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Righteous Reign The Series: E-version Boxed Set Edition

Page 116

by Thomas J. MacDonald

  At any time during operations, we may call for more mine detonations; but, a point will come when we have to make the request. We will back away as another one hundred fifty are activated. Then we will finish off the Sol formations. Estimated maximum casualty rate is five percent. Estimated execution time is five hours. We will take considerable time and care to mop up, afterward. We need the system cleared to conduct routine business.

  "If everyone could look towards the front of the room, I'll run the sims. There are now eight variations. It will take about three hours."

  Three hours later, Grace used her hammer with great gusto to call a fifteen-minute adjournment. We all wanted a coffee and washroom break. The mood was much lighter as everyone went about satisfying their immediate needs.

  Upon returning, Grace called for a vote. There were a few suggestions which were either accepted or George, Steven or I explained why they wouldn't work. Then, we conducted the poll. It was unanimous. We all looked to King David. He nodded. The Game is on. I invited everyone to Lowry's. I introduced George to the new Gamay I discovered. He was impressed and advised others to try it. We all had a great time for an hour. Then, I called all my people to meet me on the Examiner when I returned.


  Monday, August 30, 2269, started out as a very positive day. A Beta frigate the FSS Bristol delivered our old friend and important partner Ian Malcolm to us. The farm work had done him wonders. He was lean and healthy looking. He sported an incredible tan. After giving him time to rest, clean up and change, the Commission met to welcome him back. We spent two hours briefing him on all current situations.

  We hoped he would plan future land operations on both Sol and Rigil. But, Malcolm asked us to extend him a month's leave. He said he was exhausted and needed time to think.


  We all stood at the bar in Lowry's for a celebratory drink. I'd ordered a Gamay Savign's people brought back from Earth, recently. Sparks had sent four cases up to the lead Sub when they were moving people about. It was excellent. I wondered why I hadn't found it earlier. We were laughing and joking when I spotted something and went silent as I felt the color drain from me.

  "Kurt, what's wrong? Are you okay?" El asked.

  I pointed to the end of the mahogany handrail. About two-thirds of a meter was missing - cut off cleanly.

  "What the hell happened?" Grace queried. Astonishment was apparent in her voice.

  There was absolute silence throughout the pub as others gathered round to stare at the amputation. I wracked my brain.

  "I think my bar rail is your new gavel and block." I naively injected into the silence which continued for several minutes. Then, the entire crowd broke into raucous laughter so loud that people on the Mall came into Lowry's out of curiosity. "I guess we'll get it fixed at Earth when we take Sol," I added through my laughter. Tears were streaming down my cheeks. "Grace, you have to think of Lowry's every time you give that damn thing a whack. Someone get Svjosloki in here. No one leaves, yet."

  We laughed and joked around our beverages while El tracked down the culprit. He returned with Gojen about fifteen minutes later.

  "Vice Admiral, we're all so happy with the new gavel we thought you should join us for a drink." The Vice Admiral immediately turned crimson red and looked guiltily to the floor.

  "Sir, I can explain. You said to get it done. I told you I didn't think we had any wood."

  We all just stared at him. Time ticked by. He became more and more uncomfortable.

  "Good job Vice Admiral. I have to give you credit for original thinking and tenacity. You didn't quit until you got the job done.' I raised my glass. 'A toast. To Vice Admiral Gojen Svjosloki who never quits until the job is done."

  "Here - here!" The group chorused as we all tilted our drinks in his direction in a salute to his ingenuity.

  "Have a drink with us, please?' I said to my Chief Engineer who was just returning to normal and expressing a sheepish smile. 'Do you like wine?' I raised my glass.

  "Yes, sir. I love wine. Especially the lighter reds." He responded.

  "Then, you have to try this. Four cases were smuggled to me from Earth. It's a Canadian Gamay from Cave Springs Wineries. And, it is exceptionally pleasant - smooth fruity flavor and very pleasant aftertaste."

