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Two for Alex: M/m/f BDSM Ménage - 2 Volume Set

Page 6

by Claire Thompson

  The door pushed open and Daniel heard Liam enter. Liam tapped his shoulder, signaling him to stand. Daniel did so. Liam took him in his arms, his tongue leisurely exploring Daniel’s mouth as he held his face in both hands. When he let him go, Daniel’s cock, which had begun to rise in anticipation of the evening, was jutting hard against his shorts. “Take those off,” Liam said. Daniel obeyed, suddenly self-conscious though Alex remained in position, her forehead still touching the floor.

  Liam moved to her, touching her shoulder with his bare foot. “Stand up and strip,” he ordered. Alex stood slowly, her face flushed from its position below her heart while she had been kneeling. “When you are in this room, you are a slave in every sense of the word. You have no will, no opinion, no power. You will not speak except in answer to a direct question. You belong to me and to Daniel. Tonight is an audition, if you like. A chance to show us what you’re made of. If you please us, you’ll be rewarded. If you don’t, you may find yourself in there.”

  She followed his finger, her gaze lighting on the large steel animal cage in one corner of the playroom, a padlock dangling from its hinged door. It wasn’t large enough for a person to stand in—one would have to kneel or lie down. She turned back to him, her eyes as big as plates. With trembling fingers she pulled her dress over her head.

  Liam turned to Daniel. “Shall we warm her up with the flogger or go straight to the snake? It’s your call.”

  Daniel watched Alex’s face. Her emotions were so transparent—both fear and desire flickering over her features as she turned toward him with a mute appeal. His fingers actually itched to whip her soft flesh. Still, he didn’t want to scare the girl to death. She was obviously nervous about the single-tail whip. Truth to tell, he was a little nervous himself, aware of the skill needed to deliver the stroke properly—leaving a mark without breaking or damaging the skin.

  “I think I’ll start with the flogger,” he said, turning to Liam for approval.

  Liam nodded. “Stand at attention, Alex.” Daniel watched as she obeyed, lacing her fingers behind her head so her breasts lifted nicely, the nipples jutting out. He walked over to the wall where they kept their whips and crops, selecting the heaviest flogger, its broad, flat tresses deceptively soft.

  Liam sat down in the one chair in the room, a large leather recliner from which he would watch his lover perform. Daniel had imagined this scene a thousand times, and while he was eager to begin, his mouth was dry, his heart fluttering. Alex was still an unknown. Perhaps it would have been better if Liam had started the action. He was the experienced Dom—he could gauge what Alex could take much better than Daniel surely.

  Yet Liam had reminded him that morning at breakfast, “I’ll be right there, Daniel. I’ll be watching you and her. Just trust your instincts. Trust yourself.”

  Daniel walked over to Alex and said, “Stand this way.” He positioned her so she was in profile several feet in front of Liam. “Keep your hands behind your head and stay as still as you can. I don’t think you’ll need it, but your safeword is butterfly. If you can’t handle what’s going on and we don’t seem to be getting the message, just shout the word butterfly, okay?”

  Alex nodded. They’d discussed safewords during the interview. Liam had given Daniel the safeword of lemon when they’d first become lovers but he’d never had to use it. Liam had sometimes pushed him to the edge of what he could take but never beyond.

  Poor Alex—she looked so nervous. Impulsively he leaned down and kissed her cheek, saying softly, “Relax. This is supposed to be fun.” She nodded again, her lips curving up in a hint of a smile.

  “Good girl,” he said. He turned to Liam. “Should I begin?”

  “Yes. You know what to do.”

  Daniel dragged the tresses of the flogger over Alex’s back and down to her ass. She emitted a deep sigh as the leather moved sensually over her flesh. He drew back his wrist and let the strands land with more force. He could feel her body tense. Once again, he dragged the tresses over her skin until she relaxed. He struck with slightly more force than the first time. Again she tensed.

  He glanced at Liam, who was leaning forward, watching his naked lover and the naked girl standing at attention in front of him. Daniel’s cock hardened under his Master’s keen stare. He turned back to Alex and struck her hard, almost feeling the dozen strips of leather stinging across her ass himself. Alex gave a small yelp but stayed in position. Daniel thrilled at what he’d just done. He loved the power of wielding a flogger, of drawing a response from her.

