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Two for Alex: M/m/f BDSM Ménage - 2 Volume Set

Page 5

by Claire Thompson

  Now as they knelt together, Daniel said, “He’s here.” A moment later Alex too heard the crunch of gravel on the drive and then the slam of a car door. “Head down,” Daniel hissed, lowering his own as he straightened his back. His cock was pointing directly at the door. Alex smiled to herself at his eagerness and looked at the floor as she awaited Liam’s entrance.

  The door opened and Alex saw Liam’s legs, his suit a dark navy, his shoes of expensive-looking leather. She almost looked up at his face but caught herself in time, trying to keep still as he moved to stand in front of them. “A lovely pair,” he said softly. He moved to Daniel and from the sounds they were making, Alex deduced they were kissing. She felt an irrational stab of jealousy. No one was kissing her. She knew that was silly—she was there as their trial-basis sub while they had been lovers for over a year.

  “How did it go today? Was she helpful? Was she obedient?” she heard Liam ask.

  “For the most part. A bit resistant about the chores at first, but she buckled down after awhile.”

  “Did she require punishment?” Alex held her breath, waiting to see what Daniel would say about the bathroom rug.

  “No, just a bit of help getting started. Things should go more smoothly tomorrow.” Alex let out her breath gratefully.

  Liam moved to stand in front of her. He placed a finger under her chin, forcing her to look up. His dark eyes were warm as he smiled down at her. “And how are you, little Alex? Was your first day what you expected?”

  “Um, not really,” she admitted. “I thought it would be…” she trailed off. She’d been about to say “sexier.”

  She’d had a fantasy of arriving at the house and at once being ravaged and erotically tortured by two sexy men until she passed out from pleasure. She would awaken to find herself shackled to the bed, a love slave awaiting her Masters’ pleasure… “Um…different.”

  Liam laughed, saying only, “Fair enough. Well, I think it might be a bit…different…after dinner. Which smells wonderful by the way, Daniel.” He held out his hand and Alex took it, allowing him to pull her to a standing position.

  “Clam chowder. Fresh bread. I opened a bottle of that new Shiraz you like.” Alex looked at the two men, one fully clothed in a tailored suit, the other completely naked, easily discussing dinner while a naked woman they barely knew stood by uncertainly. Again the surreal nature of the situation struck her.

  Liam turned to her. “Go wait for me in your bedroom. I’m going to inspect you since I didn’t have the opportunity this morning.” Alex glanced nervously at Daniel, who nodded slightly, his expression encouraging. Obediently she turned to go, aware the two men were again embracing, Liam’s hands proprietarily dropping to Daniel’s firm, sexy ass as he held him.


  Liam entered the guest bedroom, pleased to see Alex standing with her hands behind her head, her eyes straight ahead. She didn’t turn toward him as he entered. Daniel had taught her well for her first day.

  He’d been aware of her gaffe with the bath rug as well as her arriving not freshly groomed since Daniel and he had talked that day on the phone several times, as they always did. Though Liam “owned” Daniel in an erotic sense, first and foremost they were partners, lovers who shared everything, as close, at least in Liam’s mind, as any married couple. He knew bringing a third person into the mix could be potentially dangerous, unsettling the balance of their relationship.

  That was one reason a woman had seemed like a good idea, though he hadn’t actively considered one at first. There was less likelihood of jealousy between Daniel and the new sub if she was female. So far things seemed to be going well. Daniel hadn’t yet dominated the girl in any significant way. They agreed it would be wise to give her time to adjust on her first day. Tonight they would put her through her paces and see what she could handle. Liam found himself excited at the prospect. He was also looking forward to giving Daniel the chance to try out his whipping techniques at last.

  He approached Alex, who was trembling ever-so slightly, the color on her cheeks heightened. “Don’t move,” he ordered. He reached out and cupped one perfect breast. It was soft, the skin like satin. On an impulse, he bent down and flicked a nipple with his tongue. It hardened at once, pleasing him. He licked the other to keep the symmetry intact. Alex shuddered but kept her position.

