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Darcy's Downfall

Page 8

by Erin Osborne

  Riley and Gage are surrounding us as we comfort our girl. She’s crying uncontrollably, and I don’t know what we’re going to do this time. There really isn’t any coming back from this. Now, she has lost somewhere she called home and everything that was left in it. Thankfully Shadow and the two other prospects went and collected everything they thought she could save. Darcy hasn’t had a chance to be told this yet though. I guess we’ll tell her once the shock and grief at losing the rest of her things has gone away.

  “I need to go there,” she tells us after a few minutes. Darcy has screamed and cried, lost her shit over the bombshell we just literally dropped on her.

  “I don’t know that it’s a good idea, sweetheart,” Gage tells her, coming closer to us and trying to reason with her.

  “I really need to be there. They need to know that I’m not going to let them get away with this. I’ll file whatever I have to file, even though I know the cops are going to do shit. Please, take me there?” she asks, turning her tear stained face towards the two of us and pleading with her red-rimmed eyes.

  Trojan and I look at one another and make a silent decision to take our girl where she needs to be. If that’s going to her house to see the destruction, then we’ll take her against our better judgment. We’ll make sure that we’re by her side the entire time and offer her whatever support she needs. Riley speaks up, telling us that she’s going with us. She’ll drive her car so that Darcy doesn’t have to try to hold on to one of us on the bikes.

  “Why don’t we all go in one of the SUVs? Whoever else wants to follow can do so on their bikes,” Gage says, heading off to grab the keys from Shadow.

  This is why I love my club. These guys don’t have to be there for us right now, yet looking around, every single man here is getting ready to ride. Shadow hands the keys over to our President and talks quietly to him. He’s probably asking what he needs to do while we’re gone. I’m sure that we should bring Darcy in for a soft lockdown, but I’m not sure if she’s going to agree with it. Maybe we can get a few extra guys out to the house for protection.


  Pulling up to our girl’s house, the destruction is absolutely incredible to witness. There are firetrucks and police cars littering the narrow road surrounding the area her house once stood. I knew we shouldn’t have brought her here. Darcy gasps and covers her face with her hands. Gage and Riley are up front, and Darcy is sitting between the two of us in the back seat. We each wrap our arms around her and try to offer her a level of comfort. This is going to fucking suck!

  Gage pulls up as close as he can before the cops start telling us to leave the area. Darcy jumps over me and gets out the door before any of us can stop her. She’s telling the cops that this is her house and she needs to be here, she needs to know what’s going on. So, they allow us to stay. Including all of our brothers that are now surrounding the SUV in a show of protection.

  Looking over to the side, I see Wilma standing there. She’s watching the blaze and the men trying to put it out before it spreads to other homes nearby. As soon as she notices us, the older woman heads our way. Making a beeline straight for Darcy, she doesn’t stop until her arms are wrapped around our girl. They’re whispering and both of them are crying. The entire scene before me fills me with a rage I’ve never felt before. It’s crazy how protective I now feel over Wilma along with Darcy. But, she’s important to our girl so she’s important to us.

  It seems like we’ve been standing here for hours and hours. Darcy isn’t ready to leave yet so we’re not going anywhere. Instead, we’ll stay for as long as she needs to and then take her home to care for her and get the smell of smoke off her body and out of her hair. Finally, the flames are out and we’re ready to have the conversation with the fire chief and a few police officers.

  “It seems that one of your gas lines was cut that go to your stove. Whoever did this, made sure that your lines were turned on but not to lite the burners. They knew what they were doing,” the fire chief tells us, wiping the sweat off his blackened face. He’s definitely been fighting a battle all night long. “We’ll go back in after we’ve had a few hours of sleep and see what else we can find out.”

  “Thank you, sir,” Darcy says, her voice is almost a whisper.

  “Let’s get you back to the house,” I say, wrapping a blanket from the back of the SUV around Darcy and pulling her close to my body. “We’ll take a shower and relax. Today is going to be a very long day babe.”