  He stepped back to get a better angle and began to flog her in earnest, covering her flesh from shoulder to thigh, watching it turn pink as it heated from his leather kiss. She was breathing hard, the sound of her gasps syncopated with the thwack of leather against skin. Daniel was exhilarated, nearly drunk with power.

  “Daniel,” Liam said after a time. “Stop a moment. Give her a chance to adjust. Help her calm down.”

  Though he didn’t want to stop, Daniel obeyed his Master, dropping the flogger and moving closer to the girl. He ran his hands over her back and ass. The skin was hot to the touch. He stepped in front of her. Her chest and throat were mottled pink, her breathing labored. Gently he gripped her wrists and said, “Put your arms down.” She obeyed, still breathing hard. He wrapped her in his arms. She was so small and fragile compared to his tall, masculine lover. He was aware of his cock, hard and erect against her belly. Surely, she was aware of it too.

  He reached down between her legs, cupping her cunt as she blushed. He slid his fingers down to the entrance, delighted at what he found. He looked triumphantly at Liam. “She’s soaking wet.”

  “As she should be,” Liam said, grinning. He stood and Daniel could see his erect cock, pointing up toward his hip beneath the soft silk of his pants. “You did an excellent job, Daniel. Didn’t he, Alex?”

  “Yes, Sir,” Alex answered throatily, ducking her head.

  “Now. Enough warm-up. Get the snake, Daniel. We’ll see what this girl is really made of.”

  Chapter 5

  The snake whip was made from tightly braided eight-plait cowhide with a lead-loaded handle for balance. The knot at the end could deliver an especially brutal sting, as Daniel well knew from personal experience.

  Instinctively Alex grabbed her bottom as she watched Daniel retrieve the implement and hand it to Liam. “We’re going to make it easy for you since it’s your first time,” Liam said. “It takes training to be able to keep your position during a single-tail whipping. I wouldn’t want you to jerk suddenly and receive a stroke where it wasn’t intended to go. You have a choice. Would you like to be bound to the cross or face down on the exam table?”

  Alex stared at the whip Liam balanced lightly on his upturned palms. She could almost feel its bite on her already tender skin, still smarting from the flogger. It had been embarrassing when Daniel had touched her cunt, the telltale wetness revealing just how turned-on she’d been by the flogging. Liam was right, Daniel had a natural talent—she’d slipped into that warm, sensual place a good flogging could take her to. For her, a sensual whipping was a matter of foreplay—a means to an end, not the end in and of itself. She was ready now for a good fucking. She had yet to see Liam’s cock, but was more than eager to experience Daniel’s sizable offering, proudly bobbing from his groin in what seemed to Alex a clear invitation.

  Yet it didn’t look as if she were going to be fucked in the near future, if ever. That thought unsettled her. She’d just assumed sex would be a part of this package deal. Yet these were obviously committed lovers—perhaps they wouldn’t dream of letting cunt get in the way of their homosexual love life. Shit. She really should have done her homework better, she thought with an inward sigh. They’d talked about expectations on either side as far as the specifically D/s aspects of the arrangement but never directly addressed sex. This gig wasn’t going to be nearly as satisfying if she wasn’t going to get cock.

  “Alex, answer the question,” Liam said s
ternly. Alex stared at the tightly braided strips of leather, her skin tingling at the thought of its cruel cut.

  “I’m not sure I want—” He cut her off by grabbing her hard by the hair, yanking her head back.

  “I’m not asking what you want. I gave you a choice. Table or cross. That’s the only thing you have to address.”

  “Table,” she gasped, stumbling slightly as he let go of her hair. Perversely, rather than being outraged by this show of brute force, Alex found herself thrilling to it. He wasn’t going to let her get away with her usual protestations and excuses. She was going to experience the single tail whether she liked it or not.

  Daniel helped her onto the table, the leather cool and soft beneath her. He spread her legs, cuffing each ankle to a corner of the table. Her arms dangled over the sides. He tethered her wrists together with a chain that had been bolted to the underside of the table. A thick leather band was secured over her neck so she couldn’t lift her head.

