Read My Heart
Page 55
accuses William of being an atheist 160–2
makes peace with Dorothy 162–3
betrays Dorothy’s secret engagement to William 167–8
procrastination over Dorothy’s inheritance 186–8
Osborne, Sir John (DO’s brother) 41, 129, 166–7, 399
Osborne, Sir John (DO’s paternal grandfather) 19, 20, 26, 29
Osborne, Sir Peter (DO’s father)
as lieutenant governor of Guernsey 2–3, 20–1, 24, 28, 29, 38–46
birth and education 19
as letter-writer 19–20
as ardent royalist 20, 26
wealth of 34
against DO’s marriage to William 77
health of 77, 105, 128–9, 132–3, 143
death of 112, 166–7, 350–1
and Dorothy’s financial settlement 186–7
Osborne, Peter (DO’s paternal great-grandfather) 19
Osborne, Richard 8
Osborne, Robin (DO’s brother) 26, 77, 83
journey to France 2, 3, 5, 6
scratches quotation on windowpane 8–9, 195
death of 140–1
Osborne, Sir Thomas, 1st Earl of Danby, 1st Marquis of Carmarthen 80 and note, 97–8, 120, 321 and note, 330, 335, 341, 377
Overton, Richard 155n
Ovid, Metamorphoses 10 and note, 396
Owen, Anne 213
Packington, Lady Dorothy 227–8
Packington, Sir John 227–8
Painter, Mrs 130 and note
Paris 78, 79, 80, 332
Parker, Thomas 135
Short and Long Parliaments 61–2, 79, 226n, 342–3
Rump Parliament 79, 82, 119, 153, 225
Bill of Elections (1653) 122–3
Barebones Parliament 153–4, 182
Adventurers Act (1642) 201
Irish Act of Settlement (1662) 233, 234
Restoration Parliament 342
Exclusion Bill 343–6, 358, 359, 377
Parry, Edward Abbott xix
Patin, Guy 80
Payne, Baron 27
Peacham, Henry (father and son) 59 and note
Penshurst estate (Kent) 52, 53, 54, 62, 189n, 190, 234, 241, 306
Pepys, Samuel 71, 72, 181, 230, 238, 239, 246–7, 256, 261, 264, 270, 271, 274, 279, 367
Percival, Sir John 192 and note
Petty, Sir William 69, 71–2, 203 and note, 232
Petworth (Sussex) 395, 405 and note
Peyton, Lady Cecilia 97, 100, 174, 178
Peyton, Dorothy (DO’s niece) 97, 170, 175, 235, 414
Peyton, Sir Thomas 100–1, 120, 170, 174, 175, 196
Philips, Colonel James 213n
Philips, Katherine 213–17 and note, 219 and note
Plessis, Marie du 196n, 365–6
Plume, Dr Thomas 246 and note
Pope, Alexander 82
Popish Plot 338–9, 341, 343, 358
Porter, Peter xxi
Portland, 1st Earl of see Bentinck, Hans Willem, 1st Earl of Portland
Portland, Jane Martha, Countess of 404, 414
Pretty, Colonel 225
Puffendorff, Samuel 295n
Puffendorff, Esaias 295 and note
Pym, John 61, 124
Raleigh, Sir Walter 211, 245
Ramus, Petrus 48 and note
Dialectics 48
Ranelagh, Viscountess see Boyle, Catherine, Visountess Ranelagh
Reading Abbey 238
Religio Medici 72 and note
Reresby, Sir John 321 and note
Rich, Charles 216
Rich, Lady Diana 213, 258
Rich, Lady Isabella 188
Rich, Richard Lord 19
Rich, Robert 223
Richmond, Duke of 300n
Roermond 255 and note
Romney, Earl of see Sidney, Henry, Earl of Romney
Royal Society 66, 71, 211, 356
Rubens, Paul 291
Rupert, Prince 41, 68
Rushen, Castle (Isle of Man) 41
Russell, Francis, Earl of Bedford 130n
Russell, William, Baron Russell 359 and note
Ruvigny, Marquis de 275
Rye House Plot (1683) 358–9 and notes, 363
Sacheverell, Lucy 86n
St Albans, Duke of 300n
St Albans, Earl of 354
St Albans (place) 171
St John, Henry, Viscount Bolingbroke 65 and note
St Malo 3, 9, 13, 15, 43, 44, 46, 77, 78, 82
Saint-Simon, Louis de Rouvroy, duc de 332 and note, 408
Sandwich, 1st Earl of see Montagu, Edward, 1st Earl of Sandwich Savile, Elizabeth 190
Savile, George, 1st Marquis of Halifax 33 and note, 164
Worldly Counsel to a Daughter 76
Savile, Henry 365–6
Scudéry, George 136 and note
