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Darcy's Downfall

Page 5

by Erin Osborne

  I place a kiss on her head before Crash follows suit. We watch her walk away down the hallway. I’ll never get tired of watching her ass as she walks away. The only thing that’s better than that is when she’s walking towards us. Eventually, she’ll be comfortable enough to want to be around us more. Right now, she’s still in the mind-set that she can’t trust us. Not enough to open up the way she needs to.

  “You know that we need to start sleepin’ in bed with her every night?” I ask him.

  “Yeah. I was thinkin’ the same thing. That starts tonight.”

  “Couldn’t agree more. What do you think she’s goin’ to say about it?” I ask.

  “She might try to fight us, but we’re goin’ to win. Or, after talkin’ to Skylar, she might be cool with us sleepin’ in the same bed. I guess there’s only one way to find out.”

  Crash and I make our way in the bedroom. Darcy is already in bed, the covers pulled up to her waist. She’s wearing a small tank top, her hair up in a messy bun, glasses perched on her nose, and her e-reader in front of her. Darcy is trying to act like she’s not paying attention to us walking around the room, getting undressed. I know better than that though. She keeps glancing at us and watching our movements.

  We both strip down to our boxers. Usually, we go commando, but Darcy isn’t ready for that just yet. So, we’ve opted for wearing boxers when it comes to being around her. Crash won’t ever change the way he sleeps, so he sleeps naked no matter what. Eventually I’ll go back to not wearing anything though. Right now, it’s all about making her the most comfortable around us. Especially when we start going to the clubhouse more.

  As we climb into bed, I know there’s something that I want to ask our girl. It’s something that I’ve been thinking about and I haven’t figured out how to approach her about it. I guess there’s no time like the present and I need to just come out with it and ask.

  “Darcy, there’s been somethin’ that I’ve been wonderin’,” I tell her, as she hands her e-reader over to Crash to put on the stand.

  “What’s that?” she asks, handing him her sexy as fuck glasses.

  “I thought you weren’t goin’ to be in a relationship with anyone. Then you tell us that you’re goin’ to be with us. What changed your mind?”

  “Um… after someone decided it was okay to destroy my sanctuary, I figured that we only get one life. I need to live my life to the fullest and not let my fear get in the way of that. I can’t live in the past and think that you two are going to do what the few guys I’ve tried to be in a relationship with did to me. You have tried to prove yourselves to me and I’ve not taken the time to see that,” she tells us, proving to us that she’s put some serious thought about us. That she wants this to work as much as we do.

  “I was just wonderin’. I don’t want you to go into this without giving us some serious thought. This isn’t a game for us, we’re playin’ for keeps,” I tell her, knowing that Crash is feeling the same way.

  “All I do is think about it,” she answers honestly.

  Crash and I look at her and I think our eyes about pop out of our heads. I know that I never thought that she would’ve thought about us like that. She was always pushing us away. Knowing that she’s been thinking about this has my heart racing and a feeling I can’t describe running through my body. I can see that Crash is feeling the same way and we’re going to be stepping our game up to make sure that no one can tell her that we’re not serious about being with her.


  We wake up the next morning when Darcy’s alarm goes off. I know she’s got to get to the salon, especially since Riley starts today. So, I head to the kitchen at the ass crack of dawn to make coffee and start getting breakfast ready. Darcy usually only grabs something on her way out the door. This morning, I’m going to make her breakfast and see if that makes her day start better.

  I hear movement coming from the bedroom and I’m sure that Trojan is helping her get in the shower. Part of me wants to be in there with her and the other part knows that she needs this just as much. We’re both helping her out in ways she may not necessarily know she wants right now. She’ll get it eventually and learn that we’re going to be taking care of her for the rest of our lives. If that means making her breakfast and helping get her things ready for a quicker shower, then that’s what we’ll do. We’ll do anything that we can do in order to help make her day easier.

