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Waiting For Mr. Ashwell

Page 14

by K. Sterling

  Ash leaned forward, offering his cheek, never taking his eyes off of the book. Ned smiled softly as he pressed his lips to Ash’s face. Warmth and the intoxicating scent of Ash wreathed around Ned and he hummed as he followed Ash to the sofa. Ash dropped and crossed his legs and Ned fell beside him. Ned leaned close and pressed his lips to Ash’s ear.

  “I’m sorry I’m so late.” Ned whispered. Ash tensed and nodded. “I can’t sleep without you. It was dawn by the time I finally drifted off.” Ned murmured. Ash started to relax. Ned licked his earlobe. “I tried everything I could to make myself tired.” He whispered. Ash’s lips curved and he reached for Ned’s hand. He pulled it to his lips and kissed the back.

  “Will you be ready to leave the day after tomorrow?” Ash murmured against his skin. Ned smiled.

  “As much as I dread the trip, absolutely. I miss you.” It was a small sacrifice. Being in Town had become even more tedious with Ash just out of reach. Speaking of tedious… Ned took a deep breath. “My sister is having a ball tonight.” Ned kissed Ash just below his ear. He felt Ash’s body start to tense again.

  “I’m aware.” He grumbled. Ned cringed and prayed.

  “I promised her I’d show up.” Another soft kiss. Ash shrugged.

  “I’ll be here, you’re welcome to come by after.” He turned the page and Ned tightened his lips.

  “I promised Caroline I’d bring you.” Ned whispered cautiously. Ash shook his head. “Please?” Ned begged against Ash’s skin. Ash leaned away.

  “Why?” Ash rumbled. Ned sighed.

  “Because it would make her happy. She loves you, for some reason. I don’t want to go without you. It would be good for keeping up appearances…” Ned thought the last reason might get him. It didn’t. Ash frowned at him.

  “You know I love Caroline but the idea of watching women throw themselves at you and seeing you flirt shamelessly is not my ideal evening, Ned.” Ash turned his attention back to his book. Ned set his hand on Ash’s thigh and let it slide slowly toward his groin.

  “What if I promise not to flirt excessively and do anything you want?” He found the bulge in Ash’s trousers and pressed his palm to it and rubbed.

  “I’m not dancing.” Ash turned the page. Ned smiled wickedly as he started flicking open the buttons of Ash’s trousers. It was a shame. Ash was a very good dancer. Ned had always wondered why he avoided it, now he knew it was the partners that put him off.

  “You can dance with me, later.” Ned had Ash’s erection out. He stroked it slowly. Ash shut the book and tossed it on the table.

  “Stand up and drop your trousers, Ned.” Ash commanded. Ned felt anticipation spill down his spine and he jumped to his feet. He worked at the falls of his trousers as Ash pulled the flask from his pocket. He opened it and made his hand slick. Ned licked his lips as his trousers fell below his knees. Ash started rubbing the oil over his cock until it glistened and throbbed.

  “What do you want?” Ned asked as his body shook with need. Ash’s eyes flashed when they met his.


  Chapter 25

  Ned resisted the urge to roll his eyes as Lady Wembley rubbed herself against him. He hadn't wanted to follow her to the terrace but she had never been subtle and he was afraid of the scene she might make.

  “Ned, darling! It’s been so long.” She purred as she slid her hands down his chest. He grabbed them before they reached his waist. She pushed her lips out in a pout. “Come home with me.” She begged. Ned shook his head.

  “I’m sorry, madam, but I already have an arrangement with someone.” He said gently. Lady Wembley made her lips tremble and batted her eyes up at him as she tried to pull her hands from him to reach for his groin. He held her wrists.

  “Then take me in the garden.” She whispered. “Do you know how long I’ve wanted that big, thick…” Ned stopped her. He saw movement in the shadows on the other side of the French doors. Ash stepped out and his eyes were furious.

  “I’m afraid my current paramour is very demanding, I just don’t have the energy.” Ned set her away from him carefully. She scowled. “And I am about to leave.” He nodded toward Ash. She looked at Ash and smiled lewdly as she licked her lips.

