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The Vampyre's Slave

Page 6

by Marion Webb-De Sisto

  “No.” For a moment, his hand lifted off her chest, and then with an anguished cry, he thumped it back in place. “You are my crazy redheaded slave. I don’t want to do this, yet I must.” His eyes gleamed with madness.

  She felt a stabbing pain rush into her, and she knew he was devouring her life-force essence. As a sense of weakness engulfed her body, she saw his facial expression change from crazed to one of utter surprise. He removed his hand from her chest and pointed a finger at her. “You’re the one. It’s you, it’s you.” Then he picked her up and spun her around. “It’s you, my little Elyse.”

  By the time he put her back down she felt completely unbalanced between the weakness and spinning. She slumped into his arms, unable to speak.

  “You’re weak from loss of essence. Here, I’ll give you some.” He placed a hand on her chest, and she was aware of stimulating warmth emanating from it. Now, she felt stronger.

  “I don’t understand what you’re saying, and you mustn’t give me your essence. You need it.”

  “I’m okay. You’re the one, Elyse, who has ended the curse. You gave me your essence willingly, and it broke the spell. I feel so good after years of gloom and unhappiness.”

  “Oh, now I understand. I’m surprised but glad I’ve done that for you.”

  “You should rest, and I’ll find some more essence in the town. Don’t worry, I’ll take it from two or three people so that no one person will suffer, and I’ll make them forget they met me.” He picked Elyse up and carried her out of the bedroom and to her own room. At first, she wanted to protest but decided it felt good to be held this close to him.

  They found the helper sitting asleep on the hallway floor. Brenwul didn’t wake him. He opened the door, strode in, and gently laid her on the bed.

  “Rest here today, and then I’ll check how you feel tomorrow. If you’re well enough, you can leave. I’ll make sure you have sufficient cash.”

  “Thank you, Brenwul. I think I need some rest.” She watched him leave the room because the door was wide open. He touched the helper’s shoulder and said, “Wake up. You need to keep watch over Elyse.”

  The man opened his eyes, jumped up, and looked concerned. “I apologize, Master Brenwul. I mustn’t fall asleep while on duty.”

  “You’re probably tired, but you must stay awake now. Elyse is feeling weak, so make sure you bring her lunch and supper. You can close her door and leave it unlocked. If she wants to wander around my home later today, she has my permission to do so. Make sure you go with her in case she feels unwell.”

  “Yes, Master Brenwul.”

  Looking back at Elyse he asked, “Did you hear what I’ve told him? You can go anywhere in my home or outside if you want to do that. Just don’t overdo.”

  She nodded, and he walked out of view. The helper came to the door, closed it, and Elyse lay marveling at the change in Brenwul.

  Chapter Nine

  After breakfast the next morning, Brenwul came to her room. “How do you feel? Do you want to rest some more, or are you ready to leave?”

  “I believe I’m ready to go, but where will I stay? I have no cash to pay for rent or anything.”

  He smiled warmly and drew her metal disk out of his pocket. “Yes, you do. Here’s your disk and before you leave, I’ll give you your cash disc machine. The bank sent it to me days ago. I transferred the remaining amount in your grandmother’s into yours. I’ve also credited your machine with a substantial amount of cash, so you can rent somewhere to live with your disc. There’s enough in there to also rent a property for your food store.”

  “I can’t accept such generosity. You need cash for yourself.”

  “I have loads. What I’m giving you hasn’t even left a dent in my wealth. You must accept the cash. It’s my way of thanking you for breaking the spell, and as an apology for treating you so unkindly. Don’t refuse me.” His green eyes held a hint of pleading within them.

  “Okay, but one day I intend repaying you. I’ll take a shower and wear my own clothes. They were cleaned by your staff, and I was going to wear them today anyway. The others annoy me. I have to roll up the sleeves and turn the cuffs of the jeans up, too, because they’re too long for me.”

