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Darcy's Downfall

Page 9

by Erin Osborne

  “What’s up firecracker?” he asks, getting up to start fixing lunch.

  “Well, I was thinkin’ that if I’m goin’ to stay here, then I want to do somethin’ a little different with the money from the insurance company,” I tell him, wanting to know that they want me to stay here permanently before I go much further.

  “You know that you’re not leavin’ here now,” he tells me, sitting back down to hear what I have to say.

  “Well, in that case, I want to build a house where mine stood. Instead of me living in it, I want the club to have it, so you guys can use it for the domestic violence program that you’re trying to start up,” I say, my confidence completely leaving me.

  “That’s an amazin’ idea!” he says, pulling his phone out of his pocket and typing out a message to someone. “I’m lettin’ Gage know now so that he can figure it out before we have church.”

  I nod and smile at him before turning my attention back to the papers. Crash gets up and goes back to fixing lunch while I finish this up. Hopefully it doesn’t take me too much longer. It seems to go by a little bit quicker with him keeping up his banter and making me laugh. This is what I need right now. By the time I’m done with the last paper, Crash is setting a plate with grilled cheese sandwich and a cup of tomato soup in front of me.

  The rest of the day has been spent trying to get ready for tonight’s party. I’m not sure what exactly I’m supposed to wear or even do tonight. About the only thing I’m going a hundred percent sure about is that my actions are going to reflect on Crash and Trojan. So, I need to keep my clumsy moves to a minimum if I’m not going to embarrass them. Fuck! This is not going to go very good.

  I’m jumping in the shower to start getting ready when I hear knocking on the door. The guys are out in the living room, so they can answer it. As I shut the bathroom door, I hear someone coming in the bedroom and I figure it’s just one of the guys. Hopefully they don’t decide to make an appearance in the shower with me. I’m nervous enough as it is and while that will take my mind off of everything for a little while, it’s not going to change anything in regard to tonight.

  There’s another knock on the door. That’s not one of my men. They’d just walk right on in and join me. I have no clue who they would let in the bedroom knowing that I was going to be getting in the shower. If I know anything about my men, it’s that they’re very protective and won’t allow anyone to see me. a few different scenarios run through my mind until I decide that I’m being a dumbass and open the door just a crack to see if I can tell who’s in our room.

  “It’s about time Darcy!” I hear coming from Skylar.

  Opening the door just a little bit farther, I see all the girls from Clifton Falls and Riley in different spots in the room. Mainly they’re looking around and seeing the changes from when I moved in until now. Instead of just a few things in here belonging to me, all of Crash and Trojan’s things now litter the surfaces of dressers, the stands, and in the closet.

  “Um, what exactly are you doing here?” I ask, making sure the towel is wrapped around me tight and that everything is covered.

  “We knew you were going to be nervous about tonight. So, we figured that we’d come rescue you. We’ll tell you what’s going to go on and what you’re probably going to be seeing tonight,” Skylar informs me, standing up and coming closer to me. “Now, you get in the shower and we’ll pick out something for you to wear and shit like that.”

  As quickly as I can, I shower and dry off before walking back out into the bedroom. Yeah, I wouldn’t normally go out in nothing more than a towel, but it’s just a bunch of girls in the room. It’s not like they haven’t seen the good before. We all have the same things. Just different sizes and shit. Plus, I know these girls won’t judge me for the way that I look. They are the sisters of my heart, ones I never had but always wanted. Even if I never would’ve wished them to be in the fucked-up situation I was in growing up.

  “Come here babe,” Bailey tells me, patting the bottom of the bed.

  Looking at the dresser placed directly at the bottom of the bed, I see four different outfits picked out. Two of these outfits are dresses, one is a short skirt I’ve never seen before paired with a tank top, and the last is a pair of jeans with a different colored tank top and a light sweater. About the only thing I recognize out of all these clothes are the pair of jeans. I have no clue where the rest of this came from and I’m not going to ask any questions. Sometimes it’s just easier that way.

