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The Romance of Nick and Layla (Parts 1-3)

Page 16

by Cierlak, Crystal

  "Look, I know that you and Nick have your issues and that they’re none of my business, but bottom line, I know you two still love each other. No matter what. And Nick’s being a huge ass right now. So Mark and I were talking yesterday about how we can get you two together and we cooked up this plan to have you show up with me.”

  "No. If he’s really as messed up as you say he is...” I could only make things worse.

  "He misses you, Layla," Johnny interrupted. "A lot. He’s a complete mess."

  "What did he tell you?" Oh God. Did I want to know the answer to my own question?

  "Not a lot, but enough. You still love him, right? That’s why you’ve been calling him."

  "Trying to call him. He’s had Mark screening for him. But yeah... I still love him, kiddo."

  "Then come with me. I don’t have a date anyway."

  "Won’t that look strange? Showing up with your brother’s wife?"

  "So? Since when do you care what people think of you?"

  "I meant for you, Johnny."

  "I don’t care! Come on Layla, please?"

  This was just getting stranger and stranger. I thought for sure Nick’s family would hate me by now, especially Johnny, as close as he is to Nick. And here he was trying to help me out.

  "Are you sure?"

  "Yes. Besides, I want a jump start on getting to know my little niece or nephew."

  Good Lord. "He told you that I’m pregnant?"

  "He was piss-ass drunk and said a lot of things. I gathered as much information as I could in his drunken state."

  As if I couldn’t possibly feel any worse. "What have I done?" I cried.

  "Hey, don’t cry Layla."

  "I can’t help it. I’ve messed things up so bad this time, Johnny. I don’t think Nick will ever forgive me. He won’t even talk to me!"

  "Well if you come with me tomorrow night then he’ll have no choice but to talk to you. I know Nick well enough to know that he wouldn’t do anything to create bad press. Besides, what other choice do you have?"

  I swept away my falling tears with my free hand and exhaled the breath I had been holding. "None."

  "So you’ll be my date?"

  I had to laugh at that. Me, twenty-four years old and the date of an eighteen-year-old. "Yeah. Thanks Johnny."

  "You’re welcome. I’m staying at the W downtown. Room 519. Meet me there tomorrow night at four, okay?"

  "Yeah. Bye Johnny."

  "Bye Layla."

  I clicked off the phone and turned off the ringer. I couldn’t take any more weirdness. What the hell was I getting myself into? Showing up unexpectedly at a live event with the sole purpose of getting to Nick?

  Well... what other choice did I have?

  The next day at four on the dot I found myself in front of room 519 and hesitating to knock. What the hell was I doing here? What did I think I could accomplish by just randomly showing up to something that I had no part in? I was foolish. And desperate.

  Whatever it takes I need to talk to Nick. And if this was what I had to do then so be it. I knocked on the door and less than a minute later I was met by Johnny, or, as I liked to call him, mini-Nick. The similarities were uncanny. Tall with floppy blonde hair and a smile that could leave any warm-blooded girl breathless. Only green eyes distinguished between the two brothers.

  "God. You look just like Nick," I sputtered out without really thinking about it.

  Johnny smiled and opened the door wide for me to enter. "Considering you're in love with him I'll take that as a compliment."

  I entered the room and took a tedious look around. My palms were sweaty. My hands were shaking. My knees were trembling. And the night hadn't even begun yet.

  "Thanks for coming, Layla."

  I spun around and looked at him questioningly. "You're thanking me? Shouldn't I be the one saying thank you?"

  "No believe me. You'll be doing us all a huge favor."

  "That's not what you said on the phone. What's really going on Johnny? What aren't you telling me?" Oh God I couldn't even imagine what the truth was. But they were all definitely keeping something from me.

  Johnny opened his mouth to speak but was stopped by a discreet knocking on the door. I watched, perplexed as ever, as Johnny let in Mark. Mark. Now I knew something was wrong. He bounded into the room, his linebacker shoulders and never-ending height an imposing sight.

