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Darcy's Downfall

Page 19

by Erin Osborne

  As soon as we have the pictures in our hands, at least one for each of us, I use the sheet to wipe the gel off my body and pull my dress back down. Crash helps me up and Trojan hands me the crutches I still have to use until my leg strengthens. I can start using them less and less soon, but for now, I’m going to take every precaution that I can.

  Pulling into the clubhouse parking lot, I see a ton of people here. It’s not just the guys from this charter, there’s too many bikes here for that. Hobbling into the main room, I see my girls, Wilma, all the guys, Shy, and all of the kids running all over the place. Keira is the only one sitting since she’s pregnant too. While she’s not as far along as I am, she’s still tired. So, she’s sitting close to the table holding a pink balloon and a blue balloon. Not wanting to wait, Trojan picks me up and carries me over to the table before setting me back down and standing behind me so I don’t need my crutches in this moment. Crash is standing right next to us and their warmth surrounds me as I pick the needle up and pop the pink balloon leaving the blue one standing in its place.

  Every single guy in the room erupts into cheers while the girls rush over to me and pull me into their embraces. There’s a party atmosphere surrounding us, and I don’t understand why everyone is here. I could’ve called the girls to let them know what we were having instead of them making the trip back here. Before too long, my curiosity gets the better of me and I ask the question I’m dying to know the answer to.

  “Why are you guys all here?” I ask Bailey, sitting down next to her at one of the tables.

  “Well, we didn’t want some phone call or video chat to find out what the baby was. So, we talked the guys into coming back down. It’s only a few hours and we’re planning on staying the weekend,” she answers me, not quite meeting my eyes. This tells me that something more is going on. It’s only going to be a matter of time before I get one of them to spill the beans. Maybe Sami will tell me.

  “Get it out of your head,” Skylar tells me, sitting down next to me and handing me a bottled water. “No one is going to tell you anything because there isn’t anything to tell. We don’t have anything going on at home and this is an important day for you. Not only did you get your cast off, but you got to find out that you’re having a precious little boy. Stop reading anything more into it.”

  “Okay. I’ll let it go. For now,” I tell them, sitting back and relaxing.

  It’s nice to enjoy spending time with my family without having something else to worry about in the background. No one is after anyone and no one is suffering from anything. Well, with the exception of Riley. None of us still know what is going on with her, but one day she’ll tell us. And we’ll all be there for her like we are every other time one of is in need. I just hope that day is sooner rather than later.


  We’ve been at the clubhouse for a few hours now. I’m ready to get the rest of our night under way, but Darcy has been having a good time with the girls and I don’t want to interrupt her. However, I don’t want her to be exhausted when we get to the final thing planned for the night either. She needs to be alert and ready for us.

  My mom disappeared with Gage and Riley a little while ago to finish setting everything up. So, we need to start making our way to the back of the clubhouse property. There are woods out back with a clearing not long after you enter. A few years ago, we put some picnic tables out there under a pavilion that we built, and we keep it well taken care of. It’s nice to party out there when it’s just the club without any hang arounds or club girls. We can relax, eat, and do whatever else we want to.

  Tonight, it’s being transformed once again to suit our needs with everyone’s blessing. The guys from the club were all on board with our plan and I can’t wait until Darcy sees it. Hell, I can’t wait to see it with all the finishing touches added on. Now, it’s time to get our girl so we can get to one of the last highpoints of the day. Nothing will beat finding out that we’re having a little boy though. I’m happy as fuck that our first born will be a son. Because if we have daughters that look like their mama, we’re gonna need all the help we can get to keep the boys away from her. Yeah, I’m already planning that far ahead.

  “Baby, we wanna go for a walk. You ready?” I ask her, holding out my hand for her to take, a fine sweat starting to cover my body as my nerves ratchet up another notch. I’ve never been more nervous of anything in my life. Well, until our son gets here. Then it’s a whole new ballgame.

  “Yeah. Are we coming back in before we go home?” she asks, looking at the girls surrounding the table.

  “We’ll stop back in. I promise,” I tell her, letting her pull herself up by my hand and get steady on her feet before we leave the clubhouse.

  “Where are we going?” she asks, once we step outside and find Trojan standing there waiting for us, his hands shoved in his pockets and a nervous grin on his face.

  “See those woods back there? We’re goin’ out there. There’s a clearin’ in the woods and I thought we could walk out there, sit under the stars with you for a little bit, and then walk back. Are you up for that?” Trojan asks her, standing next to her and grabbing the wheelchair in case she needs it.

  “That sounds really nice,” she answers, using her crutches to help her make her way out into the grass.

  Watching Darcy out of the corner of my eye, I can tell that she has no clue about what’s going to happen when we make it to the clearing. This is just what we wanted, her to have no clue about what’s about to go down. Hopefully everyone is gone from there and we can do what we have planned. I’m already nervous and I can’t wait to see her when we both say our peace to her.