  “Okay,” she says, defeat and sadness lacing her already weak voice.

  This shit is getting to our girl and killing the fire inside her. Every single time we start to get it out of her again, this fuckwad comes out and robs her of everything. She’s not going to be able to take much more. Especially if anything else happens to the salon. It will rip every single thing we’ve worked so hard to bring back out in her to shreds and take away her spirit. We’re not going to allow that to happen.

  Riley hands over the keys to her car and tells me that she’ll have Gage drop her off to pick it up later on today at some point. I’m thankful because I was really beginning to wonder how we were going to get her back to the house. The last thing I hear before we leave is Gage telling another prospect and Steel to head on over to the Salon. Darcy won’t be able to handle something happening to that on top of losing her home. Sure, there wasn’t much left inside but it was still hers. Now, nothing is standing where it once stood.

  Pulling up to the house, Darcy waits until Crash and I get out of the car before she finally moves. She hasn’t said a single word since she said thank you to the fire chief. I’m getting worried about her and I can tell that my brother is too. It’s only a matter of time before she snaps, and I just hope that we’re around when she does. If not, I’m honestly not sure what she’s going to do.

  “Let’s get in the shower and wash up so we can go to bed,” I tell her, all my previous thoughts about taking her mind off of everything with sex flying right out of the window.

  Darcy nods her head and still says nothing to us. Instead we just follow her shaken and silent body into the house. Her head is practically hanging down and her shoulders are slumped forward. If she was shrinking into herself anymore, Darcy would be curled up into a ball. She needs some help to break out of this, help from someone to get her to snap out of the shock she’s going into.

  “You wanna head to the hospital and get looked over?” Crash asks her, letting his worry and concern shine through.

  “No. I just wanna take a shower and head to bed,” she whispers, going back to giving us the silent treatment.

  We stand in the living room and watch her head into our shared room before we grab two beers from the fridge. As soon as we sit down in the kitchen, we take a minute to gather our thoughts before having the conversation that we both know we need to have. Between the two of us we’ll be able to figure out what we need to do in order to help Darcy.

  “You know that we need to do somethin’ here, right?” I ask, my voice full of concern.

  “I know. Hell, we both know that we need to help her snap out of this shit. I’m just not sure how we’re going to make that happen. Too much has happened, and I don’t know what we can do,” Crash responds, letting his head sink down in concentration.

  “There’s only one way I know to snap her out of this shit. You wanna do it, or do you want me to?” I ask, letting my idea sink into his head while he processes it.

  “Why don’t we both do it. That way she knows we’re both here for her and that we’re both willin’ to do what we can to help her take her mind off of everythin’ that has happened. And I know by now she’s thinkin’ of what else can possibly go wrong,” he tells me, standing up and starting to take his clothes off.

  I follow his lead and start stripping on my way to the bathroom where our girl is in the shower all alone right now. As soon as we go through the bathroom door, we’re immediately hit with the sound of Darcy crying. She’s sitting on the floor of the sh
ower and her arms are wrapped around herself. I can already tell that she’s trying to stay quiet so that we didn’t hear her if we came into the bedroom.

  I’m the first one in the shower and I wrap my arms around her and pull her up off the floor. She immediately wraps her arms around my middle and holds me tight. I rest my chin on the top of her head after placing a gentle kiss in her hair. Crash steps in behind her and wraps his arms around her from behind. He gives her the same treatment as me and I can feel her body riddled with her shaking.

  “Baby, we got you,” I whisper into her hair. “You let go and we’ll be here to catch you. Every. Single. Time.”

  We didn’t get in here to have sex with our girl. Our goal is to get her to crack, let everything she’s feeling out so she’s not trying to hide it from us. If that means we’re here while she cries, screams, and yells at the top of her lungs then that’s what we’re going to do. Crash sits down on the bench while I back Darcy up to him. He pulls her down on his lap and then cradles her while I grab her body wash and sponge. As he’s holding her, I begin to wash her body. Yeah, I should be washing her hair first, but she’s got her head buried in Crash’s neck, so I can’t get to it right now. Besides, he’ll be able to wash her hair while I hold her.

