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Darcy's Downfall

Page 4

by Erin Osborne

  “I know. I won’t meddle. Much,” I respond, brushing past him.

  Crash is in the bedroom, pulling on a pair of jeans that fit him just right. I swear these two are trying to kill me. They take their shirts off almost as soon as they walk in the door every day. When we go to bed, Crash sleeps naked and Trojan only wears a pair of boxers. I don’t need to have any more visuals than I already get!

  Trojan plasters his front to my back as I watch Crash finish getting dressed. Even though he hasn’t turned around, I know he can tell I’m watching him. Feeling Trojan’s warm breath on my neck is making my lady bits warm up and a shiver to course through my body. He’s not even touching me, and I respond to him. This shit isn’t fair at all. They definitely know what they’re doing to me too. That’s what makes it even harder to resist them when half the time I just want to jump in bed with them and let them have all of me. there’s just an irrational fear that’s holding me back from doing that.

  Finally, Crash turns around and I see the smirk playing on his lips. I let a groan escape and quickly cover my mouth. The two cave dwellers start laughing and I know that the comments are going to start any minute. Crash doesn’t disappoint.

  “You think you don’t kill us every day? I’ve taken more cold showers than the human body should ever be subjected to,” he tells me.

  “Yeah. Especially when you go to bed wearin’ nothing but a tiny pair of panties and a tank top. I want to rip that off you and have my way with you.”

  “So, this is just payback?” I ask.

  “Not at all,” Trojan responds, walking to stand in front of me. “Just know that you’re not the only one sufferin’.”

  I take this information in and make my way out of the bedroom. Grabbing my drink from the island, I wait by the front door for them. My excitement is starting to get the best of me and I want to leave now. Neanderthal one and two have different ideas though and take their sweet time. I swear, they are worse than women sometimes.

  “I’m leaving!” I finally holler out.

  “Not without us you’re not,” one of them call back.

  “I will put you over my knee if you step one foot out the door,” Crash says.

  “I’d like to see you try,” I mutter under my breath.

  “Oh, that can be arranged, firecracker,” Trojan tells me, scaring the shit out of me.

  I slap his chest and my hand lingers on the hard, tight muscles there. Looking up at him, I see his eye darken. There’s no choice but to stare into the melted chocolate as I’m mesmerized. Fuck! Why can’t this be easy, and they be ugly as fuck instead of hot as hell? Finally, I pull my eyes away from his and remove my hand from his body. I grab everything I’m going to need for the day and follow Trojan out the door.

  Crash is behind me and this is how it has been since the day my house was trashed. One stays in front of me to shield me from any oncoming threats and the other one stands guard from behind. I don’t question what they do, I’ve just been going with the flow as much as I can. It’s been extremely hard for me, but I don’t want to give them too much trouble. It’s bad enough that they’ve been waiting and waiting for me. By now I’m sure they have blue balls and I can’t blame them if they decide they don’t want to wait for me any longer.

  Today, we decide to take Trojan’s truck. I’m not sure why they made that decision, but it has to be for a reason. I’ve discovered that everything they do is because of one thing or another. I quit questioning it. Crash sits in back while I sit up front with Trojan. If we take Crash’s car, Trojan sits in back. It’s funny as hell considering the backseat is almost non-existent. He looks like some scrunched up giant with his knees in his chest and that’s when I put my seat almost completely forward. They won’t let me sit in back though.

  We’re finally pulling up to the house that Gage found for Riley. She told me that she didn’t have that much stuff anymore, and she wasn’t exaggerating. Everything she owns fits in one small trailer that might haul two bikes. My heart breaks for her. She’s lost so much more than any of us know, but that’s her story to tell.

  I’m not sure why Gage picked a two-bedroom house for her to rent, but I’m sure I’ll find out eventually. Maybe it’s for when Keegan comes to visit? Once she’s settled in, I’ll have her over for a girl’s night and we can talk about it. Shit! I can’t do that when I’m staying at Crash and Trojan’s house. I’m not sure if that’s something they would go for. Maybe we’ll do it here instead.

