Me & Mr Write (Mr Write Trilogy)

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Me & Mr Write (Mr Write Trilogy) Page 10

by Cassandra P Lewis


  I’m woken by Rafe’s terrible singing and the welcome smell of fresh coffee,

  “Is Dad making breakfast?” I ask sleepily as I attempt to pull my head together. Rafe and I drank quite a lot of wine last night and my head is more than a little fuzzy.

  “Of course he is! The full works for his little girl!” Rafe rolls his eyes sarcastically and I can’t help but laugh as he pulls me up to sitting and I reach for my phone,

  ‘Happy 27 Birthday my beautiful girl, I love you and I’ll see you soon x”

  I’m a little sad that I won’t see Jackson today but we have work to do writing name cards and putting wedding favours together, so my birthday will pass in a flash. I quickly text Jackson back before heading down for breakfast,

  “Thank you, I feel old! Still, I’ll never be as old as you…love you x”

  “Feliz cumpleaños mi hermosa hija” Dad greets me with a huge hug as I walk into the kitchen, and the smell of the food that he is cooking immediately makes me feel famished.

  Dad is a great cook. He learned to cook by watching his grandmother and mother in the kitchen and was determined that he’d cook for a living one day. Experimenting with flavours and different ideas gives him so much joy, and it was food that brought him to my Mam. He was working in a tapas bar when they met and he fell instantly in love with her.

  Since I was a little girl Dad has told me that one day I’m going to walk into somebody’s life with my flame red hair and eyes as green as the hills and they will feel like their heart has stopped, that’s how he felt when he met my Mam. I loved to listen to the stories of their love for one another, he made her sound like a princess and he a prince, and of course to me, they were.

  Mam is still striking today and Dad has always been a handsome man. Mam told me how she had to mark her territory when they moved to Buxton. Apparently the women here had never seen a man like Dad and they were all after him. I still find that hilarious because it conjures an image in my mind of my Mam, like Boudicca standing guard and ready to attack as the Romans approach. The Romans of course being the deprived, horny women of early nineties Buxton, identifiable by their uniform of permed hair and stonewash denim.

  To this day my Mam is ready to pounce whenever she greets any of the women that used to flirt with Dad, their false smiles and her poisonous venom hidden beneath a mask of coffee mornings and the WI!

  “This is great Dad, thank you” I’m starving and eager as a full English breakfast and a steaming hot coffee are placed down in front of me. I haven’t been home on my birthday for a couple of years so my parents are enjoying making a fuss. “Where’s Mam?” I realise that I haven’t yet been attacked by my mother with birthday hugs and kisses,

  “She’s gone to get the papers I think sis, she’ll not be long”

  Rafe seems solemn as he picks at his food and I can’t help but wonder if the nerves are setting in. He adores Matthew, but he lived a pretty wild life up until they got serious, I am curious as to whether he is anxious about giving all of that up. Maybe I’m really wondering more about Jackson than Rafe,

  “Are you ok Rafe? You seem quiet. You’re not getting cold feet are you?” I ask before shovelling more bacon and mushroom into mouth,

  “No sis, no way. I honestly cannot wait to be married to Matthew; I guess I just miss him. I’m used to him going away and me having work to distract myself, and having our things around me to feel like he’s close. It’s not normally me that goes away without him, it’s strange” Rafe takes a bite out of a piece of toast and I realise that I’m grinning at him like a crazy person, “What?”

  “You just, really love him don’t you? I mean I know you do, but for a while Rafe I thought you were on a downward spiral with no way of getting back up, I was worried” I put my knife and fork down and reach across the table for my brother’s hands, “But now, when I see you two together, and even more now that I see you apart, I don’t think I’ve ever seen a love like yours, and it makes me so happy Rafe” I can feel tears starting to gather in my lower lids and I roll my eyes and giggle as I dismiss them,

  “Oh don’t start Ro, I can’t take it!” Rafe laughs as he squeezes my hands and then leans forward and looks at me with intent, “I couldn’t have done it without you Rosie. You are my saviour”

  When Mam walks into the room to see her children holding hands across the breakfast table with tears visible in our eyes, it’s enough to set off her own tears,

  “Ah my babies, my god I love how you love each other!” Mam comes over to the table and puts the newspapers down, “Happy Birthday my sweet girl” she holds out her arms to me and I stand to hug her. I feel so lucky to have the amazing family that I do.

