Book Read Free

Fight Me

Page 18

by Lacey Black

  As soon as Avery is out of the room, Mrs. Stevens turns and looks at me with a smile. “Erin, dear, I hope you know that we are so glad you are here tonight. We think Jake is very special and I’m just so glad that he finally found a woman who sees it too. That boy has given me more sleepless nights than I can count over the past thirty-two years, but I knew that eventually, he would stop running and playing around with catty, shallow women and settle down with a good, down-to-earth woman. I knew that when he was ready to fall in love, he would fall hard.”

  “Oh, Jake isn’t in love with me, Mrs. Stevens,” I counter though probably trying to convince myself more than her.

  “Elizabeth. And I know you don’t believe that for a second. It’s written all over his face every time he’s near you. He loves you, even if he hasn’t told you yet. And that makes me the happiest mom in the world.”

  I swallow hard over the lump that has formed in my throat. A moment later, the kitchen is inundated with Stevens men all grabbing plates and diving into the food. Jake comes up behind me and wraps his arms around me, cocooning me in his warmth and protection.

  Once Jake and I make plates,–and I mean, I made a plate. I have no idea where I’m putting all this food, but it all looks so dang good–we head into the dining room to join the family. Conversation mostly centers on Avery and Maddox’s wedding, but eventually everyone gets to the latest on their jobs and personal life.

  “So, Erin, how is everything going at the library?” Michael asks from the head of the table.

  “Really good. I’ve started a few after school programs for teens, and I am revamping the children’s programs that go on during the mornings. I’m focusing on programs to try to get more youth involved in the library.”

  “Well, good for you.”

  “Yes, I heard about a few of the new things going on there when I was getting my hair done Friday afternoon. Word on the street is that you’ve really taken the bull by the horns and are making solid improvements to the library,” Elizabeth adds.

  “I’m glad people are seeing the positive. It’s been hard work, but well worth it,” I reply.

  “There are tons of positives. I’ve already been to the library more times recently than I was the entire time I was growing up here,” Jake adds as he reaches over and squeezes my leg.

  “If memory serves me correctly, the only reason you went to the library when you were young was to make out in the back,” Maddox adds with a laugh earning him a swat on the arm from Avery. “Not that I know anything about that, dear.”

  “I’m sure you don’t,” Avery quips as she tries to hide her smile.

  Once dinner is finished and the guys head into the kitchen to clean up with Mrs. Stevens, Avery takes me upstairs to her old room. “Come on, I want to show you something.” When I step inside the room, she gently shuts the door behind us. Her stunning wedding gown is hanging from the open door of the closet.

  “I can’t stop touching it,” Avery says unable to contain the huge smile on her face. “Isn’t it the most gorgeous dress you’ve ever seen?”

  “It definitely is a beauty,” I reply with a smile of my own. Just the dreamy, far-off look on Avery’s face is enough to make you smile.

  “I have something for you,” she says as she goes over to the bed and starts opening up bag after bag. “Here,” she says as she shoves a small blue and green bag in my hand.

  “What’s this?” I ask as I remove the tissue paper and pull out the long black box. I open the box and see a beautiful charm bracelet snuggled within the lining.

  “It’s just a little something to say thank you for all your help with the wedding. Well, that and for your friendship. You’ve done so much for me lately, and I just wanted you to know how much I appreciate it and you.”

  My eyes fill with tears. I don’t ever recall receiving a gift from a friend before with the exception of major holidays like Christmas and Birthdays. “Avery, you didn’t have to do this!”

  “Yes, I did. I want you to have it. Here, let me help you,” she says as she takes the bracelet out of the box and starts to fasten it around my wrist. “There are a few charms I already picked out that remind me of you. There’s a book, a star that says friend, a butterfly that says believe, and a tree to symbolize that you are establishing your own roots. You can add whatever you want to it.”

  “I don’t even know what to say,” I reply hoarsely as I grab a hold of Avery’s hands. “It’s beautiful. Thank you so much for this. And for your friendship.” I lean in and hug Avery as a few tears escape my eyes. She truly is a beautiful soul.

