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Page 9

by Yalu Taylors

  I climb off the bed, wobbling slightly as I stand and look down at myself. I squeal upon seeing my semi nakedness. My matching red bra and panties are decent enough but I’m not about to leave the room in just my underwear. After searching around for a few moments, I find my overnight bag on the floor beneath the bed. Quickly pulling on fresh underwear and a pair of black boot cut jeans, I pull on a thin blue tank top and one of Braydon’s black shirts from his dresser, it falls almost to my knees but feels soft and warm. I lift the collar and sniff at his musk scent, it’s faint but has a calming effect on me.

  “Where is everyone?” I whisper to myself. I make my way to the door and cautiously peer out. Not one sound reaches my ears. I go to Hunter’s room first, his red bedding remains untouched, so I move on to the twin’s rooms. Zayne’s is the blue room with the gold bedding and Zack’s is the black bedding, as I poke my head into Zack’s room I notice the blood-red curtains are open so, I look out the window and see the sun is setting.

  Wondering how long I've been sleeping, I make my way quietly to the stairs, avoiding the creaking floorboards. I pass the empty lounge room and move on to the kitchen. Grasping the handle, I ease the door open, fearful of what I'll find on the other side. I’m never going to be able to look at a kitchen the same again.

  I begin to panic as I look around. “Where are you guys?”

  “Hunter, did you want coke or lemonade?” Zack's voice startles a scream out of me and the four guys come running into the kitchen. I burst into tears and grab the nearest guy. Breathing in a deep breath I inhale Vanilla and coconut. Zack holds me gently within his arms. “I couldn’t find you.” I mumble into his shirt.

  “It’s alright Honey, we’re still here.” Zack begins to pull away from me and I grip his shirt keeping him close. His arms wrap tighter around me, and I sob quietly against his hard chest. “It’s okay Honey, everything’s okay.” I feel a body pressing against my back and I hiccup as I try to stop the tears from falling.

  “We’ve got you Babe.” Zayne’s soft voice soothes my ragged nerves. He continues to talk softly into my hair as he rubs little circles on my hip. “We’ve got you, Shh, it’s alright.”

  After I calm down, we sit around the table, well the guys sit on chairs, I'm sitting on Hunter's lap. We talk about what happened after I healed Hunter. I look closely at my guys, Braydon has a bandage on his arm but no other signs that they were injured. I'm curious to know if we'll have to explain anything to the authorities so I ask.

  “So, what happened to Peter and Tori?” The guys all look at each other strangely. After several tense moments Braydon speaks, his voice full of anger.

  “I healed Peter and the twins wiped his memory completely. Tori was tied up in the basement with a head wound so we untied her, and I healed her, the twins altered her memories, so she thinks she had a fight with you and you moved out.” Zack lets out a short laugh.

  “You should have seen us. We had blood pouring out our noses. Hunter even had to hook us up to those bag things they use in hospitals.” Zayne hits Zack on his arm.

  “Drips dopey, they were saline drips.” Zack laughs again. They are all so calm right now, it's seriously creeping me out.

  “Okay someone just tried to kill us all and you guys are just sitting here laughing about it. What is wrong with you all?” I'm practically shouting as I jump off Hunter's knee. I stand back so I can see them all clearly. Hunter has a small smile on his face, but his dimples aren’t showing. Braydon looks tired now the frown is gone but his body posture is relaxed. The twins look happy and calm.

  “Please don't tell me this is a normal reaction to someone trying to kill people.” Braydon gets up and pours a clear liquid into a glass then passes it to me. I frown but take a sip and immediately start coughing.

  “Ugh what the fuck is this? It tastes awful.” The liquid burns the back of my throat and my whole body starts to warm. Hunter looks at me and smiles, his dimples making him more boyish.

  “Vodka. You asked how we're all so calm. We were drinking vodka. Alcohol dulls the senses. We'll probably regret it tomorrow but right now, we just want to enjoy the fact that we're alive. Oh, and on that note. Thanks Tessa. You literally saved our lives.” My jaw just hit the floor, they are drinking and celebrating that they are alive, while I freak out. Yup my life is officially weird. Holding the glass up I take a big gulp and cough. The vodka doesn't burn as much, so I take another mouthful. This time it goes down like water, so I chug half the glass.

