Me & Mr Write (Mr Write Trilogy)

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Me & Mr Write (Mr Write Trilogy) Page 11

by Cassandra P Lewis

  “My god that girl can talk, are you really friends?” Jackson sounds genuinely confused that Pip and I would be friends with a girl like Jenna, I laugh again,

  “Yeah, she’s lovely really, she’s just like a dog on heat when it comes to a pretty face” I pull him close and run my fingers up into his hair “And you’re one heck of a pretty face” I pull his head down until his lips meet mine. Jackson’s left hand runs down my back and squeezes my backside, I could easily drag him upstairs now but we’re pulled back into the real world by my brother,

  “Put her down, you’ll put me off my food” he playfully punches Jackson on the shoulder as he walks past us toward the kitchen and I call after him,

  “Nothing could put you off your food Rafael!” I smile up at Jackson through my eyelashes and we smile as we head back into the party.

  “Goodnight, thanks for coming”

  I say goodbye to the last of the guests and head back into the living room, Dad has already got the champagne out and is filling flutes on the dining table,

  “Come on, come one. Get a glass, all of you” Dad instructs us all to take a glass before he raises his,

  “Right, I just want to say a few words” there’s a playful groan from Rafe, Mam and I and Dad rolls his eyes at us before continuing, “ Now listen, Rosetta my beautiful girl, you’re getting so old”

  “Oh… thanks Dad!” I laugh

  “No, No, listen! I just mean that I am so proud of you, of both of my children. Here we are on your birthday with you so happy and in love, and we’re just a few days from your brother’s wedding and…”

  Dad starts to well up as he speaks and he shakes his head to dismiss the tears, Mam starts to cry at the sight of her husband so emotional and joins him at his side. Dad continues,

  “You see, when a man becomes a dad his whole life changes. I was blessed with two beautiful and brilliant children and now I look at you both, these men that you have chosen to share your lives with, and I couldn’t be happier. I feel like I did it right” he puts an arm around Mam’s shoulder and kisses her on the cheek, “We did it right” Mam becomes inconsolable and I feel a lump rise in my throat. Dad raises his glass and we all follow suit,

  “To you both becoming somebody else’s problem!” Dad sips his glass as we erupt in laughter.

  I am tired from the long day and head up to bed, Jackson tells me that he is going to finish his drink and then follow me up but he joins me within ten minutes.

  “You’re up sooner than I expected!” I am surprised and put my kindle back down on the bedside table,

  “I didn’t have much left babe, plus I wanted to give you your presents” Jackson grins like the Cheshire Cat, I hadn’t even thought about presents,

  “Ooh go on then... spoil me!” I lay back and proclaim playfully. Jackson sits on the end of the bed and fumbles around in his bag before turning toward me and placing a box between us. It’s wrapped simply in brown paper with a piece of hessian cord wrapped around and tied in a bow on top, the simplicity of it warms my heart as I start to pull at the string.

  As I open the box and move the purple tissue paper aside, I lay my hands on two envelopes. I ask Jackson if I have to open them in any order and he takes one of them from me. I open the other and take out a black and white card, on the front is a picture of a ballerina up on pointe. I open the card and inside there are two tickets, ‘Swan Lake in the Round at the Royal Albert Hall in June’

  “Oh My God Jackson” I leap toward him and wrap my arms around his neck, “Thank you baby, thank you so so much!” I am over the moon and feel seven year old Rosie pirouetting with glee inside me.

  Jackson laughs and pushes me back, telling me to look again inside the box. I lay my hands first of all on what feels like a key ring. When I pull it out I realise I was right, it’s a small print of the Mona Lisa. I am slightly confused but Jackson encourages me to dip back into the box. I dig deep into the tissue paper and find what feels like a toy of some sort, I pull out a model of the Hunchback of Notre Dame and look at Jackson baffled, he laughs and tells me there’s one more thing in the box.