  “You’re very welcome, sweetie. I’m honored to have your friendship and help with my wedding. So, thank you.”

  After a few moments, Avery and I each wipe the tears from our faces as we head back down the stairs to join the rest of the family. The guys are all watching some sporting event on the television in the living room, and are apparently happy with a play. The entire room erupts into cheers.

  Jake sees me coming down the stairs and jumps up, standing before me a moment later. “You’re crying. What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing’s wrong, Jake. Girls sometimes cry just to cry,” Avery says with a smile before she goes into the living room to join Maddox and Brooklyn on the couch.

  “What’s wrong?” he asks, his voice laced with worry.

  “Nothing, really. Avery just gave me this beautiful gift for helping with the wedding. I was really touched. I’ve never really had that kind of friendship before,” I mumble as I hold up my wrist for him to inspect the bracelet.

  Jake grabs a hold of me and pulls me in for a big hug. I find my comfort and peace while wrapped in his strong, capable arms. This might be my new happy place.

  “You about ready to go? We both have to work tomorrow and I want to spend some alone time with you yet,” he says with a little smirk.

  “I’m ready,” I reply as we head into the living room to say our good-byes to the family.


  The week literally flies by! Before I know it, it’s Friday and everyone is gearing up for a weekend full of wedding festivities which include the rehearsal and dinner tonight, wedding and reception tomorrow, and Sunday morning brunch at the Stevens’ for their family and the Jackson’s. I’m closing the library early today – at three p.m. – so I can go home and get ready for the rehearsal.

  I’ve stayed at my house more this week with Jake. He has been working more hours in preparation for taking the weekend off, so he usually comes by after work, I cook dinner, and we go to bed together wrapped up in each other’s arms after making love. I haven’t told Jake that I love him yet, but know that I want to tell him - soon. I need to say it for him and for myself, but know that getting those words past my tongue is going to be difficult.

  Jake wouldn’t be the first guy I’ve said the words to, but he would be the first person that I say them to and truly mean it when I say it. My ex-boyfriend, Tim, told me he loved me after three dates. It seemed like the right thing to do, to say, so I told him that I loved him back. Even though Tim was a great guy who was career driven and goal oriented and a part of me really did love him, I never really felt the connection to him that I feel with Jake. What I feel for Jake is all-consuming, all-possessing.

  At three o’clock, I hear the front door open and close loudly. Hopefully this is just a book drop-off or something that won’t take too long.

  When I step out of the small office, Jake is standing at the counter holding a calla lily – my favorite flower. A huge smile spreads across my face at the sight. He remembered my favorite flower? I told him on our first dinner date how my love for calla lilies came from my grandma after I moved in with her. She had a whole garden full of them in the backyard and spend hours trimming and pruning the bushes. So when she passed away, it seemed only fitting to order her favorite flower for her funeral.

  “So, I was leaving the bakery just a few minutes ago and noticed the flower delivery truck across the street was un
loading these. I figured they wouldn’t miss one, so I grabbed it real quick while they weren’t looking.”

  “What?! You did not!” I exclaim, horrified at the thought of a cop stealing a flower from the back of a delivery van.

  Jake laughs. “Of course not. I’m a police officer. But, I did see them in the truck and walk inside the floral place to buy it. For you,” he says as he hands it to me over the counter.

  The flower instantly goes up to my nose as I inhale this distinct floral scent that you only get from calla lilies. “Thank you. It’s beautiful,” I say with a smile.

  “How much longer?”

  “I have these couple of books to put away and then I’m done. Computer system is already down for the night,” I say as I grab the small stack of books and head into the rows of books.

  I make quick work on putting the books away in their rightful places on the shelves. As I start to slide the last book into place, I feel Jake’s soft lips brush the sweet spot on the back of my neck and feel his hands wrap around my waist.