  “Is that Ashwell?” She whispered. “I’ve always found him attractive.” Ned felt his body tighten. I can see why Ash doesn’t enjoy this, he thought as he frowned at her.

  “Yes.” Ned felt his eye twitch as she leaned close and her eyes swept over Ash.

  “Do you know if he has an arrangement?” She smiled wantonly at Ash as he walked toward them. Ned smacked her on the ass, hard.

  “He does. Leave us.” He ordered. Lady Wembley gasped and ran through the doors.

  Ned shook his head as he walked toward Ash. He leaned on the balustrade and laughed as he watched her go. Ned’s face fell when he looked at Ash. His face was hard and his eyes blazed.

  “We’re leaving. Now.” Ash growled and turned on his heel.

  Ned followed as Ash pushed through the crowd. Neither made eye contact with anyone on their way out. Ash stormed down the steps and paced as they waited for Ned’s carriage. Once inside, Ash was silent. Whenever light spilled into the window, Ned could see the muscle in Ash’s jaw twitch. Ned wasn’t sure which tactic to use. Should he flirt and tease, make him laugh and want him? Should he apologize and be submissive? Should he be defensive because Ash should trust him and know it meant nothing? He remembered how he felt when Lady Wembley asked about Ash and how her eyes had traveled over him. Just knowing that she lusted after what was his made him furious. How many times has he felt this? Guilt tugged at Ned and he decided to remain silent.

  The carriage lurched to a halt in front of Ash’s house and he threw the door open before the footman could get to it. He jumped out and Ned was right behind him. Ash quickly passed Blydon and swept into the library. Ned nodded to the butler and followed. Ash was at the sideboard. He poured a scotch without offering one to Ned before he crossed the room and fell into his chair. Ned locked the door silently. He walked slowly toward Ash and stood over him. Ash avoided his eyes as he raised his glass and took a long swallow.

  “Take your cock out.” Ned ordered. Ash took another sip and shook his head.

  “I’m not in the mood, Ned.” His voice was low and thick.

  “Take your cock out.” Ned made his voice sharp.

  Ash’s eyes flicked to his and Ned held his gaze. Ash took another drink before his hand swiftly, angrily unbuttoned the falls of his trousers. Ned waited until Ash reached into the falls and pulled his erection out. It was already hard. He looked up at Ned and raised a brow. Ned leaned forward and rested his hands on the arms of the chair as he lowered to his knees. He grabbed the waistband of Ash’s trousers and he lifted so Ned could tug them down. He tugged swiftly until they were around Ash’s knees. Ned took Ash’s cock in his hand and started stroking as he reached into his coat for the flask. Ash’s eyes flashed. Ned set it on the floor. His eyes held Ash’s as he ran his tongue up his rigid length.

  “This is mine.” He licked slowly up the length again. “This is all I will ever want.” He held Ash’s gaze as he swept his tongue over the head. “The only thing I need is you.” Ned released him and let Ash see him pick up the flask, open it and pour oil on his fingers. He took Ash’s cock in his hand and set his fingers to Ash’s tight, puckered opening. Ned licked his cock slowly as he stared into Ash’s eyes. “I’m going to make you come hard and fast. Then, I’m going to fuck you so deep, you won’t even remember that we went out tonight. Do you understand?” Ned waited until Ash nodded.

  Without any teasing or warning, Ned pushed two fingers into Ash. He was swift and forceful. Ash dropped his drink and gasped. Ned found the soft, warm spot and started rubbing in firm, curving strokes. He saw Ash’s cock swell as he lowered his head. Ned took him deep into his mouth and sucked as hard as he could as his fingers continued to rub.

  “Fuck, Ned!” Ash panted raggedly and hi
s knuckles turned white as he gripped the arms of the chair.

  It took about two minutes of constant pressure inside and hard sucking to get Ash to come. He came so hard, Ned almost backed off as he drank Ash’s seed. He was barely able to swallow fast enough as Ash screamed around his fist. Ned quickly oiled his throbbing erection and stood.