  “Which one do you think you like the best?” Skylar asks, looking each outfit over with a critical eye.

  Standing up, I look at all four outfits and think about which one my men would like the best. Usually, I wouldn’t give a fuck what anyone else thinks about what I’m wearing. Tonight, I feel like this is way too important not to pay close attention to what I look like. More than likely I’m going to do something embarrassing, so I guess I better look as good as possible. Choosing the skirt and tank top, I pick the sweater up too and make my way into the bathroom to get dressed.

  As soon as I’m dressed, I walk back out of the bathroom and receive all sorts of catcalls and whistles from the girls. I do a little spin to show them what I completely look like. Bailey sits me down on the bed once again so that they can do my makeup. I’m going to do my hair as soon as they’re done with my face. So, I sit still and let Melody do her best to me. The only time I move is when I’m handed a shot. It’s not enough that we’re going to be drinking at the party tonight. Everyone decided that we needed to get started now. Hopefully it helps cut down on my nerves and puts me at ease, so I can have a good time. Otherwise, I may end making the night worse because I’ll be so concerned with my actions that I won’t have a good time.

  “Alright babe, your makeup is done. You get your hair done so we can go out and show your men exactly how gorgeous you are. I know you try to hide it, but there’s no reason for you to hide your amazing figure under frumpy clothes,” Melody tells me, trying to boost my confidence.

  “I have to agree with her,” Skylar says, sitting down next to me. “Trust me, I was the same way and now, I wear clothes that actually fit me and don’t hide the curves that I’ve been blessed with. They show that I’m not a stick and that I live my life the way that I want to. Crash and Trojan want you for who you are and aren’t going to leave you for some sickly thin bitch.”

  The rest of the girls nod and comment their agreement. They’re words and encouragement mean the world to me because that’s what I’ve done most of my life. I know that I have more curves than what society may see as appropriate, but I actually like the way I look. Growing up, I was taught to hide my body because if I didn’t, I would get picked on more than when I wear the baggy pants and shirts. Crash and Trojan have already started putting extra clothes in the closet for me. Ones that actually fit and accentuate my curves in a sexy and understated way. I’ll have to start wearing them out more and stop hiding.

  Walking back in the bathroom, I take a minute to decide what I want to do with my hair as I look at my makeup. Melody did an amazing job and accentuated my eyes with smokey eye shadow and mascara. The rest of my face looks like nothing is even on it. Finally pulling my attention off my face, I focus on what I need to be doing now. My hair is longer than what I’ve had in a long time and I can do almost anything I want to it. Usually, I’m just at home or work so I style it in easy ponytails or just leave it down. Maybe throw a headband on to keep it out of my face when I’m at work. Tonight, I want it to be something special.

  I take a bobby pin and pull just the front part of my hair back. Once it’s secure, I spray it with some hairspray before grabbing my curling iron. The rest I’ll leave down and curl, so it flows down my back. My hairspray is just used to hold the curl and not make it so you can’t touch my hair without having a fear of it breaking off at a single touch. Curling my hair is going to take the longest, but I love the way it looks when I finish it. Hopefully the guys will too.

I’m working on my hair, Riley brings me another shot and I take a second to drink it down as I’m done with one section and moving on to another one to curl. Instead of heading back out with the rest of the girls, she stays in with me and finishes the back of my hair for me. I always hate curling that part so I’m glad that she did it for me.

  “You’re going to the party tonight, aren’t you?” I ask, making sure that she’ll be there with us all tonight.

  “Yeah. Gage asked me to come the other night,” she answers, not looking me in the eye as she does.

  “Even though I want to ask what’s going on between the two of you, I won’t. Just know that yes, I’m dying to know, and I’ll be there for you no matter what,” I tell her, not putting any pressure on her to fill me in on what’s up between the two of them.