  My head falls forward to allow him access to explore my skin further. His hands instantly drift up my shirt and his fingers fan out over my belly. My eyes flutter closed as I take in his hot breath and warm fingers caressing across my skin.

  “Jake, what are you doing?” I whisper.

  “I’m hoping to hit a home run in the library, Erin,” he mumbles before his tongue snakes out to lick from my neck to my earlobe.

  An uncontrollable shiver rips through my body as his tongue blazes a hot trail on my skin. “We can’t do this here.”

  “Oh, but we can. I locked the door before I came back here. The lights are off and no one is around.” Jake’s hands dip down to the front of my dress slacks as he makes quick work of my button and zipper. The pants are sliding down my legs before I even process what’s happening, not that I want to stop him anyway.

  “I’ve been daydreaming about you all day, alone in this library, wearing those damn sexy glasses and this proper outfit. It’s time to rip off these clothes and give me another taste of that naughty librarian that I know is hiding underneath.”

  His words are like fuel to my fire as my body ignites instantly. I step out of my pants and make quick work on removing my panties. I can hear Jake’s belt buckle and zipper sliding down and know that he’s just as hurried behind me.

  Once I’m bare from the waist down, I turn around to face Jake. The wild look in his eyes is a combination of desire and passion. He makes quick work of the buttons on the front of my blouse and dips his mouth inside to taste my exposed breasts.

  After feasting on them for a few moments, his hands snake around my rear and he starts to lift me. “Wrap your legs around me, darlin’,” he orders.

  “Is that a question or a demand?” I ask breathlessly.

  “A demand. Definitely a demand,” he growls back as I wrap my legs around his waist, giving him exactly what he wants because it is, in fact, exactly what I want too. He’s inside me in one quick thrust. Our moans mix together as our lips crash into each other. His pace and his kisses are swift and determined, and all I can do is hang on for dear life and ride out this wild ride.

  It doesn’t take long at all before I feel the familiar tightening in my lower stomach that only Jake seems to bring on. My legs tighten around his waist as he continues his rapid tempo, sliding in and out of me with fury. When he dips his head down and takes one of my nipples in his mouth, it’s all over. I feel my core tighten around his shaft as I moan my release. The noises I make and echoes throughout the library only seem to push him over the edge as he slams into me a few more times before stilling while buried deep inside of me.

  I have no idea how he can still hold me up. My limbs are numb and weightless. My breathing is labored. My body is completely sated.

  Jake leans forward and places gentle, tender kisses along my collar bone as he tries to get control of his own breathing. “That was so damn worth the wait.”


  “Hitting that homerun in the back of the library,” he says with a smile.

  I laugh as I drop my jelly-like legs down and slide off of him. “Well, I’m glad I can be your first for something.”

  “Oh, believe me, you are,” he says as he places a gentle kiss on my swollen lips. Before I can ask him what he meant by that, I hear his cell phone ringing in his pocket.

  I start to dress quickly as he answers his phone. I’m able to figure out quickly that it’s his mom on the phone as he goes about convincing her that we’ll be ready and on time tonight. After I dress completely, I finally turn to look at Jake. He’s standing there gloriously naked – well, with his pants down around his ankles – in the back of my library. It really is a beautiful sight, and I can’t help but stare.

  Jake hangs up the phone after a hurried good-bye to his mother and reaches for his pants. “Come on, we’ve gotta go. Mom is worried we’ll all be late tonight and she’s stressing. Apparently, Dad has gone for a drive to get out of the house for a little bit,” Jake says with a smirk.

  I start to head back to the office to get my coat, but Jake spins me around and into his strong arms. “That was unbelievable,” he says against my lips.

  “It was. Maybe we’ll hit some balls at the library again real soon.”

  Jake laughs. “I think I’ve created a monster. I like it. I like it a lot.”


  Maddox and Avery’s rehearsal went off without a hitch. I can’t wait to see the whole ceremony unfold tomorrow. Brooklyn is a big part of the ceremony and I know it’s going to be wonderful as they finally become an official family of three.

