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Righteous Reign The Series: E-version Boxed Set Edition

Page 28

by Thomas J. MacDonald

  He started composing.


  Date:March 13,2249

  From:Admiral George T. Bryant Commander Fifth Mobile Command

  To:Quadrant One Command

  Subject:Enemy prisoners.

  C.c.OESA C&C, Quadrant Commanders, Theatre One Commander,

  Theatre TwoCommander


  I am aware that we currently confine a substantial number of captured enemy troops scattered throughout Fleets engaged in this conflict. Could you please forward me a list of these parties by rank, if it can be determined? From those we hold captive, I need to find the individual at the highest grade. I am seeking a member of the upper echelon of the Command in charge of this invasion. I would like to locate a detainee at a level equivalent to Admiral, Vice Admiral, or Rear Admiral. It is imperative that I am included in the direct interrogation of a Senior Commander. It may help shorten this war. This will be an essential requirement in documenting all prisoners captured at future engagements.

  Your assistance in the matter is greatly appreciated.

  Admiral George T. Bryant


  Date:March 13, 2249

  From: Admiral George T. Bryant Commander Fifth Mobile Command


  Cc.All Quadrant Commanders, All Theatre Commander

  Subject:Support Forces


  As you are aware, we have made substantial progress in our efforts to expel the invading Flotillas from our territory. We have regained a significant region, previously lost to the hostiles. However, each time we retake ground, we are required to leave a contingent behind to prevent the enemy from returning to the area and using it as a place to stage raids from. We are currently using all the forces at our disposal in both offensive and defensive roles. Could you please assign two supplementary Fleets to my Command to hold territory we recapture? I believe Theatres One and Two cannot sustain further transfers, so I am asking you to divert this help from other relatively nearby resources. Pisces and Eridani Fleet have done an excellent job for me. They took some losses in the original offensive role they played, but have suffered none in the current duties they conduct. I am looking for help to perform a similar task to the one executed by those two Fleets, now.

  Thanks in advance for your assistance. I look forward to seeing you both and all the Quadrant Commanders soon, with good news.

  George T. Bryant

  All the memos and orders were encrypted and transmitted. It would take three days for documents going to HQ to arrive there, even with the improvements in the system. But, he had copied the Theatre Commanders, too. Some were considerably closer and would be able to return a reply in twenty-four hours. Whatever happened, George was prepared to order the next attack. They would speed to the next action and hold it themselves afterward if necessary. He would continue on to the one after that with three Groups and no reserves, if that were required to get the job done.

  At seven hundred hours, they exited into the next occupied system, located at RA four hours thirteen minutes, twenty seconds, declination seven-and-a-quarter degrees at a distance of ninety-two light years from Earth. Again, it was somewhat one-sided, at first. And, even when the enemy got their bearings, they couldn't hit what they couldn't find. The Raptors were giving all hell, while the warships would fire and move to fire again. The mayhem within the close battlefield was complicated by the one-on-one dogfights. OESA Raptors made short quick moves at forty percent, usually confounding the enemy fighters, while their own sensors could track the opposing vessels in near real-time, at these short distances. For the second time, Bryant eyed a sight he had never seen in all his duty time in space. So many ships turned into fusion balls at the same time that, even the dark vastness of space could not diminish the flare. George was thankful they were watching on screens. Everyone would have been blinded had they viewed this live, without the protection of dark welding glasses. A short while later, he realized seven vessels had exploded in the same instant, by their burnt out carcasses and the flotsam left behind. In short order, another eight rival warships were extinguished, and the enemy Fleet jumped out. Grace ordered two groups to visit four surrounding systems while Columbia mopped up. It was six hours later when they returned reporting having expelled three squads from the four systems. By the following morning, the mop-up was completed.

  At eight hundred hours on March 14, George received memos from two Fleet Commanders.


  Date:March 14, 2249

  To:Admiral George T. Bryant Fifth Mobile Command

  From:V. Admiral Azul Cielo Commander Gemini Fleet

  Cc:Theatre Three Commander, Quadrant 2 Commander, C&C

  Thank goodness we have already enabled the new communications system. I received your request for help a few moments ago. I am currently located at Hip 35265 (Gemini). Our position is RA 07 17 09.532 Dec. +33 05 31.39 at 89 Ly. Commander Theatre Three has advised us to participate if needed. WE can be there in five days nine hours at forty percent. I will relieve whoever you have left in the systems Boots occupies with Gemini Groups and will follow your Fleet to your next location. We are happy to protect your advances. Leaving now for your current location.

