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Righteous Reign The Series: E-version Boxed Set Edition

Page 29

by Thomas J. MacDonald

  Eridani Fleet Commander

  C.C.OESA C&C, OESA Quadrant 1 Command

  Date:March 23, 2249


  We urgently seek discussion with General Yanigg, the leader of all enemy forces in our territory. I have reliable intelligence that leads me to believe that this man is in our area. Use all means at hand to prevent any further invasion forces from leaving the region. I believe he is in one of the forty-one systems retaken and held by our Fleets. Discourse with this person is imperative if we wish to prevent further future hostilities between our two Empires. An information memo and video will follow.

  Admiral George T. Bryant Commanding Mobile 5th Command


  To:Boots Fleet Commander, Draco Fleet Commander, Pisces Fleet Commander,

  Eridani Fleet Commander

  From:Admiral George T. Bryant Commander Mobile Fifth Command

  Cc:Theatre Four Command, Quadrant 2 Command, C&C

  Re:Video Attachment

  Date:March 23, 2249


  Some recent events have given us new insight into dealing with the species that recently attacked our Empire and is still parked in regions we control. This is a warrior group that holds great contempt for any life until proven otherwise. They view strength with respect. The attached video presentation will demonstrate the only method that can be employed to achieve meaningful discourse with these people. You will note the quiet, friendly conversation that occurs, after the distasteful opening sequence.

  George T. Bryant

  George attached the video log recorded during the Colonel's questioning in the interrogation room.

  Tactical Action Message #FM49-0042


  From:Admiral George T. Bryant Fifth Mobile Command

  To:All Fleets supporting Fifth Mobile not included in TAM - FM49-0041

  C.C.OESA C&C, OESA Quadrant 1 Command

  Date:March 23, 2249


  You may permit all enemy forces in areas outside the primary counter-attack battle zone to depart from our territory. We have solid intelligence leading us to believe that General Yanigg, the leader of all enemy forces, is located in the regions now controlled by the Fleets directly participating in the counter attack.

  Keep Mobile Fifth apprised of the status of enemy forces, in your area so we can release you to regular duty, at the earliest possible moment, for the safety of the Empire.

  Admiral George T. Bryant Commanding Mobile 5th Command

  George heard the system enunciators of data pads and looked up to see all of Boots senior officers, outside his door. He waved them in, with a "Take a seat." to eliminate any formalities and activated his office recorder to chronicle this session.

  "I wanted to talk to all of you about the mail you just received.' Bryant said, then went on kind of quietly. " I just wish the Draco Command was with us for this meeting. Anyway, the video has a somewhat distasteful beginning. And, I am sorry you have to see me act in such a fashion. But, watch it to the end. You will see the results I get. Refer to the counseling directive on dealing with our enemy personally, too. It explains more. The point I want to make is that we need to capture this General Yanigg. We need him treated rather harshly when we get him, but once we’ve gained his respect, we need to show him equal regard, too. When we seize him, I need him dealt with by only those who can handle the situation the way you see it treated in the video. Anyone who can't follow the procedure should not be making the initial apprehension or contact.

  What I am trying to accomplish here is a face - to - face with this man. I need to convince him it is not particularly wise or efficient for his people to look at territorial gains in our Empire. It seems they are a relatively small Empire, and it will take them some time to rebuild their Fleet. But I don't want them thinking they can just repeat this. I hope I've made myself clear to all of you. I want this man, and he needs to be handled correctly. If there is a rights issue that develops over this, I will take the heat. I am recording this session to send on to Draco, and for your protection. I will send you all a copy of this, so you have proof you were ordered to conduct these affairs in this manner for tactical and strategic reasons."

