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The Two Vampires: Books 1-5 (The Complete Series!)

Page 6

by M. D. Bowden

  She opened her eyes and looked into his, he looked almost fierce in his passion for her, his eyes were blazing. He leant in and kissed her lips again. Then he flipped her onto her back on the sofa, and he was on top of her, kissing her passionately.

  Sarah wanted him so badly, she pulled against his body, grabbing his back, his legs, his hips and he pressed into her. She wanted to rip off his clothes and devour him, to bite him, for him to be inside her. She wrapped her legs around his hips, feeling him press against her. His body was so firm under her fingers, cool and muscular. And he wanted her, he was all over her.

  He grabbed at her jacket, lifting her by the waist and pulling it off her arms. He yanked down her top, running his tongue over her chest. He looked once more into her eyes, breathing deeply, before grabbing the bottom of her top and pulling it smoothly over her arms and head.

  Sarah lay there exposed beneath him. She couldn’t help it but smiled self-consciously. She reached up and pulled him back down onto her, breathing in his masculine woodland smell, kissing his neck.

  She pushed him back and pulled off his jacket and t-shirt, while he sat astride her. His chest and stomach were tight and smooth, delicious looking. She ran her fingers down his chest, to the top of his jeans, and he was back on top of her, pushing against her through their trousers. She pushed back, wanting him, desire running though her.

  He reached around her back and undid her bra, removing it and flinging it to the floor, caressing her breasts. Sarah felt in heaven as his mouth came down to her tummy, tracing kisses down to the line above her jeans. Then his fingers were ripping her jeans open and he pulled those off too.

  He left her pants on and Sarah watched as he looked over her body, absorbing the site of her nakedness. She reached for him and pulled him back to her again, pulling his hips towards her, fumbling at his belt as he kissed her lips, and breathed in her scent at her neck.

  He pushed her pants aside, forcing himself inside her, pounding into her repeatedly, pulling her bum hard against him. Sarah touched him everywhere, trying to be as close to every part of him as she could. Feeling him deep inside her, she pulled him even deeper, contracting her hips towards his, pushing into his rhythm. She kissed him passionately as he penetrated her, feeling his hair, his chest, his back. She felt she was living in a fantasy, a book, a make believe world. Like this couldn’t be real. But it felt more real than anything she’d ever experienced.

  She felt tension building within her, moaning as she released, repeatedly. Shaking around him as she held him tight. She felt him release into her, while he kissed her and loved her. Sarah leant into him as he pulled her back on top and held her tightly, stroking her hair, their breath slowing. She looked up into his intense eyes, regarding her with awe, and what looked like love. She couldn’t break his gaze and just let herself look at him, taking him in, connecting with his soul.


  After Sarah had lain there, looking at Daniel for what she felt could never be long enough, she forced herself to get up. He watched her mischievously as she dressed in front of him. She felt her cheeks warming again, he was so hot.

  ‘I’m going to fix some food, would you like anything? Do you even need to eat?’

  ‘I don’t need to, I can survive off blood, but food does nourish me, especially when I don’t feed as often as I should. So yes, please, I would like some food.’ He said with a smile.

  Sarah just made a couple of sandwiches and a small salad to share, opened some wine and fetched glasses. Daniel came in and sat at the table, watching her as she poured their drinks. He raised his glass, ‘Cheers’.

  ‘To what may I ask?’ said Sarah.

  ‘To us, to staying strong, to sorting out this mess.’

  Sarah clinked his glass and tucked in. Her sandwich was simple but tasty, she hadn’t realized how hungry she was. Images from earlier in the woods flicked back to her mind, but she pushed them away. If she let them in she would lose it all over again. No. That couldn’t happen. If she let them in she wouldn’t be able to plan. She wouldn’t be able to sort out the mess at all. And she had to do something, otherwise she was in danger - it was likely her whole family was in danger. And the town?

  ‘What was it you said the night we met? Something about writing a book about vampires invading our town? Was that true, are you writing a book? Or were you testing me?’

  ‘I admit it, I’m not writing a book. It’s partly my cover story, and partly I wanted to see how you would react - to the idea of the supernatural.’

