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Obsession: Warm Bodies, Cold Hearts

Page 11

by Rice, Rachel E.

  He was able to seduce and abuse Page’s body any way and every way he could. He satisfied himself and then her. He just loved the way they both enjoyed sex and they knew that they were a good fit.

  Now they were inseparable. All their friends knew that Page belonged to Anthony. Page didn’t mind Anthony having other women as long as it was for business and vice versa. If Anthony didn’t approve of Page’s friends then she dropped them.

  They were a couple who lived for each other and each other’s end. Page would even work around Anthony’s schedule. This proved detrimental to her modeling career. Soon jobs didn’t come easily and she found herself begging for jobs. Anthony convinced her that she should go for an acting career. He didn’t have to say more.

  Page packed her clothes, and she and Anthony left for Hollywood. Anthony could afford to support Page, because he knew she was a good investment, and eventually she would pay off.

  * * * *

  Six months before the meeting in Las Vegas

  After running around L.A. for a few months, Page secured a talent agent. A friend who is a client of Max Stein set up an interview. Max liked what he saw and arranged auditions for commercials and speaking parts in a major motion picture.

  Page had a knack for influencing people. She knew when to talk and what to talk about, and she knew when to stay quiet and take directions. She knew just how to please people. Page studied people to find out their weakness. She had a gift she cultivated from the streets, and she had Anthony to give her pointers.

  Hollywood was now in Page’s blood and she was part of Hollywood. Everyone enjoyed her company and wanted her around, she had what some wanted—drugs; she knew low level and high-level producers, directors, and actors. Furthermore, she could provide what they desired.

  Thanks to Anthony, Page learned all about the Hollywood elite. She knew their secrets, yet she kept them to herself. Page traveled with beautiful girls that were willing to do anything for money and drugs; soon everyone except Danny knew that Anthony and Page were a powerful a couple.

  Anthony supplied the after Oscar’s party with his goodie bags. Anthony’s goody bag contained phone numbers of men and women who could provide an evening of passionate delight.

  After arriving at one of the many parties around Hollywood, Anthony recognized an actor that appeared not too interested in the night’s gala.

  The actor’s appearance was that of just another struggling actor, but there was something different about him—his good looks and dancing green eyes, but he was serious and focused.

  Anthony could recognize someone that had it. He knew what it took to make it in this world of hustlers, because he considered himself the best.

  He spied this handsome green eyed actor, and he walked up to him to ask his name because he wanted in on the ground floor. When that actor became famous, he wanted to be his close friend.

  “I recognize you from that movie of the week special, are you Danny McCloud?”

  “Yes.” Danny said in deep thought, hoping that he could disappear and get to his hotel and call Sydney.

  “I like your work,” Anthony stated.


  “You’re here alone?”

  “No, why do you ask?”

  “I have a friend that is a fan of yours.”

  Anthony was a people person, he knew the affairs of the heart, and he suspected that Danny was a basket case. He was an opportunist and here was the perfect time to introduce him to Page. Anthony signaled for Page to come over. Page walked over immediately. “This is my friend Page.”

  “Excuse me but someone is calling.” Danny found a way to leave all the noise and people looking for recognition and pretending to be happy. He didn’t see Page because all he could think of was getting to his hotel room and calling Sydney. He couldn’t wait to tell her about the movie stars he met; she may want to come with him next time to an awards show or festival, something!

  Anthony didn’t like that Danny walked away. He wasn’t a star yet, Anthony thought. Anthony knew the biggest star to date was Phillip Cross, yet Danny could be bigger because of his youth and good looks.

  He knew how the fans loved British imports. Max was agent to Danny and Page. All Page had to do was get an introduction with Danny, and Anthony would be able to control his paycheck for years.

  Page called Max and explained to him that she was interested in meeting Danny, and was there a likelihood that she could be in one of his movies. Max secured Page a small part in Danny’s next movie, but that did not give her entry. Page could never see him because he would never socialize with anyone. All Danny did was work and go to his trailer and sleep.

  It became necessary for Page to contact Max again and ask for an introduction. Max explained that Las Vegas was a great place if she could get there the next day. He could probably arrange the meeting. However, Max did warn her that Danny could have Sydney with him, which would make that difficult. She was willing to take the chance. Anthony and Page flew to Las Vegas and checked into Caesars Casino Hotel.

  * * * *

  Max made arraignments for Danny to stay at the Wynn and he would stay at Caesars. Max did not know that Page and Anthony were making their own plans.

  Anthony made reservations for two rooms at Caesars, one for him, and one for Page. They decided to get there early and see a few shows. Page loved Las Vegas, she loved to see the sunrise come from behind the mountains; the lights, people, shopping, and gambling helped satisfy her craving for excitement.

  Looking out her hotel window and seeing people plowing down the street gave her a minor thrill. She watched the signs and the lights; there is the Wynn Hotel she thought. She began to wonder what Danny was doing at this time.

  Soon after, the phone rang. Anthony called her to find out if she wanted to play blackjack with him. He loved to gamble. He felt like a king putting thousands of dollars on the line and not worrying. It was a far cry from where he originally started in Brooklyn.

