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Righteous Reign The Series: E-version Boxed Set Edition

Page 24

by Thomas J. MacDonald

  "Have a seat, and I'll give you a quick update. I have wide-ranging tactical meetings planned for our trip to the site. It all started three weeks ago. We were attacked by an invader. They struck at our border in two thrusts and are now attempting to close a pincer. The attack took place in Eridani and Lepus. If they succeed with their maneuver, they will own twenty percent of our space. Mobile Fifth was formed quickly because a satisfactory plan to oppose them was devised. But, such a counter-assault would have to be delivered from outside the battlefield. I have established my Command and its Staff and have a complete chain of command. We moved to Barnard's to be close to Rigil for communications and for you to get to us quickly. Tomorrow, we will make the first leg of the trip jumping sixteen light years from here to Epsilon Eridani. That will take three days. Then, we'll park for half a day to give everyone a break. Afterward, we'll jump to Gamma Lepus over a period of another four days. We'll take one day’s rest there. Then will make a long jump from there to Aldebaran. We will do that jump at thirty percent. Even at that, it will take nearly six days, so we'll need a day before any action. Aldebaran will essentially be our staging point. Based on the intelligence I have, it's the best place to run my tactical proposal from. Of course, we need continuously updated information and field reports. But, as it stands now, we will use our own pincer, to counter strike.

  This species seems to be two-dimensional in their logic patterns. They have stayed strictly between plus and minus ten degrees declination, so we'll attack from above and below. I want the entire senior team to travel together until we get to Aldebaran. We will offer our Columbia hospitality to you so you, Grace, the Task Force Commanders, and the Group Commanders can gather and work out a very detailed plan that covers all possible alternatives. We need to develop a dozen different ways for everything because it is a big field. But, I believe at the moment that if we attack closer to our border, we will interrupt supply and communications lines while damaging the rear of the main body. Three full Fleets are fighting from inside our territory, so this should really stress the enemy. The three Fleets in action do not seem to like to use their Raptors much. They may be small, but Raptors have a lot of firepower. If all five Fleets attacked with half our raptors at the same time, it would mean our foe would face one thousand additional mobile weapons' platforms on top of our massive ones. Nonetheless, we have time to refine the details. By the time we get there, the whole plan might not be feasible, and we may need proposal B, or C, or D. That's why I express that we have to devise a dozen different ways to skin this cat. on board? Are you ready to move over here and put your nose to the grindstone with us?" He asked with a smile.

  "Get me quarters, and I'll be moved in tonight. I need a couple of hours to pack and meet with the team. We need to leave some people in charge if all the Senior Commands are here." She added.

  "Your quarters will be issued by Captain Hurst when you get here, and they'll be on this deck, of course. I have to issue you, new Command Codes. All Quadrant Three ones have now been rescinded." Admiral Bryant said as he went to his system to generate the authorization key sequences. One additional thing I would like to do is take a walk through two or three of your vessels. This would not be a formal inspection - more like a little socializing with some of the Officers and Crew. I would not want to be formally piped aboard any of them. I would prefer to visit like anyone else. I'd also like to get your past week’s logs and a copy of your logs for a week ending five weeks ago. It will give me a very small peek at what your people have faced recently.

  Finally, I will access the comprehensive files on your senior Commanders. This is not for judgmental purposes. I want to attach faces to files. I intend to feel I know some of these people before we are introduced. The plan would be to get those files first. I'll spend a few hours on that, right after you return to the Israel. That is still your Flagship, right?' She nodded as he continued. 'I'll visit the Israel before we leave, tomorrow. Then I'd like to visit your Task Force Two Commanders Headquarters during our first stop. It 'd be useful to see one Cruiser at the second stop. Lastly, I'd like to examine a Frigate and a Sub on the day we land at our staging site. Remember, these are unannounced walk-through visits. They're not about the ships. They're about the people. That is unless you need something. You can point out deficiencies if you're inclined to. In fact, if you have any serious ones, you should let me know, now. We can alter the plan. A day or two stop at the shipyards at Earth or Rigil would not be out of the question, if you have anything that's patched and can't be repaired properly in normal operations.