  ‘But when you said about invading our town, did you say it because you think this town is being invaded? And who is it that you’re following?’

  ‘I’m following Sebastian. I think he must have turned Jo. And killed, or turned, other people in this town who have been reported missing. Sebastian likes creating havoc. He is old, he’s wild, he finds fun in hurting people. He turned me.’

  Daniel looked sad so Sarah interrupted, ‘He hurt you too?’

  ‘Well yes, but it’s complicated. It was a long time ago. I never turned wild like him. He took things from me - my family, tormenting me, trying to make me act like him. It didn’t work though, he made me insanely angry, but at him, not at the world. I didn’t want to take it out on victims as he’d hoped. I wanted to destroy him. I do want to destroy him.’

  ‘Why haven’t you?’

  ‘He is substantially older than me, he has taken more victims, more blood, more lives. He is stronger than me.’

  Sarah stood up and paced, ‘Then what can we do?’

  ‘We must kill him, we must think of a plan, before he destroys us. He will want you too, to spite me.’

  Daniel got up and walked towards Sarah, she felt her heart pound as he took her hand.

  ‘Sarah, I want you now. I want you to be with me.’

  Sarah felt confused, she pulled away.

  ‘But, I don’t want to be like you. I don’t want you to turn me.’

  ‘I won’t.’ He stepped forward and brushed her hair away from her face, his cool fingers making her tingle.

  ‘I’m so confused Daniel, I feel crazed by my feelings for you. I want you, but this is all so crazy. I’ve only just lost Jo.’

  ‘I know, I’m pushing things, but I’m crazy for you. You are so beautiful. And your smell, he pulled her close and breathed her in again, you smell different, amazing. And when I look into your eyes, I see you, I feel this draw I can’t explain.’

  ‘I feel it too.’ Sarah let him kiss her, and she kissed him back fiercely. She made herself pull away, ‘I have children Daniel. If Sebastian leaves this town, what then, you will follow him? You will just leave? I can’t follow you, I love Megan and Bea, I need to look after them.’

  ‘That’s why we have to end this, to destroy him. Then I will never have to leave.’

  ‘And Jo, we destroy him too? We kill him?’

  ‘If we don’t he will kill. He probably has already.’

  ‘What if he’s like you? What if he feels things more intensely and can reject that life?’

  ‘From seeing him earlier, I think that’s unlikely. He wanted to kill you Sarah.’

  ‘But if we kill him, it’s so final. I can’t accept this is happening.’

  Sarah pulled back and sat back down at the table. Picking up her glass she glugged at her wine, numbing her reality.

  ‘I don’t want to kill him. I don’t want him to be dead. Can’t we leave, get my kids and run away?’

  ‘But if we do that, how many people will die? Do you want that?’

  ‘No, I don’t! But to kill him. Who would that make me? What would it do to me?’

  ‘You would be a protector, you would be protecting this town. He’s completely lost to you already. You can’t have him back Sarah.’

  Sarah looked into his eyes. ‘I don’t want him back. I just don’t want this to be happening.’

  ‘Neither do I, although it has led me to you,’ he actually grinned, ‘I’m sorry Sarah, I know it�
��s destroying your world. But I’ve been in this alone.’

  ‘For how long?’ Sarah asked.

  ‘Thirty years.’

  ‘It’s only thirty years since you’ve been a vampire?’ Sarah actually laughed herself, ‘I’m sorry, it’s just I would have expected you to be a lot older.’ She raised her eyebrows at him.

  ‘That still means I’ve been a vampire for longer than you’ve been alive though,’ he smirked, smoldering at her. Heat rose in her cheeks again, and she let it, watching him watch her appreciatively.

  ‘Daniel,’ she said more seriously, trying to bring him back on track. ‘What can we do, even if we are to plan to kill them. Both Sebastian and Jo. How are we going to do it? Have you ever tried to kill Sebastian before?’

  ‘Yes, I have. A few times actually. I’ve fought him, I’ve tried to trick him, but it’s never worked. He laughs at me, like I’m an annoying fly he can brush aside. He doesn’t really try that hard to kill me though. He turned me - I think he still wants me to be like him.’

