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Two for Alex: M/m/f BDSM Ménage - 2 Volume Set

Page 7

by Claire Thompson

  She knew she should close her eyes and try to sleep but she didn’t feel tired. It was only a little after ten. She thought about getting up and doing some writing on her laptop, but when she listened for her muse’s whisper to get her going, all was silent. She thought about the new paperback she’d slipped into her suitcase but knew she wouldn’t be able to concentrate. That reminded her she had yet to straighten her clothing, having hurriedly tossed them into drawers that morning with intentions of refolding and putting them away properly later. She dismissed this thought as soon as she had it—they were probably all wrinkled by now anyway. She’d worry about that in the morning.

  Instead her hand slipped beneath the soft quilts, finding her bare cunt, still silky smooth from the afternoon grooming. She touched the soft petals of her labia, dropping a finger to her entrance and pulling the moisture up to her clit. She closed her eyes, images of Daniel kneeling at his Master’s feet, his wrists bound behind him, Liam’s cock down his throat, easing their way into her mind.

  No masturbating without Liam’s express permission. Ever.

  Did “ever” really mean ever? Or did that just mean when she was with them? She would need to get that clarified tomorrow. Meanwhile, this felt so good, and it really hadn’t been fair of them to make her watch that sexy show, her ass still smarting from the whip, her cunt wet and swollen, and then just send her off to bed. They were probably in each other’s arms at this moment, making love while she lay alone with no one to hold. Why hadn’t they invited her into their bed? Was it because she was a woman?

  She sat up, her hand still buried in her cunt, straining to hear any sounds. The door was ajar—Daniel had informed her she was never to close her door completely, not even the bathroom door. He said Liam liked the symbolism of certain acts, that they helped keep one in a submissive mindset at all times. By leaving the door open, she was acknowledging their right over her and her willingness to be always accessible, never closed to either of them. By the same token, she was never to cross her legs in their presence or wear underwear unless expressly ordered to do so.

  She thought she heard a sound, someone moving down the hall, perhaps going down the stairs. She listened a while longer but hearing nothing more, lay back down, giving herself over to her own hand. If they weren’t going to send her to bed satisfied, she’d take her pleasure where she could. Who would ever know after all that she’d done it? It wasn’t as if she truly belonged to Liam the way Daniel did. She was just on loan—a toy for them to play with for a week. Liam had as much said so at dinner.

  Secretly she had to admit the idea of being their toy was exciting and sexy, though by its definition it was a game. Rubbing herself harder, she let out a sigh. What they didn’t know wouldn’t hurt them, she told herself, gasping with pleasure as she began the hot, sexy slide toward release. “Yes,” she moaned as she came hard against her hand.

  Suddenly the room was ablaze with light. Alex squinted, trying to focus, her heart in her mouth. “Oh dear. It’s her first night and already she needs to be punished. Did you know we had such a slut on our hands, Daniel?”

  Alex clutched the quilt to her chest, staring in horror at the two men standing just inside her door, their faces in shadow against the hall light shining behind them. Liam stood impassively, his arms folded over his chest, Daniel just behind him. “What should we do with her?” he asked, his eyes boring holes into Alex, who hid her face in her hands.

  “I’d say the cage. Definitely the cage.”

  Before she knew what was happening, Alex was lifted from the bed by strong hands. She shrank back, pulling away from the men. Daniel tightened his grip on her arm, but Liam said, “Let her go.” Daniel obeyed at once. Alex wrapped her arms around herself, wishing fervently she could rewind the last twenty minutes. She wanted to burrow under the quilts and hide but didn’t dare.

  In a calm voice, but one rich with authority, Liam said, “Alex. Do you remember the rule about masturbating without permission? About not coming unless Daniel or I allow you to?”

  Mutely Alex nodded, aware she was blushing. The whole situation bordered on the absurd. Two men she barely knew were staring sternly at her as she stood naked, being asked to explain herself for touching her own body. She was embarrassed and ashamed. She also, she realized with some surprise, felt guilty. She’d violated a very clear order by the man to whom she claimed she wanted to submit. As if reading her mind, Liam said, “Is this all really just a game to you still? Were your claims of longing to truly submit just so much lip service?”