  I take my time to soap up every inch of Darcy’s body. Not one single time during washing her does she move an inch away from Crash. He lifts her up while I wash her back and then pulls her away from him as much as she allows him to so that I can take care of the front of the body. As soon as I’m done, I grab the shower head so that I can rinse her off. Crash stands up with her and waits until I can sit down before placing her motionless body in my arms.

  Cradling her head in the crook of my arm, I let her head fall back so that my brother can get her hair wet before massaging her the shampoo into her hair. I quietly murmur to her while she lets him do what he’s got to do. As soon as he washes and conditions her hair, I pull her closer to my body. Looking over her head, I let Crash know that now is the time we need to put our plan in motion.

  “You know that we’re goin’ to catch whoever did this, don’t you, firecracker?” I ask, pulling her away from my body and taking a little bit of her security away.

  “I know. But what else is going to happen before you guys catch this person? How much more can I lose?” she asks, trying to bury herself back in my body.

  “We’re goin’ to do everythin’ in our power to make sure that nothin’ else happens,” Crash tells her, pulling her attention away from me so she can’t get back her security.

  This is hurting me to know that we’re taking away even a little bit of the security she feels when she’s with us. I don’t want her to back peddle and think that we’re not going to be here for her. The only thing that we’re trying to accomplish is getting her to let her pain and anger out. She can’t hold it all in and not expect us to try to do anything about it. Crash and I need to try to do this for her.

  “You can’t promise that nothing else is going to happen! I don’t know how much more I can take either. Now, when I need you two the most, you’re pulling this shit,” she yells out, tears streaming down her face and the pain finally starting to come out.

  “We’re doin’ this because we need you to get this shit out,” I begin telling her, still not pulling her back into my body. “You bein’ quiet and stayin’ in your own head isn’t goin’ to help anythin’.”

  “I know. And, I want to let it out, to lean on the two of you. I just feel like I’m already bringing a bunch of shit to you two. Plus, who would want to hear the shit running through my head right now?” she asks, fully sinking back into my embrace as Crash kneels down in front of her.

  “We want to hear every single thing about you. If it’s you goin’ crazy because of someone attackin’ you and goin’ after everythin’ you cherish then we want to hear it. You have a bad, or good, day at the salon, tell us all about it. It runs through your head, we want to know. We want you to let us all the way in and not hold anythin’ back because you think we don’t want to hear about it,” Crash tells her, running his hand down the side of her face and holding her.

  “And you’re not bringin’ anythin’ to our door. We knew when we met you that you were the one that was made for us. You make this trio whole and no matter what you are goin’ through, we’ll fix it. Together. Now, we’re goin’ to wash up while you soak up the hot water,” I tell her, setting down on the seat and washing up as quickly as I possibly can.

  “I’ll try to talk to you two more about things. And, I won’t hold anything in. From now on, if I’m not talking to you two I’ll talk to Riley. The main things going through my head right now are that I don’t know what else is going to happen, what this stupid motherfucker is going to go after next. The only thing I have left is the salon.”

  “We know. And that’s why Gage has more men posted on the salon so that no one is goin’ to have a chance to do anythin’ more to it,” Crash tells her, soaping up his body.

  As soon as the two of us are done, we dry off before turning around to face our girl. Darcy is staring at the two of us like we’re her next meal. I’m definitely not going to deny Darcy anything and from the look on Crash’s face, he’s not going to either. Bedtime just got a little more interesting. We’re not going to go to sleep, we’re going to make sure that our girl is thoroughly satisfied and left sated before she closes her eyes.