  ‘How old is Sebastian?’

  ‘He really is old, a lot older than me. Maybe 700 years. I don’t know exactly.’

  ‘And is he invading this town? What has he done before? What have you watched him do?’

  ‘He has done all sorts of things. He picks towns, always a long way away from each other. Typically in different countries to cover this tracks. Then he tears them apart. He turns people. He kills people. He turns people against each other. Sometimes he leaves it at that, moves on, finds something else to amuse himself with. Every few years he will take it all the way, completely destroy everything and everyone in the town. Literally leaving no-one alive. He will create some cover story and influence investigators to forget, tell media some story, gas explosion, the like. Then he will leave to torment someone else. That’s what he enjoys.’

  Sarah fell silent. She couldn’t bear the thought of so much destruction.

  But thoughts played at the edge of her mind. ‘Could I kill a vampire? Am I strong enough?’

  ‘Yes, I’m sure you could ram a stake into a vampire’s heart, up through the ribs or from behind. You would have to catch them by surprise though, as they are much faster than you. You probably couldn’t manage to decapitate a vampire. That takes greater strength, or a weapon. But it would be hard to wield a weapon strong enough for the job, fast enough for them not to defend themselves.’

  ‘Have you killed other vampires?’

  ‘Yes, I’ve killed other vampires Sebastian has turned.’

  ‘What next? We need a plan but my mind is drawing up blank,’ Sarah said.

  ‘They will probably be out later tonight, looking for victims,’ Daniel said. He looked bleak, sickened himself. ‘I could go out, watch them, see what I can do.’

  ‘We could go out, I can’t let you do this alone.’

  ‘You should stay here, where you’re safe.’

  ‘But I won’t feel safe. And it will drive me mad not knowing what’s going on.’

  ‘If you come, will you stay with me? I can’t let you unless you promise to stay by my side. Otherwise I can’t protect you.’

  Sarah looked at Daniel, so earnest, worried for her. She couldn’t help but agree. She nodded, looking into his dark eyes.

  Chapter 6

  Jo sat waiting in his favorite tree. Darkness had fallen some time ago and he listened to the night sounds. Activity was increasing on the forest floor as night creatures came out to feed, he could hear them nosing around in the leaves. His thirst was increasing, not satisfied by his earlier hunt, still fueled by memories of Sarah.

  Sebastian had swooped off as a bat earlier and Jo awaited his return. Then they would go hunting. For real. For people. He felt his teeth extending at the thought and had to take deep breaths to make them retract. Finally he saw a bat flying back towards him. Sebastian landed next to him and took his human shape. ‘Hungry?’ he asked with a twinkle in his eye. ‘Follow me.’

  And Jo did, eagerly. Sebastian ran, zipping through the forest, still in his human form. Jo sped after him, delighting in his new abilities, excited about the thought of densely packed bodies. When they reached the edge of town Sebastian slowed to a walk and Jo joined him.

  ‘Listen Jo, you can’t just jump people like you did earlier. When we reach a bar you need to focus within, try to ignore your thirst for blood. We will order drinks, blend in. Only then will you choose your victim. Find a girl, someone you find attractive if you like, and charm her, encourage her to leave with you. Then you can feed. Remember what you did earlier, sending out tendrils of power to coax a victim towards you? That’s another strategy. You can lurk in the dark and draw people towards you. But it will be harder in a bar with so many people, so many thought patterns tangling with your powers. It will be easier when you become stronger.’

  Jo listened to Sebastian, but he found it hard to think past the word blood. He thought about all those people in one room and didn’t know how he would control himself.

  They walked down dark streets, only the occasional lights illuminating their way. They were reaching the dodgy end of town, the old shattered windows and peeling paint Jo was already quite familiar with. He’d spent a fair amount of time in these bars as a human, when he couldn’t handle staying at home any longer. When he’d needed a break from the intensity of life with a wife, with children.

  He may be recognized, but what did it matter? He could run if needed, could influence to protect himself. He could kill.