  I feel around inside the box again and when I pull my hand out I open it to reveal a miniature model of the Eiffel Tower and something clicks in my mind. I look at Jackson for confirmation of my suspicion and he hands me back the other envelope. I open it and pull out a printed confirmation,

  “Paris! We’re going to Paris?” my voice is choked. I have wanted to go to Paris all my life,

  “Yes babe, just me and you and three long days in the romantic capital of the world, on the most romantic weekend of the year”

  I hadn’t even looked at the dates on the paper in my hand, I stopped when I saw Charles De Gaulle but when I look again I realise, “Valentine’s Day? Oh my God Jackson, Valentine’s Day in Paris!!!” Again I throw my arms around Jackson’s neck and kiss him excitedly all over his face, “Thank you, thank you, thank you” he laughs and responds,

  “You like then?”

  “Oh my gosh, I love! Thank you Jackson” I feel so lucky, he put so much thought into giving me an amazing birthday.

  “This year is going to be amazing for us Rosie, just you wait and see”

  I just smile and lay back on the bed pulling him down on top of me, I need to thank him properly.

  When we wake the next morning there is a buzz about the house, Rafe and Matthew are getting married in just four days and they are like lovesick teenagers, giggling and play fighting, holding hands more than I have ever seen them do and they are completely inseparable since Matthew got here yesterday.

  The four of us are going into Manchester today, the plan is to go shopping and have some lunch but really we’ll probably just float from bar to bar, cocktail to cocktail. In truth, Mam just wanted us out of the house. Matthew’s Mum and Dad were here at the crack of dawn and Mam and Jane have some serious wedding business to attend to, I think that’s a ‘Bernie-ism’ for looking over baby photos of their boys and drinking wine while their husbands hit the golf course.

  The train to Manchester takes less than an hour and as we walk through Piccadilly Station arm in arm, Jackson can’t help but point out that it would be a great city to live and work in. I love Manchester, so I just nod and smile in agreement.

  The day is great and to my surprise, and disappointment, there was and lot more shopping than there was margaritas! All three of the men that I came here with enjoy shopping more than me and by the time we sit down on the train to come home my feet are on fire. Jackson has sat down opposite me so I kick off my shoes and put my feet on his lap; he dragged me around on them all day so he can rub them better. I don’t remember much else until Jackson shakes me gently to wake me up and tell me that we’re home.

  We were supposed to all be going to the pub this evening but I’m exhausted. Rafe can see that I’m not up for it so I’m pleased when he tells Matthew that we’re going to have brother/sister DVD and wine night and our other halves can go to the pub without us.

  “What are we watching bro?” I’m so excited to have Rafe to myself. We’ve both put on our pyjamas and ordered a pizza. Rafe took Audrey to the shop earlier on to pick up some wine and nibbles and he picked up a DVD while he was there,

  “We have Warrior, and we have Lawless!”

  “So…Tom Hardy marathon then?” I say with a smile knowing the weakness that my brother has for the actor,

  “RoRo, I’m getting married... I need to get my fill” Rafe grins and goes to put the first of the two DVDs in the player while I get comfy and settle in for the night.


  “Hey Ben, thought you were having dinner with the in laws tonight?” I’m surprised to see Ben behind the bar when Matthew and I walk into the pub. Pip had told Rosie that they were spending some time with her parents to try and show that they’re serious about each other after their floor show a few days ago.

  “I was supposed to be mate but Eduardo got called in to work so Pip’s spending the eve
ning with her mum” Ben blows out a breath that that screams relief and I laugh before ordering two pints and heading to a table with Matthew.

  “So, how you feeling then Matty boy?” I sip my pint and wait for Matthew’s response,

  “Good, really good. I’m nervous about the speech and stuff but not about getting married. I’ve been around a bit and so has Rafe but I’ve never known anything like what we have, it’s just so easy with him” Matthew can’t keep the smile from his face as he talks about his fiancé.

  The conversation moves on as we talk about rugby and music and all things Alvez; I’ve grown to really enjoy Matthew’s company. He reminds me a lot of Steve; he’s funny and swears more than anyone that I’ve ever met, even Rafe! He’s really caring and always concerned about the people close to him, but mostly I just like that what you see is what you get with him.

