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Building Heat

Page 11

by K. Sterling

  “Only if I can decorate.” He said and Avery nodded.

  “Deal. As long as I can have a bathroom.” He stipulated. It was getting really hard to keep from kissing Avery. Mason felt something mischievous bubbling within him.

  “Wait. We can’t just skip over the dog, Avery.” He teased. Sort of. Avery slouched and groaned.

  “You know I can’t do dogs.” He complained. Mason stroked Avery’s back soothingly.

  “You can. We’ll get one of those non shedding, hypoallergenic Doodle ones. We can’t go to The Hamptons on the weekends and not have a dog with us. It’s like a gay law.” Mason argued. Avery pulled his lips tight.

  “It’ll pee on the floor!” He whined. Mason laughed.

  “Not forever. And you love to clean, it’ll be perfect.” He promised. Avery looked dubious.

  “We’ll see.” He tried to sound stern and noncommittal but Mason saw the corner of his lips twitching. Another thought tweaked at Mason’s elated brain.

  “Why are we adopting from China?” Mason couldn’t help the giggle that burst from his throat. Avery’s expression looked a bit serious as he stared at Mason’s lips.

  “They have all those baby girls that need homes.” His voice had gone low and tender and it made Mason’s legs feel like jello. “I was thinking we could adopt two. You know how lonely it gets when you’re an only child.” He pulled his eyes to Mason’s. For a moment, Mason hated that they weren’t alone.

  “Two? You think a dog will make a mess… two little girls is a lot of mess.” Mason’s voice shook. Avery shrugged and his eyes were large and warm.

  “I know. But… bunk beds and tea parties.” He explained. “And if we have two we can split up into teams and have sandcastle contests when we’re at the beach.” Avery smiled sheepishly and everything inside of Mason melted. Mason pretended to sigh dramatically.

  “Fine. Two baby girls it is.” He gave up and pulled Avery’s face close and let their lips brush. There was a strangled gasp.

  “Mason!” Ryan hissed. Mason’s eyes flared. He totally forgot that Ryan was there. Avery turned his head and pinned Ryan with a hard glare.

  “Why are you still here?” He asked and Ryan paled as his eyes went to Mason.

  “Like I said, there’s nothing for us to talk about. I’ll see you around, Ryan.” Mason said before he turned back to Avery. “I think we should go home now.” Mason murmured against Avery’s cheek.

  “We can’t leave yet. Nancy promised me embarrassing stories from college and I heard she has a habit of dancing on tables when she’s drunk.” Avery protested.

  “I’ve seen her dance on tables more times than I can count. She’s good but I think you’d enjoy watching me more.” Mason teased and Avery grinned.

  “We should at least say goodbye, I don’t want to be rude.” Avery said as he pulled Mason into the crowd. Mason realized they had forgotten about Ryan again and looked over to find that he was gone.

  Mason and Avery nodded to the doorman as they stepped out onto the sidewalk. Avery put his arm around Mason’s neck and nipped at his ear as Mason slid his arm around Avery’s waist.

  “I can’t believe you don’t want to wait to see if Nancy dances.” Avery whispered as he led Mason to the car and the driver opened the door. Mason laughed as he pulled Avery closer.

  “Aren’t you looking forward to watching me dance?” He murmured. Avery moaned as he lowered his head.

  “Sans clothing?” His voice was deep and warm and it made Mason’s insides fluttery again. His lips were about to connect with Avery’s when he heard someone call his name. Ryan. He cringed as his eyes met Avery’s.

  “I’m sorry. Give me a minute, please?” His eyes searched Avery’s and he saw only understanding when Avery nodded and stepped aside. Avery leaned against the car and folded his arms over his chest. Mason turned and jogged back to where Ryan waited. He’d been hiding in the shadows of Nancy’s building but had stepped into the light. Ryan gave Mason his sleepy eyed grin as he reached out and cupped Mason’s cheek.

  “Mason.” His name was a soft plea. Mason leaned back and frowned at him.

  “What’s up? I think its pretty obvious that I’m with Avery and I’m really happy.” Mason didn’t bother to hide his irritation and Ryan whispered his name again as his hand reached out and caressed Mason’s neck. Mason pushed his hand away and Ryan stepped closer.

