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Darcy's Downfall

Page 18

by Erin Osborne

  We all park in our designated spots while the guys from Clifton Falls and the Phantom Bastards fill the rest of our side lot. Shadow didn’t follow us to the house, he made his way here to get us drinks and set up the tools we’ll need downstairs. Wayne and Mike have been tasked with staying at the house to keep an eye on things there. I’m sure that no one else will be coming after our girl, but we’re not prepared to take any chances. Not when we just got her back.

  Walking in the common room, I down two shots and grab a beer before heading down to Gene. Crash is hot on my heels and I know that we’re going to go as hard as we can on him. As soon as we walk in the room, the smell of piss and shit assault us. He’s been here for a while and not given any luxuries. Gene has been chained by his wrists and ankles, just like Darcy was based on the marks on her body. He’s forced to stay upright, only being able to hang his pathetic head. Currently, he’s only wearing a pair of stained boxers. I’m sure that no one wanted to touch him, but I already have an idea of chopping his balls off with a dull, rusty knife followed by the pathetic excuse for a pencil dick he has.

  “Well, well, well, what do we have here?” I ask Crash, wanting to play with Gene for a little bit. It’s no less than he deserves.

  “I don’t know about you, but I see someone about to lose his life after heavy amounts of pain are dished out,” Crash responds, his voice low and menacing, as the rest of the guys all file into the small room holding Gene. “I know I’m goin’ to make sure that he feels every single thing that our girl did while he tortured and abused the fuck out of her.”

  “I couldn’t agree more. I’m sure we can do worse than what he’s ever thought about doin’ though. Don’t you agree? I mean, we have all these men here that still want a piece of this asshat. Not to mention what we’re goin’ to do to him,” I respond, letting my words hang in the air as he finally raises his head to look at the room filled with men.

  Each one of us has a look of pure hatred and rage marring our faces. We don’t take kindly to anyone laying their hands on a woman. Make it one of our women, and you’re pretty much fucked beyond belief. Gene doesn’t even have the decency to look nervous or that he feels any remorse. Based on the look on his face, as far as he’s concerned, we’re the ones in the wrong here. I don’t fucking think so, but we’ll let him believe that for a few more seconds. Let the torture fucking begin!

  Walking over to the table that Shadow set everything up on, I take my time looking over the assortment of tools to choose from. To begin with, I choose a pair of pliers so that I can rip out every single fingernail and toenail from his disgusting body. His screams echo throughout the basement and I relish the sounds as I go excruciatingly slow. Once I’m done, I step back and let Crash have his turn. He immediately grabs the pliers and starts removing his teeth. Since Gene is an addict and uses everything under the sun, his teeth are brittle as fuck and it doesn’t take my brother long to remove the few teeth remaining in his head.

  While he was doing that, I picked one of Blade’s dull and rusty knives he brings to this shit and make as many little cuts on his body as I can. I cover him from head to toe, front and back. By now, the weak little ‘man’ in front of us passes out. Shadow douses him with a bucket of freezing cold water and Gene comes sputtering back to life, shouting incoherently. I know that there’s only a few more things that Crash and I personally want to do to this man, so we better let our brothers have their little bit of fun now.

  We walk over to the wall and drink some Jack Daniels straight from the bottle. Crash grabs a smoke and lights his before handing one to me. Neither one of us smokes that often, but times like this we do. Standing against the wall, looking relaxed when we’re anything but, we watch our brothers get their shots in. Tank is the last to go and I can see the rage pouring off of him in waves. This whole situation brought Maddie’s to the forefront of his mind and that’s not a good thing. Not for Gene at least. He takes several shots before landing the final show of disrespect, spitting in his face. The same thing every guy before him did.

  “Now, all of that was nothin’ more than a little taste of the hell you’re about to get,” I tell him, grabbing another dull and rusty knife off the table. “Time to see what you’re really made of.” I tell him, taunting him as I step closer.

  “F-fuck y-y-you!” he groans out as loud as he can. “S-s-she’s m-m-mine!”

