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Righteous Reign The Series: E-version Boxed Set Edition

Page 115

by Thomas J. MacDonald


  Date:August 1, 2269


  Regarding General Sparks report of July 29, 2269, referencing "Rigil," I would appreciate it if you would advise Sparks to look for any possible means to get Marshal Ian Malcolm off Rigil quickly, if at all possible. Our ability to conduct extensive combined Marine operations has been limited without his presence. He is the only Marine General Staff member with experience in this area of expertise and is a valuable member of the C&C Commission. Please have Sparks make all effort to find a way.

  F. Adm. Kurt Brubacher


  C&C Commission.


  "Okay, we'll all meet for an interim report a month from now on Tuesday, August 10. Then, we'll look for a presentation on September 1; with the objective of having a fully refined and approved package by September 30. Does that sound okay to everyone?' Grace seemed in a hurry. There were nods all around. 'We're adjourned!" She slammed her hand on the table. We hadn't had the Commission gavel since being driven from Rigil. Annunciators begin sounding off all over the room. Everyone looks at their personal data devices. George gives me a "thumbs-up" signal.

  Despite being overburdened, Savign kept up the regular patrol of systems and routes SOCC was responsible for while intensifying observations on Sol. Meanwhile, Epsilon-SF patrolled corridors a little further out from us and in systems near the border to our rear.


  On Monday, August 2, 2269, I monitored communications traffic different from anything I'd seen since we were driven from our territory.




  From:Admiral Savign Zeta - SF - SOCC Commander

  To: Adm. A. Blythe Beta HQ Commander

  C.CF. Adm. K. Brubacher Zeta HQ Commander, F. Adm. G. Bryant Epsilon, HQ Commander, Adm. K. Basi Epsilon -SF Commander

  Re:Enemy flotilla

  Date:August 1, 2269


  I have been advised by SOCC Fleet 2 Task Force 1 that they have observed an enemy formation. They describe its strength as consisting of one-hundred-forty-two vessels comprised of two Carrier Class and one hundred forty Cruiser Class ships. It is currently at station-keeping in open space at vector RA 210.85625º x Dec +19.1004167º x 21.65897 Ly (relative to Sol). This position places them just over one-quarter light-year from Xi Boötis.

  You will find SOCC F2 - TF1 sensor logs of the encounter attached. We are establishing a long and short-range sensor net around this location. Please tap into their feed.

  Admiral Savign

  That was followed by one from Addison Blythe.



  ENCRYPTED - Authentication Root I.D. Beta-1-W0907-411=*

  From:Adm. A. Blythe Beta HQ Commander

  To:All Beta Tier 2 Commanders

  C.C.F. Adm. K. Brubacher Zeta HQ Commander, F. Adm. G. Bryant Epsilon, HQ Commander, Adm. K. Basi Epsilon -SF Commander, Admiral Savign Zeta - SF - SOCC Commander

  Re:Enemy flotilla

  Date: August 1, 2269


  Please refer to the attached memo from Admiral Savign, dated today and referring to the same subject. You are ordered and required to make best possible speed to within two million kilometers of the location in Savign's document and approach the enemy formation employing the tactics we have established in attack plan Blythe - Delta 3b. You are to engage this enemy until they are destroyed or flee the region. All Theatre Headquarters, Mobile Hospital Commands, and their security contingents should stand steady where you reenter normal space. Refer to the attack plan for assault strength and reserve levels.

  Admiral A. Blythe

  The debriefing on August 4, was extensive. It took Beta nearly five hours to eliminate the incursion. Ninety-seven enemy warships were destroyed before they leaped away to some other location. But, Beta lost a standard Carrier, two Cruisers, four Frigates and one hundred and one Raptors. It is all very tactically acceptable; but, still a very costly victory.

  And, it taught us all something important. Though we had thought our opponents relatively static to now, they displayed a willingness to engage in operations to recover lost ground. We would need to be much more diligent.


  George and Marie sit on the beach while Atina plays in the water, nearby. Though now eight and a great swimmer, she is too young to leave alone in the lake. George needed to remove himself from the pressure to produce for awhile. Sometimes, great ideas come right after a relaxing break. At other times, they come during it. But, a pause always helps. Rolling over on the beach towel, he draped his right arm across Marie's middle. She still turns heads and is a knockout in a two-piece suit. Xi has extraordinary recreational areas, and the concepts just weren't coming; so they decided to take four days together before he concentrated on the Sol assault plan.

  Atina resembles her mother more every day. Except, she will be considerably taller. Now in grade four, she's incredibly bright and participates in nearly every activity available. Her swimming lessons began five years ago. Dancing has been a part of her life since the year after. And now, she loves soccer and gymnastics, too; not to mention the astronomy club she joined. It is incredible to watch a child grow in all the different ways they do.


  I spent the days after our Xi visit recording different scenarios for the Zeta part of the upcoming Sol assault. But, I was careful to be home to Bryant and Fredricka every night for dinner and give them my full attention each evening. Then it struck me like a bolt of lightning.

