18, 346
New Law Journal 335
New Left Review 67
Newman, Mike 113
New Society 138, 215, 243, 340
News of the World 81–2, 128, 139, 155–6, 256, 267–8
New Statesman 69–70, 102–3, 107, 128, 196, 215, 229, 304, 340
Newton, Helmut 68
New York 107–10
Nicholson, Jane 153, 154–5
Nice Time 145, 155
Nimbin 359
Nin, Anais 215
Nine Inch Nails 362
Nitsch, Hermann xi
Nixon, Richard 207–8, 322
North Riding Publishing 127–8
Nutter, David 192, 204
Oakes, Phillip 153–4
Obscene Publications Act 153, 249, 352
Obscene Publications Squad 92, 173, 211, 286, 348–9
obscenity squad see Obscene Publications Squad
Observer 97, 185, 247, 254, 296, 348
Oehr, Jane 186
Offenbach, David 183, 225, 251–2, 254, 261, 263, 271, 274–6, 279, 282, 299, 327, 338, 343
Offenbach, Harry 279, 343
O’Keefe, Johnny 10
Old Bailey 1–2, 225, 234, 270, 276, 280, 283, 303–4, 310, 326, 328, 334, 335, 340–1
Olsen, John 42
Ono, Yoko 3, 144, 168, 186–7, 273, 340
Osborne, John 11
Other Scenes 89, 90, 92, 133, 209, 325
Outcry 154
Oz 24, 210, 369
London edition ix, xi, 69–74, 80, 83, 94, 104, 125, 127–8, 138, 143–4, 149, 165, 172, 179–80, 186, 196, 200, 202, 218, 244–6, 249, 255, 340
‘Bankrupt Medium’ supplement 158
Beautiful Freaks 168–9, 180
Bumper Trial Oz 278, 283, 311
Cunt Power 187, 201, 214–15, 255
End of an Era 236, 243, 262
Fun Travel & Adventure 209, 223
Granny Oz 255–6, 260–1, 304
Homosexual Oz 160–3, 173, 181, 207, 286, 291, 314
Mozic supplement 130, 136
Oz 1 71, 76–7, 227
Oz 2 77–8
Oz 5 (Plant a Flower Child) 85–6, 91, 93, 96, 105, 149, 247
Oz 6 (Oz/Other Scenes) 92–3, 133
Oz 7 97–8
Oz 8 103, 329
Oz 9 (Flying Saucer) 105, 286
Oz 10 (Pornography of Violence) 105, 133
Oz 11 (stickers) 106
Oz 15 122–4
Oz 16 (Magic Theatre) 126–7
Oz 17 130
Oz 19 147
Oz 20 (Hell’s Angels) 150, 172
Oz 21 153–4
Oz 25 (Hippie Atrocities) 177–8, 180–1
Oz 26 192–3
Oz 27 (Acid) 200–1, 226, 286, 291
Oz 28 (Schoolkid’s) xii, 182, 203, 207, 210–14, 255, 256, 260–1, 282–3, 288, 290, 311, 315, 318, 319, 322, 335, 337, 345–6
appeal 350–5
trial 1–3, 214, 218, 224–6, 230, 246–7, 256, 270–1, 274–6, 278–81, 283–332, 335–7, 348–9
Pig Oz 278
posters 82, 85–6, 91, 96–7, 103–5, 108, 154, 173
Sydney edition ix, 39–40, 42–3, 49–50, 55–6, 62, 68, 75, 77, 86, 105–6, 123, 144, 169, 258–9, 268, 270, 290
obscenity trials 29–31, 35, 37, 40–6, 50, 52–3, 56, 234, 354
Oz 1 26–9, 30, 32
Oz 2/3/4 29–30
Oz 5 (Christmas isssue) 33
Oz 6 34–5, 40
Oz 7/8 35
Oz 26 57
Oz Obscenity Fund 261, 265, 272
Oz Police Ball 273
Oz Publications Ink 128, 260, 271, 283
Packer family 30
Page, Jimmy 137
Paglia, Camille xii
llenberg, Anita 240, 261
Palmer, Tony 120, 141–2, 157, 190, 192, 247, 252, 319, 326, 343
The Trials of Oz 285, 347
Paradise Now 155–7, 190
Paris 79–80, 96, 110–12, 130–1, 135, 181, 220
Peel, John 120, 307–8, 318, 369
Pellens Personal Products 94, 119, 158, 249, 320
People 171–3, 181, 185
Performance 240, 257, 261
Pheasantry, The 96, 122, 124–6, 226–7, 228
Phillips, Neal 93, 133, 135, 141, 208–9, 223, 369
Phillips, Sue 106
Phipps, Magistrate 225
Phoenix Art Gallery 194
Piccadilly St Commune 170, 173
Pilcher, Det. Sgt Norman 124, 125, 144, 348
Pitman, Robert 74
Plaster-Casters 146