  “Riley!” I call out. “I’m so happy that you’re finally here!”

  “Me too! I miss Keegan and her little family, but I need to move on with my life,” she tells me, with a sadness filling her eyes.

  “What am I, chopped liver?” Skylar asks, stepping out of the van.

  “Of course not!” I tell her. “I’ll be spending the afternoon with you though. Riley, I’ll be back by in a few hours to see how you’re doing.”

  “Sounds good. I’m going to get this stuff set up and then relax for a while,” she responds, looking in Gage’s direction.

  Skylar and I climb in Trojan’s truck and he heads towards town. I’m not sure where he’s taking us, but I’m sure he has a semi-private location in mind for the talk Sky and I need to have. I can feel her excitement bubbling up from the backseat and it’s contagious. I ask about the kids and the rest of the girls. She talks all the way to the small diner in town. This is not a place I want to have the conversation we’re about to have.

  “Relax, firecracker,” Crash tells me, leaning over the front seat. “We’re gettin’ takeout and heading back home. Sky already knows where we live.”

  “Okay,” I breath out, relieved that we’re going to be in a comfortable area.

  We wait in the truck until the men come back out with the food. They’re carrying so many bags that my eyes bug out of my head. We’re only feeding the four of us, at least that’s what I thought. Crash tells me that we’re dropping some of to everyone else before making our way back home. Yes, I’m slowly coming to think of their house as my home. I’m not sure if I’m ever going to be able to go back in my house again. Especially not with the memories that are now tainting the small sanctuary I created for myself.

  “So, are we going to be talking about what’s really been going on along with the other stuff we have to talk about?” Sky asks me once the guys exit the truck.

  “Yeah. I didn’t mean to keep it from everyone. I just didn’t feel the need to involve anyone else. At first, I just thought it was something harmless. Now, I know that’s not really the truth,” I tell her, staring straight ahead and fighting back the tears.

  We’re finally back at the house and tucked away in the bedroom. Skylar has made a picnic area on the floor, so we sit and talk while we eat. Deciding that we’re better off eating first, I tell her everything that has been going on with my stalker before starting ‘the talk’. I’m truly dreading what we’re going to be talking about, but it needs to happen. I find myself in my head more times than I can count, trying to figure out how this is all supposed to work. How I’m supposed to give two men attention when I’ve apparently never been able to do it right with one man.

  “So, you finally put them out of their misery?” she asks me, once we have everything cleaned up.

  “Yeah. It’s been long enough and I’m tired of pretending I don’t feel anything for them.”

  “You know it’s not going to be like it was with just one man, right?” she asks.

  “I know that. I think,” I answer hesitantly.

  “In some ways, it’s going to be better. In other ways, it’s going to be more annoying.”

  “What do you mean?” I ask, confused.

  “Well, when one is being a dickface, the other one will probably be acting like an asswipe. They’ll gang up on you when they think they’re right. And they’ll play off one another with every dirty trick in the book to get their way,” she begins. “But, you’ll have twice the love, twice the protection, and the sex is ou
t of this world!”

  My face heats at her last statement. I can’t imagine being with two men. Hell, I can’t even imagine being with one since I’m still a virgin. Skylar chuckles at me until she realizes that something more is going on with me. I’m not sure what tips her off, but something does. Maybe the panic in my eyes.

  “Are you a virgin, Darcy?” she asks suddenly, the laughter fleeing from her and a seriousness taking over.

  “I am. No one has ever made me want to go that far. The one time I almost did, the guy ended up almost killing me. So, needless to say, he didn’t get my virginity.”

  I can see the anger in her eyes. She’s been to hell and back, and knows what I’ve been through with a man putting his hands on me. Even if I don’t go into detail about the situation. A man has done far worse to her from what I understand. So, I’m sure she can understand why I’ve been so hesitant to let these two men in my life. It’s one thing to hang out with them while with the clubs. It’s another thing completely to have them in my life on a personal and intimate level.