  As the day passes I can’t help but find it strange that I’ve not heard from Jackson, he hasn’t answered when I’ve tried calling him and he hasn’t text me since this morning. I feel annoyed, it’s my birthday and if he couldn’t be here he should have at least called me.

  Mam and Dad are busy in the kitchen making Rafe and Matthew’s wedding cake, and by the sound of the laughter and bangs drifting into the living room having some sort of food fight. I can’t help keep checking my phone every two minutes and each time I put down my pen I feel Rafe’s eyes bore into me,

  “Rosetta, for crying out loud will you cheer up? He’s working, which is why he couldn’t come. He’ll be here tomorrow!” Rafe is annoyed by my moaning and lack of enthusiasm for putting together his wedding favours and writing out two hundred name place cards, and I know he’s right, I’m being stupid. I try to get my head back on the task in hand and continue writing out the names of Rafe’s wedding guests in silver pen.

  At just after one pm I realise that I’m famished and decide to get some lunch. I am disturbed in my train of thought by a loud car horn out the front of the house,

  “Bloody hell! That scared the crap out of me. Who is it Rafe?” I call back to my brother, who is busy tying luggage tags onto little jars of biscotti,

  “Go and look Ro, you’re already up!” he hardly looks up from his work as I head for the front door.

  I open the door and am met by the sight of Jackson leaning casually against a gorgeous Baltic Blue Range Rover Sport, which despite the long journey is sparkling like a giant sapphire in the sun,

  “Oh my gosh! Jackson what are you doing here?!” I run into his arms and feel the tension drain out of me as he kisses me tenderly.

  When Jackson releases me I realise that Rafe has joined us outside and is greeting Matthew as though he hasn’t seen him for a year. My parents are standing in the doorway of the house, both wearing aprons and covered in flour and food colouring.

  “You’re not supposed to be here until tomorrow! You didn’t need to hire a car Jackson I would have picked you up from the station”

  “I didn’t Rosie, I bought one. This is mine!” Jackson stands aside to display his new motor and I am stunned, this must have cost him a fortune and he’s never mentioned wanting to buy a car,

  “You bought a car? Why?” I question at the same time as admiring the stunning machine behind him,

  “I’ve been putting money aside for ages babe, but now I have a reason to” he smiles at me as I walk around the front of the car toward the driver’s side stroking my fingertips across the still warm metal of the bonnet, “Well we can’t keep getting trains every time we want to visit our parents can we?” he stands directly opposite me and looks me in the eyes across the front of the car. I can’t help but feel aroused by the intensity of his stare and the fact that he drove all the way here to surprise me, I smile before I start to speak,

  “Pass me the keys then!”


  Jackson looks at me confused for a moment, even tilting his head to the side as he tries to process what I’ve said,

  “I didn’t know you could drive?” he questions as my family s
tart to laugh behind him and I smile as he turns to them,

  “Oh Jackson, Rosie can not only drive, she has a trophy cabinet in the garage so show just how good she is!” Rafe laughs as Jackson turns back to me for an explanation,

  “I’ve been racing and rallying since I was sixteen babe. I’m a bit of a petrol head!” I wink and hold out my hand, “Come on then… keys!”

  Jackson throws me the keys and I slide in behind the wheel. The ebony leather seat hugs me as my hands slide up and around the steering wheel. Everything about this car is sexual to me; it is the absolute epitome of Jackson, strong and good looking, well presented and commanding, hard and defined. The smooth leather of the seat against my skin raises images in my mind of Jackson’s hands on my body and the feel of the cool hard black interior under my fingertips paints a picture in my mind of my hands running across his toned chest and abs.