  Before long the conversation inevitably turns back to the wedding, the drinks are flowing and our voices have definitely gone up a few decibels, mostly to shout over the morons a couple of tables down that have clearly been drinking all day, and are doing their very best to insult everyone in the pub. A year ago I’d have probably started something with them by now, but I have to keep a lid on my temper, I’ve got Rosie to think about.

  Matthew and I continue our conversation, talking through the wedding details and plans for the future, we get into quite a deep conversation about his and Rafe’s desire to have children. I hadn’t realised that they wanted to be parents quite so much and Matthew becomes quite enthusiastic as he talks through the various options for gay couples.

  “Fucking Fags!”

  Matthew and I are stopped in our tracks by the outburst from the corner of the room and both turn to look at the source, “Yeah you two fuck off! We don’t want queers round here!”

  One of the morons has stood to try and make himself look bigger as he shouts over to us and I am livid,

  “Say it again?” I look him in the eyes as he holds onto the table to steady himself in his inebriated state,

  “I said, get the fuck out benders. You’re not welcome!” before I can react, Matthew has leapt up and is pinning the guy to the wall by his throat and smiling up at him. He looks menacing even to me and then I remember that he’s a trained fighter, he knows full well the damage he can do if he loses control.

  “That’s enough! Matthew sit down, you lot get out!” Ben has joined us to take charge of the situation. Matthew slowly releases the weasel that he’s holding and I can’t help but be impressed by his self-control, I want to kill him and the insults don’t even apply to me. “Matthew, Jackson…Sit down!” Ben turns to us, his eyes wide and his voice determined; he means business. We return to our table and watch the group of low lives leave the pub, both fighting the urge to follow as Ben puts down a fresh pint in front of each of us.

  “Trust me, that twat is not worth it. Sup up”

  Ben returns to the bar and I look at Matthew. He is a picture of tranquillity and I feel like I have steam coming from my ears,

  “How are you so calm?” I ask in a low voice,

  “I’m used to it Jackson, people aren’t as accepting as they like to pretend they are. I think maybe Rafe and I are threatening to blokes. We aren’t camp or easily identifiable as gay, so men feel comfortable and then when they find out, they are convinced we’re going to want to jump them and it freaks them out!” Matthew shrugs his shoulders and takes a sip of his beer,

  The mood eventually lifts and we move to the bar to chat with Ben while he works. He tells us that the group of dickheads that had been mouthing off have always been the same. They will never grow up and are best just ignored. I find it hard to just ignore people when they’re insulting those that I care about but I know he’s right, some people are ignorant, some are uneducated, some are both but their words are just words. That mouthy prick doesn’t know me, and I don’t know him, he’s not worth it.

  Ben calls last orders and Matthew and I savour the last of our pints before we head home. As we walk away from the pub the mood is light, we are slightly tipsy and still laughing at the mental images of Ben pumping away at Pip in front of her Dad.

  I know nothing about what just happened but everything sounds distant, like when you listen to a shell to hear the sea. I push myself up from the ground as my world starts to return to normal and look around to see Matthew fighting with someone, there’s a guy sitting a few feet from me holding his nose, there’s blood pouring through his fingers. I jump up as I realise what’s happening and I’m hit hard with something across my upper back.

  I turn to see the mouthy little shit from the pub throwing down a cricket bat and lunging toward me. All of the anger I felt toward him earlier rushes up inside me as I surge forward and the adrenaline kicks in. My fist connects hard with his cheek bone and he steps back, he is off balance and I step forward to push him backward, I manage a kick to the ribs before I’m pulled backward by the arm and punched hard on the jaw. Bloody nose has stepped up to defend his friend and it only fuels the fire in me more, I laugh as I push forward…

  After Mum died, drinking, fighting and sex were my release. I was angry, and the power that I felt when I fought or fucked someone was addictive. I loved the feeling of being in charge, either in a dark car park or whatever bed I found myself in. A rush of adrenaline would surge through my veins and I’d lose myself in the moment…

  “OI…Fucking stop! Right now or I’m calling the police!” Ben has picked up the cricket bat and is charging toward us. The group backs off immediately which surprises and amuses me. I can’t help but laugh at the fact that the two of us came out on top of the three of them. They’re pretty badly beaten up, but we haven’t come off unscathed.