  "Yes, sir. I'd like that."

  "Barkeep - another glass of the Gamay for my friend, here," I called out as I nodded to the Vice Admiral. Gojen raised his eyebrows and smiled to me at the first sip.

  A while later, I overheard Grace telling Vice Admiral Svjosloki just how much she appreciated his effort and that the rail could be replaced when we retake Earth - a chore not too far off into the future.


  Over the next day, I spent a little time with Savign whose current responsibilities would change the most. She would be leading the covert team conducting the booby trap operation. And, her forces would be relieved of reconnaissance, while they took care of that new task. We discussed her objectives and rules of engagement. And, I advised her of flexibility in the orders, despite the fact we all wished to be kept informed. Once satisfied, we sat with the others. I presented their orders and the sims. We discussed it for an hour. Zeta would be ready.

  The next two weeks saw SOCC and Epsilon performing those intensely nerve-racking practices with the aid of assigned Fleets. Again she would visit the Flight Control Bridge and park herself at the CAG's station to monitor everything first hand. She and Admiral Basi, the Epsilon-SF commander, got on well.This time everyone re-acquired the finesse quickly. They succeeded on their first tries but could have done the mining in their sleep by the end of two weeks. Then, they departed for Sol.

  As that operation progressed, the recently drafted subs were using SOCC and Epsilon -SF logs to learn the rules of the surveillance game. Liberated systems and routes within the emancipated region needed to be watched. And, potential future targets required reconnaissance. The logs showed how it had all been executed, before. They copied the new Command on all their recon reports as Beta used its thirty-two Fleets to patrol the same areas. Essentially, thirty-two Fleets and two hundred Subs patrolled the corridor that had been reclaimed.




  From:Admiral Savign Zeta - SF - SOCC Commander

  To:F. Adm. K. Brubacher Zeta HQ Commander, F. Adm. G. Bryant Epsilon, HQ Commander, F. Adm. S. Nichols Gamma HQ Commander

  C.CF. Adm. G. Tonaka Rigil HQ Commander, F. Adm. B. Stevenson Rigil HQ Commander, CIC, Adm. K. Basi Epsilon -SF Commander

  Re:Sol System

  Date:October 1, 2269


  We entered the Sol system at twelve hundred hours thirty minutes today. I am attaching images. All seems as we discussed. We will begin delivering our packages, immediately.

  Admiral Savign

  The C&C Commission studied the images carefully. Everything is as expected. But we will need to see images captured just before we jump to Sol and while we're in route. It's too soon to actually solidify the plan. We continued as usual. Offensive drills and defensive operations filled our days for now. I continued to permit rotating leaves as frequently as they could be schedule. Everyone's worked so hard over the past year and a half. I feel keeping them sharp means both training and rest.




  From:Admiral Savign Zeta - SF - SOCC Commander

  To:F. Adm. K. Brubacher Zeta HQ Commander, F. Adm. G. Bryant Epsilon, HQ Commander, F. Adm. S. Nichols Gamma HQ Com

  C.CF. Adm. G. Tonaka Rigil HQ Commander, F. Adm. B. Stevenson Rigil HQ Commander, CIC, Adm. K. Basi Epsilon -SF Commander

  Re:Sol System

  Date:October 8, 2269


  In the past week, SOCC and Epsilon -SF have delivered five hundred seventeen packages. Since another week is available to us, would you like us to hand out more prizes? I have enclosed another group of holiday pics. Please enjoy them.

  Admiral Savign

  We examined the new SOCC recon file carefully again. There are only the trivial changes from normal daily activities. Her relay of General Spark's report is appreciated. He has all hell breaking loose on the surface. The Isesinis may be occupied with him instead of watching for us. We will still require last-minute scans to lock in our final attack formation. We continued our routine activities but advised Savign to maintain the mining until October 11. She's to send the last pre-launch surveillance then and another on October 13 while we're in flight. She'll also transmit another Chris Sparks report.