  "Do you want to tell her or should I?" Mark asked Johnny.

  "Tell me what?!" I demanded. Both guys turned to look at me, both with sadness and worry on their faces. "You guys. Whatever it is just tell me. What's going on? You wouldn't have brought me here just so I could talk to Nick. So tell me what's really happening."

  Johnny took one of my hands and led me to the bed. We sat down together and I looked from him to Mark and back to Johnny again, waiting for someone to give me a clue.

  "It's Nick. He's gone off the deep end, Layla."

  "What does that mean? How has he gone off the deep end?"

  Johnny sighed and shook his head. "He's been going out and partying every night. Coming back to his hotel room completely drunk. Waking up so hung over that he's rude to everyone that crosses his path. Some nights he'll just stay in and lock himself up in his room, staring off into space. Crying. Lashing out. Basically going to the extremes. Mark has been watching him as closely as possible and been keeping him from getting into serious trouble. But it's getting worse by the day and it's to the point where we feel like we're losing him. He's out of control, Layla."

  "Jesus. This is all my fault."

  "No, it's not. The only person responsible for Nick's actions is Nick. Don't blame yourself," Mark said to me, bending down in front of the bed. He took my free hand in his large hands and gave me a sympathetic smile. "Nobody is blaming you at all. Okay?"

  I blinked away a tear and shook my head. "I wish it were that simple." I looked at them again and nodded my head. "So what do you want me to do?"

  "You and I will go together and Mark will make sure that Nick doesn't see us," replied Johnny.

  "How is he not going to see his brother and his wife together? Everybody's going to see us."

  "I'll make sure he doesn't." I looked at Mark and marveled at his strong, deep voice. Out of all the years Nick and I were together he was one of the few who knew the truth, and in some ways he was like a friend.

  "And what then? What's the point if Nick's not even going to know I'm there?"

  "Oh, he'll know. We have that all worked out already."

  I had a bad feeling about this. From the sound of it Nick was pretty down. All because of me and my selfishness. What if he were to suddenly see me? How would he react? Would he blow up in my face for the whole world to see? Would he put an arm around me and smile for the camera like we had done so many times before? Or would he look at me and smile, silently telling me that everything was all right?

  Well... I guess I was about to find out.

  Flashbulbs started going off the minute our limo pulled up in front of the red carpet.

  "Are you sure about this? Because we can always go back."

  Johnny just gave me a patented Hudson look and shook his head. "Please, Layla. You're the only one that can help him now."

  "I just don't know. I'm sure I'll make things worse."

  "So? You could also make them better. I thought that's what you wanted?"

  "Of course. I want my Nick back. I can't lose him Johnny."

  "Then when we open this door put a smile on your face and just get into it. Nothing bad will happen. I promise."

  I looked into his green eyes and felt a slight sense of reassurance. "When did you grow up? You're far too mature for your age."

  He laughed and gave me a smile. "Have I mentioned that you look beautiful?"

  "God, you're definitely Nick's brother."

  "Come on. It's going to be a long night."

  He wasn't wrong about that. The door opened and Johnny got out first. I heard people shouting in all dire
ctions and noticed several faces attempting to glance into the back of the limo. Then he reached out his hand to me, in the same fashion Nick had done at so many awards shows before, and pulled me out of the limo. There was a collective gasp from everyone surrounding us and I did my best not to let them get to me. And so I put on my best mega-watt smile and let the night begin.

  Journalists and photographers alike were throwing questions at us in every direction. But I didn't say anything. I had nothing to say. But I could tell they were salivating at the mouth for any kind of bone I could throw their way.

  Johnny casually twisted an arm through one of my own as we made our way down the carpet. It was obvious we weren't a couple. The age difference alone should have been the number one indicator, if not for the fact that I was still Mrs. Hudson.

  A prominent blogger I recognized approached me with a bright smile on her face. "Hi Layla. Would you mind doing a brief interview with me for the pre-show? We’re doing a behind-the-scenes look at the show tonight."

