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Page 8

by Yalu Taylors

  “Fuck off Shaun. She doesn't want to go out with you.” Peter's deep voice has me jumping, Shaun looks from Peter on the stairs then back at me. I glance at Peter; his cast is gone.

  “She can speak for herself.” His suddenly calm voice has my gaze snapping back to him. Something in his eyes has me backing away from him. “You want to go out with me, don't you?” His eyes are almost hypnotizing. I back up another step shaking my head. I feel an arm encircle my waist. “Let her go Peter.”

  “Don't bother. Your tricks don't work with me remember.” I open my mouth to scream but Peter's hand covers half my face. “Be a good girl and stay quiet while I get rid of him.” I don't want to obey but I can't fight it. “I'll have to wipe her memories again now, thanks a lot Shaun. What the fuck are you doing anyway? We had a plan and you're ruining it. You need to leave now, so I can fix this.”

  “Don’t worry I'm leaving. She knows already, you know. Those guys she's been hanging out with told her everything.” Shaun flings the words over his shoulder as he walks out the front door.

  Peter glares at me for a few moments. “What exactly do you know?” I shrug my shoulders trying to look confused. “You might as well tell me, I'll find out one way or another.” His smile is pure evil, I feel genuine fear creeping up my spine.

  “You're a test subject.” It comes out a statement not a question.

  “So, they do know about me. Well I'll just have to deal with them sooner than I'd hoped.” He closes the distance between us and his angry eyes peer right into mine. “You've never heard of the O'Donnell boys or the Jacobs boys. You remember nothing about being an experiment. You spent this last week doing the same things you've done every other week. Now run along and finish your homework like a good girl.” I start walking up the stairs in a daze. “Oh, I almost forgot. You will tell anyone who hits on you to fuck off.” I nod my head and go to my room.

  I'm staring at my English book. Why would I be working on Romeo and Juliet? I hated that movie. My minds been fuzzy all afternoon. I look down at the page and notice I’ve been doodling names on the page. Hunter, Braydon, Zack, and Zayne. Little hearts surround each name. My mum yells out that dinner is ready, and I race down the stairs.

  “Hi mum, you're home early.” I smile as I speak but her brown eyes frown at me.

  “Peter!” Her voice sounds panicked.

  “What's wrong Mum?” As I ask my cousin Peter comes rushing down the stairs.

  “What's up Aunt Tori?” Mum glares at Peter.

  “Don't Aunt Tori, me. You fucked with her memories again.” I glance between them confused.

  “No, I only got rid of the memories of those boys she's been hanging around.”

  “You did more than that, look at her, she’s calling me mum and running down the stairs happy to see us. What the fuck did you do?” Mum sounds really angry but I swear they are playing a joke on me.

  “Okay this is a really bad joke, you two shouldn’t try pulling pranks, you really suck at it.” I laugh it off as I grab my plate.

  “Tessa? What’s the last thing you remember?” Frowning at Peter I shake my head. What is his deal, I already said it wasn’t a very funny practical joke.

  “You’re really being weird. You can stop it now, you’re starting to freak me out.” I sit down and start eating my food as they both stare at me.

  “Can I see you in the lounge room for a few minutes Peter?” I watch them leave, no doubt she’s going to tell him off for being a douche, ah not my problem. I finish my meal and put the dishes in the dishwasher. As I’m walking back up the stairs I hear their raised voices coming from the lounge room. I hurry back down and hover at the door, listening.

  “You know we could use your mistake to our advantage. She doesn’t remember that I’m not her mother. She doesn’t know about the test trials or about her powers, maybe we can actually train her like you wanted to.” What the fuck! Tori’s not my mum? What trials? Have they gone insane?

  “Yeah, you’re right. But you have to tell her we aren’t related. She’s the only surviving female, she will be mine. I went to too much trouble getting rid of those boys, there’s no way I’ll let someone else have her.” I hear footsteps coming towards the door, so I run back to the kitchen. Peter comes in and grabs his plate of food, sitting down at the table he watches me for a moment before turning his gaze to his food. I start to walk towards the door when he starts talking.

  “I know you were listening.” Shaking I turn to him. “Come here Tessa.” He motions for me to sit next to him and as much as I want to run I find myself doing as he says.