  Were they? At that precise moment, she honestly didn’t know. She looked up into Liam’s kind face. He didn’t seem angry. There was no blustering outrage or posturing. He really seemed to want to know the answer. Swallowing, she said honestly, “I don’t know. I mean, I want to obey. I meant to. I was sincere about wanting to submit.” She looked down, embarrassed. “I think I was just so turned-on by tonight. I’ve never experienced anything like this. I—I guess I was lonely here by myself.” Tears pricked behind her eyelids. She blinked hard to keep them from spilling.

  Gently Liam said, “Alex, I understand. Maybe this is the first time you haven’t controlled a situation like this. You took your whipping with grace. You were permitted orgasm but only because it pleased us, do you understand? You were given very specific direction regarding touching yourself and you willfully violated it. What do you think should happen? Be honest. Do you deserve to be punished?”

  Alex glanced rapidly from his face to Daniel’s. Daniel too was watching her, waiting to see how she would respond. Any number of excuses went through her head from denying she’d orgasmed to saying it was a stupid rule in the first place. As she looked into Liam’s dark brown eyes, all the excuses seemed to evaporate from her mind. “Yes, Sir,” she said softly. “I do.”

  She allowed herself to be led to the cage. Obediently she crouched down and scooted inside. It was large enough so she could sit up if she leaned forward, resting her chin on her knees. The cage floor was cold beneath her bare bottom. As the door clanged shut, she watched Daniel secure the padlock. She clutched the thin metal bars, a moment’s panic rising in her. She was truly at their mercy now—a prisoner with no way out.

  “Daniel,” she said urgently, trying to reach through the closely spaced bars to grab his hand. “How long? How long do I have to stay in here?”

  “As long as you need to,” came his cryptic reply.

  Liam loomed behind him. “Keep hold of the bars and don’t let go until I tell you. Your punishment is twofold. One is to be caged like a disobedient animal. The other is to watch as I make love to Daniel. If your hands move from the bars, you’ll be punished further. Understand?”

  “Yes, Sir,” Alex said softly, though she didn’t see how watching two gorgeous men have sex was much punishment. She tightened her grip around the bars of her cage, watching as Liam knelt in front of Daniel. Her cunt tingled as he slowly pulled Daniel’s shorts down thickly muscled thighs and shapely calves. Daniel’s cock rose and hardened before her eyes. Her mouth watered, her vaginal muscles clenching reflexively. She ached to be filled with that thick, hard cock. She gripped the bars harder, understanding now the punishment of being forced to keep her fingers on the bars instead of her own aching cunt.

  “Elbows,” Liam said. Alex didn’t know what he meant until she saw Daniel put his hands behind his back, grasping each elbow with the opposite hand, which forced him to stand at attention, his broad, smooth chest thrust forward. Liam bent down, licking the head of Daniel’s cock, his hands coming up to caress the shaven balls swaying sexily beneath the erect shaft. Daniel moaned with pleasure. Alex was riveted to the sexy scene. She shifted in the cage, kneeling with spread knees so she could surreptitiously grind her cunt against her heel. She knew this was technically cheating but she couldn’t help herself.

  Using his lips, tongue and hands, Liam brought Daniel quickly to the edge of orgasm. Though he was kneeling before his lover, there was nothing subm
issive in Liam’s behavior. He was taking what he wanted, controlling Daniel with each kiss, lick and stroke until he was panting and moaning, his body shuddering with barely contained lust as he waited for Liam’s permission.

  After perhaps fifteen minutes, during which Alex was forced to grip the bars for dear life to keep from burying her fingers in her cunt, Liam abruptly released Daniel’s cock and sat back on his heels. The shaft glistened from his kisses, straining and bobbing toward him as if pleading for his return. Daniel was breathing hard; his eyes squeezed shut.

  “Come for me, Daniel,” Liam said. Alex watched wide-eyed as Daniel, still clasping his elbows behind his back, shuddered, spurts of creamy ejaculate erupting from his cock. Her cunt juices had wet her heel and she bit her lip to keep from moaning with need. Would she ever be able to control her orgasm to that degree, coming on command as he had?

