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Righteous Reign The Series: E-version Boxed Set Edition

Page 137

by Thomas J. MacDonald

  Once you're satisfied, send your acceptance to me and issue all your orders to any subordinate Commands you want to control directly. You will receive one update before launch date. Very late on the twenty-fifth, I will send you each a report on the diversionary bombings. Just in case we don't get a chance to meet again - Good Luck Everyone." All our annunciators chimed as Admiral Bryant finished his presentation.


  As a student of tactics, I did study the entire battle plan, carefully. It was a complicated but ingenious combination of moves and assaults designed to confuse, disrupt, and eliminate our opponents. Epsilon's part was especially grueling. Though Gamma would aid in some confrontations and SOCC in all of them, Epsilon would bear the brunt of two separate arms of the strike and even assist Zeta in our endeavor. And George had enlisted Admiral Savign to do her usual thorough work preparing the enemy for the assault - or priming their ships, as he referred to the mining action.

  Intelligence reports showed that SOCC subs, Suvayeek warships, and Federation observation platforms had tracked Dac Kil Res back to his base command at Epsilon Eridani. But, no one was actually sure of Kil Kos location. But whether he was home or on his station, everyone was where they should be.




  ENCRYPTED - Authentication Root I.D. ZETA-2292XS431*&

  From:F. Admiral K. Brubacher Commander Zeta Headquarters

  To:Admiral G. Astinov Commander Zeta-1, Admiral Urquhart Commander Zeta-2

  C.C.All C&C Commission Members

  Re:Coming Action Plan # CC-1345987

  Date:May 7, 2271


  You are ordered and required to execute the following.

  Refer to the plan listed above for the Zeta Operations included.

  Check SOCC reports for the current disposition of enemy forces at the Zeta target location.

  Together, divide your Commands into the required assault arms as previously agreed.

  Issue orders concerning each sub-division of Theater Units under your individual controls to achieve the tactics, goals, and results indicated in the above-listed Action Plan.

  Have all deployments launch from Wolf 359 at a velocity to arrive at their assigned destinations in time for a single rest day before the attack date specified in the scheme.

  Reserves specified in the blueprint will be held at your stop-over point with all HQ Commands, Mobile Hospital Commands, and their accompanying security flotillas.

  Maintain a constant link with the Examiner and Interrogator throughout the strike.

  Report status of all divisions and departments along with battle assessments once every fifteen minutes via the direct network.

  Report casualties, deaths, and hardware losses continually using your communications connection.

  F. Adm. Kurt Brubacher.

  Though most of our orders were transmitted only along their respective lines, George had the courtesy of sending me a copy of his directives to Admiral Laft and his subsequent orders to his subordinates. Half of Vice Admiral Boet's covert Autonomous Frigate Fleet would be accompanying us to our destination and would aid in the destruction of the Polyhedron. The other half of that Fleet would join SOCC forces at Sol Vector 340.70º x 30.20º at 51.509 parsecs, for an exceptional project the day before the other strikes.

  Over the rest of the day, I was copied on a flood of orders issued by all the Commands down the line. Tier 2 directed their Tier Three operations who commanded their Fleets who dictated to their Task Forces who passed the most detailed instruction to their Group Commanders. Even the mandates they gave their ships were echoed to my system. And all ships were ordered to join a common communications link for the duration of all actions. So, even individual ships' tactics will be accessible to me. Though I wouldn't interfere and would always use the chain of command, I would be able to monitor everything.

  Those of us from Zeta Command still at Wolf 359 left to join the rest of our Command at 61 Virgo, immediately. It's a distance of almost twenty-three light-years. We'd arrive late May 11, traveling at twenty percent of C in our vortices. The jump to 82 Eridani would be made from there. That journey of almost twelve and a third parsecs would consume another week at point two of superluminal. So, we'd leave the 61 Virgo staging area early May 18 to arrive a light-year and a half from our target in time for a day's rest there. But, that all shouldn't be too apparent. The diversion should be impressive enough to draw Isesinis attention.


  While we're in transit before a battle, there's little I can do. Most of my duties involve directing forces to new assignments and monitoring results. But, all my Commands are currently engaged in executing my previously issued orders. And, I won't have anything to monitor for a while. Aside from a little administration and housekeeping, there's very little to occupy me. So, rather than sitting around worrying about the coming confrontation, I decided to spend the trip with my family. It's no problem for Fred. Her daily briefings are canceled. There is always a press blackout around significant actions.


  Vice Admiral Boets and his fleet of eighteen covert Frigates joined Admiral Korgos Basi and his SOCC contingent at the position at Sol vector 340.70º x 30.20º distance 51.509 parsecs on May 15. Basi is Savigne's Deputy Commander. She'd dispatched him with the Fleet of subs run by Vice Admiral Kononga to oversee the entire positional objective. Boets reported to Basi aboard the FSS Challenger fifteen minutes after arriving. The two ships docked under cloak to avoid being spotted. Basi decided to temporarily move his pennant to the FSS Chicago also being used by Boets as his flagship. The two would run the joint operation from there.