Scudéry, Madeleine de 4, 136 and note, 334
Artamène: ou Le Grand Cyrus 136–7, 138
L’histoire de Sapho 137
Seymour, Lady Anne 405n
Seymour, Charles, 6th Duke of Somerset 405 and note
Shaftesbury, 1st Earl of see Cooper, Anthony Ashley, 1st Earl of Shaftesbury
Sheen (Surrey) 186, 241–2, 243, 256, 267–8, 272, 287, 291, 299, 304, 306, 330–1, 332, 342, 366, 379, 380, 385, 391
Shelley, Percy Bysshe, The Necessity of Atheism 67
Shrewsbury, Earl of 278–9
Shrewsbury, Lady 278–9
Sidney, Algernon 123 and note, 189n, 359 and note
Sidney, Lady Dorothy 189n
Sidney, Henry, 1st Earl of Romney 189n, 190, 289 and note, 364–5, 377, 408
Sidney, Philip, 3rd Earl of Leicester, Lord Lisle 123 and note, 160, 241 and note, 267–8, 272, 278
Sidney, Sir Philip (poet) 48 and note, 189n
Sidney, Robert, 2nd Earl of Leicester 52, 189 and note, 234, 241, 367
Somerset, 6th Duke of see Seymour, Charles, 6th Duke of Somerset
Somerset, Edward, 2nd Marquis of Worcester 210 and note
Somerset, Lady Elizabeth 405
South Sea Bubble 184n
Southampton, Earl of 23
Southwell, Sir Robert 391
Strafford, 1st Earl of see Wentworth, Thomas, 1st Earl of Strafford
Stuart, Frances 181
Stuart, James Edward 377
Styles, Benjamin 184 and note
Sunderland, Lady Dorothy 346
Surinam 297
Swan, Cecilia see Peyton, Lady Cecilia
Swift, Deane 390
Swift, Jane 390
Swift, Jonathan 387–91, 392, 398, 401, 402, 403–4, 412–13
Occasioned by Sir William Temple’s Late Illness and Recovery… 393
Journal to Stella 402
The Battle of the Books 403, 413
A Tale of a Tub 403, 413
Swift, Thomas 391
Taafe, Theobald, Earl of Carlingford 247 and note, 249
Talbot, Richard, 1st Earl of Tyrconnel 381–2 and note
Taylor, Jeremy 34 and note, 84, 213, 383–4, 400
The Rule and Exercise of Holy Living 194, 232, 351
Holy Dying 351–2, 385
Temple, Diana (WT and DO’s daughter) 267, 286, 322, 330, 348–51, 358, 384, 395, 397
Temple, Dorothy (WT and DO’s granddaughter) 196n, 414
Temple, Elizabeth ‘Betty’ (WT and DO’s granddaughter) 366, 385n, 399, 414
Temple family 67
lineage 47–53
and restoration of the monarchy 231
Temple, Henry, 1st Viscount Palmerston 414
Temple, Henry, 3rd Viscount Palmerston 414
Temple, Henry (WT’s brother) 54–5, 67, 276
Temple, James (WT’s brother) 52, 67, 195
Temple, John (WT and DO’s son) 196 and note, 212, 218–19, 237, 239, 257, 258, 267, 286, 322, 330, 364–6
parental affection for 377–9
created secretary of war 380–1
character of 381
suicide o
f 381–5
Temple, John (WT’s brother) 52, 67, 172, 232, 234, 385–6, 414
Temple, Sir John (WT’s father) 157, 286
hears of William’s meeting with Dorothy 12–13
life and career 49–52
marriage and children 49, 50–2, 54, 67–8
as Master of the Rolls in Ireland 49
and note, 50, 63, 240, 318
and the Irish rebellion 50, 62–4
Irish rebellion; or an history of the beginning and first progress of the generall rebellion… 50
imprisoned in Dublin Castle 63
against WT’s marriage to Dorothy 77
appointed commissioner in Ireland 131–2
questions Dorothy’s motives for breaking off secret engagement 164–5
concerned at William’s suicidal state of mind 169
agrees to William’s marriage to Dorothy 177
character of 191–2
meets Dorothy 198
uncertainty of position 226–7
gives William money for house at Sheen 299, 306
death of 318, 337–8
sets his affairs in order 318
opposition to William’s Madrid posting 320
health of 322
Temple, John (WT’s nephew) 385–6 and note, 399
Temple, Marie (WT and DO’s daughter-in-law) 387, 413–14
Temple, Martha Lady Giffard (WT’s sister)
