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Righteous Reign The Series: E-version Boxed Set Edition

Page 23

by Thomas J. MacDonald

  "Yes sir, I'm your man - even if, I am a woman." They all chuckled when she made the crack.

  "Okay, Moe has the warrants and orders. We will do the promotions and reassignment, right here and now. I will generate the master keys for the operational codes for both Fleets, right now. After the promotion, you will relieve me, and I will transfer Boots command codes to you. When that happens, all others will be rescinded. You will have to produce new ones for your people and re-issue as Officers fill the holes. You will even have to redistribute to those who did not change rank or assignment. All codes change with a new Commander. It's a lot of work. But, you should be able to create your Task Commanders' authorizations in about ten minutes. They will have to repeat the process with their subordinates - and so on, down the line. Once you are promoted, transferred and assume command, we'll call in Nichols and complete his upgrade and move. Then, we will raise Moe and Malcolm. Their advances are necessary because I don't want my Chief to have a problem with someone subordinate to me, and Malcolm will need to have control of all the Marines in both Fleets. He'll become a Corps Commander. There will be two more augmentations. One will replace Malcolm, and the other will replace the Brigadier he chooses to raise to Division Commander. Does everyone follow, so far?' The Admiral paused to eye each attendee. 'Does anyone want out? Though I would be hard pressed, in some cases, I would be able to use others, if this scares the hell out of you." Bryant offered. Everyone seemed to understand that this was all necessary and appeared happy to comply.

  A chime sounded on his system. When Bryant checked, it was a couple of Moe's postings.


  "By order of the C& C of the OESA with the consent of the Emperor, Boots and Draco Fleet are detached from Quadrant Three Command, immediately. By the same directive, they have been assigned to the new Mobile Fifth Command.

  Commodore Tahu Moahu Boots Command Chief of Staff"


  "By order of the C&C, George T. Bryant has been elevated to level 10 Admiral, effective immediately. Admiral George T. Bryant is appointed as the Commander of Mobile Fifth Command.

  Commodore Tahu Moahu Boots Command Chief of Staff"

  "That's great, Moe. Your first two postings just appeared. Everyone in Boots is aware something is happening. Let’s get this rolling."

  Over the next hour, George elevated and reassigned Grace. Then, they summoned Nichols who understood and accepted the temporary move. They conducted his promotion. Then, they executed the transferral of Boots codes to Grace. She immediately generated the command keys for Nichols and Stevens. Nichols advised Bryant and Tonaka that Captain Ana Arce should be elevated and assigned as his replacement. Grace quickly reviewed her file, giving Bryant a nod. She was beckoned to Bryant's office. Another Promotion Warrant was hastily prepared by Moe. She was ushered right in when she arrived. Once she comprehended the situation, she agreed. The advancement was completed, and the Task Force Commanders transferred Security Codes to their Group Commanders.

  "You may need Admiral Nichols to show you how, but you and all the other Group Commanders must spawn Command Codes to all your Captains," Grace advised.

  "Admiral Bryant, may Commodore Arce and I take your leave?" Nichols requested.

  "Dismissed.' Bryant responded, then turned to Moe. It's time to complete yours, Moe. Then, we better invite Malcolm here. Grace, you may wish to elevate your Chief. It's not urgent. It may be wise, though. It's tough for a Captain to tell a Commodore what he is supposed to do." Bryant laughed as he turned to Moe and read the warrant, then pinned the level eight rank insignia on both collar points.

  "Congrats, Moe. Can you post these, while I speak to Malcolm?" He asked. Moe signaled Ian Malcolm into the office as he left.

  Except for Grace and himself, Bryant felt Malcolm's responsibilities could be the most taxing of all. So, he took a half an hour to give him a full tactical update, including all the intelligence he possessed. Then, George explained the plan as it was to that point, including the fact that someone would have to be in command of both Divisions of Marines. He made sure Malcolm understood this was a field promotion and could be temporary, and impressed on him that he was the person he wanted in charge as the Corp Commander. George also explained to Ian that, he'd have to recommend one of his Brigadiers for temporary elevation to Major General in charge of Boots Divisional Marines. Bryant finished by advising Ian that he would enjoy all privileges and monetary benefits until the job expired - if it did. He clarified that no promotion could be discussed publicly as temporary and showed him the memo from the C&C attempting to ensure they gain immediate control over the situation. Malcolm accepted. Moe had returned by then, so the two conducted the promotion.

  Malcolm recommended Brigadier Svesion to replace him. Bryant scanned his record.

  "I see he was part of the acquisition team. How are his tactical skills?" Bryant asked.

  "As a Major, he ran three tactical ground operations. He's sharp. But, we're all out of practice, a little. It's been a while since we had this kind of action. I don't have anyone that's better, and I don't believe the other Fleet does either." The General summed up with an indisputable argument.

  "Okay, let's do it. But, we'll both have to keep our eyes on Svesion and guide him if he seems to be going astray. Give him a little head, though. I got a big surprise from Nichols. You may find you have a diamond in the rough like I did. Call him in." Bryant finished.

