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Righteous Reign The Series: E-version Boxed Set Edition

Page 136

by Thomas J. MacDonald

  At both locations, OFSA forces respond to the widening enemy formation by altering their tactics. Instead of streaming in from either side, they now ring the top and bottom of the enemy assemblage, continuing the crippling onslaught. All our Fleets concentrate on those enemy units forming the outer perimeter of the widened disc, while offensively-tasked Raptors launch wave after wave against those toward the center. All the while, thousands of defensive fighters protect their parent Commands and provide cover to supply vessels moving in and out to replenish ammunition being expended at a merciless rate. And through it all, communications channels are ripe with flying orders intended to direct a response to an action or take advantage of a newly perceived weakness. Some are transmitted down from Theatre Commands, but most are at Fleet, Task, and Group levels.

  These counter-moves result in multiple benefits. First, it defeats the Isesinis attempt to break the conflict into regional skirmishes. Next, it forces them back to a defensive mode and prevents them from restocking diminishing ammo. And, most readily apparent is the steadily rising increase in their rate of destruction and the decrease in damage to our ships.

  Space is thick with dusty smoke drifting between the spiraling fragments of destroyed warships - some OFSA - but most are Isesinis. Lightning-like flashes and flares from warhead detonations and exploding enemy hardware reflect eerily on all this litter creating ghostly flickering shadows and images on the remaining members of battlefield formations.

  As I watch, I realize it's not our technology as much as our tactics that provide this turn towards our favor. And it's our capacity to react logically and quickly to changing events and our ability to think and execute in a three-dimensional fashion. Though we all have our rehearsed part in this play, it must seem confusing and utterly arbitrary to our opponents. This time, we don't even have the surprise we enjoyed in previous encounters with the Isesinis. But, it appears we will prevail because of our flexibility.

  Our antagonist's reaction to our reorganization is almost instantaneous. They flee both regions. We track them back over the provisional boundary on trajectories that terminate at Epsilon Eridani. We had been expecting a sustained fight to divide our territory in two. It left us all scratching our heads in wonder. There'd been no hint included in the intelligence that they'd break so easily, and to fail and live is not an option with Governor Kos. So there must have been follow-up orders to avoid a massive loss. And, Kos must view the attack as a means to keep us in check. Cutting us in half would have been a bonus.


  On Tuesday, November 15, 2270, we begin a very remarkable Commission Meeting. It starts with the Tier Two and Three Commanders present so we can review the battle that ended a few days ago. The debriefing goes well, and we devote considerable time, effort, and discussion to analyzing our response. In the end, we agree we countered the attack fittingly. We were just late enough to remove the feeling we might have had advanced knowledge. This is important if we are to maintain the intelligence advantage and protect all our undercover forces from suspicion. Though our success is unambiguous, our losses were substantial, in the end. Epsilon and Zeta had been the first responders, this time. So, our forfeitures were higher than the others. Our combined operations suffered nearly sixty-five thousand deaths, and almost fourteen-thousand were injured or wounded. We need to replace twenty-five warships in various classes and nearly two-hundred fighters. Acceptable at a rate of four-and-a-quarter-percent of our engaged forces, the lists of casualties is still tough to bear.

  Gojen Svjosloki attended on the second and third days of the session to make a very fascinating report and an attractive proposal. His work with the Suvayeek has borne added fruit. He and his team spent some time and effort studying and analyzing our ally's cloaking technology. We have never been able to incorporate cloaking together with the shield system we now use. And, we could never use cloaking on other than covert class ships because their structures, exterior hardware, and external weapons placements create such an irregular shape. We were only able to accomplish the change to supply vessels because of their reduced weaponry. But, Gojen feels, we can enjoy invisibility and stronger protection at the same time by employing a modified version of the Suvayeek equipment. They are able both hide and protect very irregularly-contoured warships.

  It would be impossible to modify all the nearly four-thousand OFSA ships, but the Admiral is proposing we do change all SOCC subs and all Epsilon Autonomous Frigates. This would give SOCC an offensive capability they do not now enjoy and would endow the Frigates with the ability to get a complex weapons' platform into a battle-site, undetected.

  Admiral Svjosloki provided drawings, costing, and scheduling for the entire proposition and it was quickly approved as suggested.


  I booked the period from November 25 to October 13 off. Fredricka arrives Friday and will leave to return to the Rigil Campus on the following Saturday allowing us seven full days together. The three of us spent the first day traveling to Rigil. Bryant always enjoys these trips. The Lounge's expansive view-windows provide him with hours of entertainment staring into space to examine its infinite marvels.

  We spent several hours playing board games, disembarking to a shuttle on the twenty-fourth to head down to the Rigilian beaches. Fred and I spent a lot of intimate time together when Bryant was sleeping. We had a wonderful week together before shuttling her back to the campus. I stopped in to visit. Then we traveled over to Headquarters for a short stop before heading back up for the return trip to Wolf 359.

  This would be Frericka's last visit. She will finish her program with a formal graduation next weekend. Though I was to handle her final elevation on the Examiner, she will now be commissioned a Captain, at that ceremony by Fleet Admiral Tonaka and assigned as Field Public Relations Commander. Then, she returns to the Examiner - for good.