  “You came down for dinner and had a nice meal with me. Tori is not and has never been your mother, you knew you were adopted right from the start. I’m going to ask you to go out with me tomorrow and you will say yes. Understood.” I really want to shake my head, but I find myself nodding.

  For some reason, whatever he was trying to do, didn’t work. I sit there quietly while he eats. I need to get out of here before he tries anything else, but I don’t want him to know it didn’t work. His hand glides onto my knee and I try my hardest not to flinch. “Be a good girl and go to bed. I’ll see you in the morning.” I force myself to get up slowly and say goodnight. I’m amazed at how steady my voice comes out.

  As soon as I’m behind my locked bedroom door I grab my phone to call Kelly. She’s been my best friend since the beginning of our junior year, she’ll know what to do. I dial her number, but it says it’s been disconnected. Staring at the phone I go back to my contacts and do a double take. Four guys names are grouped together under family. I open the group texts and see that I’ve been talking to them for days. Suddenly Peter’s joke about wiping memories seems way to real. I open my photo album and find heaps of pictures of me and four guys at a bowling alley, date marked two weeks from today. Wait, what is today’s date? I pull down the top of the screen and stare at the date.

  No fucking way. The photos aren’t from two weeks from now, they were taken two days ago.

  Tessa: Look I don’t know if this is just some elaborate prank my cousin Peter is playing on me or if this is real but I need to know. Who the hell are you people? Is there such a thing as memory wiping and if so can you help me get those lost memories back?

  I get a reply almost instantly.

  Braydon: It’s all true.

  Hunter: Don't turn your phone off.

  Zack: Don't let Peter find you.

  Braydon: We'll be there soon.

  Zayne: Lock your bedroom door.

  Hunter: Keep texting so we know you're safe.

  Tessa: WTF is going on?

  Zayne: Short version, you're in danger. We'll explain everything once you're safe.

  Braydon: We are pulling up now. Stay in your room. No matter what you hear. DO NOT COME OUT!

  I listen as the front door slams open. Multiple voices shout all at once. Through the din I hear the words that make my blood run cold. “Drop the knife Peter.” Flashes of memories swarm my mind. Hunter holding my hand under a table. Zack laughing with me about music. Braydon kissing my lips tenderly. Zayne smiling at me as we lay side by side. The images come faster and faster, overwhelming my senses. I fall to my knees cradling my head in my hands. The guys bloody bodies lying throughout my house are the last images I see before reality hits me with complete clarity.

   I open my door and Hunter comes racing in, his shirt is covered in blood. He grabs my arm and steers me into the bathroom. “Lock the door T.” He shuts the door on me before I can say anything. I try to open the door, but it won’t budge. “Tessa, please just lock the door and stay inside.” I feel like screaming or swearing or just plain smashing something. How can he do this to me. Doesn’t he know that I can help. Doesn’t he realize that I can’t cower and hide while the people I care about are in danger?

  “No, please let me out! I can help Hunter. I need to help you all. Let me help.” I bang my fist on the back of the door in frustration. Tears fall from my eyes, but I ignore
them. There’s no time for tears when my guys are in danger.

  “Your memories came back huh?” I nod my head before realizing he can’t see it through the door. Ugh is he trying to distract me from trying to get out of the bathroom?

  “Yes, Hunter, I got my memories back and I have no idea how, now, let me out so I can help.” I hear a cry of pain come from downstairs, it sounds like one of the twins. “Please Hunter. He’s hurting them.” I kick the door a few times, rattling it in its frame.

  “I know Tessa, but I promised the others that I would keep you safe, no matter what.” His voice sounds sad, he can’t mean to just stand there holding the door while our family is dying. “Hunter! Please.” I shout and beg but he doesn’t release the door. I slump to the ground, my back against the door, tears falling faster than I can wipe them away. “Please.” I stare at my hands and see blood on the side of my left hand. I twist my head trying to see my shirt. Dashing to the mirror I see blood all along my side. “I’m not injured, am I?” I lift my shirt but there’s no wounds, Hunter must be hurt. Images of Hunter’s body lying on the grey carpet in my bedroom shoot through my mind. I run back to the door, belting on it as hard as I can with my fists.

  “Hunter, are you hurt? You have to let me out. Or at least come in and let me see. We can be safe in here together.” I’m shouting as loud as I can.