  Gently Liam tapped against her ankle with his shoe. “Wider,” he said. Obediently she spread her legs, giving him better access to her bare cunt. He leaned close to her as he reached down to cup the shaven mons. He slid his fingers along the labia. They were smooth and as soft as rose petals, warm to the touch. She drew in her breath sharply but maintained her position.

  An evil smile curled on his lips as he decided to test her ability to remain still. His fingers moved from outer to inner labia, sliding down to her entrance, which was as he’d expected, wet to the touch. He entered her with two fingers at once, pressing hard up into her. As her muscles contracted against his fingers, she groaned and her hips twitched but still her hands remained behind her head, her eyes apparently on the clock, which ticked in time to her rapid breathing.

  He moved the fingers in and out, thrusting them like a cock as she bit her lip to keep from panting. The little slut was about to come. He pulled his fingers away and slid them up onto her clit, rubbing until she began to shudder. Abruptly he pulled them away, holding his fingers slick with her juices under her nose before rubbing them along her cheek. She blushed hotly, turning her head away at last.

  “I said not to move. That includes your head. Look straight ahead.” As Alex again faced forward, he noted with amusement the flash of anger in her eyes. “Are you mad because I didn’t let you come or because I know how easy you are, about to orgasm from being finger-fucked for two minutes?”

  She didn’t answer. He hadn’t really expected her to, though if she were properly trained, she would have known to respond to a direct question however embarrassing. It was her first day after all. He’d cut her some slack. Gently he said, “Put on something sexy and feminine and come to dinner.”


  Daniel was gratified to see how much Liam enjoyed the clam chowder, a recipe he’d tried for the first time. Alex too seemed to have a hearty appetite, having helped herself to a second bowl and another piece of fresh bread still warm from the oven, slathered with plenty of melting butter. Daniel studied her as she ate, admiring her delicate features—the wide green eyes, the flyaway golden hair falling into her face despite her shaking it away every few moments, the little upturned nose, the small, pointed chin. Only her mouth saved her from being too pixyish, its lips wide and generous.

  Her dress was cut close to her body, its soft fabric clinging to nipples obviously bare beneath it, drawing the eye to the center of each round breast. He glanced at Liam, who was eyeing the girl as well.

  Liam had changed into black silk drawstring pants and a white tank top. Daniel wore a pair of cotton shorts, his chest still bare. Usually as they ate their dinner Liam would touch Daniel—his hand dropping to his thigh or caressing his shoulder, his finger sliding over Daniel’s lips before he leaned over to kiss him.

  Tonight Liam barely seemed aware of Daniel’s presence, staring at Alex, his eyes narrowing, his lips curving into a smile. Daniel tried not to be jealous. He’d had the entire day after all to get used to Alex’s presence. He was certain of Liam’s love for him—it wasn’t that.

  But he was used to Liam’s complete attention when they were together. While he’d been the one most eager to add a third person to their D/s play, now he felt unsure. Though not a jealous person by nature, he found himself wondering if Liam preferred her company, at least for tonight, to his.

  As if reading his mind and wanting to dispel his worries, Liam turned to him, reaching out to stroke his cheek. “Do you like your new toy, my love? She’s for you, you know. I want you to be happy.”

  Daniel smiled gratefully at him. He looked at Alex, who was looking down at her bowl, her che
eks slightly flushed. Liam stroked his thigh, moving his fingers over the crotch of Daniel’s shorts to cup his cock and balls. Daniel’s shaft rose in his Master’s firm hand. “Thank you, Sir. I’m looking forward to whipping her.”

  “And you will.” Turning to Alex, he said, “Tonight we’ll begin to test your limits. I value obedience, sexual responsiveness and willingness to suffer for me. As Daniel has told you, that’s my body. While you’re here, you belong to me. As my property, you do my bidding. You will do Daniel’s bidding as well. As you learned today, you are not equals. You will submit to him the same as you would to me. Tonight we’ll see how well you take a whipping. Depending on how you do, we’ll see where we go from there. Do you like to be whipped, Alex?”

  Alex was staring at him, her eyes wide, though from fear or desire it was hard to say. “Yes, Sir,” she whispered.