and publishing of letters xviii, 13
birth of 54–5
relationship with William and Dorothy 55, 191, 198, 204–5, 304–5, 373–4
William’s love for 55, 163, 400
on William’s good looks 56
on William retaining Latin but not Greek 61
on William’s life at Cambridge 65
on paternal care 67
on William’s travels and fluency in French 88
on William and Dorothy’s commitment to each other 91, 178
on William’s young and idle life in London 114
on William’s essay-writing abilities 126
on restoration of Charles II 226
on William as member of parliament 232
marriage and widowhood 234–6, 411
and the Great Plague 245
Godolphin falls in love with 256
journey to Brussels 258
and Great Fire of London 267
in Brussels 269
on William’s attitude to love 269
visit to the United Provinces 272, 273
accompanies William to The Hague 276, 286, 322
on William’s gambling 281
on Dutch respect and affection for William 288
and liking for exotic merchandise 290
friendship with William of Orange 294, 324
on ‘Madame’s journey to England 295
on money owing to William 299
antipathy to William’s Madrid posting 320
on the English mercenaries 326–7
journey to Nijmegen 329
on Arlington 336
on William’s lack of appetite for public office 341
on William’s temperament 345, 368
on William’s grief 353
on William’s retirement 355
and the Glorious Revolution 377
on John’s suicide 384
anxiety at William’s illness 393–4
on William in old age 404
and death of William 411
anger at Swift’s publication of William’s memoirs 412–13
death of 412
Temple, Mary (two same-named, deceased, sisters of WT) 52, 67
Temple, Lady Mary (WT’s mother) 51–2, 54, 55
Temple, William
diplomatic assignments xviii, xxii, 206, 240, 241, 243–5, 247–50, 251–5, 257, 272–7, 279–80, 318–23, 329–33, 338
horticultural interests xviii, 206–7, 220–1, 241–2, 272, 306–14, 353–4, 370–3, 400, 406
character of xxii, 6, 7–8, 12, 55–7, 65–6, 72–3, 159–60, 192–3, 205–6, 207, 239, 240–1, 255, 257, 280–1, 329–30, 345–6
domestic life xxii–xxiii, 257, 304–5, 314
visit to the Isle of Wight 7
meets and falls in love with Dorothy 9–13
enforced separation from Dorothy 11–14, 16–17
birth and education 52, 55, 57–61, 63–8, 69
and death of mother 54
religious and ideological beliefs 66–7, 68–9, 386
advice to Dorothy 76
and filial duty 77–8, 114
courtship of Dorothy 88–94, 116–17, 157
European travels 88, 94
letters of 92–4, 106
on health complaints and cures 98, 99, 374–6
anxieties and fears 102–3, 142–3, 146, 147–52
sends a dog to Dorothy 102
on love and marriage 108, 268–9
on imagination and feeling 126
influence of Montaigne on 130–1
encouraged to read novels 137–8
on good fortune 141–2
on hope offered and deferred 143
reunions with Dorothy 147, 156–8
sends Dorothy a lock of his hair 160
reaction to slanders against 169–70
marriage negotiations 173–4, 181
sits with Dorothy during her illness 179–80
marriage to Dorothy 182–3
honeymoon 184–6
on friendship 185
on fatherhood 197–8
in Ireland 199, 204–14, 217, 220–3
translates Virgil 207–9
elegy on death of Katherine Philips 216–17
elected member for county of Carlow 225–6, 232–3
collapses on hearing of death of Dr Hammond 228–9
reaction to proposed poll tax 231–2
meetings with Charles II 233, 296, 302–3
dislike of court life 239, 271, 282, 303
residency at Brussels 249, 259
rewarded with a baronetcy 255, 256
patriotic poem 283–5
reluctance to accept an ambassadorship 285–6
Dutch respect and affection for 288–9
as art collector 290–1
summoned back to England 296–7
forbidden to return to The Hague 297–300