  I grab the bread, eggs, and the rest of the ingredients I need to make omelets. It’s been a long time since I’ve cooked, but it comes right back to me. It’s like riding a bike, you never forget how to cook. Maybe I need to do this more often for the three of us. Especially for Darcy.

  “Mornin’,” I tell her, as I scoop the omelets onto plates and set one in front of her.

  I grab her toast and place it on the edge of her plate while Trojan grabs the orange juice out of the fridge and pours us all a glass. We each take a seat on either side of her and dig in. The moans and noises coming out of Darcy are sweet torture. I can’t wait to see if she makes the same little mewls and moans when we’re buried deep inside her, giving her all the pleasure she’ll ever want. Looking over, I can see the same torture written plainly on Trojan’s face. Darcy has no clue what she’s doing to us. This is not some ploy on her part to entice us or play some game. She is simply enjoying the food in front of her.

  “This is really good. Thank you, Crash,” Darcy tells me around a mouthful of eggs.

  “You’re welcome,” is my only response.

  We finish eating in silence and Darcy goes to clean up, but Trojan stops her. He tells her to go finish getting ready and we’ll take care of the kitchen. I rinse the plates off while he loads the dishwasher. It doesn’t take us long to clean up the kitchen and when we go to sit down, Darcy is walking back down the hall towards us. She’s wearing a tighter pair of jeans and a tank top under a button up shirt. She’s left the top few buttons open and I see that she’s getting braver in what she chooses to wear. She doesn’t hide behind baggy clothes as much anymore.

  “I’m ready to go. I want to get there early so I can get a few things ready before Riley shows up,” Darcy tells us.

  Personally, I think she just wants to get out of the house and away from us. Sometimes I can see the longing on her face, other times I can see the fear and panic rising up in her. Trojan can see the same things. That’s why we’re trying to take this at her pace and make sure that she is as comfortable as she can possibly be with us. Our relationship is going to go to a whole new level when we start bringing sex into the equation. Darcy knows this as much as we do. I think that’s one of the main reasons she’s so scared. She doesn’t know what’s going to happen once we take that leap. In her mind, as long as we’re not having sex, she still gets to hold onto us. We won’t leave her until we get what she thinks we want from her. We’ll never have what we want from her though. Our time with Darcy won’t end until we’re buried in the ground and not able to take another breath.

  “We’re ready whenever you are babe,” Trojan tells her. “You want to take the bikes or ride in the truck?”

  “Can we take the truck please?” she asks, looking down. Something that we’ve noticed she does a lot of when she thinks we’re going to be upset with her.

  “Darcy, we love ridin’ our bikes. It’s part of the reason we joined the club. You get such a sense of freedom that it’s like nothin’ else in this world. But, we know that you aren’t ready for all that and we’re goin’ to take this at your pace. Eventually, you’ll start ridin’ with us more and you’ll grow to love it.”

  Darcy nods her head in acknowledgment and walks out the door. Something close to pain flashes briefly in her eyes before we can decipher what it is. Today she doesn’t wait for one of us to walk in front of her. So, we both groan as we watch her ass sway to and fro as she makes her way out to the truck. Trojan discreetly adjusts himself before following her at a faster pace. He gets to her just as she goes to open the door. I watch on
as he places his hand on the small of her back and opens the door for her. Before she can get up in the truck, I place my hands on her hips and lift her up inside.

  As soon as we make sure she’s settled in the truck, we each make our way to our respective doors. Trojan is going to drive again today while I ride in back. This gives me time to think as we make the short journey to the salon. We’ve been doing the unit thing, but I’m wondering if it’s time to start taking Darcy out one-on-one. that way she can see that we’re putting in the time with her and that we want to spend time with her. It’s not just about getting her in bed.

  I’m the first one out of the truck as we pull up to the salon. I see Gage and Riley making their way towards us. She’s riding on his bike and I’m shocked. Bailey is the only other female to grace my President’s bike. He reserves that seat for someone that’s going to be his old lady. Granted, Bailey never made it that far, but he was ready to take that step with her.