  “Are you comfortable?” Daniel asked. The question seemed incongruous given her position, completely immobilized by the leather restraints. The table was generously padded and she was as comfortable as could be expected in the circumstances. She nodded.

  The men stood behind her, out of her line of vision. Liam began to discuss technique as Alex tried not to squirm. She gasped as she felt a hand on her spread sex. She didn’t know whose hand it was, but the fingers stroking her clit were a lovely distraction from the rather technical discussion going on behind her.

  The fingers were light, twirling in circles around her clit without making direct contact. She tried to push toward them, aching for more friction. One finger slid into her cunt and she groaned as it slid back down to her clit, this time finding her center, leading her quickly to the edge of climax.

  The finger was abruptly removed.

  Her cunt throbbed with need and she nearly cried with frustration. If her hands had been free, she wouldn’t have been able to resist rubbing herself to a fast orgasm. She knew better than to beg.

  “Count for us, Alex,” Liam said. “You’re going to receive ten lashes. Don’t lose count or we’ll have to start over.”

  Her orgasm utterly forgotten, Alex tensed and waited. The first stroke landed across the fleshy base of her ass cheeks, catching both with its sting. “One!” she managed. She could feel the line of fire blazing over her flesh. Another cut seared just above the first. “Two!” she screamed.

  I can’t do ten, I can’t do ten, she thought wildly, though she didn’t say it aloud. “Three!” The third one was vertical across her left cheek. She began to pant. The next several strokes came rapidly. She mouthed the numbers, not sure if she was audible, the blood roaring in her ears too loud for her to tell.

  Pain exploded in her nerve endings as stroke after stroke cut inexorably across tender flesh. She was going to scream. She was going to use her safeword. She couldn’t take another stroke. But before she could open her mouth, strong fingers kneaded the muscles in her back, a different set of hands smoothing something soft and emollient onto the abraded, welted skin of her poor bottom.

  “You did well,” Liam murmured into her ear. He brushed her hair from her face, tucking it behind her ear. He stepped away again. She could hear the men speaking softly behind her. She felt a hand touching her spread cunt. The sting in her ass was juxtaposed with the ache in her sex. The hand began to massage and rub her labia, slick with her own juices.

  The pain didn’t disappear, but instead began to transmute, melding into the magic wrought by the fingers to create a sensation far more powerful than mere pleasure. She saw herself in her mind’s eye as they must be seeing her—naked and bound with leather restraints to the table, her ass welted, her cunt splayed and manhandled by one or both of the men who held her captive. A fierce heat began to rise through Alex’s body, arcing through her nipples, gushing from her cunt, consuming her as she was led to the most powerful orgasm of her life.

  As she lay gasping and completely spent on the table, she was dimly aware of someone speaking behind her. “She’ll do,” the voice said before she drifted away.

  Alex opened her eyes. She was still on the table but the restraints had been removed. She lifted herself to her elbows and twisted around to an empty room. It was hard to believe she’d actually fallen asleep or passed out or whatever it was she had done after that amazing orgasm. She had no idea how long she’d been out.

  “Liam?” she called tentatively. “Daniel?” In a moment Daniel stuck his head into the room.

  “Decided to wake up, huh?” he grinned. He was again dressed in his shorts, a sleeveless white T-shirt revealing as much of his broad, sexy chest as it covered. Alex swung her legs over the side of the padded table and winced as her ass made contact with the leather.

  “Ow,” she said as she hopped down, gingerly touching her bare bottom. Daniel was beside her in a moment, handing her the dress she’d discarded earlier.

  “Want to see?” Daniel said.

  “See?” Alex asked, confused. She pulled her dress over her head and shook her hair from her face.

  “Your welts. Your badges of courage. You took quite a nice whipping for your first time.” He led her to the mirrored wall. Alex turned around, raised the hem of her dress to her waist and craned her head to look. Her ass and upper thighs were crisscrossed with long, dark pink lines. She reached back to trace one with her fingers. It was raised and tender to the touch.