  Ten minutes later the Brigadier appeared, and they rehashed it all again. He conveyed immediate, total commitment, so they conducted the ceremonies.

  "Ian, I've keyed up new Command Codes for your new position. Don't install them, yet. When you do, you will eliminate all those below you. The problem is the Draco Fleet. If we manage to make contact before they arrive their Marines would be disabled automatically. Enter them when the other Fleet is parked here and issue new codes to your subordinates. They, in turn, will have to generate authorizations to their minions and so on down the line. Congratulations to both of you. We will get together when the other Fleet is here for tactical meetings." Bryant finished.

  Bryant heard the blink, blink, blink of his system annunciator. He opened the mail. It was more Fleet-wide postings from Moe.


  From:Adm. G.T. Bryant Commander Mobile Fifth RAC

  To:All Mobil Fifth RAC sub-Commands, OESA C&C


  Date:February 12, 2249

  By order of the Mobile Fifth Commander, a Mobile Fifth Marine Corps Command is established, immediately, in accordance with OESA regulations and with the consent of the OESA C&C and Emperor Edward III. Boots and Draco Fleet Divisional Marine Commands will receive direction from and report to this center from now on.

  George T. Bryant Admiral, Mobile Fifth Commander


  From:Adm. G.T. Bryant Commander Mobile Fifth RAC

  To:All Mobil Fifth RAC sub-Commands, OESA C&C


  Date:February 12, 2249

  By order of the Mobile Fifth Command be advised that effective immediately, Grace Tonaka has been elevated to the rank of Vice Admiral and assigned as Commander Boots Fleet, in accordance with OESA regulations and the consent of the OESA C&C and Emperor Edward III.

  George T. Bryant Admiral, Mobile Fifth Commander


  From:Adm. G.T. Bryant Commander Mobile Fifth RAC

  To:All Mobil Fifth RAC sub-Commands, OESA C&C


  Date:February 12, 2249

  By order of the Mobile Fifth Commander be advised that effective immediately, Stephen Nichols is elevated to the rank of Rear Admiral and assigned to the position of Task Force Commander of Boots Fleet Task Force One, in accordance with OESA regulations and the consent of the OESA C&C and Emperor Edward III.

  George T. Bryant Admiral, Mobile Fifth Commander


  From:Adm. G.T. Bryant Commander Mobile Fifth RAC

  To:All Mobil Fifth RAC sub-Com
mands, OESA C&C


  Date:February 12, 2249

  By order of the Mobile Fifth Commander be advised that effective immediately, Ian Malcolm has been elevated to the rank of Lieutenant General and assigned to the position of Mobile Fifth Marine Corps Commander, in accordance with OESA regulations and the consent of the OESA C&C and Emperor Edward III.

  George T. Bryant Admiral, Mobile Fifth Command


  From:Adm. G.T. Bryant Commander Mobile Fifth RAC

  To:All Mobil Fifth RAC sub-Commands, OESA C&C


  Date:February 12, 2249

  By order of the Mobile Fifth Commander be advised that effective immediately, Anna Arce has been elevated to the rank of Commodore and assigned as Commander Columbia Group, in accordance with OESA regulations and the consent of the OESA C&C and Emperor Edward III.

  George T. Bryant Admiral, Mobile Fifth Command


  From:Adm. G.T. Bryant Commander Mobile Fifth RAC

  To:All Mobil Fifth RAC sub-Commands, OESA C&C


  Date:February 12, 2249

  By order of the Mobile Fifth Commander be advised that effective immediately, Brigadier Svesion is elevated to the level of Major General and assigned as Commander of Boots Fleet Marine Division, in accordance with OESA regulations and the consent of the OESA C&C and Emperor Edward III.

  George T. Bryant Admiral, Mobile Fifth Command


  From:Adm. G.T. Bryant Commander Mobile Fifth RAC

  To:All Mobil Fifth RAC sub-Commands, OESA C&C


  Date:February 12, 2249

  By order of the Mobile Fifth Commander be advised that effective immediately, Tahu Moahu is elevated to the rank of Rear Admiral and assigned as Chief of Staff for the Fifth Mobile Command, in accordance with the OESA regulations and the consent of the OESA C&C and Emperor Edward III.

  George T. Bryant Admiral, Mobile Fifth Command

  Then, George composed the following notes.


  From:Adm. G.T. Bryant Commander Mobile Fifth RAC



  Date:February 12, 2249


  You will find enclosed several warrants for field promotions of staff required to meet the needs of the temporary command established to deal with the current critical tactical situation. We have christened this the Mobile Fifth Rapid Action Command (Mobile Fifth RAC). These staff changes permit me to gain full and immediate control of both Fleets you have assigned to my command. All parties involved understand that these elevations may be temporary. However, they have all been handled publicly as if they are permanent. We will depart Barnard's star on the fourteenth, the day after Draco Fleet arrives here. This allows one day to make additional moves required to ensure complete command and control of this second Fleet. You will also find attached today's postings; so, you may gain a perception of the atmosphere created by these changes. I would hope you would concur with my orders that were necessary to establish a proper chain of Command and coordinated operations of this tactical unit.