  I will post a new Mobile Fifth Amendment to the Rules and Regulations. We will no longer pipe Flag Officers attached to mobile Fifth aboard vessels. This will be reserved for visiting Flag Officers. We will cease to require staff to acknowledge each Duty or Senior Officer's entry into a space. They will only recognize a superior once per shift. After that, Officers will come and go without all the disturbance to stations' operations'." He stopped for her interruption.

  "Well, it's about time! These kinds of protocol rules were enacted by people who lacked confidence and had giant egos. It's nice to work for someone who doesn't feel like they should be treated like god, because of a few stars. You are a refreshing find, Admiral." Vice Admiral Palakiko screeched.

  "...One more protocol issue,' Admiral' Bryant added, then continued. 'This informality extends to our interaction, too. We will follow Service Protocol upon, the first encounter. For example, you come in here and report, as usual. After that, I'm George, and you are...?" He let the question fade into the room.

  "My species uses a single name. My friends call me Pal, in informal conversation, George. You may call me that." Pal responded.

  "Good, and let your people know that, too. That will be the protocol between all Flag ranks meeting together. This will extend to Senior Officers attending meetings. On the floor, anyone junior to your rank will still refer to you as Admiral or sir. So, when you’re with your Commanders, in private, it's Fred, Alice, and Pal and the formalities resume as the meeting adjourns. By the way, this is the policy Headquarters employs, despite their own Rules and Regulations." George said with a laugh.

  "I think that I will be pleased working for you, George. I am very impatient with arrogance and pomposity, even if it happens due to regulations. My impatience often shows through. I better hurry. I have lots to do before I move in. Would you excuse me, sir?" She stood at attention.

  "You're dismissed, Admiral.' George said officiously, but with a smile, as she turned to leave. He rose and extended his hand. 'It's a pleasure to have you as part of Mobile Fifth. I should tell you that I requested you. You have a bit of a rep, but I knew you had the capabilities I needed."

  She shook his hand, warmly. "Itis good to be on board, sir. The rep comes from my impatience with arrogance and stupidity. I am not a "yes man, " and that doesn't play well, sometimes. But, I am a team player. By the way, Bill told me you requested me. And, I know that "rep" is public knowledge. So, I dropped the chip off before we jumped to Barnard's. Thanks for the opportunity." She said as she turned to leave the room.

  Marie appeared outside his office. He waved her in.

  "I got your mail. The memos made me tear up. You are loved, George Bryant.' She said as she wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled her face to his for a kiss. 'But, you're especially loved by me." She finished through the kiss.

  "Kiss me again but peek out the corner of your eye. Take a glimpse out there." He pressed his lips to hers as they both snuck a peep and broke into laughter.

  People were going about their business, pretending not to notice. You could see the brief sidelong glances, followed by the intense effort to focus straight ahead, unnaturally.

  They both broke into uproarious laughter.

  He tapped into the system when Marie was gone. "On my way. - Bryant" was his short message to Pal. He contacted the Captain for transportation and made his way to Shuttle Bay Three, as directed.

bsp; George always enjoyed the short jaunts. The lack of gravity over such a short distance was great. It actually relieved all the pressure on skeletal joints, which tend to decompress considerably during a fifteen-minute flight. He was met at the docking ring by the ship's Captain, a Rear Admiral, and the Fleet Commander who all saluted and waited for his acknowledgment.

  "Admiral George Bryant and shuttle crew requesting permission to board." He said to the Captain.

  "Permission granted, Admiral... and welcome aboard the Israel, sir. I am Captain Thomas Hurst.' He responded. 'Your pilot should feel free to use any of our facilities, while you’re here. The main entree is roast-prime-rib, in the mess hall. Would you like a tour of my baby?" He spread his arms palms up to indicate the whole ship.

  "I know it's a substantial service, but you wouldn't happen to be related to Captain Olivia Hurst aboard Columbia, would you?" Bryant asked as he could see the tall blonde haired young officer break into a wide grin.

  "Yes sir, Olive is my sister." He responded still sporting a smile from ear to ear.