  I glance over at the front of the salon as I go to open the door for Darcy. Before she can turn to get out, I see the front windows plastered with something. Telling Darcy to stay where she is for a minute, I step closer and take a look at what it is. Trojan beats me to it though and I can feel the rage he’s barely containing simmering from three feet away.

  Plastered all over the window is one picture repeatedly. It’s of Darcy, standing in her living room, stripping out of her clothes. She’s standing in nothing more than a cami and a skimpy pair of panties. Darcy is relaxed and carefree in the moment that’s captured. It’s a look that we want to put on her face every single day, a look that no one deserves to see but us. Stepping closer, I see writing on the door. The words are written in red paint that I’m guessing is supposed to represent blood.

  “You’re mine bitch! I’ll beat the dirty scum off of you when I finally make my move. I’m coming!”

  Trojan and I were so busy trying to read the door and start pulling down the pictures that we didn’t notice much else. Gage is here, and we know that he’ll keep an eye on our girl. Unfortunately, he can’t catch her fast enough to stop her from seeing the pictures or the words on the door. All we hear is the shocked gasp coming from behind us. I turn to see Darcy crumple to the ground. Trojan catches her just before she hits the sidewalk and hurts herself.

  “Why? What have I done to deserve this?” she screams out. Her screams are agonizing and full of pain.

  “We got you,” Trojan murmurs softly into her soft hair. “We’re not goin’ to let anythin’ happen to you baby.”

  “You can’t promise that! Whoever this is, is always going to find me. They’ve destroyed my sanctuary and now they’re coming after my business. No one can be in every place I am to guarantee nothing like this happens again. You two could get busy and take your eyes off me for a second and they could swoop in and take me away.”

  “We’re not gonna let that happen baby,” I tell her. “We’ll make sure you’re always with one of us. Please don’t let this get to you and scare you to the point of runnin’. Because I promise you one thing, we will always find you and bring you back home.”

  My words are not an idle threat. It’s a promise that I fully intend to keep. I’m going to do whatever I have to in order to make sure that Darcy doesn’t pull a runner. She needs to learn to depend on us and let us take away her fears. Darcy is an independent woman and she needs to see that we don’t want to stifle that, we want to nurture her and watch her finish growing into the amazing woman that we’re already seeing.

  We’ve finally gotten the mess cleaned up at the salon. Riley took Darcy inside and has her showing her where everything is. I know she’s trying to distract her while we get everything cleaned up. I’m thankful that she’s here and trying to keep her mind anywhere else but on what’s going on outside. Gage called Shadow and Wayne, our prospects, in so there was someone to stand outside and keep guard at all times. I’m sure that one of them will be here all-night long.

  Darcy and Riley have been in the back room pretty much since we got here. I’m not sure if they didn’t have any appointments today, or if people just aren’t coming in right now. All I know is that if this douche canoe messes with our girl’s business, that just adds another reason to the growing list of reasons to tear this motherfucker up. She has worked her ass off to not only start her salon, but to grow her client list, and put out a solid reputation as one of the most professional, charismatic stylists there is around Dander Falls.

  “Crash, I think I’m ready to head home,” Darcy tells me, walking back up front. “People are cancelling appointments and I’m exhausted. Riley and I’ll come back tomorrow and see if things are better.

  The look of pure defeat is etched on our girl’s face. This asshole is trying to take everything from her. I look to Gage and Trojan, they can see that we need to do something about this sooner rather than later.

  “Come by the clubhouse first,” Gage tells us. “We’re goin’ to have emergency church and then you can go home sweetheart.”

  Darcy nods her head and wraps her arms around herself. Riley is standing just behind her and I can feel the genuine sympathy and outrage pouring from her on her new friend’s behalf. I am slowly warming up to her since she seems to be genuinely concerned for Darcy. Even though she kind of screwed Keegan over in the beginning, Riley seems to be proving herself to me more and more.