  Azul Cielo


  Date:March 14, 2249

  To:Admiral George T. Bryant Fifth Mobile Command

  From:V. Admiral Naabaahii Commander Orion Fleet

  Cc:Theatre Four Commander, Quadrant 2 Commander, C&C


  When we engaged our new communication system, we received your request for help. The chart you attached leads me to believe I can be of assistance to your Draco Fleet. We were advised by Theatre Four Command to respond to any request for help you may generate. We are currently positioned at Beta Eridani. The location of this system is RA 5h: 7m: 50.98s Dec - 5 deg.: 5m: 11.2s. Distance 89 Ly to Earth. This puts us 39 Ly. from Draco. We will relieve the current Group and follow to Draco's next location. We all want to help. We're excited about your progress. Our Commander authorized 40% if you called for help. We will meet Draco Group in four days eighteen hours.


  That was the turning point. He would advise Boots and Draco to leave their reserve Groups at their current positions and start for the next target.

  By March 21 both Fleets had cleared their next objectives and were up to full strength with the additional support to hold captured ground. They were receiving regular reports from both Quadrant One Theatre Commands of sweeping victories along the front line. Nearly a thousand enemy vessels had been destroyed over the entire war zone. The next morning the enemy started evacuating. But, they still had not found the one invader they wanted, so George went to the system, again.

  Tactical Action Message #FM49-0039


  From:Admiral George T. Bryant Fifth Mobile Command

  To:All Fleets engaged in action to repel invading force

  C.C.OESA C&C, OESA Quadrant 1 Command

  Date:March 22, 2249


  It is imperative that all our Fleets endeavor to prevent any further retreat by our enemy. We need to meet with the leader of this attack. By connecting with someone in the major Command Chain, we may be able to prevent another invasion! It appears we have won this encounter, but we do not relish the idea of another.

  Please prevent any further enemy withdrawals, until these vessels have been boarded and examined thoroughly. They may leave when the Fleet Commanders are sure they do not contain the leadership.

  Admiral George T. Bryant Commanding Mobile 5th Command

  George had asked Marie to visit the prisoners in the Brig of the Columbia, way back on March 14, when seventeen were transferred there. She'd spent considerable time with them. She'd commented on their dreadful temperament, total absence of any kind of manners or etiquette, and their noticeable lack of hygiene. But they had spoken too little to give her insight into their psychology. Now, he mad
e it official by calling her into his office.

  "Marie, have you found out anything about what makes these Neanderthals tick?" He asked.

  "Yes, but it took me a long time. First, they didn't talk. When they finally did, the translator interpreted nothing but insults and curse words. Can you imagine that they have twenty-two different words to call someone a coward? And they have thirty-seven words for honor.

  First of all, they're a warrior culture. They believe that to die in battle is the ultimate. They have no moral, ethical, or religious code that I can detect, so the more viciously they kill you, the better. That's why all the hand weapons. They like to do it up close and personal. They believe in honor. You give a person a fair chance to defend themselves, then you kill them. They wouldn't kill a helpless infant or an old woman. But their righteousness is kind of warped. It doesn't matter if they pick a weaker opponent. In fact, they look for weakness. Then, they attack and kill, and brag about it in the stories they pass on as if it were some great warrior feat. They only respect force and power. If you met one and smacked him in the head, he would respect you, if he sensed you could back that up. However, if you did that and couldn't prevail, he would be insulted and kill you, on the spot. It's a weird culture. Oh yeah, I almost forgot that during conversations, they spoke of superior and inferior levels to their own hierarchy. I prepared a chart with their name for each level and its comparable in our system. The grading system is all land based. There are no Air Marshals or Admirals - just Generals. And the other thing is that I think I know where they came from. I believe they traveled a long way to attack. I believe they are from a system we call Acamar. It's one hundred sixty light years from Earth." She finished.

  "...excellent report with, some profound insights.' George said with a smile. Do you know who we do have down there?" He was referring to the brig.

  "We have some enlisted, a couple of Lieutenants, a Captain, two Majors and one that would be a full Colonel in our system." She responded.

  "Grace, can you come over to my office." He queried through his communicator.

  "Aye, Admiral, I'll be right there." Her voice answered in his ear.

  "Reporting as ordered, sir." She said as she came up to his office doorway a minute later.

  "I need you to accompany Marie and me to the Brig. You will both observe.”

  Down on the lowest deck where the cells are located, Bryant spoke to the young Lieutenant in charge. The youthful officer had the enemy Colonel moved to an interrogation room. Bryant waited nearly fifteen minutes before going in, to ensure the man was seated when he entered.

  George walked in at a brisk pace went directly up to the man and kicked the back of his chair upending the Colonel - ass over tea kettle. When the officer tried to rise, he kicked him in the ribs. Then, he let him nearly completely stand and drove him in the head with a right cross, knocking him to the floor again.

  "You can keep trying to get up all day, and I can keep pounding you down. I can do this as long as you can!" He growled in a low voice. Then, George proceeded to insult the man by finding as many ways as he could to call him and his people cowards. That was the last straw for the Colonel. He lunged at Bryant crouched, in an attempt to take his legs out from under him. George side-stepped and kicked him in the butt as he flew past, driving him into the floor on his face. "I was told you think your people are tough. You fight like an old woman." He told the man who turned over, sat on the floor bewildered and asked. "What have I done to you to deserve your wrath, sir?"