  "Well Tom, if your half as good as Olive, we're facing a day with two Hurst siblings in the Admiralty registry. She is a gem, and quite enamored with Boots' Task Force 1 Commander. They are a real pair. You'll have to join us all for dinner and a quiet evening. We all do it a couple of times a week. And, to answer your question; yes, I would like to see a little of your baby. But, mostly I'd like to meet a few of her people. Remember, we don't want to intimidate. I would like to meet with personnel in as relaxed an environment as possible. I really just want them to see that their superiors are just people, too and that we really do care about them." Bryant instructed.

  "Okay, let's go. And, we'll try to ensure the crew is comfortable." Captain Hurst said.

  "Sir, do you need me to accompany you?" Pal asked.

  "No Admiral, but you can if you want. You and your Task Commander can stay with us or go back to work. I know you need to prepare a lot before you move to Columbia, so feel free. And, it's my experience that the more silver stars there are in an area, the more anxious people become. They will warm up faster if I only have one Officer with me." He offered.

  "Okay then, I'm going back to finish up. Rear Admiral Laft should do the same. We'll leave you to your mission. Have fun, Admiral." The Draco Commander offered, genuinely.

  Hurst started by introducing him to the Shuttle Bay One Commander who actually directed the teams in all the Shuttle Bays. They spent five minutes together before moving on. Over the course of the next two hours, he met people in engineering, medical, weapons, and environmental, and spent a little longer with those in the galley - all enjoying a few good belly laughs. They went to Hangar One and spent time with pilots and crew on the flight deck. Then the two Officers visited the Navigation Bridge, stopping at a few stations. They ended the tour on the Flag Bridge, winding up at the office of Vice Admiral Palakiko.

  "You have an exceptional team, Captain. And, you've done a great job, Admiral.' He said to her. 'I went over your logs. We are very like-minded. Anyway, you have a lot to do. And I also have a move to make today, so I better get along." He added as he extended his hand to Pal first, then Hurst.

  "Where are you moving to, sir?" Pal asked curiously.

  "I still inhabit the Fleet Commanders office, on the Columbia. Layout and signage dictate that I can't be lazy. I have to give it up. Grace will need it, now.' George responded with a smile. 'I'll see you back on the Columbia later.' He directed the comment at the Vice Admiral then turned to the Captain. "And, there is no need for you to accompany me, Captain. I can find my way."

  "No sir, I wouldn't hear of it. I will walk you back to the Shuttle Bay." He responded as the two turned and left Admiral Palakiko.

  Aboard the Columbia, he called on Grace and informed her, he would begin his move. She very courteously resisted but relented after he pointed to the door insignia and reminded her it was in this locale for a reason. He contacted Olivia and asked for a new office space and entry markings. She placed him in the one perpendicular to Grace, just around a corner from his old one. The view would be a bit different, but the similarity was astonishing. An hour later, he noticed the gilded lettering and symbol on his door. It must have been done while he was so focused on putting things away correctly. Admiral George T. Bryant, it said on the first line on the glass door. The second one read Commander Mobile Fifth Rapid Action Command. Above both, a spread-winged, black highlighted, golden hawk perched on the Empire crossbar of the OESA medallion. It was the chosen Fifth Mobile RAC Emblem.

  When he was almost done, he called on Moe.

  "Can you please witness, what I'm removing from this safe, he said as he opened it." He took all insignia for Level Eight and above. The Fleet Commander had the authority for Level Seven field commissions and permanent elevations at and below Level Six. If he needed any of it, he could get it from Grace. He also took the lock box that held the Fifth's keys generated by the C&C. This was the hard copy that was conserved in case he was incapacitated.Someone had to be able to take over if something went wrong. Admiral Bryant removed the digital copy of his personal logs and the Fifth Command's logbooks. The Fleet journal archives had to stay with Grace.

  On a trip to Rigil, one of the supply vessel Captains had been asked to deliver a package to Bryant personally. It contained Quadrant level Security Keys, certificates and warrants for awards and promotions, and a supply of an assortment of rank indicators, medals, and ribbons. So, he removed that case for storage in his new office. Finally, he confiscated a carryall that held his personal awards. The warrants and certificates were on the wall in frames, but the actual medals were kept in his safe. Moe recorded the inventory of what had been appropriated and listed what remained in a second document, for Grace. George encrypted a message to her containing the safe's digital code and advising her to change it, upon first use.