  Basi asked Boets to have the Chicago moved to a position inside the Eta Pegasus system so they could view the activity around the inhabited planet there.

  "You won't believe what we're facing here.' He said as the ship crept up to the globe around a hundred million miles from its central star. 'There's so much traffic that can't see us, that avoiding crafts dropping into an orbital path is a major consideration. Since they're blind to us, many have tried to settle right on top of some of our subs.

  Boets could see a vast assortment of ships.

  "There are two circling multi-bay space assembly yards, a pair of the GPHC units and a couple of dozen warships in orbit here. The Frigates' paths are synchronized with each other. They essentially form an impenetrable web around this world. My subs have been moving in and out of here, covertly priming this nest for the coming action. Fifteen minutes before our assault, they will detonate the whole shebang. We should only have to do some cleanup before executing our orders. And, there's a lot of traffic. Tons of civilian shuttles and what seems like a merchant fleet drop into stationary orbits every day. And there are dozens of Fleets of military vessels within ten parsecs of here. I have individual subs monitoring each for unusual movement. I estimate we'll have under three-hours to conduct our duties, here." He finished as Boets watched all the space traffic through the view-window and on the main screen.

  "So, you've mined the big Bases and all the Cruisers?"

  "Yes, and the shipyards, too. We don't want them replacing losses too quickly." Basi explained to Boets.

  "So, there'll be a lot of debris flying around, when we land."

  "Uh-huh. But, that's why the fifteen minutes. It's not really long enough, but it's all the time we can risk. Hopefully, everything will be disbursed or have settled into a trajectory we can track by then."

  "Our shields should withstand hits from the shrapnel. And, the subs should too, with their recent upgrades. All I'm worried about is that st
uff deflecting off of us makes us targetable." Boets offered.

  "I agree. But we have to chance it. So, the plan is that I'll press the button detonating all the mines at five hundred forty-five hours. We'll jump to exit here at five hundred hours fifty-five minutes. We'll have five minutes to secure positions safe from debris. At six hundred, we'll all decloak so they can see the thirty battleships surrounding their planet. We'll each fire two volleys, recloak and move to positions fifteen hundred miles east of the first ones. Then, we'll decloak again and fire two more salvos. We'll all re-establish our veils and move to new locations five hundred miles west of the second ones. We will remain cloaked as we bombard the planet until we expend seventy-five percent of stocked ammo. Four covert supply ships will restock us for the trip home. They're at the staging point, now."

  "Can you send me all the Frigates' positions?"

  "It's not necessary. The biggest and most important installations and population centers are in the northern hemisphere. SOCC will stay south of the Equator and Epsilon will remain north. You can assign your people their original firing points. You're a big boy, Boets. And, I hear your damn good. I'm sure you don't need or want me holding your hand." Basi joked with a smile.

  "Thank you, sir. Shall we head back?"

  "Sure. I'd like to make it in time for supper."

  "You're welcome here, sir. We have much more elaborate galleys and a Flag Mess. We can have a nice dinner and a little wine with the entire senior Command if you'd like."

  "That's a terrific idea, Admiral. Let's invite the rest and get back so we can throw this little shindig." Basi joked lightly.

  Admiral Boets sent out memos to his two Task Force Commanders and his squad Commanders. He also transmitted invitations to Basi's Fleet Commander, Task Force Commanders, and Pack Leaders. They were all to meet their two bosses aboard the Chicago when it returned. He did not typically use the small Flag Mess. He usually preferred the noise of the Officers' dining area. So, he forwarded a memo to the galley and the service staff that there'd be a dinner in that FSS Chicago Flag Dining Hall starting at eighteen hundred. They were to expect up to twenty attendees.

  Boets enjoyed Basi's company so much he failed to monitor the amount of food he was eating. When the evening was over, he felt bloated and distended. But, it had gone well, and his new association was good enough to call a blossoming friendship. He was impressed with the SOCC operation. Vice Admiral Kononga commanded seventy units, though only fifty-two are at the staging area. The other eighteen are scattered about the region monitoring enemy formations. And, SOCC has dropped a lot of the new relays within this region. So, he can communicate with and supervise the remote ships' signals nearly instantaneously. "You really have your shit together, gentlemen.' He'd observed admiringly as their party was breaking up. 'I am impressed with your operation and all you've accomplished here." He added.

  "Thank you, Admiral." The two responded in harmony. Then, all but Basi made their way to the docking ports and departed. Basi occupied his new temporary quarters.


  "Did you sleep well?" The Vice Admiral asked Admiral Basi when he arrived in the Officers' Mess at six-hundred.

  "Very. The quarters seem sumptuous compared to that sub. I'll need an office, too. Have you been here long?" He signaled he was referring to the Mess Hall.

  "No problem, Admiral. The Frigates and Cruisers are all equipped with three Flag offices. That was established in case a Carrier is disabled, but the Command is intact. On most, they are inactive. But, we use a couple in particular ships within Epsilon's Autonomous Group. There's still one available here. So, I took the liberty of having your gear sent over and moved into it. Your name is even on the door." Boets explained.

  "When the hell did you get the time for that?" Basi sounded surprised.