  From:Admiral Savign Zeta - SF - SOCC Commander

  To:F. Adm. K. Brubacher Zeta HQ Commander, F. Adm. G. Bryant Epsilon, HQ Commander, F. Adm. S. Nichols Gamma HQ Commander

  C.CF. Adm. G. Tonaka Rigil HQ Commander, F. Adm. B. Stevenson Rigil HQ Commander, CIC, Adm. K. Basi Epsilon -SF Commander

  Re:Sol System

  Date:October 10, 2269


  SOCC and Epsilon -SF has now placed eight hundred twelve packages. Do you have any final orders? New pictures are attached.

  Admiral Savign

  We received that correspondence at two hundred hours on October 11. The surveillance images were still well within the parameters we desire, to be able to execute the primary attack choice. George initiates a conference call between all members of the C&C Commission. He wants me to send back orders to detonate six hundred fifty bombs two minutes earlier than previously directed. The extra gap is to ensure the region is empty of all the additional flying shrapnel created by the further mining.

  As mission Commander, George issues orders to jump to our staging points at nine hundred hours, today. That stop-over is one light-year from our final goal. Ships divide into their attack vectors so we can re-launch to Sol almost immediately after landing; leaving Headquarters, Reserves and Mobile Hospitals behind. The attack is scheduled for eleven hundred, Friday, October 15, 2269.


  Out the viewport of my office, from my current perch a light-year away, Sol is just another star. But, it's the brightest one in the sky, from here. However, I can observe zoom images from our sensor systems. I can even look in on our beautiful blue jewel.

  We found during the last battle with the Inscrutables that, this never works exactly as planned because of the variables involved. The trajectories of parts ejected from a group of destroyed assets near each other are impossible to accurately predict. Though much of the mess does leave the area by straight line paths, other pieces ricochet and bounce off each other and surrounding obstacles. So, when our formations enter Sol's regular space, they end up dodging thousands of flying objects on the way to their objectives.

  I am beginning to realize that the Isesinis do not conduct a lot of surveillance. And, I am wondering why. They must have done some before deciding to take the Federation and then executing the plan. But, they seem over-confident after winning the initial battles. They never seem to know we're coming. Most formations never appear to take any steps to fortify against our attacks. Something just doesn't seem right. Every time I consider it, hairs on the back of my neck rise and I get that feeling of butterflies in my stomach.

  So, Epsilon, Gamma, and Zeta forces encounter exactly what they expect. Nearly seven hundred Isesinis ships are dead or burning in the immediate vicinity of their Headquarters' Stations. There are only eight hundred and the two orbs to face the thousands streaking in on them with all weapons firing and fighters launching at an incredible rate. And, those remaining forces are pretty disoriented by sudden destruction of many of their comrades.

  Fifteen minutes after emerging, the two Zeta contingents have worked their way to their targets. Nearly half an hour is consumed destroying the grating. As they feverishly work, these forces are acutely aware of the battles to destroy or protect them. Another forty-five minutes is expended on the destruction of the six hatch latches. When the panel is finally ejected, Raptors withdraw to give the cloaked ships some space. Two torpedoes appear on pathways to the exposed garbage shafts. The subs wait as they track the course and weapon's status. The transponder drones are released in two auxiliary shafts near the goliath's center. The signals are clear. SOCC crafts back away. Frigates move in. Two missiles are fired at nearly point blank range. All OFSA units are still giving ground. There is a flash as a third of the Polyhedron blows away. The remainder recoils against its partner. Then, it begins to glow and pulse. Our forces give more ground. The detonation is an intensely brilliant flash comprised of exploding fusion, and fission reactors and annihilating stored antimatter, forcing all to protect their eyes. It takes the nearest hundred enemy craft with it to hell. But, when the brilliance dims, and smoke dissipates there is a surprise. The second one is not just wounded as predicted. It is completely disabled, dark, and severely damaged. Arcs and puffs of smoke exit several ruptures in its hull.