  He lived over a store that stayed open all night and the lights always shown into his bedroom. There was noise and mice to keep him awake throughout the night. He was always hungry and unkempt, that is why he spent so much on clothes and his appearance.

  Page decided to wait on Max. Max was busy at Cleopatra’s Barge a well-known bar in Caesars. He would call after the producers left, when he and Danny were alone. Page dressed and waited.

  Anthony sat at a blackjack table, where he was on the dealer’s right hand. He was able to control most of the cards coming his way. Anthony got a good shoe that night and won ten thousand dollars. He knew it was going to be his lucky night, and he knew when to quit. He always knew when to fold. He collected his chips, turned them in, and walked out of the casino and back to his room. He felt great!

  When he entered his room, he called Page, “I bet you don’t know what I did?” He said teasing Page.

  “What? What? Don’t play with me Anthony. Tell me what happen.”

  “All I can say is I’m taking you shopping as soon as our business is over.”

  The business was Danny. Page was excited because she loved when Anthony spent a lot of money on her. Besides she deserved everything he did for her. Because of her, he has been making large scores of money.

  There were shoes she had to have a pair of, even though, there were shoes galore in her closet costing more than five hundred a pair. She had all the name brands. She had more clothes than she could wear in a lifetime. All her money went on clothes, shoes, and traveling.

  Page traveled throughout Italy, she had been to Japan and most of Europe. She barely avoided being kidnapped in Japan when she was in her teens. However, she was fearless and always looking for her next adventure.

  Living with Anthony was an adventure. Page met different types of people, and learning about their deviant sexual behaviors and drug habits, provided her with a sense of power.

  Page received lessons on human nature just hanging around Anthony. She began to manipulate pe
ople just as Anthony did. She saw their weaknesses and she used all that against them to get what she wanted. Try as she may she could not figure out just what made Max tick.

  Max didn’t let money control him. He wasn’t the kind of man to run around on his wife, because Page tried him, or maybe she wasn’t his type. Page offered Max drugs, but he told her he had never tried drugs, and he was too old to make a fool out of himself and disgrace his wife and children.

  Page took that as a sign to go on to someone who was more vulnerable. It was getting close to midnight when a bored Page began watching a program on how to play black jack, and just before she decided that the night was a bust, the phone rang. Page picked it up on the first ring.

  “Page it’s Max, I just called Danny and he’s kind of bummed out. Sydney left him early this morning.”

  “Sydney, I didn’t know he was into men. I’m not wasting my time with him.”

  “No you’re wrong; Sydney is a woman,” Max said.


  “He’s kind of down, try to cheer him up for me, and I’ll see what I can do to swing a part for you in his movie.”

  “Sure Max.” Page sashayed out of her room with the thoughts of doing more than cheering Danny up. She was on a mission sent by Anthony. Max did not know that Page was an emissary for Anthony, and Danny was in trouble.

  Page wondered about Danny McCloud as she took a long elevator ride down to the casino floor. She felt excited and nervous because she had never had permission from Anthony to seduce a man. Page felt a sense of danger and that caused her temperature to rise. It was her nature to seek that type of action, a mundane life would not do.

  She had too many nights walking the streets of New York searching for a place to party and sleep. All she knew was homeliness and the nightlife of New York, until a photographer discovered her in her early teens, and then she began making a stupid amount of money.

  “You got here quick. I’m glad you came. I had to call Danny again and he acts as if he’s just waking up. He said that he would be here. I hope you stay long enough to meet him. He could be great for your career, and who knows, you two might hit it off. Since that woman left him, he’s acting as if he’s losing his mind. I guess every Samson gets his Delilah,” Max blurted out.

  “How long has he known her?”

  “I think about a year and a half.”

  “He’s all caught up with her, and I can hear in his voice that he’s in bad shape. She left him this morning and he sounds terrible,” Max said giving Page all the ammunition to seal Danny’s fate.

  “I never knew he had anyone. He always appeared in public alone.”

  “Sydney wanted to keep it that way. She thought his fans wouldn’t respond to him well if they knew he had a woman.

  Max had a little too much to drink and he wasn’t much of a drinker so it didn’t take but one drink to get him talking and by two drinks he had laid Danny’s life on a slab for Page and Anthony.

  Max went on for an hour telling Page everything he knew about Danny’s life. Max clearly had drunk too much by now. Maybe Max was disappointed and angry that Danny did not make it to the meeting with the producers. However, he spilled his guts to Page whom he considered and innocent friend.

  Page gave the impression that she could listen without judgment. She accepted the role Max gave her as a confidant, but she was neither. She was what she was, a cold, unfeeling, heartless young woman for everyone except Anthony.

  The hole in her soul allowed the lack of caring for anyone except Anthony.

  Anthony made her complete. She was his yin and he was her yang. He complimented her life and made her feel as if she was the only woman alive.

  * * * *

  Meeting Danny

  Page allowed herself to visualize the type of man that Sydney had thrown away. He was sensitive and no experience, which was not what she admired in a man. She received pleasure from the strength she perceived in Anthony—that of being a heartless businessman, who only found warmth in the money he acquired at any cost. Page had only known this type of person and was not acquainted with a man that had a warm easy heart—a heart warm enough to break.