  This does nothing but send rage flowing through my veins and I can’t stop the red haze from clouding my vision. Roughly ripping his boxers from his body, I take the knife and slash through his balls until they fall from his body. Handing the blade over to Crash, I let him take the disgusting little thing he calls a cock from his body. It takes several chops with the dull blade and his screams are piercing our eardrums. Gene finally pleads for it to be done, for us to kill him.

  “Did Darcy scream and beg for mercy? Did you show her an ounce of sympathy or remorse for the hell you put her through?” I yell, getting in his face. “Did she cry out for us? I’m sure she did, yet you ignored her pleas and did whatever you wanted to. Fuck you, you sick fuckin’ psycho!”

  I reach out for the bottle of whiskey Crash and I were just drinking from as he makes more slices to the back of this asshole. Before I can pour the alcohol over his back, my brother takes salt and rubs it into the fresh wounds. Gene is trying not to beg and plead, but he can’t help it anymore. The pain is getting to be too much. Frankly, I’m ready to be done with this shit, get cleaned up, and back home to Darcy.

  “Anyone want to get in anymore shots before I pour this and light him up?” I ask, looking at each and every man in this room. Usually we don’t allow prospects to get their hands dirty, but I’m willing to make an exception in this case. “If Gage, Grim, and Slim don’t mind, I’m willin’ to open this up to Shadow and the rest of the prospects standin’ in this room right now.”

  The three Presidents look at one another and shrug their shoulders to say that this is our show and they’re not going to stop anyone of the prospects that want to partake. Shadow immediately steps up and lands four quick blows to random parts of Gene. When he’s done he spits in his face and tells him that was for Darcy. Pride shines through from every full patch member standing in the room. Boy Scout from the Phantom Bastards and Travis, a newer prospect, from Clifton Falls both step up and give Gene their best shots. Travis breaks his nose and I can hear the crunching of bones break as he lands two shots to his ribs. Pride is definitely one of the main feelings going through this room right now.

  Finally, I pour a ton of whiskey down Gene’s back and let it sink into the cuts and scrapes that have already been done to his body. He attempts to scream, but no sound comes out he’s lost his voice from screaming so much the last few minutes. Even though it feels like hours have passed by. Crash takes his lighter and puts the flickering, dancing flame to Gene’s back. The alcohol make it go up in flames rapidly, not giving anyone a chance to cover their nose against the stench of burning flesh and hair. Those are two or the worst smells I’ve ever had the displeasure of smelling. But, we all stand there and watch as the flames consume Gene. Once the screams are silenced by death, Gage nods to Shadow to put him out and get the mess cleaned up.

  The rest of us make our way upstairs to get cleaned up and have a few drinks before we head home. Travis and Boy Scout stay with Shadow and help him out even though no one asked them too. These three are going to make amazing full patch members of their respective clubs. I wish all of our prospects were like these three, but not everyone is. That’s why we ride some harder than we do others. But, we’ve all been through it, and countless others have tried without success.

  Right now, Crash and I are going to hang out with our brothers before they all make their way back home. Plus, it gives Darcy time to hang out with her girls before they all leave. They might only be a phone call away, but it’s not the same as having them here to talk to in person or do things with on a regular basis. So, we’re going to take advantage of it and let
our girl do the same thing.

  Chapter Twelve


  THE PAST TWO MONTHS HAVE BEEN A whirlwind of activity. Between appointments with specialists, getting the cast off on Darcy’s arm and starting therapy to strengthen it, and baby doctor appointments with Doctor Sanchez, we haven’t had a break. Plus, we’ve had to work and done things regarding club business. Crash and I have been busier than ever. I wouldn’t change one thing about it though.

  Well, I would change the mood that Darcy’s been in. She’s pissed and frustrated that she can barely do anything. And that was before the cast on her arm came off. We’re still riding her ass about doing too much, but Grace has kept all of us in check. Darcy just doesn’t understand that we care about her safety and don’t want her to hurt herself. She’s been taking pretty good care of herself if Crash and I are honest about it.