  “Please, Mason. Just hear me out. Meet me somewhere later.” He begged. Mason’s head lurched back in disgust and he heard Avery swear behind him. Mason turned to see Avery striding toward them. He stepped between Mason and Ryan. He looked back at Mason, his eyes sweeping over Mason’s face to make sure he was all right before he turned back to Ryan. Avery gave him a hard smile as he rested his hand on Ryan’s shoulder. Ryan’s shoulder started to droop under the weight of Avery’s grip.

  “Look, Ryan, I’m trying really hard to be cool about this because I get it and I feel sorry for you. I’d try like hell if I lost him.” Avery moved in close like he was about to confide in Ryan. Avery’s eyes swept hungrily over Mason. “He’s so beautiful, isn’t he? Like, makes your heart and your cock ache, beautiful. And brilliant, funny, kind and so damned delicious. You know what I’m talking about. I’m sure you remember how incredible every part of this man tastes. And you definitely remember which part tastes the best. I bet your jaw twinges right there when you think about it.” Avery whispered as he tapped the corner of Ryan’s jaw. Ryan’s eyes went wide and Avery nodded. “You’ll never forget will you? Or all of the amazing things he does with his mouth. Jesus… that tongue.” Avery groaned as his eyes drilled into Ryan’s. “It’s ridiculous, right? And the way he fucks?” Avery exhaled loudly as he pushed his hand through his hair. “When he’s through with you, you can’t even remember what your name is. You feel like you never took a breath before he taught you how to gasp for air.” Avery paused as he stepped closer to Ryan, their noses almost touched and Ryan shrank. “But I’m running out of patience because you keep touching what’s mine. That face and neck that you put your hands on, my tongue and lips were all over this morning. I’m all over him and inside of him, do you understand?” Avery’s eyes narrowed threateningly and Ryan swallowed hard. “He's mine and I’m never going to let him go because I’m not stupid enough to take him for granted or think there could be anything better. I know, there just isn’t. So, you’re going to say goodbye and I’m going to take him home and we’re going to fuck so hard and for so long that we probably won’t be able to walk tomorrow.” Avery stepped back and turned toward the car, waving over his shoulder. “Goodnight, Ryan.” He called before he ducked into the open door. Mason couldn’t help the dopey grin on his face when he looked back at Ryan.

  “So… yeah…” He shrugged his shoulders as he smiled at Ryan. It felt a little like gloating and Mason felt a little bad because Ryan looked legitimately crushed. But Mason also felt so proud and he resented the fact that Ryan thought he could just show up and Mason would take him back like he had no self respect or couldn’t do better. He gave Ryan a friendly pat on the arm. “It was good seeing you again, take care.” He turned to go and Ryan’s hand closed around his arm. Mason sighed impatiently as he turned and looked at Ryan.

  “If you change your mind…” Ryan's voice died when Mason laughed and shook his head.

  “You’re joking, right? You saw him! He’s incredible, Ryan. And I’m not just talking about his body or what he can do in bed. He’s everything. He’s the one.” Mason turned and jogged to the car.

  “You said I was the one!” Ryan called after him. Mason laughed again as he turned.

  “And you still would be the one if you hadn’t left. Thank you so much for doing that. Seriously.” With that, Mason ducked into the car and pulled the door shut.

  The car pulled away from the curb and Mason settled close to Avery as he slid his palm against his and intertwined their fingers. Mason raised their hands and kissed the back of Ave
ry’s hand. They were both content to sit in silence for several minutes as the familiar sights of Manhattan rushed past the car windows. Mason thought back over the party and the scene with Ryan on the street and laughed softly.

  “Hmm?” Avery hummed and his head rolled against the headrest toward Mason.

  “What you said tonight.” He said as he kissed Avery’s hand again and squeezed it.

  “Which part?” Avery’s brow was raised and Mason smirked at Avery’s cocky expression.

  “All of it. The part about the dog, the house, the baby girls and everything you said to Ryan.” He sighed happily and Avery’s eyes narrowed as he watched Mason.

  “Good?” He asked. Mason nodded as he released Avery’s hand and set his hand on Avery’s thigh and let it slide toward his groin.

