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The Two Vampires: Books 1-5 (The Complete Series!)

Page 5

by M. D. Bowden

  Warm blood rushed into his mouth and down his throat. It was good and eased the dryness, but he wasn’t satisfied. He drank and drank and drank; the deer’s life in his hands. He took it, feeling the primal energy of the animal give him power. He withdrew his teeth from the deer and grasped its neck, twisting quickly. Energy rushed though him as its neck snapped and the deer tumbled to the ground. Jo rolled away before he became squashed beneath the lifeless animal. He leapt to his feet, springing back to face Sebastian.

  ‘More,’ said Jo, blood thirst still pounding in his veins.


  Sarah broke away from Daniel, still breathing fast. She stepped back from him reluctantly as he leant back against the bonnet, slightly out of breath, his lips swollen from their kiss. Sarah couldn’t keep her eyes off him and he looked back at her with heat in his gaze.

  ‘I know where we should go,’ she said.

  Daniel raised his eyebrows. ‘It just came to you, like that?’

  ‘Yes, a place I’ve walked in the woods, it’s not too far from here, about twenty minutes if we drive fast.’

  ‘Why there?’

  ‘I don’t know, I just have this feeling.’

  Daniel raised his eyebrows again. Sarah made herself stay put, resisting the urge to sink back into his embrace. She knew that if she did she would give into temptation and they would never go out. She needed to find Jo. She needed to stop feeling so frustrated. She needed this phase to end so she could face it and deal with it, and with the problems it would bring. Then all the faster she would be over it, over this anger at Jo that was consuming her, and she would be free.

  ‘OK, if you’re so sure, go ahead and drive.’

  ‘I am.’

  Daniel looked a little worried.

  ‘What is it?’ Sarah asked.

  ‘I’m not sure, I have a feeling too. And it’s of unease. Why would you suddenly think to go to a specific place?’

  ‘I really don’t know - I just feel this impulse. It’s like we’ve got to go there.’

  ‘Do you often get feelings like this, that you can’t explain?’

  ‘I don’t think so. Let’s go,’ said Sarah, she was getting impatient and wanted to be moving.

  Sarah picked up her keys, she appeared to have discarded them in her moment with Daniel. She felt a pang, should I really be acting like this when Jo’s still missing? But where the hell is he? And it’s not like he hasn’t done anything like this before. And, Daniel, there’s just something unexplainable about him. I’m intensely drawn to him. I’ve never felt so strongly attracted to anyone before. The way he makes me feel, the way I gravitate towards him. It’s like I’m not in control, like he’s in control of me.

  She started to move closer to Daniel again. He was still watching her, thinking, but she shook herself and made herself head for the car door, wrench it open and climb inside. Soon Daniel was next to her and she smiled at him. He gave her a glowing smile in return, making her insides melt again, and making her feel like everything would be OK.

  ‘I will go with you,’ he said, looking into her eyes, ‘but when we get out the car I want you to stay close.’

  Sarah looked back into his eyes, so beautiful, and was lost to his words, his influence seeping in. When he looked away Sarah saw him frown and wondered what he was thinking. But her compulsion to visit this place persisted so she started the car and drove towards the woods.

  Daniel reached out and brushed her cheek as she drove, then placed his hand, possessively, on her leg. Sarah couldn’t help but smile, and shot Daniel a look. He looked beautiful, still smoldering. It was a wrench to put her eyes back on the road.

  The road wound around and they found themselves approaching the quarry and Quarry Bridge. Sarah drove carefully over, there were steep drops on either side, and entered the smaller roads. From here on the roads were surrounded by a dense canopy of trees. Sarah was quite familiar with them - she’d lived in the area all her life and had long been a fan of forest walks. She had walked all the trails for miles around, and sometimes explored off track too. As a teenager she had camped in the woods with friends, freaking each other out with ghost stories. She felt at home in the woods, and at peace. If only she could find Jo and sort this mess out.

  Sarah saw the turning she’d been looking for, and felt Daniel tighten his grip on her leg as she turned into the forest, the tall conifers shading their way. The track was rough and stony but her car could handle it if she took it slow. She glanced over at Daniel again - he was looking around, peering through the trees, alert.