  I glanced at Johnny and saw him smiling, giving me the go-ahead. "Sure. Where do you want me?"

  "Just a few steps over this way. Okay I'm just going to ask you a few basic questions about the celebrities and who you're excited about seeing and all that general stuff. Sound good?"

  Sounds suspicious. You mean to tell me that she wasn't going to ask me about my husband or my divorce? "Sure."

  "All right in three, two, one. Hey what's up! I'm here with Layla Hudson. What's up Layla?"

  "Just hanging out." I smiled as brightly as I could manage and focused my attention on the interviewer in front of me.

  "Awesome. We know your husband is one of the stars of the event but we saw you walking the red carpet with someone else this evening. Can you tell us who?"

  Did they think I brought a date to my husband’s own show? Not even I’m that cruel. "With my brother-in-law, Johnny Hudson. He asked me to be his date at the last minute and honestly, how can a girl refuse a boy that cute?"

  "Definitely agree with you on that one. So, as the wife of a pop star I’m sure you’ve been to every type of show imaginable, right?"

  "And then some. But this seems more special, more intimate."

  "For sure. Can you give us any insight as to Nick’s new sound or the vibe of the new album?”

  I smiled again and shrugged sympathetically. “Unfortunately you probably know more than I do.”

  I saw her journalistic nature fire up in her eyes. She wanted more. "Now, not to put you on the spot but there are a lot of speculations circulating about you right now. You’re here tonight in support of Nick so is there any lingering gossip we can lay to rest here?"

  I knew it. "Like you said, I’m here to support Nick and accompany his brother to such an amazing event."

  "All right. Well thank you Layla. Have a great time tonight."

  "Thanks." That’s the thing about interviews. Sometimes you dread having them and then they’re done and over with before you know it. But I wasn’t really prepared for what happened next.

  An onslaught of people were all over me, thrusting questions and microphones and cameras at me left and right.

  "Layla what is the status of your divorce from Nick Hudson?"

  "Why aren’t you here with your husband tonight?"

  "Is it true you’ve been seeing someone else since your separation?"

  "Will you be making any more public appearances?"

  "What do you think of Nick’s song Layla?" This one caught me off guard.

  I turned to the last journalist and gave him a quizzical look. "What about Nick‘s song?"

  "How does it feel to know that your husband is about to sing about your rocky relationship in front of the whole world tonight?"

  God please don’t let that be the reality. "I’ll let you know after he sings."

  "Are you seeing Johnny now?"

  "Of course not. Johnny is my brother-in-law and my friend. Get some common sense, will you?" I rolled my eyes and stalked off with Johnny before they started shredding me to pieces.

  "Hey, I liked that answer," Johnny whispered into my ear with a grin.

  "Yeah next thing you know they’ll be saying that the child is really yours and that’s why I’m divorcing Nick."

  "Well here we are. The end of the road. Well, the red carpet at least." Johnny looked up at me and offered a supportive smile. "Ready?"

  "Since when does time wait until you’re ready?" I replied.

  "Let’s go then."

  Chapter Thirty

  I settled into my seat next to Johnny as the latest popular comedian came onto the stage and began a long monologue of jokes and such. He was funny enough but my mind was elsewhere. So far I hadn’t seen Nick at all. In a way I wasn’t too surprised; the auditorium was packed with celebrities, seat fillers, producers and all kinds of other people. It was easy to blend in. Yet I was also curious as to why fate hadn’t intervened on Johnny and Mark’s plan so far.

  When we broke for a commercial break I weaved my way back to the bar.

  "Can I just get water please?" I asked the bartender. People were pushing and poking all around me, not caring who they hit or stepped on. I was handed a chilled Pellegrino and smiled politely. I turned to walk back to my seat but stopped dead when my eyes fell on an all-too-familiar set of blue eyes. I felt the stares of other people as Nick and I stood there, facing each other, just staring. It was like Moses parting the Red Sea as people moved out of the way, securing a spot on the sidelines for the drama they knew was about to start.