  Neither man had looked her way since locking her into the cage. They continued to ignore her. Liam walked to the recliner and sat on the edge of the seat. He pointed to his lap and Daniel walked toward him, gracefully laying himself over Liam’s knees. Alex could almost feel Liam’s large, hard palm as it came down with a resounding smack against Daniel’s sexy ass. Alex loved a good spanking, perhaps more than any other kind of erotic torture. She squirmed in the cage, her ass actually tingling in sympathy as Liam’s hand moved from cheek to cheek, turning the skin from white to pink to crimson red in the space of several minutes. Daniel was breathing hard and Alex realized she was panting along with him.

  Being stuck in this cage was perhaps the first true punishment she had ever suffered—confined, forbidden to touch herself, ignored. She wanted to rattle the bars, to scream at them, to demand they let her out and make love to her, spank her, wrap her in their arms as Liam was now doing to Daniel. He pulled him up on his lap and wrapped his arms around him as they kissed.

  “I want your ass,” she heard Liam say to Daniel. Together they stood, moving arm in arm from the playroom, the poor naked girl in the cage apparently forgotten.

  She stared at the empty room in disbelief. How could they have just left her like that. Were they going off to have sex in their bedroom, leaving her here alone? Now she did shake the bars, causing the padlock to rattle against the small door. “What about me?” she whined. “What about me?”

  Chapter 6

  Alex stood tall, as tall as her five-foot, two-inch frame would allow, her eyes ahead, her hair still damp from her shower, tucked behind her ears. She longed for a cup of coffee. Her arms were beginning to ache from holding her position, fingers laced behind her head, elbows jutting to either side.

  She could see herself reflected in the wardrobe mirror from the corner of her eye. Her nipples were jutting shamelessly from her breasts, lifted and thrust forward by her position. She knew she presented a pretty picture. She could feel the swelling tingle of lust building between her legs in anticipation of Liam’s impending inspection.

  Daniel had woken her only twenty-five minutes before, pulling her from a deep sleep. For a moment she’d stared without comprehension at the handsome man leaning down over her. For a split second she thought she’d picked him up at a bar or party and was surprised to find he was still so good-looking the morning after.

  “Hey! You should have been up already. Didn’t you set your alarm? Liam will be in to inspect you in twenty minutes. Get yourself groomed and ready.”

  Alex squinted at the small alarm clock next to the bed. Six-fifteen. The crack of dawn. She vaguely remembered turning off the annoying beep, beep, beep that had roused her at six, before slipping at once back into a sensual dream.

  Daniel continued to shake her shoulder. The night before tumbled up into her brain as she came fully awake—the whipping, the intense orgasm while tied down to the table, her punishment as she watched the two men make love in front of her and then leave her caged and alone for the next hour to contemplate the error of her ways. Even that confinement, while truly a punishment, had been sexy in its own strange way. And, she thought proudly to herself, she hadn’t brought herself to orgasm—partly because she was afraid of getting caught, but there was more to it. Each time she thought of taking what pleasure she could while forced to lie curled on the unyielding floor of the cage, she saw Liam’s face in her mind’s eye. His question had given her pause—was she merely paying lip service to the idea of sexual submission? Or did she honestly want to experience a true exchange of erotic power?

  “I’m awake,” she said, pulling at the sheet to cover her bare breasts, though Daniel was already turning away. As he walked out of the room, she admired his strongly muscled back, which tapered to narrow hips and a luscious ass, covered today by black cotton shorts. She wondered if he’d already been marked for the morning by his Master. Would she be marked today as well?

  She stood naked in front of the wardrobe mirror and turned around to see if the snake had left its mark. She felt a perverse thrill to note the pale pink lines still evident from last night’s initiation to the single tail. She drew her finger along one of them, her cunt moistening between her legs.

  She stood under the warm spray of the shower, her face upturned, eyes closed. Images of Liam kneeling before his submissive lover, masterfully stroking and sucking him to orgasm before being taken over his knee for a hot spanking floated before her mind’s eye. She grabbed the shampoo and squirted some into her palm, hurriedly washing her hair, trying to ignore the pulsing at her sex.