  Liam smiled. “Good. Though it wouldn’t have mattered if you’d said no. We’ll whip you because we want to not because you like it. I merely asked as a matter of interest. Which do you prefer, the heavy-tressed suede flogger, the sting of a crop or the bite of a single-tail whip?”

  “Oh,” Alex said, her eyes shining. “The flogger. I love the feel of the soft leather warming my back and ass.”

  “And the crop? The single tail? The cane?”

  “I can handle the crop. I don’t like single-tail whips or canes. They hurt!” She made a face.

  Liam laughed. “Of course they do. That’s the point.” He pushed back his chair and glanced at his watch. “I need about thirty minutes to take care of some work in my study. Once you’re done in here, take Alex to the playroom and get her ready for me.” He stood and added as if in afterthought. “Oh, and get out the snake, Daniel.”


  Liam walked out of the kitchen. Daniel stood and quickly cleared the table. Alex automatically began to help him. Daniel rinsed the dishes, handing them to Alex, who loaded them into the dishwasher. They worked easily together, as if they’d done it for a long time.

  “What’s the snake?” Alex finally asked. She didn’t like the sound of that nickname.

  Daniel grinned. “That was your first mistake, little girl. Never tell a Dom you hate a particular toy. You should know that’s the one he’ll choose. The snake is a nasty little single tail Liam uses when he wants to create some lovely welts. They’ll stay with you for a week.”

  Alex shivered and hugged herself. “I don’t know, Daniel. I don’t do pain all that well. I’m really more into a sensual kind of whipping. I like a sexy spanking the best. You know, over a man’s knee, skin on skin. I don’t think I—”

  Daniel interrupted her. “Remember, this isn’t about what you like.” He looked down at her, his eyes boring into her. Softening, he added, “Don’t worry. Liam is a Master in every sense of the word. He knows just how far to take you. He’s very sensitive to what a sub can tolerate. He’ll know better than you what you can handle. He listens to your body. I don’t know how else to describe it. It’s almost as if he’s connected to you, physically connected. If you can trust him, you’ll have an amazing experience, I promise.”

  “What about you?”

  “What about me?”

  “I thought he said you were going to, um, practice on me. Do you listen to bodies or whatever it is he does?” Alex had been with men who didn’t know what they were doing with a whip. One idiot she’d made the mistake of going home with from a BDSM club had used a bullwhip on her, cutting her skin, though that hadn’t been his intent. It was one reason she was hesitant about anything but the softest of sensual whippings, more of a leather massage.

  Daniel raised his eyebrows and shrugged. “I’ve never practiced on a real person. Tonight will be my first time.” He must have seen her expression because he grinned and added, “Don’t worry. Liam says I’m a natural. I can’t wait.” He reached out, playfully ruffling her hair, which really didn’t make her feel much better.

  Daniel led Alex upstairs. “Go freshen up and meet me here, outside this door,” he said, pointing to what Alex already knew was the playroom.

  Alex hurried to her room. She used the toilet, washed her face and hands, brushed her teeth and stared at herself in the mirror. “What have you gotten yourself into, Alexandra Helena Stewart?” She’d been excited all day, waiting with eager anticipation for Liam’s arrival so the fun could begin. Half-formulated fantasies of the three of them tumbling between soft sheets, herself bound in silken ropes as they teased and sexually tortured her until she passed out from ecstasy, had been playing out in her head as she scrubbed, dusted and mopped.

  She hadn’t been lying in the initial interview when she’d assured them she loved to be bound and sexually tortured, but she was realizing now perhaps her definition of a whipping—soft leather kisses raining sensually down—didn’t necessarily match theirs. Was she going to ruin everything her first day by wimping out? Absolutely not. She marched from the bathroom, feeling resolute. She had little idea of what was to come, but she instinctively liked and trusted both Liam and Daniel. She only hoped whatever Daniel lacked in practical skill, Liam would offset with his masterful control of them both.


  “This is some setup you guys have,” Alex said, turning slowly.

  “It is that. We’ve had some great parties in here. But mostly it’s just Liam and me. You can get lost in here. Lose all sense of time and place.” He stroked the smooth wood of the St. Andrew’s Cross as if stroking the skin of a lover. He looked up as he heard Liam’s soft tread nearing. “Hurry. He’s coming. In this room, we wait with our foreheads touching the ground, ass up. Just do what I do.”