  “So, I think we need to have a talk, so you’re not surprised when it gets to the point of you guys becoming intimate,” Skylar tells me. “I know that they don’t want to scare you off when it comes to that. Do you have any questions?”

  “I have a ton of questions, but I don’t even know where to begin,” I tell her honestly.

  “Okay. Well, you know that no matter how it happens, it’s going to hurt the first time you’re with one of them. Or both of them,” Sky tells me. “They’re going to make sure that it’s as painless as possible, but no matter what they do, it’s going to hurt.”

  “I know. That’s not what scares me. It scares me because I’ve never been with one person and they want me to be with both of them.”

  “It won’t always be with both of them. They’re going to each have days or nights with you alone. If they’re anything like my men anyway. It’s important to the relationship for you to spend time as a unit and then as a pair,” Sky tells me. “I love seeing what the guys plan for our individual dates. They don’t let me plan one. Or know in advance what we’re doing.”

  “How do you make sure that they each feel like they’re getting your attention? That one isn’t spending more time with you or anything like that?” I ask, wanting to know how to balance my time between the two men.

  “You’ll know. Once you get in the swing of things, you’ll figure out how to spend time with each of them. Since it’s so new, they’ll want to spend time with you as a unit. Then, they’ll start planning ways for you to see them on a one-on-one basis. I’m sure that they’ll talk to Cage and Joker about it too.”

  Skylar tells me that this is going to be new for all of us. Even though they’ve been sharing women, it’s just been about finding a release and that’s it. They’ve never done a relationship sharing a woman and we’re all going to have to learn as we go. She tells me that they’re going to be pissing me off more times than I’ll be able to count and that I’m going to frustrate them to the point of exasperation. It’s all part of a ‘normal’ relationship. I know that I won’t ever have to worry about them putting their hands on me in anger. Crash and Trojan aren’t like that at all.

  “How do you really be with two men at one time?” I ask, my face heating at just the thought of how that works.

  “There’s a few different ways that works,” Skylar begins. “One way is you giving one a blow job while the other one is fucking you. One could be in your pussy while the other one is in your ass. I mean, you’ll have to try different things and see what works for you.”

  “I don’t know that I could have one in my ass,” I let her know, not knowing if I like that idea at all or not.

  “They’ll take their time and work you up to that. If you don’t like what they’re doing, then that will never be an option for you and they’ll have to accept that,” Skylar tells me matter-of-factly.

  I let all the information sink in that we’ve talked about so far. It may not seem like much, but when it comes to never having had sex before, it’s a lot to digest. In order to fully understand what she’s talking about though, I think I’m going to have to talk to Crash and Trojan. They’ll be able to fill me in on the details she left out. What an awkward conversation that will be!


  Skylar and Darcy have been locked in the room for a while now. I’m not sure if this is a good sign, or if she’s scaring our girl away. But, I’m going to trust my gut and believe that she’s going to help us with her. I have no choice but to believe that. Crash and I know that at some point we’re going to have to do the same thing and talk to Cage and Joker. They’ve been in a relationship with Skylar for a while now while this is still new to us. So, we’re going to need to get advice from them as to the best way to handle things that might come up between the three of us.

  “You think they’re goin’ to be in there the rest of the night?” Crash asks, starting to pace the living room.

  “No. Skylar has to start headin’ back home soon. You think Darcy is good?” I ask, my nerves getting the better of me.

  “Yeah. Skylar isn’t goin’ to chase her away. She’s tryin’ to help us out brother,” he tells me. I’m not sure who he’s trying to convince more of that; himself or me.

  “I know. It’s just nerve-wracking when we don’t know what’s truly goin’ through Darcy’s head.”

  “We know. She’s just got to get over her past and we’re goin’ to help her with that. And, we have to figure out who is after our girl,” he tells me, sitting down on the couch just as we hear the door opening to the bedroom they were in.