  “What the fuck lads?” Ben seems angry as he approaches Matthew and I and starts to check that we’re alright,

  “They jumped us mate, what are we meant to do?” Matthew responds as I run my tongue across my cut lip, “I’m gonna look a right twat on my wedding photos!”

  “They’re scum! Sorry guys I should have expected they’d do something like this, shall I call the police?

  “No Ben, it’s done, don’t worry about it! Come on, let’s get home and face the music!”

  When I Matthew and I enter the Alvez house we take a breath before walking into the living room. Bernie is the first to look up and gasp as she leaps out of her chair, causing Rosie and Rafe to follow suit,

  “What the hell happened to you?” I can’t hear Rafe and Matthew’s conversation over Rosie’s questioning, my hears are ringing and I shush her before I realise I’m doing it, “Jackson don’t you dare shush me! Start talking now!” she is annoyed and wide eyed,

  “We got jumped Rosie, its fine. You should see the other guys!” When it hurts me to wink I realise that I took a few more hits than I knew about.

  I feel a sharp pain at the back of my head and remember the initial blow, I realise that the fight started with me being hit on the back of the head, with the cricket bat I guess. I put my hand to back of my head and can feel blood dried in my hair, I’m not still bleeding so I don’t worry too much.

  “Who was it? Tell me Jackson!” as she asks the question Rosie looks at Rafe, who returns her gaze,

  “Just some mouthy homophobes from the pub” Matthew answers and I watch a fire ignite in Rosie’s eyes, she knows him.

  Rosie jumps up and heads for the door, Rafe follows her and I stand to do the same. My head is a little fuzzy and I need to sit back down. I can’t hear what they’re saying and presume for some reason that they are whispering until Rosie bursts back into the room with the phone in her hand,

  “I’m not having this Rafe, look at them!” Rosie points the phone at me and Rafe holds her arms,

  “I’m not arguing with you Rosie, but let’s make sure they’re ok first. The police can wait ten minutes” She is pacing; the only other time that I have seen her like this was when I told her about Sasha.

  “Right then you, come on let’s
get you cleaned up” Rafe holds out a hand to Matthew and they head up to the bathroom.

  “Rosie, you’re not calling the police. Matthew and I came out of top I promise. I just want to go to bed” I hold out my hands for hers and as she takes them she relaxes slightly,

  “I just can’t bear looking at you like this Jackson; I want to kill the person responsible!” She starts to tense up again as I pull her down to sit on my lap and stroke her hair from her face. She starts to cry and it breaks my heart. “I just don’t want anything to happen to you, we’ve been through too much already. I can’t lose you”

  “I’m going nowhere Rosie, and it’s my job to protect you, not the other way around” I guide Rosie’s face downward and wince slightly as I kiss her, “Come on, let’s go to bed.”


  I can’t sleep, Jackson is breathing softly next to me but I can’t relax. Party concerned that if I drift off I won’t hear if he stops breathing but mostly because I am too angry to sleep. I promised Jackson that I wouldn’t get the police involved and I won’t, but I know who did this and I won’t drop it. I know it was him.

  “Are you sure you’re ok to drive? I don’t mind dropping you to the station” Jackson is popping up to see his Dad today but he’s in pain from last night and I’m worried that he’s going to pass out at the wheel,

  “Rosie, I’m fine baby. I’ll let you know when I’m there and when I leave to get back”

  I wave him off at about midday and take a deep breath, I hope he’s ok, and I hope he doesn’t get back early. I promised him I wouldn’t pursue his attack last night but I lied.

  Mam and Rafe have taken Audrey to Manchester with Matthew for suit fittings and a matinee performance of some musical that Mam wanted to see, and Dad is at the bar sorting out the canapés for the champagne reception on Saturday. Jackson is due back about eight and Pip, who has had to go to Liverpool for a shoot has already told me that Ben isn’t starting work until six today, so I just need to bide my time until then, he’ll be able to confirm my suspicions.


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