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Mercury Decending (Mercury Black Authority Book 3)

Page 32

by Finian Blake

  “How many clients are you going to invite?” Margarita was interested.

  “We have ten to sixteen clients that have a good supply of cash and a taste for sadistic entertainment with some of them even disgusting me. We can have an auction and let our men have their way with those that do not sell. The whole inventory looks worn and old. We are going to snuff Nadia, Anna and the two that I told you about.” Valentina said it, as if she were planning a bake sale. Margarita was intrigued. She was an accountant at heart too.

  “How much do you think that the party will net?”

  “The babies will bring two hundred fifty thousand, the auction should bring somewhere over a hundred thousand and a triple snuff film will bring another hundred thousand. There will also be a separate auction for the rights to perform the snuffs. We just bought two professional video cameras so we can have live sound with the pictures. We are charging a $5,000 admission per person. I figure that we should be able to net around $400,000 total sales for the whole thing.”

  “I was planning on a costume party.” Valentina laughed out loud. “We are going to make it a theme party for ‘pimps and whores’. Halloween is in two weeks and this will fit in perfectly, trick or treat. They get the trick and we get the treat.”

  Margarita was captivated, “That is unbelievable. You did say net, not gross profit, didn’t you?”

  Valentina was enthused by the prospects, “Yes, the video cameras were expensive, but we do not have to worry about development. We can make as many copies as we want right here. Video is the future of porn. We can shoot the movies as we choose with all of the scenes that we had to cut before. We can be as nasty as we want to be and that will up the price that we can charge for a movie. Mistress Pain is coming so the screams will all be recorded. The house is sound proof. Those screams and pitiful protests are what sell.”

  “What about Dennis and Tanya?”

  “There are only two girls left over there and they are not doing too well. They look like shit. One miscarried and will probably die anyway even if we get her a doctor which will not be the case. The others look completely used up nobody will pay to watch a half dead hooker die. Both are around twenty and not drawing any interest. I believe that we will take a loss on them. Victor and Denis will dispose of any merchandise that does not move at auction. The stable is less than half full so Tanya and I will have to do some replenishing after the party.

  I want to get rid of all of the merchandise useless or not. There seems to be an abundance of young runaways on the street. We should be able to come up with fresh meat within a few weeks. With all of the girls in one dorm we can use Linda and Roxanne to give Petra and Ludmilla a rest and fumigate. The smells from the dormitories is starting to come up through the house.” Valentina said it as if she were discussing sweeping out the pantry. “We will double our price with something young and fresh. I don’t want the new merchandise being contaminated by the old stuff.”

  Alice started to stir. Petra leaned over and slapped her awake. Alice’s first sensation was a chill since she only had on her bra and panty moaning as she wiggled her feet. Alice tried to cover herself. She was surprised that she could move her hands. Petra slapped her hands hard several times.

  “We will look at what we want to look at and you will not try to hide yourself.” Petra painfully lifted Alice to her feet by her hair. Victor looked at Alice.

  “Petra is in charge while you are here. Her only restriction is that she is not to mark you. I suggest that you not piss her off. Petra is very talented and she can cause a lot of pain without leaving a mark.” A look of recognition came over Alice’s face. She remembered Petra from her visits to Victor’s command. Petra and Ivan administered punishment at the base and were well known for their brutality.

  “What about Ivan?” Petra turned Alice’s head using her hair until she came face to face with a smiling Ivan.

  “Your old friend Ivan is here too. We are going to the dormitory. I will explain the rules as we go.” Petra led her off by the hair, “You will not attempt to cover yourself. If you do you will receive five lashes. When you are given an order you will comply without question, or you will receive five lashes. You will never use the word no or you will receive five lashes and you will thank me for every lash or that lash will not count. If you try to run, we will cane your feet until they bleed and lock the shoes on you again. If you ever raise your hand against me, I will lash you until I can’t lift my arm and you will look like a Zebra when I am finished.” When they entered the apartment Alice looked around. It was neat and well ordered. There was a selection of whips and canes on one wall and a selection of restraints on another wall. There was one king size bed in it, but there was a smell of damp earth about the room. Petra guided Alice through to the dormitory using her hair. They went through the door at the back of the apartment into the dorm.

  There was a damp smell in the room. The toilet was open to the room with no dividers between the stools or the showers with two sinks hung on the wall. No wall separated the toilet from the rest of the room. The whole setup denied any hint of privacy. There were five steel frame beds on each side of the room bolted to the floor and a long heavy wooden table was positioned down the center of the room. Petra pointed to the bunk nearest to the toilet bowl.

  “This is your bed. You will be shackled to the bed after ten, just like all of the rest of the cows.” She pointed to the other girls. “Everybody be good cows and moo for Alice.” All of the girls started mooing without hesitation not wanting to incur Petra’s wrath each girl there had a chain on her ankle. “We will release you for the day so that you can work. All of the girls do house work. The laundry is down here in the dorm. You will do laundry for everyone.”