  Crash grabs her hand and pulls her up into his body. He wraps his arms around her as I grab a towel and begin to dry her off starting at her feet and working my way up to her pussy. I want nothing more than to take a taste of my girl right now. So, I lean in and let my tongue swipe through her slick folds from the back to her clit. I feel her legs threatening to give out as I continue my ministrations while Crash is doing whatever he’s doing to her up above me.

  It doesn’t take very long for Darcy to crash over the edge of bliss and I lick up every single drop of her sweet essence. I continue to dry her body off as I stand up and Crash steps back after breaking the kiss he was giving her. Once her body is completely dry, we lead her into the bedroom and help her get into bed. Each of us take one side of her and let our hands run over her body. Darcy is writhing on the bed as we pay attention to her amazing body. She’s still trying to hide from us, but we’re not letting her. We’re going to treasure every single inch of her body for the rest of the night.

  Chapter Seven


  I’M SITTING AT THE KITCHEN TABLE, paperwork from the insurance company spread out in front of me. There’s a shit ton of things that I need to fill out and get turned back in as soon as possible to see if they’re going to cover the damages. At this point, I’m not even sure that I care whether or not they’re going to pay for my house being blown up. It’s not like I’d be going back to it. The only thing that I’d use it for is one of the houses for the domestic violence program that the club as a whole is doing. If I can contribute in that way, I’d do it in a heartbeat.

  It’s been relatively quiet in the past few weeks since this asswipe burned my house to the ground. The men have been watching me like hawks still and have taken every single opportunity to show me how much they love me. Hell, if they had their way, I’m sure they’d keep me in bed and naked constantly. You won’t hear me complain though. If there was one thing that I would complain about, it would be being so damn tired because I’m getting woken up in the middle of the night and I’m worn out in the best of ways.

  Crash and Trojan are teaching me every way possible to have sex. Hell, there’s things that I didn’t think were possible at all, but they’ve proven me wrong. So far, I think almost the entire house has been christened by us. I may have to say that the shower has been extremely fun lately. These days, at least one of them always seems to join me. They claim it’s to help me reach the spots that I can’t on my own. I’m sure it’s just another excuse to see me naked and have their way with me though. It’s a good thing they had a huge shower built in ou
r bedroom.

  “What’s got you so deep in thought?” Trojan asks, coming up behind me and planting a kiss on my neck.

  “I was just thinking about the last few weeks and how much you guys have been showing me,” I answer honestly.

  “Oh yeah? Well, we need to talk about somethin’,” Trojan tells me, getting serious and sitting down at the table next to me.

  “What’s that?” I ask, putting the paperwork in a stack in front of me and giving my man my full attention.

  “We have to go to the party at the clubhouse tonight. I know that you’re probably not up for it, but we’ve got to put in an appearance. It’s been a while since we’ve been to one,” he tells me, moving closer and closer to me. “Crash and I really want you to go with us though. Hell, I think that some of the guys from Clifton Falls and the Phantom Bastards are comin’ to it.”

  “Okay. It’s time for me to get out of the house and start bein’ around the clubhouse with you guys,” I tell him, knowing that I need to be their woman and get over my irrational fear of going to the clubhouse with them.

  “Alright. I need to go out for a while. Crash is in the bedroom if you need anythin’.”

  I give Trojan a kiss before he leaves, pour myself another cup of coffee, and grab a donut out of the box. Sitting back down, I stare at the last few pages I need to fill out. Most of this is mumbo jumbo to me, but I need to push through this and get it done. This is where I am when Crash comes out of the bedroom and kisses me as he sits down at the table with me. Grabbing a stack of the papers I’ve already filled out, he looks over what I’ve done already.

  “How much more do you gotta do?” he asks, placing the papers back where I had them.

  “Just a few more papers. And I have to make a copy of the fire chief’s report so that I still have one and the insurance company has one too,” I tell him, looking back at the paper in front of me. “There’s a lot of the same questions. I’m sure it’s going to be okay though. I have an idea I wanted to run by the two of you, but you’re never here at the same time.”


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