  “You are smaller than any other essence slaves who’ve stayed here. I like that about you.” Brenwul moved to the door and added, “I’ll be in the library when you’re ready. Don’t forget to say goodbye.” He exited the room and closed the door.

  * * * *

  Brenwul went to the library and used the voicer to call for a transporter. He gave his address, requested the vehicle to arrive within the next hour, and explained that it was to take one passenger to the Hotel Salvidor. He’d already placed Elyse’s cash disc machine on his desk, so he sat down and looked at the sheet of paper on which he’d written his will. I won’t destroy it. One day it will be a pleasant surprise for her. He opened the drawer and put the paper in there. Then he tried to make some new notations in his book.

  Yet his thoughts were centered on her. He was continuing to experience a feeling of elation now that the curse was gone, but it was tinged with sadness because she would soon be out of his life. A part of him wanted to tell her how important she was to him. If I do, she’ll be polite and say something about me being mistaken. I’m confusing my gratitude toward her for breaking the spell with feelings of caring about her. Yes, that’s what she’d say because she wouldn’t want to hurt me by saying she can’t wait to be gone from here. I’ll act as though I’m completely happy and wish her good luck with her future business endeavors. She’ll continue her life without me and will probably find a man with whom she’ll fall in love. That thought made Brenwul bang his fist on the desk. I’ve claimed her sexually, and she should only belong to me. He shook his head and forced himself to concentrate on making notes in the book.

  After a while, he heard a knock at the door. “Come in, Elyse.”

  She walked in carrying four books. “I’ve brought these back to you. Thanks for letting me borrow them. They helped occupy my time in your home.”

  He took them from her, put them on the desk, and handed her the machine. “I’ve booked a transporter to pick you up and take you to the Hotel Salvidor. I figured you can live there for a few days while you look for an apartment in the city.”

  She nodded. “Should we see if the transporter has arrived?”

  Of course, she wants to be away from me as quickly as possible. He accompanied her to the front entrance, opened the doors, and they waited.

  “It should be here in a few minutes. I’ll take this opportunity to thank you again for ending the curse, and I’ll never forget you. Good luck with whatever business you decide to run.” Brenwul gave her a hug, and then stepped away.

  A transporter glided up to the entrance and Elyse walked toward it. The passenger door opened and before she got in she turned and waved to him. He waved back and watched the transporter move along the driveway. She’s gone now to live her life without this demanding vampyre. My little Elyse, you must be so happy.

  * * * *

  Time moved on for Elyse. At first, she looked for a new place to live in the city because her previous apartment was now occupied by another tenant, but then she realized she would prefer to be located a little closer to Brenwul. In the town, she found an apartment above a small store, which would be an ideal place to sell her sauces and pickles. There was also a room attached to the store that she hoped she could one day open to the public as a restaurant. Rents in the town were payable to Mejin Deelin, as in the city, but were considerably cheaper. That was an added plus.

  She opened the store, and it proved to be popular. Her red hair didn’t seem to deter people from buying what she made. Children frequently accompanied their parents while out shopping, so Elyse created chocolate bonbons, taffy, and fudge to also offer for sale. These candy items brought in even more customers.

  Several months rolled by and she was soon rewarded with profits that grew larger. She saved as m
uch as she could with a view to opening the restaurant in the near future. Her life was definitely better than when she’d lived in the city, but one thing marred her contentment. Not seeing Brenwul made her sad. She went on a couple of dates with men who’d come into her store, but they couldn’t compare with him. He’d never kissed her, yet she felt certain their kisses fell well-short of what his would be like.

  She toyed with the idea of taking her savings to him as a part payback for all of the cash he’d given her. However, she quickly talked herself out of this action, being sure by now he must have found a female vampyre that he loved. To learn such information would add to her sadness. She knew without a doubt that she loved him and remembering him as being single and not with someone else eased the pain a little.