  “Get up.” Ned commanded. Ash hadn’t completely recovered. Ned had to pull him to his feet. “Put your knees on the chair.” He grabbed Ash by the shoulders, turned him and pushed him down. Ned pushed Ash until his chest pressed against the back of the chair. He grabbed Ash’s hip as he positioned himself at his entrance. Ned grabbed the other hip and rolled, swiftly entering Ash in one long, smooth thrust. Ned’s balls slapped against his ass and Ash groaned as his head fell over the back of the chair. Ned withdrew and slammed back into Ash.

  “This is mine.” Ned growled as he pulled back. He drove home again, rising on his toes as he pulled Ash hard against him. Ash gasped. “This is all I will every want.” Ned felt so hard and powerful as Ash whispered his name. He withdrew until he could see the head stretching Ash’s tight ring before he flexed his hips as hard as he could, crashing into Ash so hard the feet of the chair came off the ground. Ash bit the back of the chair and yelled into it. “The only thing I need is you.” Ned saw Ash nod weakly.

  There was no more slow. Ned gripped Ash’s hips hard and started pumping deep and fast into him. He drove relentlessly as Ash grunted and groaned and panted Ned’s name. He grabbed Ash’s shoulders and continued to slam into him. Ned felt his release coming. Ned felt it in his sack and the base of his cock. He drove harder and faster as the heat, pressure and overwhelming pleasure swelled and burst from him. His seed poured into Ash but Ned clenched his jaw and kept rolling his hips. Ash’s tight, clenching depths became hot and wet and Ned moaned in ecstasy as his cock stayed hard and his body kept moving. Ash tried to raise his head.

  “Ned, what are you doing?” He slurred. Ned smiled ruthlessly.

  “I’m not finished. I’m not stopping until I come again.” He grabbed Ash by the hair and pulled him back against him. “I’m going to come so hard, Ash. I’m going to fill you with so much of me, it’ll hurt.” Ned promised. He released Ash’s hair and he fell forward.

  He let go. Ned let the world spin away as he pounded deep into Ash. All he was aware of was his cock, Ash squeezing tight around him and the sounds Ash made as Ned mercilessly rode him. Ash was insensate. He begged and groaned and prayed as Ned continued to drive into him. By the time Ned felt his balls squeeze, Ash was limp against the chair.

  “You are mine, Ash.” Ned growled through clenched teeth as his cock pulsed and throbbed painfully from the tremendous pressure that was forcing it’s way up its length. “You are all I’ll ever want.” His voice rasped as he became dizzy. His body arched and he groaned as he felt the slit in head of his cock sting and stretch as a thick stream of liquid heat burst from him. Ned’s head fell back and he swallowed a shout as his release continued to rip through him. He felt his cock contract and more seed flow from him. Ash whimpered and tried to raise his head. “You’re the only thing I need.” Ned promised as he shuddered. There was a groan as Ash tried to pull away from Ned. “No. Be still.” Ned ordered as he held onto Ash’s hips.

  “Ned!” Ash begged weakly. Ned smiled wickedly as he held himself inside of Ash.

  “Squeeze and don't let go.” Ned commanded. Ash raised his head and gripped the back of the chair. Ned pulled out slowly. It was excruciating, his cock was so sensitive. The head was just behind the ring of Ash’s entrance and he paused. Ash sobbed. “Keep squeezing. Hold it in.” Ned kept his voice firm and hard despite the heaviness that was pulling at his limbs and how light his head felt. The head slipped free. Ash hissed and Ned saw his hole clench tight. A drop of Ned’s seed slid out and he sucked his teeth as his thumb gathered it and pressed it back into Ash’s tight hole.

  “Please, Ned!” Ash’s body started to shake.

  “Are you full?” Ned whispered as he leaned over Ash. He bit his shoulder through the layers of his clothes as Ash nodded. “Does it hurt?” He rubbed his cheek against Ash’s ear.

  “Yes.” Ash gasped. Ned grinned as he grabbed Ash’s shoulders and helped him lean back so that he was upright. Ned kissed Ash's cheek as he closed his trousers.