  George T. Bryant Admiral Mobile Fifth Command

  He called in Moe; asking him to check and send the memo to the C&C and the Emperor, immediately.

  Then, he left the office for the day and went back to his quarters to wait for Marie. They spent a quiet evening visiting the Star Gazer pub for dinner and a few drinks with the rest of the senior staff and their better halves. The remainder of the night was spent in quiet, passionate embrace. Neither slept much. Too much was happening.

  In the morning, after breakfast, Admiral Bryant went to the office and began a memo for posting throughout the entire Fifth Mobile Command.


  From:Adm. G.T. Bryant Commander Mobile Fifth RAC

  To:All Mobile Fifth RAC Personnel, All Mobile Fifth RAC Commands


  Date:February 13, 2249


  I want to take a minute to relay to you all a little of what is happening, within our Empire. We are currently at war in the Lepus and Eridani systems, and that confrontation is not going well. In an effort to reverse our losses, the C&C have established this new mobile command, with the assent of our Emperor. It is our task to travel to space that is foreign to most of us, and drive the invaders from our territory. To facilitate this, Mobile Fifth Command has been endowed with the assets of both the Boots and Draco Fleets and has the authority to engage any further assistance it may need from tactical units, in the war region. As you know by now, I have been elevated to Admiral and tasked with Commanding this operation and achieving its goals. To create a strong chain of command, I have promoted and reassigned several people, with the full consent and knowledge of the C&C and the Emperor. All this disruption must be disconcerting to some, but I must ask you to bear with us. All my actions are designed to achieve our goals as quickly and efficiently as possible with as little injury or loss of life to our own personnel as I can manage. Though I would like to win the coming confrontations, my priority is the wellbeing of those in my command. Your understanding and cooperation in these trying times are appreciated.

  George T. Bryant Admiral, Commander Fifth Mobile Command

  His system annunciator sounded as he finished his memo. There were two encrypted messages. He called in Moe.

  "Can you witness this, please?' He asked his chief as he punched in the decryption keys.

  'Note it in your log. One is a message from the C&C. The other is from...the Emperor." He finished as he opened Edward's, first.


  From:Emperor Edward III

  To:Adm. G.T. Bryant Commander Mobile Fifth RAC


  Date:February 12, 2249

  My dear friend George,

  I am suffering a little knowing you are about to risk your life, your Command, your loyal people, and the love of your life to attempt to save our Empire. I read the memo you sent yesterday. I have asked the C&C to cooperate in any way they can. I believe they would have anyway. They are big fans of yours.

  If you need anything else from us to succeed at this endeavor, you only need to ask. If we have it to give, you will get it.

  Tell all your personnel we hold them in our hearts and hope your ships’ shields protect them from harm. Keep them close to your heart. They are all such wonderful souls. And give the special lady of yours a hug for my wife and I. We love you both like family.

  Your dearest friend.

  Edward Delnikov Emperor of the Orion Empire


  From:The Team at HQ

  To:Adm. G.T. Bryant Commander Mobile Fifth RAC


  Date:February 12, 2249


  Whatever you need to do to accomplish your goals with the least possible loss of life is okay by us. Your actions to this point have all received our approval. We will try to make anything else you need available to you. Just let us know. Please note that where you come into joint operations with other Quadrant/Theatre Commands, they have been ordered to follow your lead. You have full operational field command. Keep your people as safe as possible. Look after that beautiful wife and all the wonderful people in your Command - and keep your head low.

  Your friends

  Brian Williamson Fleet Admiral C&C OESA

  David Dickinson Fleet Admiral C&C OESA

  William Stephenson Admiral Quadrant Three Command

  "Moe, I'm going to forward you my memo. Please post it to the entire Command and ensure Draco does too. Please also post these replies from the Emperor and the C&C throughout the whole Unit. They will help cement my authority over the force." Bryant said as he wiped a tear from his cheek.

  He forwarded the two memos to Marie marked FYI so she could see them, first.

  Draco appeared out of event horizons at eleven hundred. George knew all messages including all the
memos would be transmitted immediately. A shuttle departed a few minutes later. That would be Vice Admiral Palakiko making her way over to report in. She would be greeted by Captain Olivia Hurst, Admirals Nichols and Tonaka, and a full honor squad complete with bosun to pipe her aboard. Tonaka was to notify him as soon as she was aboard.

  He entered his key code and transmitted it instantly rescinding all her Fleet Operating Codes but also assumed the existing new ones Grace had activated, the day before. Palakiko was dead in the water until he issued new codes.

  "Vice Admiral Palakiko reporting as ordered, sir." She stood at attention in front of his desk.

  He rose. "Welcome Admiral. I am Admiral Bryant, your new commander. Draco has been assigned to the new Fifth Mobile Command. Did you receive all the correspondence regarding this change?" He asked.

  "Yes sir; and, I'd like to say, you have received some very impressive support. But, regardless of that, you are now my Commanding Officer and will have my full cooperation, as a matter of course. I would like to ask you what the hell is going on, anyway?" He could tell she was still in the dark by her tone. The war must not be public knowledge to those not involved. At least, not yet. You can't hide a war for long.


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