  The entire wedding party and immediate family is gathering at the small Italian restaurant in town. There’s a small back room that they allowed us to take over for the dinner which Maddox’s family is graciously covering.

  The whole place has a dark atmosphere to it. The lighting is very low and there are small battery operated candles on all the tables. There are red and white checkered plastic table cloths on all of the tables and Italian music softly playing through the speakers. It’s a nice, quiet restaurant and usually draws a good crowd since it isn’t overpriced like the big chain Italian restaurants.

  I’m sitting between Jake and Holly during dinner. Jake keeps his arm casually rested on the backrest of my chair for most of the night, lightly rubbing my back or shoulders as he talks to his family. It’s like his hands are magnets and my body is metal – they’re just drawn to each other.

  “So, Jake, are you getting married next?” Maddox’s mother, Christine, asks casually.

  I feel his arm stiffen against my back. Uh oh! “Well, I’m not planning on it right now, Christine. You never know what the future will bring, though,” he says casually as he goes back to lightly caressing my shoulder.

  “Well, don’t let this pretty girl get away, boy! It’s time to settle down and get married. Look how long it took Maddox,” Maddox’s dad, Paul, adds.

  Jake laughs nervously and I force a smile, all the while praying that someone changes the subject quickly.

  As if sensing my discomfort, Mrs. Stevens chimes in. “Oh, Jake will get married when he finds that right person who will put up with him.” Elizabeth smiles at Jake and winks at me before moving the conversation along. “So, Holly, how are things at the hospital?”

  I completely tune out Holly’s response as my mind races with more questions than I have answers for. Jake suddenly scoots his chair back and leans in to whisper in my ear. “I’ll be right back, darlin’.”

  “Okay,” I mumble but he’s already walking away from the table and heading for the restrooms down the hallway.

  “I’ll be right back,” Travis says across from me as he scoots out his chair and heads towards the restrooms following Jake.

  A thousand things run through my mind at that moment. Is Jake mad? Does he think I have something to do with the marriage inquisition? What exactly does Jake’s future hold? Am I in it? The questions
just keep spinning round and round in my head like a record player. I feel the familiar ache of a looming headache start.

  I decide a little air would probably do me some good, so I politely excuse myself and head towards the hallway. Just as I get ready to turn the corner, Jake’s voice stops me in my tracks.

  “Just do what I’ve been doing. Don’t commit long term. Have a little fun for a while and then move on.”

  “I know it always works for you that way, Jake, but committing doesn’t scare me. I stick with something once I start it,” I hear Travis reply with a laugh.

  My stomach literally falls to the floor and I feel like I’m going to throw up. Jake just confirmed to Travis that he’s only with me for the temporary? To have a little fun until he gets bored or someone better comes along?

  I back up a few steps and run into Avery. “What’s wrong?” she asks concern etched all over her face.


  “You look pale. Are you feeling okay?” Avery’s ‘mom instincts’ kick in as she steps towards me and tries to place her palm over my forehead.

  “Actually, I’m not. I’m not feeling very well at all. I’m going to head out.” I lean in and hug Avery quickly. “Will you tell Jake for me? He’s busy talking and I don’t want to interrupt him.” I start to walk back towards the room where our dinner party is in full swing to retrieve my purse and coat.

  “Wait! You’re just leaving? Let me get Jake and he’ll give you a ride home.”

  “No, that’s okay. I’m only a couple of blocks away. The cool air will probably do me some good. I’ll see you tomorrow,” I throw over my shoulder as I head back into the room to get my stuff. I slip out quickly without anyone noticing which makes me very happy. Well, as happy as you can be considering your heart was just ripped out of your body and stomped on by the guy you love.

  I’m able to keep the rush of tears at bay until I reach the end of the block. When I round the corner and head in the direction of my house, the silent tears start to fall. I hug my arms against my chest as I walk trying to keep it together. If I can just make it home, I can fall apart in private. I have been humiliated by Jake Stevens…again. And it’s my own damn fault this time.


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