Playboy 20, 28, 49, 75
Playpower 175, 189, 196–7, 202, 205, 207, 252, 262
reviews 184–6, 196, 302, 304 see also Book, The
Popham, Peter 203–4, 369
Popov, Alex 19–20, 25, 56, 73, 191
Porter, Peter 70
Pringle, John 50
Private Eye xi, 62, 70, 73–4, 76–7, 127–8, 154, 186, 229, 238, 262, 347
Push, The 17–18, 176
Pyle, Cyril 225
Quadrant 68
Quant, Mary 59
Quattrocchi, Angelo 82, 97, 107, 111, 131–2, 148–9, 195–7, 369
Ramsden, Michael 137, 180, 194
Rantzen, Esther 99
Rave 58
Rawlinson, Sir Peter 347
Realist, The 34, 52
Rector, James 154
Reeves, Rev. Ronald 177
Release 91, 113–14, 121, 124, 138, 142, 144, 218, 221, 250–2, 254, 257–60
‘Revue of the Absurd’ 28, 240
Rexroth, Kenneth 358
Reynolds, David 77
Reznor, Trent 362
Richards, Keith 51, 81, 82
Richler, Mordecai 186
Robertson, Geoffrey 247, 263–4, 270–1, 279–82, 285–6, 299, 303–5, 307, 326, 334, 338–9, 343, 347, 350, 368–9, 370
Rocks office 25, 28–9
Rogers, Bob 22
Rogers, Deborah 339
Rolling Stone 138, 142–3, 146, 153, 172, 187, 198, 208, 235, 243–4, 262
Rolling Stones 51, 81–4, 122, 129, 158, 165, 172
Rowbotham, Sheila 232, 245, 271, 334
Rowe, Marsha 345, 355, 370
Oz secretary 50, 54–5, 214, 218
Oz trial 252, 281–2, 285, 302–3, 332, 337
Spare Rib 345
Roxon, Lillian 97, 108, 170, 197–8, 206, 340, 367, 370
Royal Courts of Justice 350, 355, 357
Royal George 17–18, 46, 81, 108, 176, 342
Royal Shakespeare Company 347
Rubin, Jerry 138–9, 244, 370
Chicago Seven 116, 170, 178
Do It 198–9, 216, 228, 230, 234
in London 228–35
& Yippies 108–10
Rushton, Tony 74
Russell, Bertrand 21
St John, Colette 177, 204–5, 206, 270
St Paul’s School 98, 105, 157
Sandy-the-Scot 134–5, 141–2
Savile, Jimmy 274
Scarman, Sir Leslie 286–7
Schneebaum, Tobias 228, 247–8
Schofield, Michael 297
Schwartz, Brinsley 194, 197, 199
Schwarz, Peter 360
Seale, Bobby 178
Segal, Michael 304
Sex-for-Millions fair 191–2
Sharman’s printers 153
Sharp, Dr Henry 45, 125
Sharp, Martin 66–8, 72, 87, 112, 165, 274, 329, 337, 370
artwork 26, 50, 81, 85, 106, 122, 126–7, 144, 175, 185, 192, 203
& Arty Wild Oat 18–19
Asia trip with RN 56–62
cartoons 26–7, 31–2, 39, 42–3, 51, 53, 71, 77, 200
exhibitions 54, 57, 226
& London Oz 73–4, 105
posters 82, 85–6, 91, 96–7, 108
raided 124–5
returns to Sydney 226–8, 247–8
song-writing 96
& Sydney Oz 25, 34, 45, 48–9
& Tiny Tim 126, 162, 170–1, 226
‘Word Flashed Around’ 37–8, 40, 42
Yellow House 269–70, 350
Shead, Garry 18, 25, 49–50
Shrimpton, Jean 69, 238, 243
Sihanouk, Norodom 60
Silent Spring 358
Singapore 57, 59, 128
Situationists 148–9
Six O’Clock Rock 10
Smart, Elizabeth 70
Smith, Peter Duval 68
Smith, Tony 99, 110, 158
Society of Mental Awareness see SOMA
SOMA (Society of Mental Awareness) 83–4
Sommerfield, Stafford 82, 84
Soref, Harold 233
Spare Rib 345–6
Speakeasy 95–6
Spectator 46, 202–3, 247, 326
Spector, Phil 273
Spellman, Sid 212–13
Spock, Dr 139, 272
Squire 49
Stanshall, Viv 147
Steadman, Ralph 347
Stedman, Zelda 7, 8, 9, 13
Steedman, Pete 236
Stephenson, A.L. 251–2, 256
Stevas, Norman St John 79, 80
‘Stiff Arm of the Law’ 33–4
Stocks, Ian 83, 186, 215
Straker, Jean 92
Suck 170, 192, 262–3
Oz ad 214, 225, 292, 305, 320, 328, 329, 354
Suck 6 352