  “Whoa, slow down, you don't want to end up drunk.” Braydon takes the glass from me as he speaks. I pout at him and his lips twitch in a smile. I keep my pout in place and turn to the twins, Zack stands up and backs away.

  “No. No pouting. Tessandra. Stop it.” My face pulls tight as I try to hold in my smile.

  “Zack’s a sucker for pouts.” I don’t mean to say it out loud but the guys all laugh when I do.

  “No pouting Honey. Come on, let’s show her what we were doing outside.” Zack takes my hand in his and we all walk out to the back yard. The gazebo is lit up by hundreds of little fairy lights and it looks absolutely gorgeous, there’s a small brazier in the middle, the stand is about a foot off the wooden flooring.

  “We put the lights up, while you were sleeping. Thought you’d like them.” They are a bunch of sweethearts, but I still have no intention of staying with them. I tell them as much and Hunter kneels down in front of me. His face a mix of mischief and sadness. The two emotions warring with each other in his features, I almost laugh at the hilarity of it until he speaks.

  “Tessa, I’m sorry. We all want you to stay with us. As a friend if that is all you want. We want you to stay because you are our family. We all care about you. If we all stay together then no one can hurt us, we can keep each other safe. So, what do you say? Want to move in with us?” I laugh at his pose, it looks like he’s proposing. I nod my head and they all rush at me, I’m encircled by four really handsome, really sweet young guys and in this moment, I couldn’t be happier.

  The moment ends too soon and the guys all back away. They all stand there looking at me like they aren’t sure what to do or say. Tilting my head to the side I study them, they are all so different from each other. Well except the twins but even they have their differences. Zack has white blonde hair and vivid blue eyes, lighter than Zayne’s. His are more of a sapphire blue and his hair has really subtle brown streaks but in this light, I can hardly see them. The light from the fire makes their pale tanned skin glow with an orange hue.

  Separately they are both gorgeous but standing side by side like they are, their beauty is almost too much to bear. Hunter and Braydon may not be blood brothers and their looks certainly aren’t the same, Braydon has multiple shades of brown throughout his hair and his ethereal green eyes make him extremely handsome, but he has a very soft appearance with his pale skin.

  Hunter’s swirling hazel eyes are mesmerizing, his tanned skin is soft and silky, but his overall looks make him look tough and intimidating. I know he’s just a big teddy bear but if I were to judge him on looks alone, he’s handsome but definitely scary looking. His hair is a midnight black, falling in soft waves to his shoulders and frames his face when it’s out of its elastic.

  I remember noticing when I met him that his hair had a purple tinge to it and in the light of the fire and the twinkling lights it really shines. “Your hair is purple!” I blurt out and Hunter laughs. “Why is your hair purple?” It’s been bugging me for a while, but I just never had the nerve to ask before. Zack doubles over laughing and Zayne tries to speak but his own laughter leaves the words unintelligible. Braydon sits down holding his stomach, his rich laughter louder than the others. After composing himself he gets back up and walks over to Zack.

  “Hand it over.” Zack pulls a twenty from his pocket and passes it to Braydon, his laughter dying off.

  “What is so funny?” I frown at them all, trying to figure out the joke. I walk over to Hunter and reach into his back poc
ket, accidently pinching his butt as I pull the phone out. Okay so it was on purpose, but my hand was there so why not. He grabs my wrist and turns me, so my back is against his chest.

  “Um why are grabbing at my ass?” I laugh and lift his phone up, turning in his arms I press the screen and hold it out for him to unlock. He presses his thumb to the bottom and I flick the top down to open the torch app. Being careful not to shine the light in his eyes I examine his hair under the bright light and sure enough, his hair isn’t black, it’s a purple so dark it appears black.

  “Okay, someone tell me why his hair is purple, it must be a pretty funny joke since you all can’t stop laughing and what the fuck did you two, bet on this time?” I spin around pointing at Zack and Braydon.