  Chapter Four


  IT’S BEEN A FEW DAYS SINCE THE pictures were plastered all over the front of my salon. I’m not sure what they’re emergency church was about, but I can guess it had something to do with me. business is slowly starting to pick back up again and I’m getting scared that this is going to ruin me. I’ve had this salon in Dander Falls for years now and I’ve never once had a problem. I offer multiple services and I was thinking about adding on to it since the storefront next door is for sale. Now, I’m rethinking that since I can’t guarantee that my clients are going to remain loyal with a psychopath gunning for me.

  Crash and Trojan have had my back and been by my side since they found out what was going on. Honestly, without them here, I don’t know that I would still be sane. Riley has been a major help too. All three seem to know when I need a few minutes to decompress alone and when I need them to hold my hand. I’m learning who my loyal customers are though. Several ladies have been in, that haven’t changed their appointments, and told me that no one is going to scare them away from coming to get their hair and nails done by me.

  “Riley, can you take the next appointment please?” I ask, wanting to sit down for a few minutes because I feel a headache coming on.

  “Yeah. I’ll finish throwing the towels in the washer and get everything set up.”

  I sit down between Crash and Trojan on one of the couches in front of the salon just as Sandy comes strutting in through the door. She looks at me and turns her nose up in the air seeing me sitting between my men. With just a look at her, you know she’s judging us, and she wants to make a comment. For her sake, I hope she keeps her mouth shut. These two men are strung tight right now and one wrong move is going to unleash their rage. I can feel it simmering just below the surface, they don’t even have to say a word about it.

  Instead of sitting down and having a conversation like Sandy usually does, she chooses to stand on the other side of the entrance and keep her back to us. Today, I really don’t care. Riley finally finishes the towels and calls Sandy back to her station. She walks the long way around as if the three of us are going to give her some disease or something. What the fuck is her problem? This is getting to be ridiculous. I can live my life any way that I want to, and I am choosing to be happy with two men instead of one. It may not seem like we’re progressing, but slowly I am learning to hand my trust over to them.


  As soon as Sandy sits down in the chair, so I can wash her hair, I know that this is going to be a long appointment. Darcy is becoming a close friend and someone that I will defend no matter what. I pok
ed my head out from the back when I hear the bell chime over the door and saw the judgement and overall bitchiness radiating from her. I’m really trying to keep my mouth shut and this appointment as pleasant as possible. And, it’s working really good until the she-devil opens her mouth as we’re making our way to my station. Sandy just blew that shit out of the water.

  “I can’t believe that the little fat ass tramp is fucking two men! And she’s got someone putting pictures up all over town that are made to be kept private,” Sandy says, acting as if whoever is putting the pictures up is Darcy’s fault.

  I keep my mouth shut and may have pulled a little bit harder than necessary on the comb as I brush her hair out. Sandy lets out a screech that makes me think of someone running their fingernails down a chalkboard. Darcy looks over and I shoot her a sweet, apologetic smile. I can see the laughter that wants to break loose from Crash and Trojan, but they hold it in remarkably well.

  “What’s next for the slut?” Sandy continues on. “A train from the ‘gang’ that these men surrounding the salon belong to?”

  “That’s it!” I yell, grabbing a pair of scissors and a huge chunk of her hair.

  “Um…Riley, why don’t you go in back and get the color ready for Mrs. Sampson?” Darcy asks, coming over to my station.

  “Okay,” I tell her sweetly, walking away from the bitch currently sitting in my chair.

  The nice thing about Darcy is that she has everything labeled and all of her clients that come in on a regular basis charted out. All I have to do is find Mrs. Sampson’s name and pick what I need to mix her color up. Otherwise, I wouldn’t be able to do anything until she walked through the door. Since she should be here in a few minutes, I’ll get everything ready to go and meet Darcy back out on the floor. Hopefully that bitch isn’t here when I go back out there.


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