  "I was up at four hundred hours thirty minutes, so I organized the orders for your stay, first. Then, I cleaned up and dressed and arrived here ten minutes before you. I recommend the omelets. This chef is great with them." Boets suggested.

  "Thanks. I'll try one. And, thanks for the early service. You're a real go-getter."

  The two men enjoyed a great breakfast and conversation together.


  When we arrived at 61 Virgo on the eleventh and with nearly a week to rest, I decided we should place the Examiner in a synchronous orbit of Alpia. That's the name the humanoids who inhabit the planet have given it. We decided to call them Alphans when we met. And, the name stuck even with them. Before that, they just referred to their species as what we interpreted to be "The People." They are rather diminutive in stature. The tallest male stands almost one hundred sixty-eight centimeters. But, they are gristly, fierce, and proud, with a culture heavily immersed in martial arts and military service. Though they're usually good-natured, you don't want to rub one the wrong way.

  The system is very atypical. Its yellow star is a little dimmer and smaller than Sol. A very dusty, dirty and rocky ring revolves around it with three planets orbiting in close, hot trajectories. But Alpia circles in a nearly round orbit at a distance of one hundred thirty million kilometers making it a warm, green, water-rich world. It boasts many of the most exceptional recreational playgrounds in the entire Orion Federation.

  So, I grant rotating leaves to all Zeta personnel over the next six days. Then, I head down with Fred and Bryant in tow. El schedules everyone's departures, so all get their fair share of time.

  I've never visited this world so, I am shocked when we reach the recommended beach. Long sandy shorelines border a cool, clear lake. And, water rides, glides, and slides are available all along an extended section of the coast. Clumps of cozy, comfortable, furnished, and fully stocked cottages form small communities along the shore. By the time the dust settles, we end up with OFSA personnel as neighbors on either side of our bungalow.

  Over the next four days, we get too much sun and fun and host four barbecues and parties open to all Zeta members. At each, I pull out all the stops. The Examiner, Inquisitor, and all the Tier Two and Three personal Chefs take turns working in groups at each one. The final one includes roasting a pig and three large prime ribs to go along with barbecued shrimp and lobster tail. At each, endless bars with alcoholic and soft refreshments from all over the Federation are open to all. In the end, it is one of the most memorable times we've ever experienced and requires a full day aboard the Examiner for recovery. I am glad it's still twenty-four hours until we leave. And, I'm happy it'll take a week to get to the skirmish. By then, everyone will be concentrating on their responsibilities and not distracted by the good times their remembering.

  I wonder about Epsilon HQ. I'm sure George would have held the same kind of events on Rigil during their break. He and his COS Tahu Moahu are the masters of good times. They really know how to throw a party.


  George, Marie, and Atina have taken a suite at the New Okeechobee Heavenly Haven, a sprawling three hundred fifty unit resort complex on the southwest shore of the expansive lake just north of where the New Mississipi River empties into it. Epsilon Command has contracted all the available space in it and six smaller hotels and cottage campuses within three kilometers on either side of Heavenly Haven. And, Moe has engaged the services of the Haven's restaurant to host eight barbecues over the next four days for all the Epsilon personnel.

  The Bryant's apartment is situated almost in the middle of the edifice on the bottom floor with quick access to both the beaches and the expansive hotel patio. The six-room unit offers comfort and privacy. Tom Stevens and his wife of ten years, Anita are right next door. And, Moe and the Tier Two Commanders are on either side of Tom's and George's rooms. So, there'll be a lot of poker playing in the "quiet times" between scheduled even

  After checking on all the supper and dinner arrangements with Moe, Admiral Bryant and his family headed out for a day of hot sun and revitalizing water recreation. Between the outdoors' activities and the eight parties he'll host, George expects to be exhausted when he returns to the Valhalla in five days. But, there'll be time to rest before departure and during the trip to 15 Sagitta.

  By the early morning of May 18, all of Epsilon Command had returned to their respective ships. Most people displayed at least a modest tan and seemed rested and happy. Orders were confirmed and reissued down the line. At nine hundred hours, the entire force jumped out.

  Chapter 19 A Slight Hitch

  Sunday, May 21, 2271

  "Whether your having setbacks or not, the role of a leader is to display a winning attitude." Colin Powell

  From their position on the bridge of the FSS Chicago, Vice Admiral Boets and Admiral Basi observe the Isesinis Cruiser as it re-enters standard space just outside the Eta Pegasus system and cruises at relatively high speed to an orbital position at the enemy homeworld. When the sensor station first reported the detection of a vortex termination and the formation of its threshold, Basi requested that the Navigation Station determine its origin. The Nav-Com informed him the flight launch point was most likely 15 Sagitta since it is the only inhabited stellar system on that trajectory. Both Flag Officers were convinced it was the ship they'd been advised was on the way carrying Kil Kos.

  They tracked it carefully from their invisible perch, as it slowed and dropped into a synchronous path. By the transponder identification icons on the main screen, it looked like the Cruiser almost landed on top of the Resolute. An hour later, a shuttle departed for the planet. Both men believed it carried the Kil, though they couldn't be absolutely confident of that assumption.


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