  We continue at a slow pace until we finally make it to the clearing. Looking around, I don’t see Gage, Riley, or my mom. I’m glad that they took a different path back to the clubhouse, so Darcy didn’t see them and begin to have even more questions than she already has. She’s talked the whole way out here, mainly about nothing at all. We’re not going to complain one bit though. It’s part of her being open and not afraid to say anything to us that she wants to. I love it and am glad that she hasn’t reverted back to being shy and untrusting.

  Darcy makes her way over to the picnic table, not looking around at all until she finally sits down at the closest table to us. Surrounding her are candles lit on the table that’s covered in rose petals. Directly behind her on a small raised platform are candles spelling out one phrase and one phrase only. As she looks at the candles and tries to figure out what it says for her vantage point, we bend down on our knees and hold a small box in both of our hands out for her to see.

  Turning back around toward us, she glances down at the box that’s containing the ring we had specially made for her. It’s two bands woven into one. The thicker band looks as if it’s the tread of a bike tire with the thinner band wrapping around the band as if it’s a vine, delicate and pure. At the very center is a black diamond instead of the normal one. Surrounding the diamond are smaller clear diamonds mixed with emeralds. I’m not sure what made us decide to put emeralds in it, but now I’m glad that we did. Our baby boy is due in May and she’ll always have his birthstone with her.

  “We don’t have a lot of pretty words or anythin’ like that. What we do know is that we want to spend the rest of our lives with you as a unit. I love you more than I ever thought would be possible, and I can’t even begin to express the way that you have changed our world. You bring the light to our dark and the peace to our turmoil. I feel a calm I have never felt before and you are our home. It’s wherever you are,” I tell her, looking at Trojan to let him know that it’s his turn to speak.

  “We both know that there’s nothin’ in this world we won’t do to protect you and give you everythin’ you could ever want. You have made us happy by agreein’ to be ours, you continue to make us happier than we’ve ever been by becomin’ the mother to our first-born son. Then you accepted our rag and everythin’ that it means to us and the club. Now, we ask that you make us
even happier by becomin’ ours in the eyes of the rest of the world,” Trojan says before taking a small break. “Crash and I love you more than anythin’ in this world.

  “Will you marry us?” Trojan and I ask at the same time, holding our breath as we wait for her answer. The wait is killing us and making our nerves climb higher and higher as we pray that she says yes.

  “I love you both so much. If I could legally marry you both, I would. But, I can only marry one of you. How am I supposed to decide who that’s going to be?” she asks, tears shining in her eyes and a pain in her soul.

  “You don’t have to decide anythin’ baby,” I tell her, meaning that. “No matter what, you’re goin’ to carry both our last names, and we’ll all wear rings. So, it’s up to you which one you want to marry and which one you want to be committed to. We don’t care who is your husband and who is committed to you.”

  “Then, yes, I will accept your ring and marry you,” she tells us, waiting for us to slide the ring on her finger before she wraps her arms around me and then around Trojan. Plastering both of us with kisses that steal our breath away and make us speechless.

  “You’re sure?” I ask, just to be sure that this is truly what she wants. “We can have a long engagement if you want.”

  “I want to get married as soon as we can. When our son is born, he will have the same last name as me and his dads. Are you two up for that?” she asks, setting our world on fire at wanting to truly become ours in every sense of the word quicker than we ever dreamed.

  “I’m more than good with it. You and the girls get together and figure this shit out. Once you have everythin’ in place, we’ll get married. We’ll do whatever you need us to,” Trojan tells her, sliding closer and giving her another kiss before I can do the same and we head back to the clubhouse to let everyone know.

  “I agree. Let us know when, how much money is needed, and whatever else you want us to do. You want us in monkey suits, then you tell us so that we can go get some,” I tell her, meaning every last word even though wearing a tux is the last thing that I want to do.

  “Nope. I want you guys in jeans and what makes you comfortable. This is our day and it can be however we want it to be. I’m choosing you both and if you want to wear jeans, then that’s what you’re going to wear,” she tells us, flooring us even more and letting this be as much about us as it is about her.

  We place her in the wheelchair to get back to the clubhouse. She just got her cast off earlier today and we’ve been on the go since. I know she’s getting tired and it’s going to be a while before we can make it out of here once everyone finds out that we’re getting married. I’m going to say that more than likely we’ll be staying at the clubhouse tonight and heading home in the morning. Darcy is going to be ready for bed soon and it will just be easier to stay here with her. I’ll make sure that my mom has a room and is comfortable before I head to bed.

  Walking back into the clubhouse, everything going on stops and all eyes turn toward us. They’re waiting to hear what’s going on and if we’re going to be celebrating or not. We have a lot to celebrate already with the baby and our girl being home where she belongs. Now, we have one more reason to celebrate and they’re all waiting and wondering about it.

  “She said ‘yes’!” Trojan and I yell out at the same time, finally letting smiles cover our faces and the celebrating begins now.

  Everyone surrounds us, and we’re greeted with hugs, kisses, and back slaps. The girls are going crazy over the ring. No one got to see it before we gave it to her and I’m glad that she was the first one to see it. My mom even drove me crazy trying to see the ring before Darcy had it placed on her finger. We kept that shit under lock and key so that our girl laid eyes on it before anyone else. Now, the fun begins, and we get to plan a day that Darcy will be proud of and we’ll make her as happy as humanly possible.