  “Well, we sort of played a bit of a prank on Hunter before we started school. His hair is so black that we thought he’d never notice if we put a really dark purple in it.” Braydon’s the one who starts the explanation, but Zack stops laughing enough to finish it.

  “So, I exchanged his shampoo for a purple-black hair dye. Braydon bet us that he wouldn’t notice until someone pointed it out and I bet that he would notice the next morning. Thanks, by the way, you made me lose twenty bucks.” I turn back to Hunter and see his dimples showing even though he has a straight face. Curiously I walk back to him and hug him close as though I’m comforting him.

  “How long did you know your hair had purple in it?” I whisper into his chest. His silent chuckle makes me smile as it vibrates my entire body.

  “I could smell the chemicals in the shampoo, it didn’t smell like my normal shampoo.” I laugh as he whispers to me. “Don’t tell them but I kind of like it.” My laughter gets louder as I turn around to face the three pranksters.

  “You realize he gets to get you all back now.” They all smirk cheekily. I shake my head as they all advance on me.

  “And who says he hasn’t already?” The mischievous glint in Braydon’s eyes has me pressing my back hard against Hunter’s chest.

  “Why are you all looking at me like that?” Zack and Zayne step up on either side of me, caging me in. They look like predators, eyeing off their prey. Braydon closes the gap between us and his chest presses against mine. His lips hovering a breath away from my own.

  “Um! what is going on?” Hunter’s hands clamp down firmly on my hips as he holds me still. Zack places his hand on my right shoulder, Zayne’s lands softly on my left. My heart pounds in my chest as Braydon’s lips gently press against my own. He doesn’t deepen the kiss, just hovers there lightly.

  The twins twist my shoulders spinning me around. Hunter’s lips crash down on mine before I can blink, making me gasp. My body shaking as his tongue dances with my own. He pulls back, and I don’t even have time to draw a breath before Zack’s kissing me hard and fast.

  I get spun around again and I’m now kissing Zayne. My chest is heaving making my breast brush against Zayne’s shirt, sending tingles through my hardened nipples. He ends the kiss with a quick peck on my swollen lips. I’m too stunned to move, my breathing erratic as I stare at the four guys now standing in front of me, their chests all heaving like my own. I expected to see signs of jealousy, but they are all smiling at me.

  “Holy fuck! That was so hot!” Zack blurts out into the silence. The tension from moments before evaporating with his words. “Although, I think we broke her.” He laughs and turns around slowly walking back to the house. Zayne grabs my hand and tugs me along behind him, Braydon and Hunter following.

  A short while later, I’m standing in the kitchen leaning against the counter while Hunter and Zack cook dinner. I can’t believe they all kissed me. I’m still slightly shocked over it but more than anything, I’m happy. If they can all do that, then maybe I won't have to choose between them, I feel there may be hope for us all to be together. I feel selfish wanting all of them, but I just can’t choose. I know it’s wrong, but my heart wants what it wants. Braydon and Zayne went upstairs as soon as we got inside. Braydon said something about needing a cold shower and Zayne wanted to find his laptop. I’m curious what he is wanting it for, but I decided to give him some space and followed Hunter and Zack into the kitchen instead.

  A small smile tugs the corners of Hunter’s lips as he reaches for the radio on the end of the kitchen bench. He flicks the knob and country music belts out of the tiny speakers. Zack makes a big show of groaning, but he ruins the effect when he winks at me with a glint of humor in his crystal blue eyes.

  Hunter grabs my hand and twirls me into his arms, singing softly as we dance around the kitchen. “I can feel the magic floating in the air, being with you gets me that way…” I sigh as Faith Hills lyrics pour from hunter’s perfect mouth. Halfway through the song he spins me, and Zack catches me in his arms, Hunter presses against my back and the three of us sway together to the music. Hunter’s voice adding a male counterpart to the female vocals, his voice harmonizing perfectly.

  “Oi, no having fun without us.” Braydon says as he and Zayne enter the kitchen. Hunter and Zack step away from me almost shyly and I look over at Brandon and Zayne. Braydon's hair is still dripping from his shower and his eyes have an unusual glow to them.