  Today is another big day for several reasons. First, we go get the cast on her leg off. Then we make our way over to Doctor Sanchez’s office for Darcy’s ultrasound and to possibly find out the sex of the baby. We’ve all talked about it and we want to know what we’re having. Darcy is becoming withdrawn though and stays inside her head a lot about something. Karen has assured us it’s not about what happened to her. She’s taken what happened, dealt with it, and has become a different person. Darcy is in no way weak or letting this negatively impact her. Instead, it’s forced her to live life to the fullest and realize how strong she truly is. So, Crash and I have been planning a special surprise for her.

  “Baby, you need help gettin’ washed up?” I ask her, walking into the bedroom and finding our girl standing at the closet to find something to wear.

  “Yeah. Can you help me get one of the dresses from the back of the closet please?” she asks, looking at me with her eyes softening in love.

  “What’s goin’ on with you baby?” I ask her, handing her the dress she picked out.

  “What do you mean?” Darcy asks, sitting down on the bed and setting her crutches next to her.

  “You’ve been in your head more and we want to know what’s goin’ on. We can’t help you work through shit if we don’t know what’s goin’ on,” I tell her, sitting down behind her and taking the brush from her hands.

  Darcy looks down at her hands in her lap for a second as she thinks about how she wants to word the thoughts in her mind. I use the time to brush through the silky strands of her hair. Crash and I have been taking turns brushing her hair out for her. I love the intimacy and feeling of helping with something that may seem so simple, but only brings us closer. Out of the corner of my eye, I notice my brother standing in the doorway waiting to hear the answer.

  “What’s going to happen when the baby is born? I mean it’s either yours or Crash’s. I don’t want either one of you to feel a certain way if the baby isn’t yours. Does that even make sense?” she asks, rushing her words together in her nervousness.

  “Is that what’s been makin’ you so quiet and reserved around us lately?” Crash asks, walking in the bedroom and squatting down in front of our girl. “If the baby is Trojans, he or she is still my baby. The same goes for him. Maybe the next baby will be whoever didn’t get you pregnant this time. I’m good with whoever the dad is because I don’t see it that way.”

  “I agree baby,” I tell her, placing a gentle kiss to the back of her neck after pushing her hair to the side. “We’re all in this together and the baby is an addition to the family that we’re makin’. Now, Crash, get the box down for our girl. It’s time for part one of today.”

  Crash gets the box down and walks toward the bed. Darcy looks between us and tears into the box. As she pulls the tissue paper out of the way, I see the tears in her eyes. Pulling it out of the box as if it’s the most precious thing in the world to her, Darcy looks the rag over before finally sliding her arms into it.

  “Do you fully understand what puttin’ that on means, firecracker?” Crash asks, circling around her to see the back with our names on it.

  “I think I do,” she answers hesitantly. “Tell me, please?”

  “It means that in the eyes of the club, you’re our wife, our old lady. This rag proclaims to anyone that sees you that you belong to Crash and me. Eventually we’ll make you our wife in the eyes of the rest of the world, but for now, the club is more important. You ready for all that?” I ask her, placing a kiss on her lips before she answers.

  “I am more than ready for that. I love you both and I only want nothing but the best for us,” she tells us, wrapping her arms around both of us. Which is how Grace finds us as she walks in the room telling us that we need to get moving.

  Grace sees Darcy’s rag and unshed tears fill her eyes. She knows the importance of it and what it signifies. Just like she knows what we’re about to do later on tonight. Crash’s mom helped, along with Riley, to make sure tonight is perfect for our girl. I can’t wait to see the look on her face as she figures out what’s happening.

  We help Darcy up and make sure she’s steady on her crutches before moving away from her. There may have been an instance or two in which Darcy has almost face planted, and we’ve had to move quick to catch her. She just gets moving so fast and her center of balance is shifting with our growing baby starting to become known to the world. Darcy has more than a baby bump now that Grace keeps saying is bigger than it should be for one baby. Lord help us if there’s more than one baby in there!