  Chapter 17 Kil Kos

  Wednesday, May 3, 2271

  "Only the winners decide what were war crimes." Gary Willis

  "Are you okay, old friend?" Res asks Kos in response to his pointless tirade.

  "I'm sorry, Res. I know I'm nasty, right now. It's that idiotic Federation Military outfit."

  "What do you mean, Kos?"

  "I know they're up to something. They're a sneaky bunch - pretty good tacticians and worthy opponents."

  "Do you think they're plotting again?

  "I'm not sure, Res. We are pretty confident they're heading for what they call 37 Gemini, 83 Leo, and Delta Pavonis. But, something doesn't seem quite right. They formed up for the first two. And there was a formation already in position to land at the third system on the same date as the others. But, we lost them when they jumped out. We're not sure where they actually went. Then, there are the seventy-two Frigates that disappeared. We don't know where they are. And, Chan's made us aware of those invisible ships they call Subs. We never identify where any of those ones are. I'm just uneasy about the whole thing." Kos explains to Res who is the only person he can bare his soul to.

  "Maybe you're just tired and need a break."

  "I can't!' The Kil snapped, then added in a softer tone. "Sorry. But, the last time I took a breather my deputy died. The two of you are my only real friends. I could not lose you, too." Kos' concern was genuine.

  "You can't concern yourself about that. We're all soldiers and prepared to die, anytime. You need a break. Don't worry. I'll be okay."

  "What if I went home for six weeks. If I travel at maximum, it'll give me ten days on the planet. I could spend some time relaxing and a day or two with the Emperor. I need to see him personally, anyway. I have to twist his arm - threaten action from the opposing houses. We aren't getting enough support."

  "I'll be fine, Kos. You need a rest, and you have to attend to your political responsibilities.
" Mes counseled.

  "Okay, I'll leave in the morning."

  "Give the Emperor my regards, please. And, try to enjoy some of the time."

  "I will."

  The two men parted company. Res went to the central office to check duty rosters, departmental summaries, and deployment tactical reports. He wanted to hit the ground running the next morning.

  Meanwhile, Kos returned to his quarters to prepare orders and pack for the trip.


  On the morning of the nineteenth, Kos was aboard a cruiser orbiting 15 Sagitta. He is always comfortable aboard these sleek tear-drop-shaped vessels. They are the height of efficiency requiring only five hundred thirty crew to pack a punch equal or better than any opponent they'd met so far. Despite that, they have very generous and relaxing quarters for General Officers and some enjoyable diversions. And, he'd spent a great deal of his career on these and the Carriers before he was promoted to Dac Kil ten years ago. From then on, he was always aboard the giant Base Stations unless traveling.

  The Kil was looking forward to reaching home. Aside from official functions, it is always a time to walk around freely without the cumbersome armor that all Isesinis military wear like a uniform. That shell provides both protection and the illusion of imposing ferocity to his ordinarily diminutive minions. But in his case, it only serves as a security shell. And reaching the planetary capital always means he'll be able to attend a Zaltka tournament. This is a series of gladiatorial competitions where captured enemies and criminals engage in gory, violent death matches employing ancient throwing, hacking and stabbing weapons.

  Kos is from the Yalobaga, a once-isolated-tribe of fierce warriors that inhabit a string of equatorial islands off the southern coast of Isesin's expansive, single continent. With the exception of their pug-faced appearance and cranial ridge, they are similar to their Orion Federation humanoid opponents, though some are more robust than an average hominid. And, as a sub-class, they have been gifted with more powerful intellects than their cousins from other genus on their world.

  The Kil draws attention when he walks the streets of most major cities on Isesin. Tall and powerful he is fair and nearly blonde appearing much less swarthy than most of his compatriots. And, his regal - almost arrogant bearing and erect militaristic posture only add to the sense of leadership he emanates. He commands respect wherever he goes whether in or out of the rigid martial attire and draws the crowds of a celebrity.

  Since it is not the custom of his people to attach appellations to inanimate objects, the Cruiser has a registry number but no name. It is one of the seventy-five hundred throughout the fifteen regional commands under his authority. And for this trip, it will use the older "Jump Technology" to ferry the Kil to Isesin. The faster more-contemporary FTL technology poses too great a risk to transport one of the two most significant leaders of the Isesinis military. From 15 Sagitta, the journey to Eta Pegasus is just over one hundred eighty-three light-years. At forty percent of superluminal in its vortex, the ship will complete each leg of the trip in a little over sixteen days permitting Kos ten days on the surface. He will need a recovery day or two to compensate for dilation, so he sends a request to the Emperor for a visit on May 24.

  Then, the Kil strips off his exoskeleton, showers, and changes. He will relax in a textile uniform for the majority of this excursion.

  Chapter 18 A Big Wet Kiss

  Saturday, May 6, 2271

  "Success is where preparation and opportunity meet." Bobby Unser

  ""Admiral Naabaahii, you have done a magnificent service for your people, and we are grateful. We wish to show our gratitude to you.' King David spoke to the man in front of an extended Commission meeting that included all the Tier One and Two Commanders, General Svesion and General Sparks.