  At the push of a button the diesel engine roars into life and Jackson climbs into the passenger seat beside me. I smile across at him and I know he can see the fire in my eyes,

  “This car is amazing!” my voice is almost a whisper but is dripping with excitement as I reach around to pull my seat belt across my chest and plug it in, Jackson does the same and that’s my cue.

  I pull away from the house and head straight for the country lanes. They’re usually quiet during the week and I know I’ll be able to really see when this machine can do. I push my foot down on the accelerator and delight in the pull as the speed increases. I race my way along the winding lanes, taking the corners and revelling in the way the car handles my manipulations. Before long Jackson is telling me calmly to watch my speed but I just smile and flex my fingers around the wheel,

  “Relax Mr James; I know what I’m doing”.

  After about twenty five minutes I pull into a wooded area and Jackson looks at me concerned, I know that he’s thinking about the paintwork.

  “If I scratch it I’ll fix it, but trust me this will be worth it!” I smile and giggle slightly as I pull into a secluded spot in the woods and bring the car to a stop.

  “Why have you brought me out into the middle of nowhere Alvez?” Jackson asks whilst taking his seatbelt off and smiling mischievously,

  “My birthday present” I remove my seatbelt and climb easily across to straddle Jackson’s lap as he leans his seat back further with a look in his eyes that ignites the fire in my belly. He drives me wild without even trying.

  As Jackson grips my bare thighs I am thankful for the warm spring day and my decision to wear a skirt this morning. He strokes his hands firmly upward and around to squeeze my backside. He lets out a low hum of approval as he pulls me closer to him and I can feel his arousal through the thin material of his cotton chinos and he reaches his fingers up into my hair to guide me into a deep kiss.

  “You are insatiable Alvez, do you know that?” Jackson starts to stroke his thumb lightly over my clitoris making me rock against him to try and encourage him to up the pressure and pace.

  I reach down and undo the zip on his trousers to release him from his confinement; my eyes are wild at the sight and feel of him in my hands. His skin stretched to breaking point and the gasp that escapes Jackson as I start to stroke my hands up and down the length of him,

  “I need you now Jackson, inside me right now!” I order and Jackson kisses me again, it’s rough, almost aggressive and I love it, it makes me rock back and forth on his lap, silently begging for every inch of him to be buried deep within me.

  Jackson stops his stroking and pulls my underwear aside, encouraging me to lift up as he takes himself in hand and steers me down onto the swollen head of his penis. The sensation of stretching to accommodate him is glorious; I am tight but more than ready as he slides in to the root.

  We still for a moment, kissing and revelling in the pleasure radiating from where we join before I start to move, lifting up and back down, leaning back so that he can rub against my g spot. The pleasure comes in waves and I have to grip hard on Jackson’s biceps to try and contain the orgasm that is fast approaching. Jackson starts to thrust upwards to meet my rise and fall and the familiar grip on my hips lets me know that he’s close. I am more than ready so increase my pace in response. I reach my hands up to grip the head rest and give myself some leverage as I pump hard and fast to bring our mutual release.

  “Fuck Rosie, that’s good” Jackson blows a long drawn out breath through pursed lips as I begin to tighten around him and move my hands to his shoulders. As I dig my fingers into his skin I watch as Jackson’s jaw tightens and the hungry look in his eyes tips me over the edge.

  I throw my head back as the surge of pleasure washes over me and I rock back and forth, allowing Jackson to pour into me before he grips tightly on my hips holding them still as he pulsates with the last moments of his orgasm.

  We kiss tenderly as we catch our breath and come back down to earth. I push myself back over into the driver’s seat,

  “Told you I could drive!” I wink and push the button to wake the sleeping beast that we just christened, Jackson laughs as he zips up his trousers and buckles up for the journey home.

  When we arrive back at the house I am on top of the world and can’t wait to show Jackson the garage.