  Loading up into the truck, I sit in back with Grace while Crash drives. It’s doesn’t take us long to make our way to the building where the orthopedist surgeon is located. He’s in a separate building from the hospital and has everything in house that he needs to make sure our girl’s leg is completely healed before removing the cast from her. I’m glad that Grace is going with us to keep us in check when they take Darcy back. We don’t go with her because she has to have the x-rays done first. Since we can’t go in the room, and Darcy insisted that she is more than capable of going through this appointment by herself, we are stuck sitting in uncomfortable as fuck plastic chairs that want to fall apart under our weight. Plus, there was no way in hell that Grace was missing the ultrasound that’s going to tell us what her grandbaby is.

  After waiting for what seems like hours instead of about twenty minutes, Darcy appears in the doorway that leads back to the rooms and x-ray. Looking up and down her delectable body, she’s still using the crutches, but her leg is not hindered by the enormous cast that once encased it. We all stand up so we can head out to the truck and to her next appointment. I take the paperwork from the doctor and make sure that she doesn’t need another appointment. Unless her therapist thinks she needs to have further testing done on her leg, she’s good to go.

  “Are you ready to go see our baby?” I ask, climbing in the front seat with her and heading toward the next office, excitement roaring through my veins at seeing our baby again.

  “I am. I don’t care what we’re having. The only thing that’s important to me is that there’s no lasting effects from what was done to me,” she tells us, settling her hands over mine on her baby bump.

  “Agreed,” Crash pipes up from the backseat. We both know that this has been weighing heavily on Darcy’s mind. The next four months are going to drag by until we can see for ourselves that the baby is indeed fine.


  Excitement is coursing through my body, along with the overwhelming need to go to the bathroom. But, wanting to see our baby is more important to me in this moment. I’m laying on the table after having everything checked and speaking to Doctor Sanchez briefly, waiting for the tech to come in. My guys sit by my head while Grace is sitting in a chair next to the wall. There’s no way in hell that’s where she’s going to be sitting when we get to see the baby on the small screen. I’ll make sure that she’s right next to us, so she can be involved in the moment with us.

  The technician finally makes her way in the room and goes over my information quickly before pulling my dress up and covering my lower bo
dy with a sheet, so my panties aren’t on full display for everyone in the room. I look up at Crash and nod my head in the direction of his mom. He tells her to come stand with us and she hesitates briefly before coming over.

  “You’re not intruding on anything, Grace,” I tell her, reaching for her hand and pulling her closer to the bed so she can see. “This may be our baby, but your it’s grandma and you deserve to be here. With us, not sitting off to the side.”

  Grace nods her head with unshed tears in her eyes. Crash is her only child and I know this means the world to her. It means the world to all of us that she’s here with us. We’ve been talking about everything and we’re trying to convince her to move to Dander Falls to be with us. To see her son and grandchild constantly instead of once in a while. Slowly, we’re shedding her defenses and making the idea seem good to her. My hope is that seeing the heartbeat and finding out what we’re having will push her over the edge and help her decide to move here.

  “Are we finding out the sex of the baby today?” the technician asks, squeezing the gel out onto my stomach before placing the wand there to see everything she needs to.

  “Yes!” we all answer in unison, smiles forming on our faces as our little peanut comes into view on the screen.

  “Alright. Let’s see if he, or she, will cooperate with us,” she replies, moving the wand around and pressing down lightly when she gets in the area she needs to be in. “You’re going to have a baby boy.”

  I look at my men and Grace to see that we all have tears in our eyes. In the next four months, we’re going to have a precious baby boy to teach, help grow and learn, and make sure he turns into the kind of man his dads are. As the technician does her measurements and what else she has to look at, I keep my eyes glued to the screen, but baby names run through my mind. One name in particular gets stuck there and I can’t wait to talk to Crash and Trojan about it. It will have to wait though. We have the rest of the day to get through and going to the clubhouse to let everyone know the baby’s gender is part of that.


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