  “Good. Hold it in.” Ned said as he pulled Ash’s trousers up over his hips. Ash trembled against him and begged softly. Ned made a shushing sound as he slowly buttoned the falls of Ash’s trouser. “Right now, you’re so full of me that it hurts. That’s how I feel, Ash. Whether you’re in a different room, or a different house or a different county, I feel you deep inside of me. Sometimes, I’m so full of you that it’s all I can feel. Sometimes, it hurts. But even when it hurts, it feels so good.” Ned helped Ash to his feet and turned him. Ash was delirious and sweating, his body tense and shaking. Ned took his face in his hands and lowered his lips to his. He licked them gently until Ash opened for him. He caressed Ash’s tongue lazily, soothingly before he lifted his head. He brushed his thumb over Ash’s lips. “Keep it in, Ash. You know how you hate a mess.” Ned teased as he slid his hand down Ash’s back and gently caressed his ass.

  “Ned!” Ash hissed desperately. Ned pressed his lips to Ash’s again and hummed soothingly.

  “Just a little longer.” He promised against Ash’s mouth. “I love you so much, Ash. So much it hurts.” Ned whispered as he looked deep into Ash’s eyes.

  He raised his head and started pulling Ash toward the library door. Ash’s eyes became wide with panic as he walked stiffly.

  “I can’t!” He gasped. Ned smiled encouragingly.

  “You can.” He said firmly. Ned stopped when his back hit the door. “Tell me you love me.” He smiled rakishly. Ash looked like he was about to shake his head. Ned leaned casually against the door and crossed his arms. Ash’s eyes flared.

  “I love you, Ned!” Ash swore. Ned pressed a kiss to his cheek as he opened the door and gestured into the hall.

  Ash passed him slowly, carefully. When they reached the stairs, Ash gulped as he looked up toward his rooms. Ned rubbed his back reassuringly.

  “Very well!” Ned said jauntily. “I’ll call on you tomorrow morning and see how everything went.” He nodded as he winked and quickly made his way out the front door. He laughed softly as he heard Ash curse as he shut the door behind him.

  Chapter 26



































  If Ash wasn’t in such distress, he would have appreciated how perfectly his chant had matched the number of stairs. Instead, his body was drenched in sweat as he stumbled down the hall to his dressing room. It felt like an eternity since Ned had left him at the base of the stairs. Ash was shaking, exhausted and so tense he thought he’d shatter if he bumped into anything. Ned had wanted him in pain. The pain was mind numbing. He felt bloated and ached. The tingling in his groin and legs was like a maddening itch and he wanted to shriek and kick until it went away. Ash pulled himself along the wall, reaching for door frames and handles as he kept his gaze fixed on his dressing room door. Why is this hall so bloody long! Ash wondered as he stumbled. The hallway seemed to stretch, a mile long ahead of him.

>   When he finally pushed the dressing room door open, he was swearing out loud and his eyes stung from the sweat that ran down his forehead. Ash gasped as his hand closed around a towel. He pulled it against his chest as he fell against the wall. He dropped it on the floor beneath him and ripped his trousers open. Fabric tore and buttons flew as he pulled the falls wide. Ash pushed his trousers down as he slid to the floor.

  Finally. Ash relaxed and screamed as a flood of scalding fluid poured from him. He cried and laughed as he banged his head against the wall. The overwhelming relief and violent pleasure that ripped through his body made him dizzy and nauseas. Ash felt pain and pressure shoot up his cock, it was so powerful he thought it would literally rip him open. Beyond caring, Ash screamed again as a long string of seed shot from the end of his cock and splashed on the floor in front of him.

  He felt completely wrung out by the time it was over. Ash slowly cleaned himself and stumbled until he fell onto his bed. Everything ached and his nerves sang. His ass hurt. God, did it hurt. But it was a good hurt. He’d need a day or two. Ash smiled as he stretched slowly on the bed. He wasn’t mad at Ned anymore. Ned was good. Ned was happiness. Ned was love. Ned was everything. Ash sighed as he hugged a pillow against his chest. He smiled as he felt sleep pull him under. He was going to take Ned to the hunting cabin, tie him down and fuck him so hard, he wouldn’t be able to walk for days. Ash frowned. He’d have to break his rule and let Ned eat in bed.

  Chapter 27


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