  Her store was open six days each week and on the seventh day, she cooked and made ready the jars of sauces and pickles, plus the candy. There was a large kitchen between the store and extra room and this was where she created these items for sale. It would also serve as an ideal food preparation area for the restaurant when it opened. She rarely did anything else on her day off, but one time she did purchase some tables and chairs for that future, public eating area. When they were delivered and placed in the room, it gave her a further incentive to save more cash. This was because she would need to hire at least three people to work with her once she opened the restaurant.

  It was now almost a year since she’d left Brenwul’s home. Her thoughts about him increased rather than decreased as the months had passed. She wished she could see him even if it was only for a few minutes, but their paths never crossed in the town. Was he happy? Had he forgotten her? Did he continue to attend the gatherings in order to choose some essence slaves? She knew they still took place.

  One day, when her store was closed, she couldn’t concentrate on cooking because her mind was filled with images of the vampyre. If I go to the place where we first met, maybe I can finally say goodbye to him, or at least to my memory of him. She’d never returned to any of the places where she’d had picnics with her grandmother, so this outing would be a pleasant reminder. Maybe the aspen tree is gone now, or perhaps I won’t be able to find it? Well, I’ll only know that if I go there.

  She made a sandwich, poured some fruit juice into a flask, and put some fudge into a bag. Then she placed these items into a small basket and called for a transporter to take her to the edge of the countryside. The driver dropped her off at the beginning of the lane that led to the fields and wood. When she paid with her cash disk, she told him to return to the same spot at two chimes so that he could take her home. He agreed, and the transporter glided away.

  Except for the bushes and trees appearing taller, the lane looked the same as she remembered it. Her grandmother had named the various bushes and trees, pointing to them, as they’d walked along this path a number of times. Elyse wiped tears from her eyes while thinking about her. If she was alive, I could tell Grandma how much I miss Brenwul, and she would give me some sound advice. Like saying humans and vampyres don’t mix well, so forget about him. She laughed out loud and the sound disturbed a bird that flew away from a tree.

  At the end of the lane was a wooden gate. Elyse unlatched it, walked through the opening, and then closed the gate. Next, she moved across the small field that lay at the edge of a wooded area. For a moment, she stood in the grassy section where they had spread a cloth and enjoyed the picnic. Then, smiling, she went to the edge of the wood where the aspen tree grew. It’s still here! She ran over to it, sat down, and looked around.

  The memories came flooding back. Just as before, there were loads of daisies dotting the grass, and the tree offered shade from the hot sun. So much has happened since the last time I sat here. That young girl wouldn’t believe me if I could tell her. She thought she only dreamed about a vampyre stealing her essence, and now she loves that person. What a pity I can’t go back in time and explain how real he is.

  Elyse felt hungry, so she opened the basket and ate the sandwich and two pieces of fudge. The walk had also made her thirsty, and she drank all of the juice. Feeling content, she settled her back against the trunk and closed her eyes. In her mind, she could see Brenwul standing in front of her with his shirt worn open and revealing a section of his strong body. He wasn’t yet full grown, but the promise of his gorgeous physic was already present. Okay, Elyse, don’t be distracted from why you came here. Say goodbye and imagine him accepting it.

  A sudden sound close-by made her eyes open. Brenwul was standing there, but his shirt was buttoned this time. I must have fallen asleep. He couldn’t possibly be with me. Re-enacting her years ago speech, she said, “I didn’t know anyone else was here.”

  He stooped down and brought his face close to hers. “Don’t you know what I am?”

  Yes, I’m dreaming. We’re repeating what we said before. “Well, you look like a man, not a teenager. This dream is a bit confused.”

  “This is no dream, my little Elyse. I’m right in front of you.” He gently stroked one side of her face and smiled.

  This is real, I’m awake. How is it possible for him to be here?

  Brenwul curled a small lock of her hair around his finger. “I love your hair. Its color isn’t unlucky for me. You broke the curse, and that was something no one else could do.”

  “I was thinking about the first time I saw you, and then I opened my eyes, and here you are. I didn’t expect to actually see you, I thought I was dreaming.”