  When she looked back on the road she saw the place she’d been thinking of, a little further down the track. A clearing where she’d parked before. When she reached it she pulled up and turned off the engine. ‘We’re here.’

  ‘This is the place you thought we should come?’ Daniel asked.

  ‘Yes, here and the surrounding woodland.’

  ‘Don’t be disappointed if we don’t find anything. And remember, stay close.’ And he gave her a grin, before exiting the car and dashing round to her side before she’d even finished undoing her seatbelt. Sarah watched, amused, as Daniel opened her door and extended his hand. As she took it fresh tingles shot up her arm and Daniel pulled her to him, teasingly, before closing her door.

  This close, Sarah thought he was going to kiss her again, but he kept hold of her hand and walked back to the track they’d driven up, carefully inspecting the ground.

  ‘It looks like someone’s been here recently,’ he said.

  ‘How can you tell?’

  ‘These car tracks, they look recent. They would have washed away in the rain if they were more than a few days old.’

  ‘People don’t drive up this way often,’ said Sarah.

  ‘No, I don’t suppose they do.’

  ‘Let’s follow them, find out where they go,’ said Sarah, pulling him after her.


  Sebastian smirked to himself. He had been listening very carefully and he’d just heard the sound he was waiting for; a car. It looked like his plan had worked. They were here. He was excited to see how his plan would pan out.

  Jo had just taken out that deer and his face was smeared with blood, but he was still ravenous as animal blood didn’t compare.

  ‘Jo, it’s time to hunt again now. Listen carefully, try to extend your senses even further. When you find pray, draw it towards you.’

  He watched as Jo closed his eyes and focused hard on the animals in the forest. Sebastian turned himself into a bat and flew up into a tree to watch the action, and to be out of Daniel’s way when he realized what was going on.

  Jo’s ears pricked and Sebastian suspected he had heard that distant heartbeat, the heartbeat of a human. Jo would be able to pick that up already. It was such a natural instinct, the attraction to the sound of the human heart pounding. He probably wouldn’t even notice there was another vampire with her.

  He didn’t think any of them were in any real danger. Daniel would stop Jo hurting Sarah. Sarah would stop Daniel hurting Jo. It was the emotional response he was eager to watch, and the consequences he would find amusement in.

  He sensed Jo sending out tendrils of power - he must be wrapping them around Sarah now, pulling her closer. I wonder if Daniel will even notice. I would, but then, I am stronger than Daniel.

  In the distance he spotted movement as Sarah appeared, Jo’s full attention on her. Sebastian watched Jo’s teeth extend in anticipation of her blood. He knew he desired Sarah’s blood, Sebastian had picked up that thought trail from Jo. Thoughts could project themselves like wisps of power, only detectable by those strong enough, and interested enough, to perceive them.

  Jo froze as he watched Sarah, his prey, appear. Then, without a thought, acting on pure instinct, he sprinted. Sebastian watched as Daniel’s eyes snapped into focus - in less than a second he had released Sarah’s hand. Moving at lightning speed he was in front of her, bracing himself for Jo’s attack. Sebastian laughed - this was b
rilliant, just what he’d hoped for. Jo skidded to a halt snarling, teeth extending, looking for a way to get around the wall that was Daniel. The look on Sarah’s face. Magnificent! Shock, anger, horror. She was stepping away, removing herself from the situation, preparing to run, yet transfixed on the sights before her. She looked so tempting Sebastian nearly abandoned his plan and considered going into the fray and just taking her for himself. He withheld that desire though, and watched.

  Jo went for it, he obviously couldn’t help himself. The desire was too strong, and he didn’t yet understand Daniel’s strength. All he could think of was the blood. Sarah’s blood. He tried to ricochet off a tree, jumping towards Sarah. Daniel was faster, he blocked Jo’s path with his body, but he tumbled down and Jo darted over his head towards his goal.

  Sarah hastily backed away, too shocked to do anything but stare now. Watching her husband, a monster. A vampire.

