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History Ireland. This is a well-written and illustrated history magazine bringing current ideas of Irish history to a general audience.
Irish Historical Studies. The dominant professional history journal in Irish history.
Irish Economic and Social History. A more specialized professional journal than IHS.
Note: The abbreviation IRA has been used for the Irish Republican Army.
Abbey Theatre, Dublin 113–14
abortion, in Republic of Ireland 166, 175, 176
Act of Union (1801) 35, 39, 40, 72, 205–6
and Home Rule movement 95, 99
repeal movement 41, 46–9, 56, 71, 80
Acts of Settlement 25–6
Adams, Gerry 172, 174, 192, 194, 197, 206
Adrian IV, Pope 13
depression 84–5
early 6
in Éire/Republic of Ireland 137, 155, 156, 164
and Famine 69, 70, 111
in Free State 142, 148, 149
and geography 7
modernization 70
in Northern Ireland 137, 144, 151, 155
as outdated 59
peasant 35, 38, 52–3
and plantation 23
see also landownership; potato cultivation
Ahern, Bertie 190, 201
Allied Irish Bank (AIB) 201–2
‘All-Ireland’ policies 137
American War of Independence 30
ancient Greece 17
Anglo-Irish Agreement 173, 174
Anglo-Irish Governmental Council 171
Anglo-Irish Treaty (1921) 125, 126, 141, 145, 182
boundary commission 140
opposition to 138–9, 147
and unionism 181
Anglo-Irish War (1919–21) 115, 124, 125–6, 139
Archdiocese of Dublin 199–200
arms decommissioning 190, 191–2, 193, 194, 196
army, British 64
and Anglo-Irish War 120, 122–3, 126, 144
in Northern Ireland 168–9, 192, 196
army, Free State 139
art, Irish 10, 15
ascendancy, Protestant see Protestantism
Asquith, Herbert 119
Attlee, Clement 149, 151
Aughey, Arthur 130
emigration to 71
and Famine relief 64
Balfour, Arthur 101, 116–17, 180
Ballymoney killings 193
Bank of Ireland 202
r /> banking 201–2, 203
Barrington, Donal 180
Barritt, Denis & Carter, Charles 185
Bartlett, Thomas 38
Beckett, J.C. 37, 57, 128
industrialization 31, 53–4, 80, 112, 138, 150, 151
Benedict XI, Pope 200
Bew, Paul 92–3, 160, 184
Biggar, Joseph Gillis 97, 98
Black and Tans 124
Blair, Tony 190
Blaney, Neil 163
blood sacrifice ideal 120–1, 123, 127, 128, 129
‘Bloody Sunday’ 169
Blueshirt movement 145
Boland, Harry 124
Bolingbroke, Henry (later Henry IV) 15
Boundary Commission 140
Boyce, D. George xii, 133
Boycott, Captain Charles 87
Boyne, battle of the (1690) 27, 136
Bradshaw, Brendan 134
Brady, Ciaran xii
Breatnach, Liam 17–18
Brian Boru 11, 48
emigration to 59, 111, 151, 156
and Famine of 1845–52 59, 60, 61–2, 64, 66, 68–9, 72, 74, 75–6
and First World War 120–6
and genocide accusations 73, 75, 76
IRA campaigns in 145, 163, 190
and Irish Free State 144–9
in nationalist interpretations 132–6
and Northern Ireland 149, 151, 168–75, 180, 181, 190
and Republic of Ireland 149, 168, 171–2, 177–8
in revisionist history 3
in unionist interpretations 182
British Association for the Relief of Extreme Distress in Ireland and Scotland 64
British-Irish Council 191
British-Irish Intergovernmental Conference 173
Brooke Initiative 174
Brooke, Peter 174
Browne, Noel 153–4
Brunswick Clubs 45, 49, 205–6
bubonic plague 15
Buckland, Patrick 160
Bull, Philip 93–4
Butt, Isaac
and Fenianism 84, 85,
and Home Rule movement 96–8, 99, 102, 107, 209
and land reform 93
and unionism 96, 136
Byrne, Francis John 20
Cameron Commission (1969) 185
Canada, emigration to 66
Carson, Sir Edward 119, 135, 136, 144
Casement, Sir Roger 121–2
Casey, Bishop Eamonn 199
‘Catholic Army’ 24