  Fifth Mobile RAC sat in the system for another ten days receiving regular reports of enemy Fleets and independent vessels withdrawing from Orion Empire space. In each case, their vortices were traced back to the same star one hundred sixty light years from Sol. There was no doubt about it, the invasion was over. The twenty-four groups of the six fleets now involved in patrolling the recaptured territory continued to block the formation of enemy jump wormholes. This is a relatively simple procedure. Sensing the building field is an easy matter. Once a disturbance develops that will form the wormhole, you merely detonate a low yield weapon in the aperture to throw it out of balance. That region stays so unstable for the next several hours that the vessel has to move away from it to try again. It was Monday, April 29, 2249, when George received word that an enemy formation indicated they wanted to parley. Two and a half hours later, he received word from the Group in the first system Boots had cleared that they believed they had General Yanigg in custody. They forwarded a video of the individual’s initial interrogation. George was astounded. It was Arian Bicell the Commander of Pisces Fleet doing a perfect impression of George's questioning. By the end of the recording, the two were on respectful terms with each other.

  It was a nearly thirty-three light year jump. George had to decide who should make the trip. A few things weighed into the decision. He needed to keep all reacquired holdings secure until he was satisfied they were cleared of all enemy. But, he needed to keep the General's Flotilla in place, so he had a way home. He made his decision and composed the orders.

  Tactical Action Message #FM49-0048


  From:Admiral George T. Bryant Fifth Mobile Command

  To:Vice Admiral Arian Bicell Commander Pisces Fleet

  C.C.OESA C&C, OESA Quadrant 1 Command

  Date:April 29, 2249


  It is imperative that I speak directly to your prisoner. Please have him advise his people he will be attending meetings with the Commander of the opposing forces, and that two ships may stay to return him home. All others must leave Orion Empire Space. Move the captive to the brig of one of your Frigates which is to make best speed to our location. This detainee is to be treated with respect, from now on.

  The balance of the Norway Group, at your current location, should remain there to monitor the remaining vessels until they leave with the General, or you receive other orders from this office. A subsequent TAM will deal with the balance of your Fleet.

  Admiral George T. Bryant.

  Tactical Action Message #FM49-0049


  From:Admiral George T. Bryant Fifth Mobile Command

  To:Vice Admiral Kura Neko Commander Eridani Fleet,

  Vice Admiral Arian Bicell Commander Pisces Fleet, Vice Admiral Palakiko Commander Draco Fleet, Vice Admiral Grace Tonaka Commander Boots Fleet

  C.C. OESA C&C, OESA Quadrant 1 Command

  Date:April 29, 2249


  Please advise your Groups to ensure all enemy forces have left the areas they currently patrol. Once they have confirmed this, all Groups except those referred to in TAM FM49-0048 should jump to Mobile Fifth position, at best speed.

  Admiral George T. Bryant.

  Tactical Action Message #FM49-0050


  From:Admiral George T. Bryant Fifth Mobile Command

  To:All Fleet Commanders in support of Mobile Fifth Counter-Attack

  C.C. OESA C&C, OESA Quadrant 1 Commander

  Date:April 29, 2249


  Please advise your groups to ensure all enemy forces have left the areas they currently patrol. Once they have confirmed this, all Groups except the one referred to in TAM FM49-0048 and TAM FM49-0049 shoul
d notify their originating Theatre Commands that, they are ready to resume regular duties and hold their positions for receipt of orders.

  Admiral George T. Bryant.


  To:All Fleet Commanders currently attached to Mobile Fifth Command,

  all FleetCommanders presently directing operations in support of Mobile Fifth Command

  From:Admiral George T. Bryant Commander Mobile Fifth Command

  Cc:Theatre 1 Commander, Theatre 2 Commander, Theatre 3 Commander,

  Quadrant 1 Commander, Quadrant 2 Commander, OESA C&C, Secretary of Defense,

  Emperor Edward III

  Date:April 29, 2249


  Because of your outstanding support and the brave actions of many people within your Commands the counter-attack to repel the invasion of our territories has been successful. Several supporting Fleets have been released to regular duty. I know that you will all need some time to reflect on the losses you have experienced but try to take solace in the fact that together, we repelled the most powerful attack ever launched against our Empire. Though the fighting is essentially over, there are still a few issues to resolve. It will take two to three additional weeks before everyone is back to where they should be, except those who paid the ultimate price.