  Lathering herself with the special shaving cream Daniel had given her, she shaved her underarms and legs, though they were still smooth from the day before, and then turned her attentions to her cunt. She ran the sharp blades over and over her tender flesh, and if her fingers strayed ever-so slightly to her clit, it was purely by accident.

  Hurriedly she dried herself and combed her hair back. She brushed her teeth, spritzed on some perfume and rushed into the bedroom, assuming the inspection position with only a minute to spare. She stared at the clock in front of her, willing her breathing to slow in time to its steady tick-tock. Six thirty-four. The no-doubt punctual Liam would stride through her door in a moment, probably already dressed in his suit and tie, ready to inspect the new slave girl. As the minute hand moved to six thirty-five, she tensed, holding her breath, straining to hear his steps along the hallway, but all was silent.

  Six forty-one. Where the hell was he? How long was she supposed to stand like this? Had they forgotten her? She thought about peeking out her door but decided against it. Patience was a virtue she knew she needed to cultivate.

  All at once the sound of footsteps along the hardwood floor of the hallway caused Alex to jerk to attention. A moment later Liam came into the room. Though Alex tried to keep her eyes on the clock, she couldn’t resist a glance at his handsome face, the eyes dark as they bore into her, his cheeks pale and freshly shaved, a hint of lime aftershave lingering in the air.

  “Good morning,” Liam said. “Sleep well?” No mention of her stolen orgasm or subsequent punishment. Perhaps her slate was wiped clean. She hoped so.

  “Yes, Sir,” Alex said, the “Sir” slipping off her tongue with surprising ease. There was something about Liam that seemed to invite the term. She tried to control the small sigh that escaped her lips as he reached down between her legs, his fingers gliding over her labia and back toward the cleft of her ass. It took all her concentration not to thrust herself against the thick, hard fingers. They didn’t linger, moving down her thighs and calves before brushing her smooth underarms with his thumb.

  She waited for him to order her to bend over, grab her ankles as she’d done during the interview, so he could inspect her more thoroughly and maybe mark her. He would see the lingering evidence of the welts he and Daniel had raised on her skin the night before. It would spur him on to mark her again, perhaps making him late for work as he became lost in sensual torture. She waited for him to call to Daniel, who perhaps even now stood eagerly just outside the door, a whip or crop in his hand.

  “You’ll do. Let’s hope you have a better day today. Get dressed and meet Daniel in the kitchen. I’ll be along in a few.” Alex stared at his retreating back, her sexual fantasies evaporating as he disappeared from sight.


  Breakfast of pancakes with homemade raspberry syrup and crisp bacon on the side was served, eaten and cleared away in short order. After kissing his lover goodbye at the door, Daniel watched as Liam drove his car down the long graveled drive, heading toward the train station.

  Their first day with Alex had been pretty intense. Daniel had been incredibly turned-on by the whipping, thrilled by her cries and the subsequent orgasm. He’d been proud to kneel and worship his Master’s gorgeous cock in front of her and prouder still when Liam had kissed and suckled him, leading him quickly to a steamy orgasm. He’d nearly forgotten the girl as Liam gave him a hard, sexy spanking. His cock had sprung back to life, caught between Liam’s strong thighs as he reddened his cheeks before taking him to bed. There Liam hadn’t permitted him to touch his own cock until he had shot his hot offering deep into Daniel’s ass. By then he was so turned-on he’d only needed to stroke himself a few times before begging, “Please, Sir, can I come?”

  Afterward they lay together in a comfortable embrace, Daniel resting his head on Liam’s chest, soothed by the slow, even beating of his heart as Liam stroked his hair. Liam asked, “Do you want her to stay? I mean for the rest of the week. We won’t make any decisions past that until the time comes. But is this working for you? Do you like having her here?”

  Daniel thought before answering. Clearly Liam enjoyed having her there. He had been the one to bury his fingers in Alex’s cunt, his eyes hooded with lust as he made her come while bound to the table. Despite himself, Daniel had experienced a whisper of jealousy, unused to sharing his Master’s attentions in such a supremely personal way. At the same time, he’d been riveted to the scene, watching as Liam turned the girl to jelly, breaking down every inhibition while he brought her to what was clearly a very powerful orgasm.


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