  They stopped at the first bar they came to. Jo stood outside looking at the dim light radiating above the battered sign. He could hear people inside, music, talking, hearts pounding at different speeds. He could smell the scent of people and was drawn forward. Sebastian held out his arm to block his way, ‘Wait, remember control. Breathe deeply. Get your victim somewhere unseen before you feed.’

  Jo nodded and opened the door. It was crowded and dark. Perfect. He had to push through warm bodies just to reach the bar. Sebastian was next to him, keeping close tabs.

  Sebastian ordered drinks while Jo stood, captivated by all the people. There was so much blood. He looked around, trying to choose. His throat was so dry, every particle of his body longed to grab the nearest blood source, rip its neck aside and glug that warm sweet liquid. He struggled not to let his teeth extend, feeling Sebastian’s eyes on him. Then he was back, passing Jo a tumbler filled with liquor. ‘It will help keep you under control, until you find what you want.’

  Jo necked it. Feeling the alcohol seep into his veins. It didn’t stop his hunger, but it allowed his mind to see through it.

  ‘Now watch me. When I take someone outside, follow, but keep to the shadows,’ Sebastian said.

  Jo pushed through the crowd, fighting temptation. He leant against a doorframe to steady himself, his veins were aching for blood. He watched Sebastian, dark and tall, moving through the crowd, into the dancing throng.

  Sebastian moved to the music, dark trances. If it hadn’t been so dim his height would have made him stand out, but his dark clothes and fluid movement let him blend. He moved through the room to a girl dancing alone. She looked like Sarah, with her long flowing hair and a thin frame. He saw Sebastian smile at her, moving closer, seducing her. He watched as he looked into her eyes, influencing her, then he took her hand and she followed him towards the door.

  This is it, he thought, and moved through the crowd, finding it easy to copy Sebastian’s fluid movements, one of the advantages of being a vampire. He would never have danced as a human, preferring to drink and watch.

  As he stepped out of the bar into the cool night, rain pummeled him and he pulled his jacket up to keep himself dry. He saw Sebastian disappearing around a corner with the girl. He quickly walked behind them, peering around into the alley.

  There he saw Sebastian, up ahead, pushing the girl against the wall. She was giggling, looking up at him. He supposed Sebastian was actually quite good looking, tall and dark and muscular. He probably
didn’t have much difficulty getting girls to leave with him, even without influencing them. Especially when they were intoxicated with alcohol. Jo entered the alley and leant against a wall, watching.

  Sebastian leant down, smiling at the girl and picked her up so her face was at his level. She looked entranced with him, happy with herself for being out here, in an alleyway, with an unknown man. He leant in, Jo expecting him to go straight ahead with the feed. But instead he kissed her and pushed himself against her, feeling her all over. Jo felt impatient. He wanted to watch the feed, wanted to feed himself. He wanted to rip that girl out of Sebastian’s arms and feed on her. Drink her blood. Or go inside, choose his victim. But if Sebastian wanted him to watch, he would watch.

  Once the girl was putty, completely succumbed to Sebastian’s charms, that was when his kisses reached her neck, Jo imagined his teeth extending then he heard the bite, heard her whimper as the twin fangs sank into her neck. He could hear Sebastian gulping her blood. As her heart began to slow Sebastian withdrew his teeth from her neck leaving her just alive, eyes half closed leaning back against the wall, still supported by Sebastian. Instead of stepping back be bit his own wrist and pushed it against her mouth. She started to gulp at his blood, sucking it inside, her wounds healing. Then he snapped her neck, stepped back and let her fall to the ground. Jo watched, not quite believing what Sebastian had done, his control not to kill the girl, his enjoyment in the feed, beyond the pull of the blood, his decision to turn her.

  Sebastian straightened his clothes and turned to face Jo, wiping all traces of blood from his mouth. He looked wild, smug, ready for more.

  ‘What did you do? Why did you turn her?’ asked Jo.

  ‘All part of the plan, it would take a long time to destroy the town just the two of us. I might get bored. Now, it’s your turn. I will watch.’


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