  “Really good.” Mason found Avery’s cock in his trousers and rubbed it through the fabric. “You know you’re getting laid. A lot. Right?”

  Any thoughts of dancing were dismissed when they stumbled into Mason’s apartment. They made it as far as the kitchen table where Mason straddled Avery and rode him. After, they stripped off their clothes and took a long shower before falling into bed and making love again. They didn’t fall asleep until the sun started to rise. They stayed up all night, talking and laughing as their bodies curled around each other. When Mason woke up, Avery was stretched out on his back, the sheets tangled around his legs and his beautiful body wrapped in soft light. Before he had a chance to think it through, Mason grabbed his phone. He pulled the sheet up, covering most of Avery’s morning hard-on, leaving only a peek of the base of Avery’s cock and black curls. Though the shape of it was obvious under the sheet. Mason attached the picture to a text message to Nancy.


  Happy Morning After Your Birthday!

  A few minutes later:


  Baby. Jesus. You’re such a dirty slut!

  Mason laughed quietly as he deleted the picture and put his phone on the bedside table. He went back to bed and did his best not to let Nancy down.

  Chapter 14

  The elevator doors closed and Mason hummed along to Everlong as it played in his head while he waited. The doors opened and he fished for his keys in his pocket as he stepped out. He paused when he saw Avery leaning against his door. Avery’s forehead was pressed against it and he looked like he might be sleeping. Mason frowned as he tilted his head to try and see if Avery was awake.

  “Avery?” Mason asked softly as he got closer. Avery didn't move but Mason heard a weak moan. “What are you doing?” Mason stopped and leaned against the wall next to him.

  “You weren’t home.” Avery mumbled. Mason’s brows pulled together and he leaned closer. He doesn’t smell like he’s been drinking, Mason observed.

  “I gave you a key.” He pointed out. He had presented it in a box over dinner, on their one month anniversary. Avery’s shoulder rose but he was otherwise still.

  “I didn't want to go to my place to get it.” He explained as he turned his head and pressed his cheek to the door. “I don’t feel well and Marla said I can’t go to work tomorrow.” Avery complained. Mason nodded as his eyes swept over Avery. He didn’t look well; his face was pale, his eyes were red and had dark smudges beneath and the edges of his nose were pink. Mason took Avery’s face in his hands and pressed his lips to his forehead. It was hot.

  “You have a fever.” Mason announced and Avery groaned. Mason set him back and unlocked the door. “Let’s get you in bed.” He said as he rubbed Avery’s back and guided him through the door.

  Avery complained under his breath as Mason helped him change into his silk pajama pants and Mason’s favorite around-the-house t-shirt, a threadbare Pink Floyd with about a dozen holes. Avery had brought over his own clothes to lounge in but he loved borrowing Mason’s t-shirts. Since he was sick, Mason decided Avery needed his special shirt.

  “I’m going to make you some tea and get you some Tylenol, then I need to run out and get some stuff.” Mason said as he pulled the quilt up to Avery’s chin.

  “I don’t want tea. Unless you have Earl Grey.” He fussed. Mason smiled gently as he brushed his hand through Avery’s hair.

  “I have a few bags of Earl Grey. I’ll get more while I’m out.” He said and Avery frowned.

  “Why do you have to go out? Just come to bed.” He grumbled and Mason shook his head.

  “I need to get some cold medicine, stuff for soup, I have a feeling I don't have enough tissues and we need more tea.” He explained and Avery shook his head.

  “I just need to sleep. I don’t need you to run around and play nurse.” Avery said. Mason shrugged.

  “Fine. Sleep. You won’t notice if I’m here or not.” He pointed out and Avery scowled.

  “That’s not what I meant. I want to sleep and I want you here, with me.” He explained. Mason leaned down and kissed his hair.

  “I won’t be gone long. I’ll bring you some soup and I’ll come to bed after I take care of a few things.” Mason promised as he turned down the light.

  Mason was gone for a little over an hour and when he got home, Avery was tossing and turning. And still complaining. Mason heated up the chicken soup he’d grabbed from Carnegie Deli and put away his purchases while he waited for the kettle to boil so he could make another cup of tea. Once it was steeping and sitting on a tray with the soup and crackers, Mason carried it all back to the bedroom. Avery pulled the covers over his head as Mason entered.