  “He’s just helping me get used to a new town. There’s some things that no one knows and he’s trying to help me out. Darcy, Gage is so sweet, and he said that he won’t leave my side. I think that he wants more than a friendship, but I’m not sure if I can give that to him. Not right now,” she says, a sadness and pain creeping up into her eyes. Filling them and taking away the sparkle that was just shining bright.

  “I’m so sorry honey. I didn’t mean to upset you,” I tell her frantically, wanting to figure out how to take this look out of her eyes and off her face.

  “Don’t worry about it sweetie. It’s not your fault and you didn’t make me upset. One day I’ll explain everything, just not tonight. Tonight, is all about you and getting you through your first party.”

  I nod my head in acknowledgment. My throat is clogged with unshed tears knowing this good friend is going through something she’s choosing to hide. I’m not sure why she is, and I’m not sure we’ll ever know. What I do know is that I’ll do whatever it takes to be there for her and help her do whatever I can. Taking a minute, I pull out some of the tighter curls and make sure my hair is the way I want it before I turn to her and let her know that I’m ready to head to the clubhouse. Well, as ready as I’ll ever be.

  “Let’s go show your men what a fucking beautiful, and sexy as sin, woman you are,” Riley tells me, getting a laugh to break free.


  Crash and I are sitting in the living room while the old ladies from Clifton Falls help Darcy get ready to go tonight. We knew she was nervous as fuck and we wanted to make sure she knew that she wasn’t going to be alone. Yeah, we’ll be stuck to her like glue, but she needs to know that her girls are here for her too. So, we made some calls and got them to come down early. The guys stayed for a few minutes before heading to the clubhouse. Cage and Tank wanted to talk to Gage alone and I’m sure that we’ll find out what’s going on when we need to know.

  It seems like we’ve been waiting forever for the girls to make our girl look even better than she does on a daily basis. Just as I go to suggest that we go and see what the hold-up is, I hear the bedroom door open up and we both stand simultaneously. The sight that greets us has our eyes almost popping out of our heads and our jaws dropping to the floor. Darcy always looks great if you ask us. It doesn’t matter if she’s wearing sweats with her hair thrown up in a bun thingy and her glasses, or just getting out of work. Tonight, she looks absolutely stunning. Fuck, I don’t think there’s words to describe the way she looks. She’s wearing a short skirt that’s sexy as hell, but not too short so everyone else around us will see what belongs to us. A tank top with a sweater thing is paired with the skirt while her hair flows down her back in ringlets. What really blows my mind though is the stripper heels that adorn her tiny feet. The entire ensemble makes Darcy look so stunning that I almost don’t want to take her out in public.

  “You look absolutely amazing!” Crash tells her, finding his voice before I can find mine.

  A deep blush starts to creep up Darcy’s face at the compliment and the way that we’re looking at her right now. She may not be a virgin anymore, but she sure as fuck is still innocent as hell. She’s way too innocent and good for us. We’re both selfish fuckers though and we’re not going to let some boring asshole with a nine to five take her away from us. Instead, we’re going to keep her all to ourselves and dirty her in the best way possible.

  “Are you tryin’ to kill us?” I ask, finally getting my mouth and brain to start working again. “You look so good that everyone is goin’ to want to be with you baby.”

  “Th-thank y-you,” she murmurs as we make our way to her.

  Crash and I each take our turn kissing her to the point of stealing her breath away. In all honesty, she steals ours as much as she says we steal hers. Personally, all I need to do is get a glimpse of her and I lose my breath. Darcy is so sexy, and she has no clue the way she looks to us. It doesn’t matter what she’s doing, all I have to do is see her and I lose all rational thought. Including how to act most times.

  “Are you two done molesting your girl so that we can head out?” Bailey asks, never holding anything back for anyone.

  “It’s a good thing we love you like a little pain in the ass sister,” Crash tells her, pulling her into a hug.

  “I know. You don’t scare me though big guy. I’ve got a secret weapon against you now. I’ll have to tell Darcy all about withholding the goods from you when you want to misbehave and show your caveman tendencies,” Bailey threatens, letting us know she means every single word she just said by a single look on her face.