  The language interpreter had been working overtime echoing each person's words in the other's language.

  "Your people attack mine for no reason, then run from the battle when we fight back. We are insulted by this. You treated us like you thought we were someone weak to take advantage of. Now you leave, when the fun is just beginning." Bryant responded.

  "We withdraw before our entire defense force is destroyed. There is no point in fighting until one’s complete annihilation. There is no distinction in stupidity." The other answered as if it was a matter of fact.

  "Then, why did you raid us in the first place. You say we were destroying your entire defense force, but you have only seen a small percentage of ours. It is ludicrous to start a fight with someone so much stronger than you unless you have some other way to turn the battle." Admiral Bryant responded.

  "You say it is a small percentage. We saw hundreds of warships and thousands of fighters." The colonel's tone was disbelief.

  "You saw only a few Fleets from the areas you attacked. There are eight operational Commands in our space. You struck in two. They sent a portion of their forces. We could have dispatched many times the number we did, but that would not have been a fair fight. The difference between us is that we don't start fights, but we study our enemy and win the engagements. Our Empire is two hundred light years across with over one hundred member planets that support it. That doesn't include the materials we can acquire from the other fifty-four hundred systems in our territory. How big is your system?" George asked.

  "We are an Empire, too. There are three members in our space." The other sounded defeated now.

  "What is your name? It would be nice to call you by name." George said.

  "I am Colonel Vzirst, and I commanded the ship you took me from." The officer responded.

  "Vzirst, I am Admiral George Bryant. I command all the forces that were fighting against you." The man seemed to rock on his rump as he shook with shock.

  "You are the man in charge?' He asked. 'Your battle tactics are remarkable!"

  "Yes, I command all the ships, fighters and people that were sent to repel you. And, when I needed more power, I asked, and my superiors gave it to me. They could have sent more and more ships, fighters, and men if I asked." He said.

  "So there are Commanders above you?" Vzirst asked.

  "Yes, but just two. They are the men at the top who run our military service together. And we have an Emperor we answer to - like a King. But, I am next in line to them. I have the power to speak for our Empire. And, I would like to talk to someone who can represent your people. Is that possible?" George asked him.

  "Yes, but not from here. I would need to be able to communicate with our leader. He is General Yanigg. He knows all his ship's commanders so I would be able to talk to him. He is close to where you captured me." The colonel said.

  "Maybe, I can arrange that. I don't want to fight your people, anymore. I don't want to annihilate them. Bears do not fight mice." Bryant's last shot was designed to create resignation. He wanted the Colonel so convinced of their power that he would go tell General Yanigg what a stupid mistake they made.

  "I will have you returned to your cell with the others. I will call on you again if I can find a way to work things out." Bryant said as he rose and left the room with his back to the prisoner all the way.

  "Why the hell did you attack him like that?" Grace asked in a hushed gruff tone emphasizing her displeasure.

  "Relax Admiral. You explain it, Marie." He turned to his wife.

  "It was absolutely necessary. It's the only interaction our Colonel in there understands. And, don't worry about him. They probably treat each other that way in normal conversation - kind of like a greeting. It's a societal thing we picked up during interrogations. It’s how they impress each other. Spend a little time watching him when he's back in the cell. He will get great pleasure recounting this tale. George used his attack as a means of gaining the man's attention and respect and showed him he was someone worth listening to. I dare say that this one Officer's measure of us has risen thirty percent, after that. And, he will influence others. George got more information from him in half an hour than we got in two weeks." Marie was chuckling.

  "So, how do they view women?" Grace asked.

  "Entirely the opposite to men. It's archaic by our standards. A woman is a sexual object. And, they have been in space long enough to look at the females of different species comparatively. I could sense his sexual
attraction to me. In fact, that's why he told me as much as he did. His view of our society was quite dire though - because I am in a position of authority. A woman's place is in the home - barefoot - with baby at her breast - making dinner for her man - the king of their castle, in their society. So, when Admiral Bryant kicked the snot out of the Colonel, on top of our service thumping the crap out of theirs, his rating of our Empire rose dramatically." Marie finished.

  "I think I've seen everything now. It's like looking in on Earth six centuries ago. Anyway, remind me not to get Admiral Bryant really angry, in the future.' She said as she broke into a real belly laugh. 'That poor bugger didn't know what hit him." She managed through moments of eye tearing, suffocating laughter.

  "Colonel Vzirst is my new best friend," George said through his own laughter as he noticed the tears now streaming down Marie's cheeks.

  "Admiral Tonaka, can you notify your Task Force and Group Commanders to meet in my office, right away?" George asked.

  He dropped Marie off at her office, on the way to his, arriving before the others. George went immediately to his system.

  Tactical Action Message #FM49-0041


  From:Admiral George T. Bryant Fifth Mobile Command

  To:Boots Fleet Commander, Draco Fleet Commander, Pisces Fleet Commander,


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