  I would like to thank the team that participated in formulating such a comprehensive strategic philosophy, and the largest, most coordinated, and most complicated tactical plan ever executed in the history of the Orion Empire. I would also like to recognize those Fleet, Task Force and Group Commanders who executed it so precisely. Most importantly, I would like to acknowledge all the Officers and enlisted personnel working within those Commands for giving us one hundred percent of their motivation, energy, and expertise, one hundred percent of the time. Though I have not spoken directly to them, regarding this, I know I am expressing the sentiments of the Theatre, Quadrant, OESA Commands, and Emperor Edward III. Thank you all from the bottom of my heart.

  George T. Bryant


  The Frigate Beijing jumped into the large nest of vessels now accompanying the Columbia, still the Flagship of the Fifth Mobile Command, on Wednesday, May 2, 2249. Columbia Group had been joined by the rest of Boots Fleet and some other Groups from Pisces, Eridani and Draco Fleets. The rest were due to arrive within the next three days.

  The Beijing carried General Yanigg the Commander of the military that invaded OESA space. Beijing's Captain requested orders. Through his Moe, Bryant ordered them to transfer the prisoner to the Brig of the Columbia. He had already arranged with General Malcolm that the General would be the cellmate of Colonel Vzirst before being moved to an interrogation room with Admiral Bryant. George was about to direct his system to the cell monitor feed when the system chime sounded. It was mail from headquarters, which he decrypted immediately.


  To:Admiral George T. Bryant Commander Fifth Mobile

  From:OESA C&C

  Cc:All Quadrant Commanders, All Theatre Commanders, All Fleet Commanders,

  Office of the Secretary of Defense, Office of the First Minister, Emperor Edward III

  Date:May 1, 2249

  Admiral Bryant,

  We would like to thank you for expressing the sentiments we do feel to the people of your Command so eloquently. We would also like to thank you for the triumphant completion of the most significant action our Empire has ever faced.

  The threat you repelled, the assets required, and the method used has us all looking at options. Please prepare a proposal outlining what you think would be essential for the permanent placement of a Rapid Action Command like Mobile Fifth. We would like to meet with you to discuss this proposal, at your earliest convenience, after outstanding issues pertaining to the recent attack are resolved by you.

  In the meantime, your Assignment will be continued indefinitely pending this discussion.

  Please do not release Pisces, Eridani, Boots, or Draco Fleets from Mobile Fifth Command. This Command will be continued, at least until after our discussions. You are ordered and required to remain in Command of the Mobile Fifth Command, until further notice.

  Fleet Admiral Brian Dickinson OESA C&C

  Fleet Admiral David Williamson OESA C&C

  George checked to see exactly which Groups were in proximity of the Columbia. To his surprise, all Fleet Flagships were present. He notified the Fleet Commanders to meet in his office at fifteen hundred hours. Then, he called Moe to the office.

  "I want you to read this." He handed his datapad to his Chief.

  There was silence followed by a strange noise from Moe.

  "Sorry Admiral. We can't whistle. That's our way of expressing amazement. It looks like Mobile Fifth will be permanent.