makes improvements to house at Sheen 299
on death of Johan de Witt 315–16
health of 317–18, 340, 392–4
declines Spanish post and northern secretaryship 320–1 and note
returns to The Hague 322
friendship with William of Orange 324–8
helps English mercenaries 326–7
offered and refuses position of secretary of state 330, 340, 341–2
ordered back to court 340–1
inheritance from father 342
and the Exclusion Bill 343–6
criticisms of 345–6
retires to Sheen 346–7, 354–5
and death of his daughter Diana 348–9, 352–3, 358
suffers from gout 355–8 and notes, 366, 391, 400, 404
and marriage of son John 364–6 and note
divides his estate with his son John 366 and note
dispute with a neighbour 367–8
moves to Moor Park (Farnham) 369–73
refuses to join new government 380
and suicide of his son John 382–3, 386–7, 384–5, 406–7
success of publications 391–2
in old age 394–5
and death of Dorothy 397, 398, 399–400
final years 400–6
death of 390, 406, 407–9
writings: The Constant Desperado 14
essays of xviii, xix, xx–xxi, 159, 192–3, 352, 375, 402–3
An Introduction to the History of England 401
Memoirs 359, 392
Miscellanea 343, 392, 402
Observations upon the United Provinces of the Netherlands 291–4, 316–17, 392
‘Of Health and long Life’ 375
‘Of Popular Discontents’ 359–60
‘On Gardens’ 306–7
romances 11, 14 and note, 15–16, 151, 174, 182–3
A True Romance, or the Disastrous Chances of Love and Fortune 92, 116–17
Temple, Sir William (WT’s grandfather) 47–9
Thornhill, Colonel 176
Thynne, Sir James 188 and note
Titian 291 and note
Torbay (Devon) 379
Torrington, 1st Viscount see Byng, Admiral George, 1st Viscount Torrington
Trinity College (Cambridge) 129n
Trinity College (Dublin) 47, 48, 49, 388
Triple Alliance (1668) 277, 279–80, 281, 283, 286, 287, 294, 300, 303, 354
Tyrconnel, 1st Earl of see Talbot, Richard, 1st Earl of Tyrconnel
United Provinces 272–7, 285, 286, 291–6, 304, 316–17, 338, 339
Vachell, Lady 237–8
Van Dyck, Sir Anthony 291 and note
Venables, General Robert 195 and note
Veronese 291
Villiers, Barbara, Countess of Castlemaine, Duchess of Cleveland 278, 300 and note
Villiers, George, Duke of Buckingham 28, 37, 186n, 278–9, 298, 300n
Vincent, Thomas, Gods terrible voice in the city 264
Virgil 353
Georgics 208–9 and note, 289–90
Vives, Juan Luis 29–30
The Education of a Christian Woman 29n
Waller, Edmund 189n
Walton, Izaak, Compleat Angler 155
Walwyn, William 155n
Warwick, Earl of 39
Wentworth, Thomas, 1st Earl of Strafford 200 and note
Westminster, Treaty of (1674) 319–20
Westwood Park (Worcester) 227
Wexford 201–2
Wharton, Thomas 120
William of Orange 274, 281, 292n, 301, 324
anomalous position of 288
friendship with William 288–9
invited to England 289n, 377–8, 379–80
motto of 289–90
entertained by Dorothy, William and Martha 294
in 3rd Anglo – Dutch War 315
courage and recklessness of in battle 323
friendship with Temple family 323, 324–8
and marriage to Princess Mary 323–4, 327, 328–9, 333–7
birth of 324
character of 324, 334
concern over English policies 327–8
despair at English policies 339–40
Williamson, Sir Joseph 320 and note
Willis, Thomas 69
Windsor 368
Witt, Cornelis de 315
Witt, Johan de 95, 273 and note, 274–5, 277, 279–80, 281, 283, 286, 288, 294, 301, 315–16
Woodbridge, Homer E. xx, 196n
Woolf, Virginia xxi, 35, 88
Worcester, 2nd Marquis of see Somerset, Edward, 2nd Marquis of Worcester
Worcester (place) 118
Wotton, Sir Henry 250 and note
Wotton, William 403 and note
Wren, Sir Christopher 69, 267