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Building Heat

Page 12

by K. Sterling

  “How are you feeling?” Mason’s voice came out a lot deeper than he had intended as his body ignored his request to stay relaxed. He silently argued that it had only been three days since he and Avery had last had sex. What was three days compared to his last dry spell? His body was not listening when Avery stopped in front of Mason and smiled down at him. Mason was hard. Really hard as he wondered if Avery had anything on under the robe. It didn’t look like it.

  “I’m feeling better.” Avery murmured as he dropped to the floor and pushed Mason’s knees apart. Mason’s eyes widened and a squeak slipped from his throat as Avery’s hands slid up his thighs. “You’ve taken good care of me. Now, I’m going to take care of you.” He said softly as he worked at the fly of Mason’s jeans. Mason groaned in relief as he slid his hips down and raised them so Avery could pull his jeans off.

  “Nothing too strenuous, you still need to take it easy.” Mason argued weakly as Avery’s hand closed around his erection. Mason sighed and let his head fall back as Avery started to stroke. He felt wet heat wash over the head and he hissed as he reached for Avery’s hair. “Don’t. Your throat.” Mason’s voice rasped. He looked down as Avery smiled up at him.

  “I just need to taste you first. I’ve missed you.” He murmured against Mason’s cock before he licked the pre-cum that dribbled from the slit. Mason gasped and nodded drunkenly.

  “I’ve missed you too.” He whispered.

  Mason started to feel urgent when Avery took the bottle lubricant out of his pocket and poured a generous amount on Mason’s cock. Mason became mesmerized as he watched Avery’s hand tugging and twisting along the shaft. He loved the way Avery handled his cock, the way the muscles in his arm flexed and shifted as he squeezed and pulled. Mason whimpered and his hips lifted when Avery’s hand slid back and forth over the head. God, he loved that. A little too much at the moment.

  “Avery…” Mason groaned. “I’m not going to last very long.” He warned. Avery laughed softly as he stood and Mason knew his situation was even more dire when Avery opened his robe and let it fall from his shoulders. Naked. Gloriously naked.

  “You’d better hurry, then.” Avery said as he lowered himself, setting his knees outside of Mason’s thighs. Mason pressed his hands to Avery’s stomach and let them glide up as he stretched toward Avery’s lips.

  “Hurry?” He breathed. Avery smiled as he took Mason’s right hand and coated the fingers with the slick hand that had been working on Mason’s now pulsing erection.

  “Get me ready. I’m going to ride you.” Avery said as he rose on his knees and guided Mason’s hand around him. Mason growled and pulled Avery against his chest as his fingers found Avery’s tight hole.

  “That’s not helping.” Mason complained as his finger slid into Avery’s tight heat. Avery’s eyes shut and his head fell back. Mason’s other hand fisted in his hair and pulled lightly as his lips bushed Avery’s neck. “You’re so fucking sexy and then you say things like that… I’m going to come before my cock even touches your ass.” Mason said before his teeth grazed Avery’s skin. Avery’s head swung forward and his eyes were heavy when they met Mason’s.

  “Don’t.” He breathed the words against Mason’s cheek. Mason slid a second finger in and Avery’s breath was hot and wet against Mason’s skin as he panted. Mason turned his face to find Avery’s lips but he pulled back. “We shouldn’t, I don’t want to get you sick.” Avery argued. Mason tightened his grip in Avery’s hair and held him still.

  “I think it’s too late. And I don’t care.” Mason’s tongue slid along Avery’s lips and Avery pushed his hands into Mason’s hair.

  “In that case…” He whispered before he claimed Mason’s mouth for a deep, hungry kiss. Mason pushed his fingers deep into Avery and teased his prostate. Avery pulled back and gasped. “Enough. I need you, now.” He demanded as he pushed at Mason’s arm. Mason resisted and flicked firmly and Avery arched against Mason and moaned his name. “Pleeease!” He begged. Mason chuckled as he pulled his fingers from Avery. It died in his throat when Avery’s hand closed around his throbbing length and he guided it to his entrance and sat in one fluid movement, taking Mason all the way to the hilt.

  “Jesus, Avery!” Mason gasped as he wrapped his hands around Avery’s ass. It was Avery’s turn to chuckle. He leaned forward and bit Mason’s ear as he rose on his knees and started riding Mason’s cock.