  He knelt, his heart speeding as Liam’s footsteps came closer. No matter how many times he waited for his Master to appear and for the sensual torture sessions to begin, he couldn’t help the patter of his heart or the rise of his cock in anticipation. Alex knelt beside him. He stole a glance at her as they waited. Her hair obscured her face and her pert little bottom was raised high. He knew she wouldn’t be permitted to keep that clingy dress on for long.

  All day, even when she hadn’t been near him, he’d been hyperaware of her presence, falling constantly into fantasies of pulling her clothing from her body and whipping the delicate, feminine flesh until she cried for mercy. It was as if the dominant feelings that had only been half-formed bits of whimsy when they’d first discussed them had poured forth into his consciousness like water from a broken dam. The realization that in a few moments he would make his fantasies a reality had him nearly panting with anticipation.

  He took a deep, cleansing breath, making a conscious effort to slow his heart rate as Liam had taught him. Liam had been the first man to take him past the point of simple erotic play to a place much deeper. The path had not always been smooth. During particularly intense sessions Daniel’s breath would become so fast and shallow he would grow dizzy, once nearly passing out from lack of oxygen.

  He recalled one time in particular, early on in their relationship. Liam had tethered him to the St. Andrew’s Cross, his wrists and ankles secured by the soft leather cuffs attached to the corners. He was facing the cross, his body a taut X, his back and ass crisscrossed with lines of fire. He’d lost track of time, marking its passage only by the changing implements of torture Liam chose to use. The stroke of soft, braided suede had given way to the slap of the riding crop. Daniel, who could take quite a bit of erotic pain and reveled in its delivery, hadn’t been prepared for the slice of the cane.

  When it came, its warning whoosh singing in the air a split second before rattan made contact with flesh, Daniel screamed. When the second slice quickly followed the first, he knew Liam didn’t plan to stop. Liam decreed he could take it and so take it he would. Up until that moment he had been grace incarnate, exhibiting what Liam called “submissive courage”. Now he cried out, “No! I can’t!”

  “Of course you can,” Liam said calmly. “Take it for me.”

  Daniel squeezed his eyes shut, tensing
so the next stroke hurt all the more against bunched muscle. It was then he realized he was gasping as if he’d been sprinting, running for his life. He felt lightheaded, his legs suddenly weak. If he hadn’t been bound to the cross, he might have slid to the floor.

  All at once he felt Liam’s warm body behind him, pressing against his back and ass. Liam’s hand covered his nose and mouth as he whispered softly into his ear. “Shh, slow down, Daniel. It’s only me. Take a deep breath. Breathe…slow down.” Daniel struggled to obey, his gasps subsiding in deep, shuddering breaths against Liam’s warm palm. Liam had continued to murmur, gently stroking Daniel as he held him steady with his body and his gentle words.

  Finally Daniel calmed completely, his breathing deep and even. Liam reached around him, grasping his cock, which had remained erect throughout. Liam laughed softly and whispered, “Are you ready to continue, slave? I’m not done with you.”

  This time when the cane drew its line of fire across Daniel’s ass, he’d hissed his response but remained still. Again and again the cane struck, marking his ass and thighs with welts that would remain visible for several days. It was the first time Liam had taken him to that special place in his psyche where pain and pleasure no longer existed except as part and parcel of pure, perfect sensation. Liam delivered several more strokes but Daniel no longer felt them—or more accurately he no longer experienced them as painful. He remembered his head falling back, his breathing so slow and deep Liam had stopped at one point and put his ear to Daniel’s parted lips, as if making sure he were still alive.

  Daniel was literally unable to move by then, even if his wrists and ankles had not been secured to the sturdy cross. Yet he wasn’t unconscious by any means. It was almost as if he were in a swoon, his body paralyzed with pleasure, his mind soaring in a submissive state of altered consciousness. He was aware of Liam releasing his cuffs. He knew his lover would hold him as he fell back limp against him. He knew he was safe in Liam’s arms—it was the safest place in the world.


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