  Chapter Thirteen


  THE LAST MONTH HAS BEEN SO BUSY WITH all the planning and shopping. I’ve had appointments to go to and therapy to attend. There has even been another stylist hired at the salon so that Riley isn’t getting overwhelmed. I don’t want her to quit and then I have to close up shop because I can’t be there as much as I once was. Even with the pregnancy advancing, I can’t be there as much. I’m tired more often than not and my feet and back are always killing me. If I didn’t remind myself that this is going to end with a blue bundle of joy in our arms, I’d be sick as fuck of feeling this way.

  “Baby, where you at?” Trojan yells, heading back toward the bedroom I’m currently sitting in.

  “In here. I’m supposed to be getting ready for tonight, but I just needed a minute before I got in the shower,” I respond, telling him as I start to push myself up off the bed. It’s harder and harder to do these days.

  “Sit down baby. You’ve got time and we can just relax for the time bein’,” He tells me, putting his hand on my chest and keeping me in place for now. “I can help relax you.”

  Immediately, I know what’s on his mind and I’m not going to stop him at all. I’ll take Trojan and Crash every second of the day if I could. I don’t know if it has to do with being pregnant or knowing that for the rest of my life they’re going to be mine. What I do know is that they both give into me almost every single time I want to have some fun. Today is no different. Originally, I did come in the bedroom to escape the wedding madness, but now, I want my man. Crash isn’t here, or he’d be in the room with us. He had to go get some things for the parties that are going to happen today. The first one is going to be a baby shower at the clubhouse. We’re treating it more like a cookout than anything so that the guys would stay and spend the day with us. Other than opening presents, there won’t be any games or anything like that. I wanted it done this way. What happens tonight is another story altogether. From what I understand the girls went all out and they closed the Kitty Kat for us.

  Trojan stops all thoughts that aren’t about him the second he kisses my neck. He spends time there licking, nipping, and soothing the sting away. My body is trembling and on fire for his touch, I can’t wait to get his hands on other parts of my body as I push my ass into his groin and start to grind against him. I know this is going to push him over the edge and take me how I really want to be taken; hard and fast.

  I can feel him undoing his jeans as I pull my panties down, leaving my dress in place. All he has to do is pull it up so that he can reach where I want him most. I’m already wet and aching for him, he discovers this when he reaches his hand between my legs and feels how wet I am. Tilting my head back so that I can reach his mouth, I desperately want to kiss him. To make him as breathless as he makes me every time we kiss. Whether it’s Crash or Trojan, I’m always left breathless and wanting just from a simple touch of their lips.

  “Please, Dom, I need you now,” I beg of him, using his real name instead of his road name.

  This accomplishes exactly what I want and with one swift thrust, Trojan is inside me and we both groan out in unison. He pistons in and out of me while I push my ass back against him just as hard as he’s going after me. We’re both competing to finish, only I know he’ll make sure that I find my release before he does. No matter, both men make sure I get mine before them. Usually it’s more than once, but today, that’s not going to be the case.

  I reach down and begin to play with my tits as Trojan watches over my shoulder. It’s driving him crazy and I know that’s it’s going to push him harder. He reaches between my legs and begins to circle my clit as I continue squeezing and kneading my overly sensitive tits. Trojan is starting to lose control of his movements and moving faster. Arching my back, I let him continue to thrust in and out of my willing body while I push back and make him lose control even more.

  Reaching behind my head with one hand, I grab a handful of Trojan’s hair to pull him closer to me. I need to feel his mouth on me again. That’s what’s going to push me over the edge right now. He can sense what I need and gives it to me immed
iately and without hesitation. I start chanting that I’m close and it continues to spur him on and make sure that I get mine.

  “Give. It. To. Me!” He growls out to me, twisting his hips and becoming even more erratic in his movements.

  His words throw me over the edge, and I feel myself letting go. Wave after wave of my release washes over me and I can’t help but cry out no matter who hears me. within a few thrusts, Trojan follows me over the edge and moans out my name as he kisses me full of every bit of passion and love he has in his body. He pulls out of me and rubs his hands up and down my sides. This is what they usually do when we’re done having sex. I roll into him and wrap my arms around him. Giving him the same treatment, I rub my hands up and down his back.

  Trojan gets up first and I can hear the shower turn on before he returns and picks me up off the bed and carries me into the bathroom. Setting me down on the toilet seat, I let him pull my dress off my head while I use my hands and finish pushing his jeans down his muscular thighs. We make our way into the shower and I stand under the shower while he washes me from my head down to my toes. Once he’s done, I give him the same treatment before getting out and drying one another off.

  We finish getting ready while Crash finishes up what he’s working on. The four of us are going to the clubhouse together and I have a few things that I’m taking with us. I’ve been baking and cooking up a storm with Grace’s help. None of them want me to do too much and I can’t help but be going a little bit crazy right now.

  “Everybody here?” Crash asks, walking through the front door and meeting us in the kitchen. “You show her yet?”


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