  Pride surged through her. She’d done it. She’d worked past her fear of the single tail, taking ten strokes. Admittedly, she hadn’t had much choice in the matter, secured as she had been with thick strips of leather. But she hadn’t cried out, she hadn’t screamed for them to stop, she hadn’t used her safeword.

  She turned toward Daniel with a big smile on her face. He grinned back. “Pretty cool, huh? I did a very nice job, if I say so myself. No bleeding, no bruising. Just long, even strokes. You should have those for a few days. Maybe longer—your skin is fairer and more delicate than mine.”

  “You did this?” Alex said. “I thought it was Liam.”

  “He got you started. I finished the job.”

  “And afterward? Who—?” She broke off, feeling the heat rise in her cheeks. She’d been about to ask who had given her that amazing orgasm.

  Daniel laughed. “Does it really matter?”

  Alex lay in the strange bed and stared out the window at the ascending moon. She’d expected more play after the initial whipping session. There had been, but the script wasn’t written by her nor was she its star attraction. Instead, she had been permitted to “watch and learn” as Daniel demonstrated his admittedly impressive oral skills on Liam’s cock.

  Daniel’s ever-present silver wrist cuffs had been attached behind his back. He knelt in front of Liam, who stepped out of his black lounge pants, revealing a long, thick cock, longer than Daniel’s, the balls heavy beneath it. His legs were powerfully built, the hair on them dark where Daniel’s was blond.

  Closing his eyes with an expression Alex could only describe as rapturous, Daniel opened his mouth, remaining perfectly still while Liam eased his erect cock forward, not stopping until Daniel’s nose was touching his pubic bone. He held that position for so long Alex began to worry for Daniel. How could he breathe like that?

  Finally Liam pulled back slowly, withdrawing for a few seconds to allow Daniel to take a deep breath before he again moved forward, not stopping until his shaft was once more completely lodged in Daniel’s throat. Alex watched in aroused fascination. She considered herself to be reasonably skilled in the oral arts. She liked to think what she lacked in skill she made up for in enthusiasm. But she knew as she watched Daniel take Liam’s cock to the hilt over and over without the slightest resistance or hesitation, she couldn’t hold a candle to him in that department. Liam had used Daniel’s mouth for easily twenty minutes, controlling the pace while Daniel knelt up, his back straight, hands shackled behind him, his eyes closed—the epitome of su
bmissive grace.

  Liam began to pant, his own arousal apparently getting the better of him. He moved faster, gripping the sides of Daniel’s head for support as he took his pleasure. Alex, watching from the sidelines and apparently forgotten, slipped a hand under her dress to fondle her bare cunt, the endorphins from the mind-blowing orgasm she’d had earlier long since dissipated. The two men were so absorbed in what they were doing she figured she could probably strip and fuck herself with a whip handle right in front of them and they wouldn’t notice. Used to men’s complete attention, she was discomfited and a bit annoyed by their indifference.

  She rubbed herself harder, her fingers matching Liam’s increased pace as he approached orgasm. Suddenly Daniel’s admonition floated into her mind. No masturbating without Liam’s express permission. Ever. Hurriedly she pulled her hand from her crotch, hoping they hadn’t noticed her breach. Neither seemed aware she was even there. She clenched her hands in her lap and pressed her thighs together, rocking slightly as she watched Liam jerk forward suddenly in a series of thrusts.

  He stilled after a moment and moaned with pleasure. Slowly he withdrew his shaft, glistening from Daniel’s kiss. Alex leaned forward, fascinated as Daniel opened his eyes. The bulbous head of Liam’s cock bobbed near his face, a single drop of pearly semen remaining at its tip. Staring up at his lover with adoration in his eyes, Daniel licked the drop and then lightly kissed the cock head before dropping his head to Liam’s feet. The gesture wasn’t servile or forced in any way. It was a graceful act of devotion that moved Alex. She felt strange, as if she were intruding on a moment too private for her to witness.

  She looked away, loneliness suddenly washing over her.

  They bid her goodnight shortly after that with Daniel promising to wake her by six o’clock so she could help with Liam’s breakfast before he left for the office. Alex was less than thrilled with this schedule, used to waking when she wished, rarely before nine.


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