  “You know I don’t like to beg.” Avery murmured. Mason could only nod as Avery’s hot, clenching ass slid up and down his erection. It was so good and Mason was so close. After six weeks of doing anything and everything they could think of, all traces of the awkward, blushing, virgin Avery were gone. The new Avery had the sex drive of a twenty year old, unbelievable stamina and quickly mastered the mechanics of sex. Mason loved the way Avery could work the springs of a mattress, bouncing Mason beneath him as he drove into his body. And Avery could reduce Mason to a babbling, quick shooting idiot with just a look and a few words. “Stroke my cock, Mason. You feel so good and I want to come for you.”

  Just like that, Mason thought as his hand wrapped around Avery’s thick erection and started to pull. How did Avery know exactly what to say to make his balls hurt? They were tight and pressure and heat were flooding Mason’s groin. Give it back to him, he decided.

  “I’m going to come so hard, Avery. I’ve been waiting to bury my cock deep in your tight ass for days.” Mason growled as he dipped his head and wrapped his lips around Avery’s nipple. Avery shrieked and ground against the base of Mason’s cock.

  “Oh, fuck!” He screamed hoarsely as his voice gave out. “I’m going to come!” He breathed. Mason tightened his grip on Avery and stroked faster.

  “Give it to me.” He demanded. Avery grabbed his shoulders and started to convulse as his body clenched around Mason’s shaft. Mason felt the heat and pressure swelling up the base of his erection as a stream of come shot from the head of Avery’s cock. Mason slid his hand over the end, collecting as much as he could before he raised his hand to his mouth and licked it clean. The taste of Avery’s come burst within Mason’s mouth just as his cock exploded deep within Avery. Mason’s mouth fell open on a silent scream and he stared, blind and paralyzed at the ceiling as a wave of pleasure and heat surged through his body. He felt Avery melt against him and was able to control his arms enough to wrap them around Avery as his body jerked and trembled. Mason held Avery to him as his body hummed and glowed until Avery started to shift and groaned.

  “I need to get up before I make a mess on your couch.” Avery said as he tried to lift off of Mason.

  “Not yet.” Mason tilted his head back. “I don’t care about the couch.” He said as he licked at Avery’s lips. Avery caught the end of Mason's tongue between his teeth for a moment before releasing it.

  “It’s a nice couch.” Avery said as he sat back. Mason shrugged.

  “I can buy another one.” He said as ran his finger up Avery’s stomach, collecting a ribbon of Avery’s come. He brought it to his lips and licked it as he hummed. “So good.” Mason whispered as he stared up at Avery.

  “Come on, let’s go back to bed.” Avery said as he carefully rose, using Mason’s shoulders for support. “After I clean up all of your mess.” He said as he walked stiffly toward the hallway.

  Mason smiled drowsily as he watched Avery go. His body was feeling heavier and weaker by the minute and he knew it wasn’t just the intense orgasm he’d experienced. His skin was starting to feel clammy and a full body ache was coming on. Mason rubbed the back of his neck and groaned as his head started to throb. You got that in at the wire, Mason thought as he forced himself to get up. He had a feeling he wouldn’t be in the mood again for a few days.

  “I hope you can at least manage a cup of tea and microwave a bowl of soup, Typhoid Mary.” Mason called as he stumbled into the bedroom and fell onto the bed. “I’m going down.” He mumbled as he crawled for the pillows. The bathroom door opened and Mason felt t
he mattress dip a moment later.

  “I’ll call Marla. If she can’t talk me through it, she’ll come over.” Avery said as he pulled the blankets over Mason’s shoulders.

  Mason tried to murmur something like “Thank you” as his eyelids sank and darkness swallowed him.

  Chapter 15

  “Is there something you’re not telling me?” Avery asked as he watched Mason chew on his thumb knuckle as he stared out the car window. He’d been tense all morning, he paced while Avery was getting ready and Avery kept having to place his hand on Mason’s knee to stop it’s nervous bouncing. Mason slid him a distressed glance before shaking his head. “No one should look like that on their birthday.” Avery said as he took Mason’s hand and kissed his abused thumb and Mason smiled weakly. “Thirty-five isn’t a bad age.” He teased and Mason snorted.

  “I’m sure it isn’t, to a man of thirty-six.” Mason teased back and Avery laughed softly. So it’s his mother, Avery decided.