  “I’m fine Tessa, just stay in there and lock the door Love. He’s coming.” His beautiful deep voice is strained, and I begin to panic again as I hear heavy footsteps echoing off the hallway walls. Clenching my fists, I slam them against the bathroom door. He can’t do this to me.

  “I can’t just sit here when I know what’s happening out there. I can’t just sit here while they all die. Not to protect me, please not for me.”

  “I’m so sorry Tessa, I wish things could have been different.” The door in my room slams into the wall, the bathroom door creeks so I grab the door handle and wrench it open. At the same time Hunter runs over to Peter.

  Peter punches Hunter in the face, his knuckles making a sickening sound. Hunter’s backing up shaking his head, his eyes look a little dazed as Peter advances, Hunter meets him with a fist to the jaw. I want to scream out at them to stop but I’m afraid of distracting Hunter. They grapple, and both fall to the ground. I step forward, no idea what to do but I have to do something.

  They roll towards me and Hunter jumps to his feet, pushing me out of the way as Peter lunges at me. I fall to the carpet, jarring my elbow. Pain shoots through me but I ignore it. I have to help Hunter, I look back up as Peter gets Hunter in a headlock. I see a glint of steel near the foot of my bed, crawling on hands and knees, I make my way over to the shining blade, I stand, scooping the knife up before turning back to the fight.

  Hunter sees what's in my hand, he's distracted enough that Peter gets the upper hand and pins Hunter beneath him. I lift the knife and plunge it into Peter's back. Pulling the knife out I back away as Hunter shoves Peter aside. Peter makes a gurgling sound in his throat, but I don’t care, my focus is solely on Hunter.

  Hunter turns towards me and I see him grab his chest. He collapses to the ground and I stand there shocked as blood that’s soaked through his shirt, pools around him. I hear screaming as I rush to Hunter's side. The screaming doesn't stop as I rip his shirt, nor does it stop as my hands press against the huge gash in his chest. My tears fall mixing with Hunter’s blood. Through blurry eyes I watch as his flesh slowly knits together before my eyes. The screaming stops as I snap out of my shock.

  I lean back on my heels as Hunter slowly gets up. “How?” His deep voice is rougher than usual as he speaks. He runs his hand over his bare chest where a thin scar now graces his flawless skin.

  “I don’t know.” I sob as he lifts me into his arms. He carries me down the stairs and I let out another scream as I see Zayne on the bottom of the stairs. “Put me down.” Hunter lowers me right next to Zayne. I hold my hands over his head where the blood is, but nothing happens. “Why isn’t it working?” I yell. My whole body is tingling and I’m positive I’m in shock from killing someone. I can’t sit by and watch while someone I care about dies, I just can’t. I look at Hunter, my eyes pleading him to help me.

  “Calm down Tessa, just concentrate on what you want to do and try again.” I do as Hunter says but again nothing happens. I check Zayne’s pulse and feel a steady beat. “He has a pulse.” I sigh in relief. “I guess I should’ve checked his pulse first huh?” I don’t know why I find that funny, but laughter claws its way up my throat.

  “Tessie?” Braydon’s voice has me snapping out of it enough to stop laughing. I run to the kitchen and see Braydon leaning over Zack, his hands hovering over the wound. “He’ll be alright Tessie. Where’s Zayne?” I panic and run back to the stairs. Checking Zayne’s pulse again before checking his breathing.

  “Can you fix him?” I ask a little too loudly. Hunter steps into my line of vision and grabs my hand. He looks me over from head to toe, checking under my shirt where his blood has soaked it. Braydon gently pushes Hunter out of the way and stands in front of me. Zack’s tanned skin looks pale as he walks slowly in from the kitchen. Braydon snaps his fingers in front of my face, drawing my attention back to him.

  “Tessa? You doing okay?” He looks into my eyes as he speaks, and I frown. Why wouldn’t I be alright? I feel great, my body is tingling, and I feel warm all over. I look down at my hands and stare at the blood on them, the sight has me looking back at Hunter. Braydon asks me again if I’m okay.

  “I’m not hurt, now go fix Zayne.” Braydon places his hand either side of Zayne’s head and after a few moments, he sits back looking dazed. Zayne sits up slowly, and I smile, clapping my hands together, then I fling myself at Zayne and squish him in a big hug. Hunter pulls me off Zayne and sits down next to him. He holds me still by wrapping his arms around my waist and grasping both of my hands, entwining his fingers with mine. I turn to look at Braydon.