Wet Dream Film Festival 237–43
Sudjic, Deyan 203–4, 369
Sun (London) 165, 178–9, 233, 264, 339
Sun (Sydney) 341
Sun Herald 57, 270
Sunday Express 334
Sunday Mirror 255
Sunday Mirror News-Pictorial 16
Sunday Telegraph (London) 80
Sunday Telegraph (Sydney) 77, 186
Sunday Times 54, 93, 97, 144, 153, 184–5, 203
Sydney x, 5–11, 20–1, 27, 28, 30, 55, 216, 269
Sydney Morning Herald 16, 21, 50, 53, 56, 60, 62, 108
Weekend edition 8
Sydney University 14, 19, 22, 28, 52, 103, 176
Teheran 63
Thailand 60
Tharunka 14, 16–21, 25, 32, 51, 202, 204
‘Sydney Moaning Tharunka’ 16–17
‘This Month in Censorship’ 35
‘This University Isn’t’ 14
Thoms, Albie 28, 201, 224, 240–3, 270, 370
Tim (classmate) 9, 11, 174
Time 56, 214, 272
Time Out 142, 215, 246, 266, 269
Times, The 82, 83–4, 117, 200, 234, 269, 306, 310, 315, 339, 342, 346–7
Times Literary Supplement 185
Tina 55, 57
Tiny Tim 126, 170–1, 219, 226
Tomalin, Nicholas & Claire 169, 182
Top of the Pops 267–8
Topolski, Feliks 304, 321
Townsend, Anne 340
Townshend, Pete 81, 95, 160, 242, 255
Tramps 257
Turkey 63, 128
Turner, Sgt 31
Tynan, Kenneth 50, 62, 83, 185, 207
UFO 82, 95, 106
Underground Press Syndicate 118
‘Underworld Top 20’ 55
University of New South Wales 7, 12–23, 168
Vice-Chancellor 14–15, 19, 22
Utzon, Jørn x, 57
Utzon, Lin 191
Vice Squad (Sydney) 28, 34, 37, 51
Vice Squad (UK) 150
Victor, Ed 341, 366
editor at Cape 69, 198
& Ink 216, 246, 265–7, 269, 274, 277, 339, 370
Playpower 103, 112, 129, 137, 161, 165–6, 175, 182, 185
Vietnam War x, xii, 105, 150–1, 175, 192, 264, 272, 286
Village Voice 50, 88, 109, 238, 261, 277
Virgo, Commander Wallace 348
Vogue (Australian) 55
Wadidi, Didi 262–3, 352
Walker-Smith, Jo 276, 279, 349–50
Walsh, Mr (Richie’s father) 29, 32
Walsh, Richard 57, 217, 370
edits Honi Soit 19–20
edits Nation Review 341
& Sydney Oz 25, 30, 49, 105, 144
trial 29, 31, 34, 45
visits London 106
Wandor, Michelene 161, 201, 224, 246
Wandsworth Prison 1, 332–5
Wangford, Hank 165
Warhol, Andy 108, 192
Waterhouse, Keith 335
Waugh, Auberon 287
Weathermen 227, 230, 234–5, 244
Wenner, Jann 142–3, 172, 235, 243–4
West Australian 299
West London Magistrates’ Court 251, 256, 258
Wet Dream Festival 237–43, 262
Weymouth, Nigel 81
Wherrett, Richard 160
Whitaker, Bob 68, 74, 79, 85, 87, 130, 370
White, Michael 254
Whitehouse, Mary 190–1, 234, 283, 345, 370
White Panthers 219–20, 232, 259, 273
Who, The 57, 58, 159–60, 255
Widgery, David 92, 161–2, 174, 182–5, 232, 371
Mackenzie Lawyer 271, 283, 302–3
Oz contributor 72–3, 76–7, 97, 107, 122, 178, 334
Playpower review 186, 196
Widgery, Lord 350–1, 353–4
Wigoder, Basil 275–6, 278–9
Wilcock, John 50, 52, 88–92, 107, 133, 198, 209, 325, 371
Williams, Heathcote 238–9, 241–3
Williams, Tom, QC 261, 271, 274–5, 299
Wills, David 177
Wilson, Harold xi
Wintour, Anna 276–7
Wintour, Charles 276, 278
Wintour, Patrick 349
Wiseman, Thomas 262
Wootton, Baroness 125, 139, 200, 297
‘Word Flashed’ 37–41, 44–5, 52, 227
World in Action 98, 191
Wormwood Scrubs 337, 342
Wyatt, Woodrow 127–8
Yellow House 269–70, 350
Yippies 107–10, 116–17, 193, 232–5, 244, 264
Yurngst, Professor 190
Zappa, Frank 146, 162
Zwerin, Mike 238–9, 261