  Sebastian could see Jo - he looked wild, fierce, bloody, savage. As any new vampire would. Jo launched himself at Sarah, pushing into her chest and flattening her against the leafy floor. Daniel was fast though, he righted himself and grabbed Jo from behind, yanking him off Sarah. Soon Daniel would lose control of himself, Sebastian could see the signs. This was definitely good afternoon entertainment, a fun way to while away the hours until the real hunt tonight.

  Jo pulled his hungry eyes away from Sarah, the most desirable prey a new vampire could wish for, to eye up this new vampire protecting her. He attacked, launching himself at Daniel with all his speed and strength. Sebastian was impressed - Jo was pretty strong for a newbie. Jo knocked Daniel back, trying to take him out, to reach Sarah.

  As Daniel fell back he hit a tree, snapping off a branch as he did.

  This is not so good, thought Sebastian.

  Jo lurched towards Daniel - meaning to rip his head off from the look of the snarl on his face. Daniel rammed the wood into Jo’s shoulder. It sank deep - not a killing blow, it didn’t touch his heart.

  Sebastian watched Jo’s reaction; he actually hissed, first at Daniel, then at Sarah, before running at lightning speed away from the scene. Sarah looked from the retreating Jo, to Daniel, rugged from the fight. She backed away from him, fear and horror on her face as she ran.

  Sebastian swooped though the sky after Jo, leaving the now revealed Daniel behind.

  Chapter 5

  Sarah reached her car, stumbling the final few meters. Her chest was tearing apart, she was heaving with emotion, not even knowing what she was feeling. Jo. What had happened, what was he? How could this happen? This was the end of everything. She fumbled for her keys, not finding them in her state, instead crumbling to the floor. Daniel was soon at her side, she could see him through her tears, rumpled, muddy, yet gorgeous. She stood up, anger igniting and pushed him back.

  ‘You. You, stopped him. What are you?’ And she pounded his chest, not caring about the consequences. Her breath tore in her chest, her face wet, she was sickened. She pushed Daniel again and turned away, pounding her car. The metal hurt her hands but she didn’t care. The pain was a distraction. Then she slumped once more to the ground, feeling the earth against her fingers, the cold air surrounding her.

  Daniel leant down and fumbled in her pockets, and she let him, not caring about anything at this point. She felt his arms lifting her up and sliding her into the passenger seat. He fastened her seatbelt, making her feel like a child. He then climbed into the driver’s seat, started the car and drove away as fast as he could manage on the bumpy track.

  Sarah continued to cry the entire way home. When they arrived Daniel didn’t wait around, he exited the car and hastened to Sarah’s side. Sarah felt numb as he helped her out, picking her up again and carrying her to her front door. He unlocked it and took her inside.

  He gently laid her on the sofa, her heart so painful she found it hard to breathe.

  Sarah barely grasped that Daniel was now on the phone. She could hear him but she felt far away. He was calling her parents, telling them to stay in, not to let the children out - saying that he would explain later. Then he was in the kitchen, while her breathing became shallow and came in gasps. Sarah looked through her swollen eyes as Daniel returned, hot drink in hand and placed it on the table next to her.

  Then he was holding her chin, ‘Look at me Sarah,’ and she couldn’t help herself, she looked into his eyes through her tears and he said, ‘It’s OK. Calm down. I will take care of you. We will work out what to do. You don’t need to be scared.’

  Despite herself, Sarah became lost in his eyes, found herself succumbing to his influence. Her breathing slowed enough to take her drink as Daniel pushed it into her hands. He joined her under the blanket on the sofa and Sarah melted into his arms as he held her close.


  Jo tore the wood from his shoulder. It splintered as it left his body, causing ripples of intense pain. As his blood lust subsided he found a good branch to sit on and took deep breaths, trying to find calm. Sarah. Images of their past together flashed through his mind. Picnics in the wood, dinners, movies, childbirth. Love. Lust. Restlessness. Lust for other women. Betrayal. Boredom. Blood - he wanted it. Who was that vampire she was with? The one who had stopped him feeding. Why was she with a vampire at all? Why were they here?