  I head into the kitchen to grab a few beers while the girls finish up their talk. Pretty soon we’re going to have to head back over to Riley’s house. I know Darcy is going to want to spend some time with her. So, we’ll have even longer to find out what was said earlier. If we can get her to talk to us at all about it. We still have a long way to go before we earn her complete trust. I’m more than fine waiting on that. I don’t want a part of her, I want all of her.

  Skylar is one her way back to Clifton Falls and we’ve been hanging out with Riley for the past few hours. Darcy is nervous about her being alone her first night in a new town. I’m sure she’ll be just fine since Gage hasn’t left her side as far as we’ve seen. I see him falling hard and fast for our newest resident.

  Darcy is sitting on the couch, down from Riley, trying to hide a yawn behind her hand. I know she’s been stressed about the stalker and not hearing anything more since she moved in with us. Add in things with the salon and our new relationship, and she’s had more stress on her plate then she’s probably had in a long time.

  “You ready to go?” I ask her, standing and walking to put my glass in the kitchen sink.

  “Yeah. Riles I’ll see you at nine tomorrow morning,” she says, standing and hugging her friend before turning towards us.

  “Sounds good hun! Thank you again for everything,” she gushes, as Gage and her walk us to the door.

  We tell our President bye before heading out to the truck. Darcy is once again in the front while I ride in back this time. Crash can drive us home and try to start the conversation we need to have on the way there. We both know it needs to happen, he’ll be able to start it easier than I can. It helps that most of the time he doesn’t have a filter and just blurts out whatever he’s thinking in that moment. Sometimes it gets him into trouble, but with Darcy, it will help get the conversation going that we need to have with her.

  “Did you have a good time with Skylar today?” he asks, turning her attention to her for a split second.

  “Yeah. She let me in on some, um, interesting things.”

  “Like what?” I ask, wanting to know what was said.

  “About how this is supposed to work between us. That we’ll have our time together, but we also need time one-on-one. And some things that will happen when we reach that point,” she says, the blush noticeable even in the d
ark interior of the truck.

  “Care to share what she told you?” Crash asks, stifling his laughter at the fact that our girl seems to have a hard time talking about sex.

  “Um…Just how it’s supposed to work when we have sex. I mean when it’s the three of us together. Like giving one of you a blowjob while the other one is fucking me,” she begins, turning an even brighter shade of red. “Or one in my pussy while the other one is in my ass.”

  Darcy is nervous as fuck and I know this is hard for her. She’s not used to talking to people about this kind of thing. We need to tread lightly here, so I catch Crash’s eyes in the mirror and let him know we need to change the topic of conversation for now. Eventually, we’ll be able to venture back to this conversation, but for now we need to let it rest. Darcy will end up overwhelmed and push us away when we try to bring the topic up again. Sometimes she shuts down completely when she gets nervous or scared about something. That’s happening less and less though.

  “You know there’s no pressure for sex to happen, right?” I ask, leaning forward to rub the tension from her shoulders.

  “I know. But, I don’t want you guys waiting forever,” she says, leaning into my touch.

  “We’ll wait as long as it takes you,” Crash tells her, placing his hand on her thigh and rubbing small circles there.

  Darcy is sitting there, trying to figure out who’s touch to lean into. So, I make the decision easy for her and pull my hands off her shoulders. There’s plenty of time to put my hands on her when we get home. She needs to learn the touch of both of us. Together and alone. Now that she’s ours, we’ll be touching her as much as we possibly can.

  It doesn’t take very long to get back to the house. We walk in to Darcy telling us that she’s going to get ready for bed. I know that gives us about ten minutes to talk before we make our way in the room with her. It’s time she gets used to sleeping in bed with both of us at once. There have been a few times we’ve slept in the bed with her, but we’ve kept our own rooms for the time being. Not anymore. Tonight, begins us sleeping in bed with her every single night for good.


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