  "Yes it does Moe, and, I need you to do some of your marvelous magic. I envision the new Command as the Fifth Quadrant Command with two Theatres and sixteen full Fleets. I also see it with additional autonomous vessels unattached to any Fleet that can go anywhere, at any time, at the bidding of their Theatre Commands. The big problem with Fifth Mobile is the Mobile. We would need a moving station we can take anywhere to operate as a Command Centre. The problem is size. We cannot use a standard Carrier because it will not handle a Quadrant Command Staff. The Theatres have to be mobile too and must be able to hold their Command staffs, also. All three need to be able to support their Fleets, so they need to be massive storage hubs that can distribute supplies, weapons, and ammunition to their subordinate Commands. The Mobile Command and its Theatres will each need support vessels of their own. They will need provisioning ships that run between the stations and our planetary logistics centers. Each will need a four-ship flotilla that can defend the mobile base. Each Theatre Command requires a full mobile hospital. Then, there is the Marine Command. At Theatre Level it'll be a Corps. At Quadrant Level, it’s an entire Army. Theatre Commands run lean. They generally have management staffs of between forty-five hundred and five thousand, while the Quadrant would typically need between fourteen and fifteen thousand to meet all personnel demands in their subordinate Commands. However, we’re going to have to find a way to adapt to run with a staff of no more than five thousand to fit the mobile structure. In effect, you’re increasing the OESA by more than twenty-five percent of its current size but, you’re effectively doubling its strength from outside attack. This is because without it attached to any specific sector, Mobile Fifth can move in its entirety to wherever a threat is. That means the full Quadrant Command and Mobile Fifth is in a region to handle a threat. Between engagements, it would be used to patrol areas at its discretion giving the unvarying appearance of strength throughout the Empire.

  What I need from you is a full proposal for the C&C based on that vision. I need objectives, proposed schedules, proposed command structure, planned acquisitions, projected capital expenditures, staff requirements at all levels and functions, anticipated annual budgets for the first five years of operation, implementation costs, and expected gains the Empire will feel, as this entity grows. You need to use this last battle, as much as possible. We need to show how much help we had to draw, and when the proposed Mobile Fifth would be able to handle the entire operation, alone. I need it to be polished, elegant, attractive - and finished by May 16. Can you do it?" He asked his Chief.

  "It sounds impossible, sir, but I'll find a way," Moe responded enthusiastically.

  "Moe, this means a promotion to you from this temporary level. I would be a level eleven Admiral. You would be promoted to Vice Admiral. No one deserves it more. That is if you want the job." Bryant said.

  "Sir, when I was a ship's Captain, not so long ago, I would have said no. But, having done a similar job for quite a while, now, I will accept without reservation.' The Rear Admiral replied. 'I better get going. I have a lot of work to do. If, you'll excuse me, Admiral?" He added.

  "Moe, you're going to get fired before you start, if you don't sta
rt calling me George when we're alone. Dismissed!" Bryant said with a laugh as the Chief turned and left the office.

  George knew this would be a big chunk for the upper echelon to swallow. They were probably thinking a bit smaller. From this most recent experience, he was aware that the proposal was really what the Empire needed. Mobile Fifth would be able to answer an attack anywhere in the Empire, from wherever they were, in three weeks or less, with an irresistible force. He had a lot of work to do on his own. If the plan were accepted, he would need a full chain of command, and he'd need it quickly. You could grow into some things but, to have the ability to perform all the actions required to complete the task would take a formidable command structure and staff, from the very beginning.

  He sent the memo to Marie, then contacted Malcolm, Marie, and Grace to join him at the Brig station on the first deck.

  "I need you all to keep an eye while I'm in the interrogation room. It's imperative that I get your thoughts on this guy, afterward." George said as he turned and marched into the interrogation room.

  The two prisoners began a rise to their feet.

  "Sit your asses down in the chair before I decide to kick the hell out of you both!" He roared with his face set in anger. There was low mumbling between the two that the interpreter could not pick up. Both sat down.

  "My Colonel tells me you are an honorable man. There is no need for violence." The General said quite meekly, for a warrior.

  "Don't tell me how I can act. I'll decide how to handle things here.' George hollered. 'I'm trying to decide whether or not to have you executed for what you did to my people. Why did you attack us?" George was extremely forceful but, no longer yelling.

  "We attacked on orders from our Emperor and ruling counsel. We did not know how formidable your Empire is. We would not even have attempted such a thing had we known." The General said in earnest.

  "What is your name, sir? I need to call you something other than a fool! Only a buffoon would attack without knowing the strength of his enemy. It is a sure road to defeat or complete annihilation." George growled.


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