  Zayne distracts me by setting his laptop up on the table. My curiosity gets the better of me and I sit down beside him. He opens up a web browser and searches for scientific experiments on humans. It brings up too many results, so he alters the search to include a company I've never heard of.

  “What's J.O.Y Genetics?” I ask Zayne, but Braydon answers me.

  “It's the facility where we were all made.” He scratches the back of his neck as he moves to stand behind Zayne and I, after sweeping my long golden hair up into a high ponytail, he rests his hand on my shoulders. “What are you two up to?” Braydon's fingers gently knead my shoulder muscles making me sigh.

  “Research.” Zayne says simply as he glances at me. Braydon's fingers are magical, and I close my eyes, letting out a small moan of bliss.

  “Shit! You need to stop making that sound Babe.” My eyes fly open and I see him wriggling in his seat. His meaning sinks in and my cheeks flame bright red.

  “Sorry.” I mumble. “But it's Braydon's fault not mine. His hands are magical.” My sassy retort does the trick, the heat leaves my cheeks and I smirk at Zayne. He groans low in his throat.

  “You are a mean woman.” He gets up from the table and leaves the room, my smirk vanishes as I stare after him. Not the response I was expecting.

  “Don't worry Honey, he just needs a few minutes.” Zack laughs as he dishes up our dinner. “So, sleeping arrangements?” Zack directs the question at me, but I shake my head.

  “I'm sleeping on the couch.” I don't trust myself alone with any of these guys right now. My hormones have gone crazy since they kissed me. Every touch from them has a fire igniting in my core. After dinner, we all turn in for the night. The boys refusing to sleep upstairs if I was down in the lounge room, so we compromised, and the twins slept on the sofa with me.

   Opening my eyes, something feels wrong, so I look around. It’s still dark out, but I can’t figure out what woke me up. The twins are snoring softly on either side of me. I'm awake now, so I carefully disentangle myself from Zack and Zayne. They both make soft groans in their sleep as I slip off the end of the bed. Hurrying to the bathroom, I do my business and wash my hands. I reach for the handle and pause as I hear a noise. It almost sounds like a camera click. Shrugging I open the door and walk back down the hall to the lounge room. I let out a squeak of surprise when I see a figure standing next to the sofa.

  “It's just me T.” Hunter's whisper is more like a quiet growl, but I sigh in relief.

  “Thought you were an intruder.” He chuckles softly, motioning for me to come closer. I tiptoe over and begin laughing quietly at the sight before me. The twins are cuddled up, Zack spooning Zayne. Hunter holds his phone out, showing me the photo he took.

  “You are evil.” I laugh a little too loudly and Zayne rolls over ont
o his stomach. “What are you doing down here?” I ask Hunter curiously. I yawn, and he grabs my hand and tugs me towards the couch under the window, tucking his phone into his front right shirt pocket.

  “I heard a noise earlier and it woke me up. When I came downstairs I saw the hall light on and thought I’d check on you. What are you doing up?” He smiles at me, his dimples showing. Damn him, those dimples are like a weapon.

  “I don’t know, just woke up and felt like something wasn’t right.” Hunter sits pulling me down so I'm sideways on his lap. He wraps his free arm around my back holding me tightly. My head resting at the crook of his neck. On impulse, I press a quick kiss on the soft stubble of his jaw. Hunter drops my hand and yanks the throw rug off the back of the couch covering us from neck to foot. I yawn again, covering my mouth with my hand.

  “Go to sleep T, I’ll be here to keep you safe.” He kisses my temple and I snuggle in closer, getting comfortable. My eyes close as his woodsy cologne surrounds me. “Goodnight my Trouble maker.” I hear him whisper as I fall asleep.

  The next thing that wakes me is loud arguing. I can feel Hunter’s even breathing so I know he’s still asleep underneath me.

  “Look I don’t think it was Hunter. He wouldn’t do something like this.” Braydon’s voice sounds annoyed, I keep still listening as Zayne speaks.

  “Well someone did and he’s the only one not in the pictures.” Zayne shouts. There’s no way I can pretend to be asleep after that.

  “What’s all the shouting about?” Hunter growls out. I sit up as he opens his eyes. Stretching my back and arms, I ask them what photo’s they are talking about.


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