  Sebastian landed next to him.

  ‘Did you orchestrate this?’ Jo asked.

  ‘Me?’ He laughed. ‘I thought you might like to face your past. Meet your enemies.’

  ‘That vampire. Who was he?’

  ‘Daniel. My nemesis.’ Sebastian laughed again, he couldn’t take the situation too seriously.

  ‘What was he doing here? Why was he with Sarah?’

  ‘Well, he was here because she brought him. I influenced her to come so you could see her.’

  ‘So I could see her? Why? To ignite my passions? To anger me? To make me hunt her? Or to make me hate him?’

  ‘Does it have to be only one reason?’ Sebastian said, eyebrows raised.

  ‘How do you know this Daniel?’

  ‘I sired him, as I did you.’

  ‘But he’s no longer under your control,’ Jo said.

  ‘No, you could say that,’ answered Sebastian.

  ‘Why not?’

  ‘Hmm, it’s complicated. He retained too many feelings from his humanity. You don’t need to worry about it. Together we can avoid him, he won’t get in our way much.’

  ‘But he was in my way. I wanted her.’

  ‘It was good he was in your way, I planned it like that. Had you drank her blood, gloried in it, killed her, you would have regretted it later, when this new lust for blood has diluted in intensity. But now you’ve seen her, you can start processing your feelings. It won’t be such a shock next time you see her. Should it be in public for instance.’

  ‘What are your plans for me?’ asked Jo.

  ‘We’ll see. We may just take over this little town, one victim at a time.’


  Sarah, freed from her fear now, pulled back from Daniel and looked into his dark eyes.

  ‘Now I’ve calmed down, will you tell me Daniel?’

  ‘Tell you what, specifically?’

  ‘What’s going on? What has happened to Jo? What are you? Why are you here?’

  Daniel gripped her face between his hands, ‘I’m here because I want to protect you. I feel for you. You, you do something to me. Jo is a vampire, a new vampire. Someone has turned him.’ And intently he looked at her. ‘It was not me, I did not do it. But I suspected something like this. I am following someone, trying to stop things like this happening. I am different.’

  ‘What are you Daniel?’

  ‘I, I am a vampire too.’

  As he said it he pulled away and leant back against the sofa.

  Sarah looked at Daniel. She couldn’t take it all in - she trusted him, but it was all too much, and her attraction to him was obscuring logical thought.

  ‘What can we do? Will he be after me, my family?

  ‘I don’t know.’

  They sat in silence for a long while. Sarah kept seeing Jo, snarling, bloody and deranged. It was like he was with them, in the living room. She felt as though he was angry at her. As though she deserved it for being with someone else. For feeling for someone else. Daniel. A vampire. She pushed all thoughts from her mind. She couldn’t deal with any of it. She pushed Jo away, refused to see him snarling again. She pushed the notion of vampires away. She would think about it later. One more question first.

  ‘Is the mythology true? Do vampires have to be invited in?’


  ‘Even to their home they used to live in?’


  Sarah watched his arms as he reached out for her. She reached for his hair; it was smooth and silky beneath her fingers. She felt reckless, it didn’t matter how she behaved now. Everything was in ruins.

  She ran her fingers across his jaw, to his lips. She stared into his dark eyes. Her heart twisted, and once again she pushed out doubts, images. Daniel was here, and he was in front of her. They were here together. Vampire? She traced her hands down his neck, to his chest, and felt his heart beating. He was real. He was solid, full of life. His eyes full of heat, desire. Desire for her, or for her blood?

  He moved his hands back to her face and locked eyes, ‘It’s you, I will not hurt you.’ Sarah looked into his eyes as he leant in and kissed her on the lips, gently. He pulled her body closer and their kiss deepened. Her body ignited with tingles and flames. She felt alive in his embrace. As though this was where she was meant to be. As though this was why she existed. She swung her left leg over him to wrap her body as close as she could to his. He ran his hands over her hair and kissed her cheekbones, her eyes, his kisses moving down to her neck. With each kiss Sarah felt energy rushing from the point of his touch to her heart, to her fingers, to her belly.


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