  Zeta had always considered the Epsilon and Gamma attacks as if they were diversions designed to allow us to complete the task of destroying the Base Ship. But, with two base ships, that would not be enough. What if I split a Zeta Theatre and had four Fleets attack the Base Ships directly and intensively? And while that was happening, I could still use Eight Epsilon Fleets and two Polemista ones to attack the flotilla immediately surrounding the two orbs. In the meantime, one Zeta Fleet and a Polemista one would be in close to just one of the Polyhedrons protecting the fighters and Subs working on its garbage hatch. The two big units are parked so close together that I should only need to destroy one to damage the other so badly it will be easy pickings. After backing off for the first blast, my forces would again move in, to work on the second Orb. Based on experience, it would take about four hours. And, we'd be suffering damage and casualties all the while. But it would work. I ran the numbers on the scenario and simulations with six different variations accounting for atypical enemy responses. We could win in all cases. But, we'd face a fifteen percent casualty rate at the worst. This is much higher than previous battles, but still acceptable losses for a tactical operation. This is the time when Commanders have to be cold blooded.

  I notified my Tier 2 and 3 Commanders to be in my office at fifteen hundred the next day. That would give Savign time to get here.


  I spent the following morning with the Examiner's primary school teachers and officials. They were really pressing to advance Bryant to level four. They felt he had the maturity because of my job. It was explained that children of Fleet Commanders are often insecure because of the battles their ships get into. But, because the Examiner is required to stay a quarter to half light-year from the skirmishes, he is not usually subject t
o that kind of exposure. But, he does see how hard his dad has to work to run the operation and how serious it is. Bryant is bright enough to know he can still have fun; but, real life is a sober struggle. And, he is sufficiently intelligent to make the jump and still be able to maintain his grades.

  It seemed they had thought it out very carefully and had spent considerable time observing Bryant. So, I relented. He would start in grade four this September. But, throughout all this, something about the coming battle was gnawing at me. I was still missing something obvious.

  By fifteen hundred, I was at my desk as my subordinates arrived.

  "I want to go over the battle plan for Sol with all of you. This is a rough first draft of the Zeta Strategy and overall scenario. I will be looking for your input in the next couple of days.' I stopped to run the six simulations.

  'As you can see, losses will be higher than we have been experiencing on this push, so far. I need you to develop your tactical plans around this basic concept. But, I want you to attempt to be more creative than usual. If you can think of some little shift, feint, diversion or operation that will reduce our casualties, I want you to include it and bring it to my attention. I need these plans. You all have two days. Any questions?" I asked as I tapped my pad to transmit the basic plan and all its variables to them. There were negative head wags all around. But, a light was going on in my own head as I heard the annunciators sound. The idea that had been resisting me began to coalesce in my consciousness.


  Tuesday, August 29, 2269, had come upon all of us fairly quickly. We were all sitting in the boardroom for the presentation. Our Tier 1 and 2 Admirals were present. Grace opened the meeting. Then turned it over to George.

  He presented an overall strategy. Zeta / Polemista group was to destroy the Base Stations. Gamma / Spiel forces would attack from below. Epsilon would engage from above. Then, he went over objectives, potential losses, and individual responsibilities. Because the Orbs were most important, he deferred to me next. And I dropped a bomb on everyone.

  "Zeta - SF -SOCC will enter the system two weeks ahead of the attack with an added contingent from Epsilon -SF." George cut in, immediately.

  "Why do you need any Epsilon -SF subs? And, what makes you think I'd give them up?" He barks.

  "Remember the Inscrutables... " I let it hang in the air. I could see the lights go on in his head.

  "As a matter of fact, I do!"

  "I believe I need a unique diversion besides your attack to accomplish my objectives. And, what better way than that? And, it will help all of us."

  "But, their hulls and shielding are different."

  "I know. But these mines will be different, too. Just like our new torpedoes and missiles."

  "What the hell are you two talking about? It sounds like gibberish." Grace jabbed.

  "Do you remember the reports on the final battle with the Inscrutables?" I asked.

  "Yes, but I don't see your point."

  "Remember how we snuck into CauDo space and used our covert vessels to mine the Inscrutable ships," George explained.

  "Oh yes, I get it now!"

  "I'm going to have to give up my crown to you. The student is surpassing his teacher." George directed at me with a wide grin.

  "No, you're still superior. But, once in a while... " I trailed off again.

  "So, go over your whole plan.

  "I can do better. I have the simulations. There are six variations; so, it'll take a couple of hours. And, you'll note that though both Bases look busy, we are really only dealing with one at a time. It's nearly impossible to do both together. But, we get a little help doing it this way.

  "How so?"

  "You'll see. May I run the Sims?" I scanned all my partners. They nodded agreement.

  In two hours the sped-up Sims displayed us winning six times. Each scenario was different depending on an Isesinis reaction to a battle maneuver. But, in each one, five hundred mines blew up a mass of ships as we were bearing down on the enemy. The confusion created opportunities for all arms of the assault. In each version, Zeta finally manages to destroy one orb after about an hour and a half. It takes over two hundred craft with it and crashes into its partner after the initial explosion before it is annihilated. In a chain reaction, its sudden shift takes out another fifty of their contingent. Damage to the other Poly is so extensive that it is disabled. With that, the seriously reduced enemy force, and the Gamma, Epsilon and Zeta T2- 1&2 intense onslaught, our subs and fighters work at the garbage chute almost uncontested. It is destroyed an hour later taking another one hundred fifty of their assets with it.