  Returning to his new office with Moe he placed the Fifth's secured materials in the safe in front of Moe and changed its entry code via the data pad. He spent the next half hour hanging pictures, award certificates, and promotion warrants, along with a framed printout of the memos he received the day before from Edward III and the C&C. Two armed Marines suddenly appeared and took up posts outside his office at either door pillar.

  "What's going on?" He inquired.

  "We were assigned by the Regimental Security Office according to General Malcolm's order, sir.

  He booted his office system, signed in, and had just sat behind his desk when Pal and her entourage arrived at his door.

  "I see you're all moved in. It looks good - though a lot like the other one." She said with a smile.

  "Why don't you all come in and grab a seat.' He offered warmly as Marie arrived. 'Can you all give me a moment, please?' They nodded assent as he punched up Malcolm. 'General, why are there two guards outside my office?" He asked.

  "It's protocol, sir. OESA regulations say that all Officers at your level and above must be secured, at all times. It even specifies the number of armed guards we must post." Malcolm responded.

  "I know the regulations, Ian, but do we have to post them outside my door? Can't we put them at the entrance to this Bridge? If they check everyone coming on the Bridge, there shouldn't be a threat in my office. This will make people very uncomfortable." George said.

  " I can appreciate your concern. I am amending the order, right now sir. They should move shortly. Malcolm responded.

  "Thank you, General," Bryant said as he disconnected and turned back to his guests.

  "We haven't done introductions, yet so I will start. Admiral Palakiko, this is the Headquarter Counseling Commander and my lovely wife, Commodore Marie Ste. Laurent. Marie, this is Vice Admiral Palakiko.' He said as the two smiled and took each other’s right hand, politely.'And, this is the rest of her mob. I'll let the Admiral do the introductions since I have not been introduced to most of them, myself." George finished with an outstretched hand and a bow directed at Pal. He waved in Moe
who was lingering outside the door at a polite distance.

  "I would like you all to meet Rear Admiral Laft the Draco Task Force One Commander.' She placed a hand on his shoulder and continued to identify each as she went through the introductions. 'And this is Rear Admiral Will Davies Commander of Draco Task Force Two. And this beautiful young lady is Commodore Mary Firth Commander of the Israel Group. And, here you have Commodore Ti Tsung Commanding Kenya Group. And, my Deltan compatriot, here is Commodore Paliko Commander of Lebanon Group. And, finally, we have Commodore Roger Charlesworth the Commander of Jordan Group." She finished.

  Everyone clambered about the newcomers, welcoming them, echoing names to ensure correctness, and making small talk. This went on for about ten minutes. Then, Bryant gave Grace a nod, and she waved in her six Commanders.

  "Now, if you can all hold it down, for a few minutes, I would like to take this opportunity to have Boots Commanders introduced to the Draco ones.' Admiral Bryant called over the din, which quickly subsided. 'Most of you have met Grace, but I'll start there, anyway. Admiral Palakiko, Rear Admirals Davies, and Laft, and Commodores Firth, Ti, Paliko, and Charlesworth, I would like to introduce Vice Admiral Grace Tonaka the Commander of Boots Fleet. Grace has an incredible Command resume with both Borealis and Boots.'Bryant had placed his hand lightly on her shoulder. 'The rest of these clowns belong to her, so I'll let her take over and do the honors.' He said.

  "Hi folks, I'm Grace, and, I'll take you through my family.' She placed a hand on Steven's shoulder. 'This sexy old bugger is Rear Admiral Tom Stevens the Commander of Task Force Two. Both Admiral Bryant and I worked for him in the past. His career was stalled by the lull in OESA growth that occurred fifteen years ago. Since then, he has been passed over despite his obvious skills and attributes until Admiral Bryant got to him. Now, he's on fire!! He's the guy to go to when you run into something you've never encountered before. He's seen everything since the Big Bang.


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