  'A long time ago you led a revolt that caused my father pronounced consternation. Out of loyalty, you once made a blunder that you paid a high price for. And, we all see it as that - a mistake! So, I am going to make a proposal to you.

  First, by order of the CIC, I will grant you full exoneration and purge the record of your crime and your incarceration. I am not speaking of a pardon but the elimination of the account of your conviction and imprisonment. It will appear as if the incident and its consequences never happened. Next, we will restore you to service. But, if you accept, you will be transferred to the Marines and granted the level-eight rank of Major General. You will have your choice of working within either the Analysis unit or in charge of a Brigade of Field Agents for General Sparks. He has expressed his belief in your loyalty and his faith in your ability and value. And, we will grant you back pay at the Level Eight field rate for all the years you were imprisoned. Finally, your OFSA personnel file will be wiped clean and amended to show a transfer to the Marines on the date of your arrest and service for the years since, at the new rank. In short, you will be able to make this new career reach whatever heights you aim for.

  I assume you've had time to consider the actions that led to your fall. And, that you would never act rashly again. I believe you would now have the wisdom to allow our internal events to work themselves out, as they always have. I know you only acted as a patriot.

  Do you need some time to consider the offer?"

  "No, Your Majesty. I accept, with thanks. And, I'd like to add that I will not disappoint you, again. I will try to make you all proud you made this decision."

  "General Sparks!" David barked.

  Sparks came forward. He and Naabaahii spoke quietly for a few moments. Chris tapped on his datapad. Then, he forwarded documents to all the C&C and King David. They examined them and keyed the appropriate icons on their devices before returning the orders. After that, Chris conducted the ceremonies inducting Naabaahii into the Marines, elevating the new soldier to Major General, and assigning him duty in charge of active Field Agents.

  "You're out of uniform, Major General. I am granting you week's leave on Rigil. I'd like to make it longer, after what you've been through, but we need you. So, I expect you in my doorway, rested, and in full uniform, in a week."

  "Aye, sir!" The Major General responded as he snapped to attention. He did not salute because he was in civilian clothes.

  "May I be excused?" He directed at the King.

  "You're dismissed!" David snapped.

  General Naabaahii was quickly followed by Svesion, Sparks, and several Admirals as he quickly exited the room.

  "Congratulations, General!' A familiar voice bellowed from behind him. It was Tso Shah who appeared to be genuinely pleased. 'It's great to see you again." He held out his hand as the others congregated around the new General. They spent half an hour together. Then he, Sparks and Svesion went to the pub. They each ordered a beverage and talked for a few minutes. Chris forwarded a pass and his transport authorization when it was time to break up the gathering. Finally, Svesion handed him his Zeta - ISIE credit card.

  "You'll need this. We'll cover your vacation, and you'll want your new uniforms. You're authorized for the full complement of daily, mess, and dress ones fully tailored, along with all the necessary accessories and underclothes. So, enjoy your trip to Banerjee's. He has the requisition. And, I'd like to welcome you aboard, General Naabaahii." He said with a wide smile as he extended his right hand.

  "Thank you for your faith, sir. And thanks for this." Nabby responded as he raised his pad and the credit card. "And, please call me Nabby. It was a nickname given to me while I was undercover. Though I don't much like any of those people I dealt with, I kind of appreciated the handle. Everyone has so much trouble with my real name."

  They chatted a while longer, then they all rose and left the pub.


  When the Commission session resumed after lunch, only the C&C, their COS, and some Deputies were in attendance. None of the extras pr
esent in Naabaahii's restoration were needed.

  I shanghaied the meeting for intelligence purposes.

  "What is it, Admiral?" Grace sounded a bit annoyed at my tactic.

  "I have an intelligence report that needs to be presented before we discuss impending actions. Depending on how it's received, it may force us to change some decisions."

  "Go ahead. The floor is yours."

  "I have a report from the Suvayeek at 15 Sagitta. It is verified by the FSS Nautica. It's the sub watching the GPHC that's parked there.

  They are both recounting the departure of a Cruiser headed for Eta Pegasus. This is unusual in its own right. In two years, most travel between those two locations has been by supply ships. The only exception was the last time we monitored Kil Kos leaving when we dispatched his deputy. That wouldn't be enough by itself, but the sub was in the Base Station's Hangar and saw the Kil board the Cruiser." I explained

  "George, the balls in your court." Grace barked.

  "I don't think that account changes anything. We'll still be able to deal with Kos whichever location he's at. This is the plan for the upcoming events.' George explained as he raised a very thick bound brief from the table. 'It is eight hundred pages. But it's laid out by responsibilities in order of Command. It is sectioned into Beta, Gamma, Delta, SOCC, Epsilon and Zeta parts. So, you only need to examine the elements reflecting your operations. But, I do recommend you read the rest. I'm sending it to your pads, right now.

  It was prepared from a basic concept and modified with input from all of us. So, I presume it will be satisfactory to everyone. But, if you do find an issue, please direct your concerns to me immediately, bearing in mind there are some changes I made for tactical reasons.


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