  “Why are you so worried about going to brunch with your mother?” He asked gently and Mason’s lips became tight as he examined the buttons of his shirt. Avery’s eyes narrowed and his head tilted as he watched him. “Is she really the ‘No wire hangers’, Mommy Dearest type?” Avery asked as he brushed his lips against the back of Mason’s hand. Mason shook his head and frowned.

  “Not at all. That’s been a joke between us since I was a kid. One night, when I was six, mom came into my room with cream slathered all over her face and it scared the piss out of me. Literally. It’s the only time I ever wet the bed. She thought it was hysterical and will tease me about it for the rest of my life. Whenever I’m home visiting, she jumps out of closets and runs into my room unannounced with cream or mask on her face and tries to scare me.” Mason explained. Avery laughed for a solid two minutes.

  “That’s excellent.” He declared as he wiped his eyes. “Your mom sounds like a lot of fun.” Avery said and Mason shrugged.

  “We’ll see. Remember Blanche, from The Golden Girls?” He asked. Avery nodded and Mason sighed as he rubbed the back of his neck. “That’s my mom. Right down to the Southern Belle accent.” He started to chew on his thumb again and Avery grabbed his hand.

  “I always loved Blanche.” Avery said reassuringly and Mason gave him a pointed look.

  “Of course you did. Everyone loves Blanche. But you’re sleeping with her son now.” Mason mumbled and Avery couldn’t stop the wide smile that filled his face. “I wish she was a little more like Rose.” Mason complained under his breath. Avery sucked his lips in to keep from laughing, Mason looked like he was truly worried.

  “It will be fine. I can handle a forward southern lady with no filter.” Avery promised. “I’ve never had a problem winning over older women.” He said confidently as he squeezed Mason’s hand. Mason looked at him like he was speaking in tongues.

  “I’m not worried about her liking you. She’s going to love you. I’m worried about her loving you. She can get a bit grabby, especially if she’s been drinking.” He explained and Avery nodded.

  “Right… and she’ll probably be drinking because…” Avery couldn’t keep his lips straight. Damn it, he was liking this woman more and more. Mason’s frown got darker.

  “Brunch. She’s not in it for the eggs Benedict.” Mason grumbled. Avery pulled him into his arms and rubbed his back soothingly.

  “It’ll be fine. I’m not going to be offended if your mom flirts with me and asks some awkward questions.” He whispered into Mason’s hair. Mason sighed.

  “If that’s all it is, I’ll consider it a blessing.” He said before he groaned. The car was pulling over. “And it’s the Waldorf. She acts like it’s the only decent hotel in the city.” Mason complained as the car stopped. Avery leaned and looked out the window.

  “What’s wrong with the Waldorf?” Avery asked as the driver got out and went around the car. Mason shook his head as he tugged at the collar of his shirt.

  “Nothing, if you’re a woman in your sixties.” He mumbled as the door opened. Avery stepped out and held his hand out for Mason. Mason took it as he got out. “I’ve been trying to convince her to go somewhere else for brunch for years.” He sighed again as his eyes swept over the facade of the Waldorf Astoria. He looked like he was headed into a tax audit. Avery pulled him close and kissed his temple.

  “Stop being a food snob and relax. Your mom is comfortable here and she came from Florida to see you. And it’s your birthday.” Avery reminded him. “You’re supposed to be happy and have fun on your birthday.” Avery pulled his head back and found Mason’s eyes as he rubbed his arms. Mason nodded and gave him a forced smile. Avery rolled his eyes as he pulled Mason close and kissed his forehead. “Let’s go. I think you’ll feel better after a few drinks.” He said as he led Mason toward the hotel.

  As they entered, Avery looked over his shoulder at the driver and raised his brow, making sure he was prepared. The driver nodded and gave a discreet, stiff thumbs up. Avery nodded back before he followed Mason into the hotel. Anticipation flared and Avery forced a relaxed smile when Mason looked over his shoulder at him before he scanned the dining room.

  “There she is.” He said as he waved off the hostess before he strode into the dining room. Avery followed, staying a few steps back. A petite woman dressed as a tornado of pastel silks squealed as she held her arms out to Mason. He hugged her and her hands splayed over his back as she squeezed him.