  “Come on, wait till you see her!” I practically drag him by the hand to the garage door and wait to see his reaction as I open it,

  “Oh my god Rosie that’s yours? Why on earth do you leave that beauty locked up in a garage, miles from where you live?” Jackson steps into the garage and runs his hands over Audrey, my Dakota Grey Audi TT Roadster and I smile,

  “Her James…not that! This is Audrey, and I don’t see the point of having her in London for her to be sentenced to a life of traffic and road rage. At least here Dad takes her out every now and again and I drive her whenever I’m home…” I walk to the opposite side of the car and smile across the top to Jackson, “She’s beautiful though hey?” I giggle as Jackson nods his approval and then turns his attention towards the trophy cabinet on the back wall of the garage,

  “Baby, are these really all yours?” he looks at me with a mixture of surprise and pride in his eyes as he asks the question,

  “Yep, racing was my first love” I walk to Jackson’s side and he wraps an arm around my shoulder and kisses the top of my head,

  “This is amazing Rosie, but I’d be worried sick if you still did this!” I can hear the concern in his voice and get a sinking feeling as I realise that my racing days really are behind me.

  “Eduardo, Lalita it’s so wonderful to see you, it’s been forever” I greet Pippa’s parents at door. I’m so pleased that they were able to make it to my birthday get together, but by the look on Ben’s face he doesn’t feel the same. In fact, he looks as though he might throw up and I realise that he must be nervous to be at his first social event in his official capacity as Pip’s boyfriend, I make my way over to where he is standing at the back of the room,

  “Hey Benny, how you doing?” I bump his shoulder with mine and he smiles, realising that I can see his anxiety.

  “Her Dad terrifies me Rosie!” he laughs but I suspect that he’s serious, “He keeps looking at me like I’m the monster that deflowered his little girl” now it’s my turn to laugh, Ben is right, as far as Pip’s Dad in concerned she will be wearing the whitest white on her wedding day,

  “He won’t think Pip has even considered sex with you Ben, he thinks she’s saving herself I’m sure of it” I am genuine in my response and hope that it will ease his worries,

  “He walked in on us”

  “What?” my eyes are wide as I stifle a laugh,

  “Yep!” he takes a deep breath, “We were on the final lap on their living room floor and he was meant to be out till about seven, but he came home early and walked straight in!”

  I know I shouldn’t but I can’t stop myself from laughing. I throw my hand over my mouth to try and contain it but when Ben starts to giggle along with me I can’t hold it in and we both erupt, />
  “The worse thing is, we finished!” he squeaks out the sentence between his laughter and I hold my stomach which is actually hurting from laughing so hard. I try to compose myself,

  “Oh Ben! That is mortifying and brilliant at the same time! What did he do?” I ask, unsure if I want to know,

  “He just walked out of the room and he hasn’t said a word to either of us since. I’m surprised they’re here to be honest,”

  “Oh, they love me! You however…Good luck with that one” I wink at Ben as Pip comes over to join us,

  “What are you to laughing about? Oh my god, you told her didn’t you?” Pip glares at Ben and then at me as we both start to smile,

  “Yes he did, and you bloody well should have, it’s fucking hilarious Pip!” I push her gently on the shoulder and head out into the conservatory to find Jackson.

  I make eye contact with Jackson as soon as I step into the conservatory and the look that he gives me screams ‘rescue me!’ I tilt my head to see who he is talking to and then I see Jenna, oh god, now I understand the look,

  As I get closer I can hear the familiar ramblings and I cringe, wondering how long she has had Jackson trapped here, and what she may have been saying.

  “And you should have seen it, I don’t think I’ve ever laughed so much but then, that’s Rosie, always the class clown!”

  “Jenna, release him from your claws you minx” I join the duo in the corner and Jenna lights up when she sees me standing next to her,

  “Rosie! He is a keeper, well done darling! Had to kiss a few frogs though hey?” Jenna bumps her hip into mine and I reach for Jackson’s hand,

  “Hmm, listen I have to introduce Jackson to a few people hun so we’ll see you in a bit? Pip’s inside” Jackson takes my hand and we escape inside the house.

  “Sorry Babe, I didn’t realise she’d found you” I laugh as I lead Jackson through the guests and toward the hallway,


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