  “Don’t forget we know how to get Grim to punish you too, little sis,” I tell her, pulling her into my own hug in greeting.

  As soon as they knocked on our door, they breezed through the house and straight into Darcy. There was no ‘hello’ or anything to us. All that mattered was our girl. It just goes to show that these women care about her and they all stick together no matter what. They’ve all gone to their first party at one point or another. This is no different than they’ve done for any of the other women.

  “Enough talking. Let’s get on the road before Cage or Joker call me again. They’re getting pissy because I’m not there yet,” Skylar says, cutting through everyone and heading straight for the door.

  We all follow her out to the SUV and our bikes. We’re going to follow them to the clubhouse while all the women ride together. Even though we want her with us and on one of our bikes, tonight is major for her and she needs to be comfortable and looking as sexy as sin like she does right now. We’ll ride in front and back of them the short trip to the clubhouse and then she’s ours for the rest of the night.

  Once we pull up to the clubhouse, I notice that Bailey parks as close to the doors as she possibly can. It helps that Gage made sure that a spot was saved so the girls didn’t have to walk across a crowded parking lot. Shadow is standing there so I’m sure that he was supposed to make sure no one parked there until we showed up. Crash and I meet the girls at the door and we all walk in together. The common room is already packed, the music is blaring, the drinks are flowing, and the club girls are already almost naked. Darcy hasn’t been here for this kind of display before. Hell, I don’t even think she’s been around when it’s happened at Clifton Falls. That’s really the only clubhouse that she’s been around. Until now that is.

  Crash and I wrap our arms around her and we can feel her trying to get closer to both of us. We really need to get a rag made for her. Most of the guys know that she’s ours and has been for a long time now. Darcy was the last one to get on board. However, there are always a few hang arounds here and I’m not going to have them trying to go after someone that doesn’t belong to them. Our girl will try to be polite and have a conversation with these men when in reality, all they want is to get in her pants. I don’t want to have to fight off a bunch of guys, so we really need to get her rag ordered now.

  Looking at my brother, I can see the same thoughts swirling through his eyes. I’m going to have to talk to Gage and see who we’re going to go through now. Ma always handled the rags for the girls. Now, I don’t know if that’s one of the things that Bailey took
over for her or if we’re going through someone else entirely. If we get a few minutes, I’ll ask him and see what he says. Since Bailey is here already, I’ll talk to her if she did in fact take it over. I’m sure she already has a clue that it’s coming.

  “Um, is it usually like this?” Darcy asks, her shyness coming out full force even though she knows most of the guys here. I think this has more to do with the club girls and hang arounds that she’s never seen before.

  “Yeah. At least on party night it is. This is actually pretty tame for now firecracker,” Crash tells her. “In a little while, you’ll see people havin’ sex in the open, girls walkin’ around naked, and a whole list of other things goin’ on. We’ll be by your side the entire time.”

  “Didn’t the girls talk to you about this?” I ask, pretty sure that Bailey said they were going to give her the talk.

  “They did. I guess I didn’t really believe them though. I thought they were exaggerating to try to scare me or something,” she tells us, putting her head down at her admission.

  “They wouldn’t do that. Whatever they told you, I’m sure wasn’t as bad as it can get,” I tell her, knowing that some of the girls tend to sugarcoat things sometimes.

  “For now, we’re goin’ to relax and have a few drinks. If it gets to be too much, we’ll go hang out in the room with you,” Crash says, wanting her to know that she does have an out.

  Darcy nods her head before she follows Riley and the rest of the girls over to a few tables in the corner. It’s semi-quiet and I know that they’ll be left alone for the most part. She’ll be able to have a few drinks and loosen up before the party really starts to get out of control. Crash and I park our asses at the bar so we’re not too far from our girl. Shadow grabs us our beers before taking a pitcher of some sort of concoction over to the girls. I’m not sure what the hell it is but they sure are excited about it.


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