  On-site Commanders change orders, abruptly. All available warships are ordered in for the kill. Ammo rains down on the carcass until it finally explodes in a dazzling fission detonation.

  It is almost a full twenty-four hours before the battle's actually over. Thanks to our Covert Forces, we did not lose a ship. Eleven crafts are damaged throughout the three Commands. Thirty-seven Raptors are gone and thirty-five pilots dead. We recovered two alive. There are sixteen dead aboard the damaged vessels. And, we have suffered four hundred three injuries. But those losses are well below the five percent projection.


  Nearly a million Marines dispatched around Earth, spent almost two days ensuring it was free of all enemy forces. Sparks was already on Rigil, so Svesion led the charge himself complete with heavy armor and medium artillery. Current surveillance led him directly to many Isesinis contingents.The Royal Family was moved into their undamaged estate. Earth's Assembly was reactivated. The Royal Yacht was located. It needed some repairs. I will recover my personal craft when I can return their own to the family.

  OFSA temporary Headquarters were established, Academies were unlocked, factories restarted, and orbital shipyards reopened over the next week as an advertising blitz called for new inductees. The HQ would move back to Rigil upon its liberation. Orbital Stations were reactivated and permanent communications established with all the liberated Federation Member Planets. The King transmitted a message to the nearly one hundred billion freed citizens in the region.

  We organize a series of community events and parties. There's a lot of celebration, backslapping, and glad-handing. I was one of the Official Party that traveled down to meet with Earths President and Assembly. Salizar is an impressive man; but, Susan Sylvestry the Speaker of the House is a show stealer. She's tough, smart, street-wise and a real babe. And, from her questions, I think she is worried about Chris Sparks. Makes me wonder.

  Chapter 24 Lost and Found

  Thursday, October 14, 2269

  "Death is nothing, but to live defeated and inglorious is to die daily." Napoleon Bonaparte

  Anyone who's every lost some tiny object on a carpeted floor and hunted high and low for it only to give up; but finds it later just by accident; knows how we felt on Thursday, October 14, 2269. Early that day, we found s
omething we had already thought was gone for good.

  "Admiral Brubacher you have to see this!" The breathless Sensor Station Commander managed to say as she halted her run just inside my door. As an afterthought, she came to attention and saluted.

  "Come in Lieutenant and relax. What the hell could have gotten you so excited?" I asked.

  "It's these sensor images, sir. I think you'll want to see them." She held up a pad.

  "Grab a coffee or beverage. We'll go back to the conversation pit and link your pad to the projector. Then, you can show me."

  "Sir, I just about fell out of my chair when I realized what I was viewing." She offered as she automatically went about connecting the two devices after grabbing a coffee.

  "Watch the upper right corner of the video sir."

  She started the projector. The stamp indicated it was from our sensor ring out at the border near the zero degrees galactic terminator. The images were captured on October 9, 2269.

  As I peered at it, I saw a shadowy specter in the region she had indicated.

  "I can't really make that out."

  "No problem. I'll enhance," the Lieutenant says as she taps icons on her data pad.

  "I still can't make it out."

  "I'll zoom with auto-enhance, sir."

  The perspective brought the objects closer and cleared them as they approached.

  "Shit! That looks like one of our Supercarriers."

  "Yes, sir. And there's more."

  She shifted the picture centering the original image and capturing two more shadows in that same corner. Then, she enhanced and zoomed.

  "Damn it! That's a whole Headquarters Command. There's Four Supercarriers, two mobile hospitals and their security flotillas there!' I couldn't hide my excitement. 'Can you have our techs clear it up any more? I'd like to get a registry number. Then, we can send a message directed at a particular party?"

  "I can bring it to them and ask, sir."

  "Please, do that. And, don't be shy. Tell them it's for Fleet Admiral Brubacher. That may make them try a little harder."


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