  “I’ve come here many times, hoping you might be sitting under this tree, but you never were. What good fortune brought you to this place today?”

  “I felt compelled to return to where we met. Did you use your vampyre power to make me?”

  “If I could do that, I’d have done it months ago.” He continued to stoop down and added, “I’ve missed you so much. I had some of my helpers search for you in the city, but they came back without any information.”

  “I decided to live in the town. Rents are much cheaper, and I’m happier there than in the city.”

  “Have you found a man with whom you can share your life? Is that why you’re happier?”

  “No. My business has made me happy. I have a food store and am planning on opening a restaurant. Once that happens, I should be able to pay back the cash you credited to my machine.”

  “It was a gift. I don’t want your cash, but I know what I do want. Shall I tell you?”

  “I guess so.”

  He proffered a wicked grin. “You once asked me if I wanted to make a daisy chain and said you would show me how to join the flowers. I’m here now to make that chain. What do I have to do?”

  She returned the grin. “First of all, you need plenty of daisies.”

  Brenwul stood up and began picking them from the large patch of grass. When he had a good sized bunch, he walked back to Elyse and dropped them in her lap. He sat down next to her. “Show me.”

  One by one, she demonstrated how to make a slit in the previous stem, and then push the next stem through it. He watched her for a minute. “Okay, I’ve got it.”

  As he created the necklace, Brenwul explained, “After you were gone I sent some helpers to discover what had happened to Damian. They found him with a family who’d taken him in to help with his recovery. My helpers told him the curse was ended and that I’d made a credit in his cash disc machine in order to compensate him, and as a reward for being kind to you. I’d sent it to his bank, and when he was better, he could go there and retrieve the machine. Does this please you?”

  “Yes, it does. You do know I wasn’t attracted to Damian? He was merely a friend.”

  “Jealousy prompted me to think you and he were intimate.” With ease, he made a long daisy chain and placed it around her neck. “This is but the first of many gifts I want to give to you, Elyse.”

  “Thank you, Brenwul. You’re certainly full of surprises. I thought by now you would have forgotten about me other than because I broke the curse.”

“I could never forget you and not because you ended the witch’s spell. I didn’t realize it then, but now I believe I fell in love with you when I first saw you sitting under this tree. I was walking in the woods and noticed you. So I hid behind another tree and watched you make the daisy chain. As I mentioned before, in those days I thought I was special and liked to scare people. I’d come on strong, declaring my vampyre status and would take some of their essence. Then I’d give it back and make them forget we’d met. I fully intended giving back what I’d taken from you, but your grandmother came looking for you, so I left.”

  He loves me? Is this really happening? “I can’t believe you love me. Most people never get close to me because of my hair color. Yet you say you love it.”

  “Let me show you how much I care about you.” He turned her face toward him and kissed her lips. The kiss was filled with passion, and she welcomed his tongue into her mouth. When he finally moved back, he informed, “This vampyre adores you. I wanted to tell you how important you were becoming to me before you left, but I believed you disliked me because of—”

  She interrupted, “I don’t think I ever disliked you. At first, I was afraid you’d take all of my essence. Soon afterward, I felt attracted to you. When we made love that last time, I realized you were the one I wanted.”

  “But you looked so unhappy. I thought you hated what I was doing.”

  “I loved it, but I tried not to show my feelings. I believed you’d make me your sex slave if I did and I’d never go home.”

  Once again the devilish grin appeared. “I’d still like to make you my sex slave. I’m a dominant lover, and you submit so entrancingly.”

  “But that’s only because you made me. Maybe I like to be dominant during sex.”

  “Well, there’s only one way we can discover the truth. You have to come with me to my home right now. You’ll be surprised how different it looks. The vines have all been removed, everything has been painted or stained, the grass is mowed, and there’s a new fountain in the front grounds. Oh, that reminds me. The helpers are gone because I no longer go to the gatherings. I only take a small amount of life-force essence from people so as not to damage them.”


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