  “My beautiful baby! Happy Birthday, honey!” She said as she kissed his cheek.

  “Thanks, mom. I’m glad you’re here.” Mason said as he released her. “You look lovely. I see you’ve found a way to make your hair even bigger.” He teased and she laughed.

  “You know what they say, ‘The higher the hair, the closer to Jesus.’” She announced as she patted her hair. Avery laughed and she pushed Mason aside as she gasped. “And look at you!” She exclaimed and held her arms out to Avery. He was pulled into a cloud of perfume and she purred as she pressed herself to him. “You must be Avery!” She drawled and Mason’s brows pulled together as he frowned at her.

  “It would be pretty awkward if he wasn’t.” He said as he looked apologetically at Avery. Avery’s eyes went wide.

  “Especially since she’s got her hands wrapped around my ass.” Avery said and Mason hissed as he grabbed his mother’s shoulders.

  “Mom! You can’t grab Avery McKannery’s ass in the middle of the Waldorf Astoria. What’s wrong with you?” He whispered urgently. She released Avery, rolling her eyes and shrugging as she went to her seat. Mason and Avery settled into the two seats across from her. Avery waved at a server and gestured for two more mimosas.

  “He’s my future son-in-law, I can do what I want. And it’s a very nice ass.” She said before she took a long sip of her mimosa. Mason slid down in his seat and pinched the bridge of his nose. She waved her hand dismissively as she smiled at Avery. “You can call me mom.” She said and Mason gave her a hostile glare. “Or Evelyne. Though I’d prefer Evy, if you won’t call me mom. I’ve decided that the best part about having a gay son is going to be feeling up his hot husband.” She announced as Mason and Avery’s drinks were set on the table. Avery looked up at the waiter and saw that he was fighting to keep his expression blank.

  “You can just keep these coming.” He said softly and the waiter nodded. Mason grabbed his drink as if it was a life raft. Avery pretended to give it some thought. “I’ll go with Evy. I’ll have a hard time calling you mom if you’re going to keep grabbing my ass.” Avery said and she laughed.

  “I can’t marry him if you scare him off.” Mason complained and drained half of his drink. “And we’ve been dating for about two months, it’s a little early to be talking about that.” He explained. Avery gave Mason a sideways glance.

  “We’ve talked about it.” He said and looked around the dining room. Mason raised a shoulder.

  “We mention it now and then but we haven’t had any serious conve
rsations. We aren’t there yet.” Mason sucked down the rest of his drink. Avery traded their glasses, giving Mason his full glass and reached over and rubbed his back.

  “Why not? I’m not in the habit of saying things I don’t mean.” He said and Evy beamed.

  “I love him, sweetheart.” Evy said as she reached across the table and squeezed Mason’s hand. The corner of Mason’s mouth turned up.

  “I’m sure you do. He has a nice ass and he’ll keep the drinks coming.” Mason teased. She waved her hand.

  “Pffftt! That’s just icing, baby. I saw you two outside, you look like you’ve been together forever. He makes you happy, I have to love him.” She winked at Avery and he leaned close to Mason.

  “I love her, sweetheart.” He whispered and Evy giggled in delight. Another round of drinks were set on the table and Avery looked up at the waiter. “I’d like the lobster and truffle eggs Benedict.” He said and the waiter looked surprised.

  “But…Sir? The brunch?” He said softly and looked at Avery as if he had ordered a pickled baby. Avery shook his head.

  “I don’t want it.” He dared the waiter to say anything more. He ducked his head and Mason smiled.

  “In that case, I’ll have the frittata.” He said as he leaned back and rested his hand on the back of Avery’s chair. The waiter frowned and Evy gave him a pitying look.

  “You’ll have to forgive them.” She said as she smiled mischievously. “It’s my son’s birthday, maybe you could make it a birthday frittata.” She grinned at the waiter and he nodded as he went off. She scowled across the table. “Who comes to brunch, here, and orders from the menu?” Avery held his hands up and shrugged.

  “I’m not serving myself and I’ll only eat the desserts. Your son is already doing his best to make me fat. He served me pancakes with ice cream for dinner.” He pretended to complain as he looked at Mason.

  “If I remember correctly, you ate most of mine too.” Mason grinned cheekily as he stroked between Avery’s shoulders. Avery reached down and rubbed Mason’s thigh under the table.


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