  Danny walked among the crowd of smiling faces, but Page could pick him out of the crowd. It was the amble of a man with a broken heart. A man with a heart that could be broken; he walked not as a confident man, but a man that had lost everything and she judged him so.

  She did not have the experience and the foresight to see this man as he is—a kind, loving, and sensitive man any woman would be proud to say that she wished he had loved her. Because Page judged him as an easy mark, her little conniving mind went to work overtime. She quietly planned how to get Danny to her room, how to rid herself of Max, and how to finally, satisfy Anthony and her own need for drugs and money.

  As Danny neared the Terrazza Lounge, Page whispered to Max.

  “Danny looks so unhappy, why don’t you have a few drinks with us and then leave. I’ll take care that he gets back to his hotel room. Maybe he needs a shoulder to cry on,” she purred like a cat.

  “OK Page, but he has to work, and I don’t want you to be a distraction the way Sydney has been—although she’s a pretty smart girl, and pretty as anything I’ve seen in a long time, present company included,” Max said with a smile.

  Page wasn’t bothered by the sudden admiration for Sydney. She was focused on one thing, and that was the Alpha male coming, and what he meant to her career as an actress, and what she could do for Anthony.

  Page knew how excited and attentive Anthony became when he knew he had competition. Their love-making became intense. Page always wanted to keep Anthony interested, even if it meant seducing and fucking a man she didn’t want.

  As Danny neared the lounge, his jade eyes struck Page. His full lips that covered his ivory teeth gave her pause, and she almost fell for him. For a moment, she saw what turned Sydney on, but she was confused and wondered what made a woman leave a man like that?

  She felt she could never leave Anthony. What could it have been? She wanted to know.Her imagination peaked, which made Danny desirous to her and for a few seconds her body reached its highest temperature.

  Page’s eyes follow Danny’s every move, she could tell by a man’s look just how weak or strong he was. She saw strength hiding in all that weak posture. Some woman made a man like him unsure of himself. She felt that it would take a lot more to make Anthony act like that. Page smiled when she compared Danny with Anthony, which made her think she had chosen the better of the two men.

  Chapter 11

  Sydney Meets Danny for the First Time

  I arrived in New York in the month of July. A few months after Mike died. New York is an exciting extraordinary city. I cruised into a season of heat that nurtured the heart of the people. The kind of heat to interrupt thought and feelings, because the temperature was high and body heat was soaring, which can cause you forget the chill of the brutal winters.

  I could tell that New York and I would get along wonderfully. It’s a hard and passionate city, where creativity and life is celebrated. I searched about the city in thought of finding “The ONE” in the thousands of faces passing by. I didn’t know that it would be in a chance meeting that I would discover my life force—Danny McCloud.

  How do you know when you are in love and cannot live without someone? At what moment does a person feel as if struck by lightning or a truck? Will I go through this life and never experience love? This was always a question in my mind. I thought that I would never know love and I lived that way. I never paid attention to what was around me, just existing in my dreams, until I met Danny.

  Depressed from reading and writing and not seeing anyone for days had taken its toll on my sanity. Steven suggested that I see a friend of his who was hiring extras for a movie.

  I decided to listen to Steven. I signed up.

  During breaks on the set, I sat around looking at the actors and wondering about their lives. In between scenes, I had conver
sations with some of the actors who were hired for the day.

  I glanced over at an actor that I thought to be interesting, and as I looked further, behind him walked this tall deliciously handsome man.

  He galloped with a stride of confidence of a wild mustang. He neared my chair. I looked up at him to see he was a young man in his twenties. He smiled and asked the actor standing near my chair a question. I was fixated on the sound of his voice. I heard him tell the actor that he had just arrived from England.

  He had a wonderful Scottish burr. I barely understood him, but when I looked into his blue green eyes, no amount of language could be an obstacle. I felt an undercurrent of sexual desire sweep me away. I stared at him and then put my head down quickly. My breathing became heavy. I didn’t want this beautiful man, who appeared to be young, boyishly young, thinking I wanted him more than he wanted me.

  As he glanced my way, all I could feel was electric currents surrounding us. I felt warmth that I never felt before—I searched for that feeling a lifetime.

  I noticed a flush in his face and a flash of his eyes as he shared my moment in time. I knew then that there was a connection. I looked up from my chair, and he was staring at me. He felt it too. He stared for a long time, not breaking to blink, and then he said:

  “I’ve been watching you, and you’re a beautiful woman.”

  “I’ve been watching you too and you are a beautiful man,” I said controlling my nervousness, not being able to say anything else that made sense. He began to laugh.

  “My name is Danny.”

  “My name is Sydney. What nationality are you?” I inquired, languishing in his every word—fixed on his mouth and those emerald eyes.

  “I’m Scottish. I was living in England, but I thought I should try my luck in the States.

  “Oh, how long have you been in New York?”

  “About six months, just long enough to find an agent and manager,” he said smiling.


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