  “I don’t feel like eating.” He muffled. Mason kept his lips straight as he set the tray down.

  “You’ll sit up and eat. I’m not coming to bed unless you do.” He warned and Avery cursed as he flung the blanket back and sat up. He stuck his tongue out but the whole effect was ruined when he started to shiver. “I’ll get your robe.” Mason said as he went into the closet.

  “I don’t want to get soup on my robe.” Avery complained. “Or sick. I don’t want sick on my robe.” He was starting to sound congested. Mason shook his head as he swung the robe over Avery’s shoulder.

  “I’ll wash it later.” Mason said as he put another pillow behind Avery. He set the tray on Avery’s lap and went for the tissues. He grabbed the cherry cough drops he’d picked up just in case. “I have to go in for a quick meeting tomorrow morning but after that, I was able to clear my schedule for the rest of the week.” Mason said as walked back into the room and found Avery shaking his head.

  “I don’t need you to stay home and take care of me.” He said as he dunked a cracker in his soup. Mason nodded as he sat on the bed carefully.

  “I know. But I want to.” He explained. “Aside from a few little things that I can take care of from home, there’s really nothing going on at work right now. I bought everything I need to make gallons of chicken soup and I’m kind of excited about that.” Mason said as he watched Avery eat. Avery shrugged and frowned.

  “Fine. But I’m just going to sleep so it will be a waste of your time.” He mumbled something else that Mason couldn't make out. Mason laughed as he got up to change.

  “You know, I feel like I’m getting a glimpse of you as an old man and it’s not as fun as I was imagining it would be.” Mason said as he pulled off his tie and hung it up. “I think we’ll need separate bedrooms when we’re old. It will keep me from strangling you when you won’t stop complaining.” He hung up his jacket and turned to look at Avery as he unbuttoned his shirt. Avery’s eyes sparkled as they filled with tears. “What?” Mason asked as he stepped closer to the bed. Avery offered him a weak smile. He looked exhausted.

  “You imagined us old, together.” He said softly. Mason nodded as warmth spread in his chest. He leaned down and kissed Avery’s forehead. It was still hot.

  “The only reason we won’t grow old together is if you make me choke you. Stop being difficult and let me take care of you, it’ll make me happy.” Mason went to the closet and finished changing. After, he grabbed a Powerade
for Avery and went back to the bedroom.

  Once Avery was done eating and his fever had dropped, Mason slid in bed behind him and wrapped his body around Avery’s.

  “I’ve been waiting for this all day. This is all I need.” Avery murmured hoarsely. Mason held him tighter and buried his face in the corner of Avery’s neck. After his lips and his naughty parts, it was Mason’s favorite part of Avery’s body.

  “Me too.” He whispered. A moment later, Mason grinned as Avery started to snore softly.

  “How are things looking with Alice DeWeer? Do we have a date yet?” Mason asked as he looked up, in the direction of the bedroom. Avery was moving around.

  “Everything is on track with DeWeer, should be on time. Looking like the end of November.” Toby Willis replied and Mason nodded distractedly as he heard water running. Avery had been up and about a few times the evening before after being fever-free all day. Mason had let him sleep in and took his work into the living room so he could make a few calls without disturbing Avery. Mason had already decided on joining Avery in bed once he was done talking to Toby. His head was starting to feel fuzzy and his throat was raw.

  “Did you get a chance to read the email?” Toby’s voice reached Mason and he frowned as he fumbled for a response.

  “Um, yeah. I was just about to follow up on that. Hey, I need to go but I’ll get back with you later.” Mason said quickly.

  Toby let him off and Mason was putting his laptop and paperwork aside when Avery walked into the living room. Even sick, he was still gorgeous. Avery hadn’t shaved in days, his light beard and bed ruffled hair made him look rugged. With his plaid robe, he had a bit of a lumberjack look going on and Mason thought it worked really well for Avery. A Burberry Lumberjack, Mason decided. And it was definitely working for him. Mason willed his cock to ignore how hot Avery looked as his grey eyes pinned Mason while he crossed the room.


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