  Without looking at anyone else I walked up to Nick and tried to casually stand beside him, hoping the onlookers would get distracted by something else.

  "Hey," I whispered, despite the loud hum of the auditorium. God he looked good. Tired as all hell but unbelievably handsome.

  "What are you doing here?" he asked, a bit of malice in the question.

  Ouch. "Johnny asked me to be his date at the last minute. I didn’t have anything else to do. And... I wanted to see you."

  I watched as a delicate hand fell on Nick’s shoulder. "Nick, they’re asking you to go backstage now."

  I stared in shock as a beautiful girl curved around Nick’s side. She took one look at me and quickly looked away. It was the actress. Ashley something. The girl he was with in New York. The girl I saw with Nick in the papers.

  "I’ll be right there. Thanks," he answered her.

  "Sure. Um, okay I’m gonna go back to our seats. Good luck with your performance." She leaned up to kiss his cheek, took one last glance at me and walked away.

  Everything I had been feeling for the past couple weeks slowly began to diminish. "Should have figured," I mumbled while shaking my head.

  "What’s that supposed to mean?" he asked through tight lips and a narrow gaze.

  "It just seems so convenient that I came here to apologize and ask you to come back home with me and here you are with someone else. I guess I just never learned that lesson very well." I couldn’t help sounding defensive, though I knew it wasn’t why I was there. But I was angry with him and couldn’t help demeaning myself to the worst possible version of myself.

  Nick’s eyes narrowed even more and his posture grew rigid. "So now it’s my fault?"

  "Well should I even bother trying to apologize if you’re already with someone else?"

  "Let me ask you a question, Layla. Are you here as Johnny’s date or as his sister-in-law?"

  "Of course as his sister-in-law. Jesus, Nick, I wouldn’t do that!"

  "Well then did you ever think that I’m here in the same capacity with Ashley?"

  As he said this I could smell the alcohol radiating from his body. Nick was flat-out drunk. My own anger subsided and all I cared about was him and the fact that he was technically drunk on the job. "Nick, why are you drunk?"

  "I’m 24 years old Layla, I can drink however much I want."

  "I’m concerned about you, Nick. That’s why I’m here. Can we meet up after the show and

  "Why? You already said everything you needed to say and more. You’ve made your point clear, Layla. You don’t love me and want nothing to do with me."

  "That’s not true," I gasped.

  "Well you seemed pretty convincing the last time we spoke. I have to go do my job. Goodbye, Layla."

  I was pretty used to watching him walk away at this point in our relationship. But it still hurt. I made my way back to my seat and sat down dejectedly.

  "What happened back there?" Johnny asked, concern sewn into every syllable of his words.

  "Nick. Why didn’t you tell me he was seeing that girl?"

  "What girl?"

  "That actress. Ashley or whatever."

  "Nick’s not seeing anyone. Nobody except you Layla."

  "Well he doesn’t even want that anymore. I blew it, Johnny. I deserve all this bad shit happening to me and more. It’s my fault he hates me."

  "He doesn’t hate you Layla. He loves you more than anything. But you know how he is. He won’t open up to anyone."

  "Not even his wife?"

  Johnny sighed and leaned back in his chair. "Just wait, Layla."

  "Wait for what?"

  "You’re about to see how much Nick loves you."

  Chapter Thirty-One

  My attention was turned from Johnny to the stage as a singer, whose name I can never remember, walked across the stage with a microphone in her hand.

  "Our next performer has a resume long enough to make any entertainer jealous. He’s one of the biggest pop stars in the world, performed in nearly every country, been nominated for every award possible and has sold more records than some of us can dream of. To perform his latest single, ladies and gentlemen, Nick Hudson.

  Applause filled the air as the lights descended into a soft black glow. Notes from a piano quickly enveloped the auditorium as a curtain rose, revealing Nick standing behind a microphone stand, eyes closed.

  I took a deep breath as he opened his mouth to sing the first note. And I was blown away.

  ‘She was the one

  I knew from the start


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