  “Are you hurt Braydon?” I try to pull myself off Hunter, but he clings to my hand, making me fall to my knees. I tug my hand from Hunter’s and crawl over to Braydon. He looks down at me and studies me for a moment. His expression looks very worried, but I’m lost admiring his gorgeous glowing green eyes. “Pretty eyes.”

  “Are you drunk Tessie?” What? Why would I be drunk? Wait he needs me to answer. I didn’t drink anything, did I? No, I’m pretty sure I have never had a drink. Am I being weird? Is that why he asked. Oh wait, he’s still waiting for an answer.

  “Nope.” I pop the P and giggle. Wow that sounded so cool.

  “Holy shit, she is drunk. How did that happen?” I glare at him, when that doesn’t work I pout at him. His pretty eyes widen a bit but then he frowns, his high cheek bones glowing slightly. He’s so gorgeous, I wonder if he likes me as much as I like him. I reach up and pinch his cheeks.

  “Silly boy, I don’t drink. Nope not a drop.” I touch his nose as I say nope. Popping the P’s as I speak is fun, so I do it again. “Pop! Nope! Drop!” I giggle as they talk over my head. I watch Hunter as he moves in close to me, his broad chest heaving as he breaths. The muscles are so firm, I wonder what they feel like. Would they be really hard or maybe just firm but a little bit squishy? I giggle. “Squishy is a funny word.”

  “Pick her up Hunter, she’s completely drunk.” Braydon commands. His face looks angry, but his eyes look sad and he’s being so bossy.

  “He’s so demanding all the time, is he the leader? Oh, right he is kind of the leader because he is everyone’s guardian.” I giggle again and Hunter tugs on my hair. He shakes his head and taps my forehead making me wrinkle my nose. He pulls me close to his bare chest, so I run my hands along his pecs. They are hard as rock, but the skin is silky and smooth. I let my hands wander down along the muscles until I reach his abs. They are bumpy and firm, I push at the top one and it moves a little bit. I do it again giggling the whole time. Hunter grabs my hand and I pout at him.

  “She was fine when we were up in the be
droom. I don’t think she’s drunk.” Hunter’s deep voice makes me burst into uncontrollable giggles. He has such a beautiful voice when he sings, I’ll have to remember to ask him to sing for me later. My giggle stops when I see Zayne and Zack with sad looks on their matching handsome faces.

  “Did someone give her something or did she do something?” Braydon looks at me funny, so I poke my tongue out at him. He shakes his head as he checks my eyes again. His eyes are too pretty to stare at for too long, so I look away.

  “I’m not drunk and I didn’t do anything. Umm well I did but I didn’t do it on purpose. I can heal just like you, oh and I think I killed Peter.” I pout at that thought. “I didn’t mean to kill him.” Hunter lifts my chin up; his twinkling blue eyes look like they are swirling, and I laugh again. “Ooh I want to listen to some music, sing for me Hunter.”

  “Okay Sthweetie, Hunter ith going to take you outhide to the car. There’ith muthic in the car.” Braydon is talking funny, so I giggle again. “Hunter, can you get Thack and Thayne moving too?” I’m giggling so hard at Braydon trying to speak, that my tummy starts to hurt. I stop laughing and look at Hunter.

  “I like music. Will you sing for me again Hunter?” I bat my eyelashes hoping he’ll say yes. “Please, pretty please? How can please be pretty? I need you like water, like breath, like rain.” I start singing the song we sang together in my car.

  “Okay my singing beauty come on.” Hunter lifts me up and hugs me against his bare chest. I like the feel of his hard muscles. Snuggling my head into his skin I close my eyes.

  Chapter 8

  I groan as I wake up, my head throbbing in time to my heart beat. I sit up slightly dazed as I look around at the green forest patterned curtains and bedspread. Braydon’s room usually looks so neat and tidy but right now it’s an absolute mess. Clothes strewn all over the floor, books on the ground beside his desk and what looks like a blood covered towel sits on the floor outside the bathroom. “Braydon? Hunter? Zack? Zayne?” I call their names as loudly as my dry throat allows, my head pounds with every syllable.


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