  In each version, we win. And, our maximum casualty rate is less than five percent.

  "...Not very original Kurt. You've done this one before. But, it sure works." Bill chortles.

  "It needs refining." I inject.

  "That's George's job. We'll all get together in two weeks. We're adjourned." Grace yelped as she slammed the table.

  I called in Svjosloki when I returned to my office.

  "Yes, Admiral. You called for me."

  "Come in. I need a favor. I have a dumb question."

  "What's that, sir?"

  "Do we have a wood carver anywhere in Engineering. ...Or maybe a carpenter with good carving skills?"

  "I'm sure I can find one. What do you need?"

  "A mallet. I need a mallet. It's for Grace. She chairs the Commission meetings, and she's always slamming her hand on the table. She needs a gavel and a sound block to slam it on." I explained.

  "I'll see what I can do. But, I'm not sure we have any wood." He saluted and left.


  We all reconvened aboard the Asgard on Monday, September 13, 2269. Grace broke into hysterical laughter when she saw the mahogany gavel and base sitting at her place on the table.

  "Okay, who did this? I love it!" She squealed.

  "You owe Vice Admiral Svjosloki a drink for that one!" I volunteered.

  She slammed down the wooden hammer with gusto. "The meeting of the C&C Commission will come to order. This session regards the proposed assault on Sol.' She slammed the mallet again with a broad smile. 'Take it away. It's all yours, George."

  "If we can all agree, this is the final plan.' He tapped his pad sending the written version and all the sims to each of us. 'I'll go through it as you follow along. Then, we'll look at all the Sims.

  The first thing to note is that I am suggesting we remove the final two Subs from each Fleet. SOCC and Epsilon - SF are well trained for the mining operation. But, we will need all their ships for this action. So, I feel we should take all Fleet-assigned Covert-class vessels and have them assume the patrol duties SOCC and Epsilon -SF currently execute. They won't be officially redistributed to another command. They will be dispatched to this obligation by their Fleet Commanders. That allots two hundred for this operation, in total. And, each Theatre Command will select one of his sixteen Captains to head that group. Give each a temporary field promotion to Commodore.

  This plan allows two weeks for practice and two weeks for our invisible contingents to mine the Isesinis hulls. The mines are shaped-charge, antimatter, cloaked, magnetic Limpets. They are larger and heavier than last time because of the electrical supply needed to maintain a magnetic trap for the payload. So, they'll be a little more awkward to work with. We've done this before; but, it's picky work. Our people will need the practice. We'll do it the same as last time. Admiral Savign can run the show, and my man will follow her lead. The Epsilon -SF Commander, is Level Ten Admiral Korgos Basi.

  They will detonate three hundred mines at seven hundred hours fifty-two minutes on Friday, October 15, 2269. Our three large formations will enter the space at Sol at eight hundred the same morning. I've given us an eight-minute gap between
the fireworks and the landing to permit debris to clear the battlefield. Last time, we allowed five which wasn't quite enough. We were dodging flying shrapnel as we approached the Inscrutables.

  Kurt's forces will split in two as outlined in his plan. One Tier 2 Command will reserve four Fleets. The larger two-Theatre force with two hundred Polemista Frigates will engage the remaining enemy ships nearest the westward Poly. The largest SOCC contingent will stay close to that unit. The rest will assail the other Headquarters Station and its surrounding flotilla. Raptors in the superior formation will attack a garbage chute. There are four, but they must choose one that is on a face directed away from the other Orb. First, the new protective grating has to be blown off. Then, the flap has to go. SOCC will shoot two homing transmitters into the opening programmed to reach the monster's center. When they have a good signal in the correct position, they will notify accompanying frigates which will fire two torpedoes at the transponder drones inside the Orb. When they blow, they will only destroy a third of the target; but, this leads to internal damage that sets the rest off. Inertia will cause the behemoth to shift during the initial blast driving it into the second unit. Its ultimate annihilation will destroy anything nearby except its partner; so, our ships will be warned to give ground. Once the first is gone, Zeta will concentrate on the second one. We are projecting two and a half hours to finish off both.

  Meanwhile, Gamma will approach from the rear and below the formation with twenty-eight Fleets and the two, one-hundred-ship Spiel Flotillas. Four Fleets from one Theatre will be held at standby. Forty-eight Epsilon Fleets will be traveling a vector from the rear and above. Twenty-four will be kept on standby. We need each Carrier to have ten Raptors in flight by the time we reenter Normal Space at the battle site. Initially, the enemy should be totally confused and will suffer their greatest losses then and when the big units blow. From the time we encroach on their space all weapons should be firing at the maximum rate. So, the enemy will see over thirty-two hundred warships and more than twenty-seven hundred fighters bearing in on them from all vectors. And, we will still have another thirty-two Fleets and two hundred allied vessels in reserve, if they become necessary.


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