  “Victor said that you were not to mark me.” Alice had to ask the big question, “Are you going to disobey him?”

  Petra gave Alice a wicked smile, “I have thought of that.” She dragged a young girl who might have been fourteen, dressed in a white negligee wearing white leather restraints on her wrists, sitting her next to Alice at the table. The girl had a youthful sweet face surrounded by fine brown hair with wide blue eyes her name was Tina. The one thing that Alice noticed was that Tina’s breasts were remarkably large for a girl of that age. “We give them all hormones so that they will lactate. Look around you every cow here is a milk cow, even Tina. Petra pushed her up to Alice. Petra put the girls bound wrists over Alice’s neck.

  “I was not bad.” The girl was hysterically mumbling. “I am a good girl. I would never disobey you.” Petra gave her a long kiss.

  “Alice was bad and every time she is bad you get her lashes.” Petra looked at Alice. “Tina will take your punishment every time you disobey a rule and we will administer the punishment just like this.” Petra administered one stroke. Alice saw Tina’s soft blue eyes go wide when the lash landed. She emitted a howl in Alice’s face with tears streaming down her face.

  “Thank you, Matron.”

  “They are Alice’s lashes and she must thank me not you. That first one does not count.” Alice thanked Petra for each of the five lashes. Tina’s knees buckled after the third lash and her full weight was on the back of Alice’s neck by the time that Petra was finished. Petra was not swinging the lash with much force since Tina was her favorite. The only reason that Petra picked Tina was that she could not take pain and she cried pitifully even at the thought of being lashed. Petra used Tina as her body slave and Tina slept at the foot of her bed preforming any intimate grooming that Petra required.

  Anna decided to call Victor. He had said that Alice would not be in town until tonight. She was surprised to find that she was there.

  “We have your daughter. Do you have your end?”

  “I want to speak to her?”

  “I will have Petra put her on the line.”

  “You mean Petra from your base in Afghanistan.”

  “Yes Petra and Ivan is here too. You have seen them work so I don’t have to explain what wil
l happen if you don’t come through.” Victor could tell that his announcement had its desired effect. Both Ivan and Petra were in charge of administering punishment at Victor’s base and they really enjoyed their work. “Do you want to talk to me, or Alice?”

  “Put Alice on the line.” After a minute Alice started to talk.

  “Anna, Margarita…” Petra wrenched the phone from her hand.

  “Alice broke the rules and she can’t talk anymore.” Anna was totally upset.

  “Victor I want to speak to my daughter.”

  “Petra is in charge and you know that was Alice. I have her and she is alive until we finish with her that is all we need to verify. I will take your word that Nadia and Seraphina are with you. We will now set up a meet.”

  “Tell me where you’re at and I will deliver my end.”

  Victor laughed at the bait, “I will have someone meet you and drive you to my location. If you call the cops, Alice will suffer.”

  “What do you suggest?”

  “We will meet you in the Grant Park underground parking, and you can drive with us.”

  “I want some guarantees that you will keep your word.” Victor was enjoying himself.

  “Are you telling me that I should put your daughter to work? Ivan was hoping that you would say that. He personally volunteered to break her. In Pakistan it was your time to laugh. Now it is my turn. Be in the Michigan Avenue entrance of the Grant Park Underground at six PM sharp with Nadia and Seraphina. Look for a white Econoline van. I will send Margarita. If you do anything to her Alice will entertain Petra and Ivan until they are exhausted which should be a day or so.” Anna really needed to hear Alice’s voice.

  “I need to talk to Alice.”

  “Alice broke the rules. If you break the rules Alice will suffer. Petra and Ivan have not had any recreation for a long time now. I can turn them loose and tell them to use their imagination. You know how they can be at times.”

  “Alright, we will meet at six PM at the underground.”

  “You will not have anyone follow the van or…”

  “Alice will suffer.” Anna went into a silent rage as Victor broke the connection with Francesca trying to calm her. Anna waited to hear the dial tone before speaking to anybody in the room. “That bastard has his crew from Afghanistan both Ivan and Petra are with him.” Nadia and Angela did not like the sound of that news.

  Angela and Suki went shopping for their equipment. It took a few calls from Wanda to come up with the required materials. Grace went with Noah to pick up a police uniform. Roger and Ralph flew in on Everywhere Air with the extra materials. At least they would have all of the materials that they needed. With Tony’s connections they could put their hands on anything that they needed. Everything in their assault kit was Russian since they saved most of the equipment from Victor’s assault team.

  Roger and Ralph went to Palwaukee to check out the Twin Otters they were pleasantly surprised to find out that the other pilots names were Frank. Ralph knew both of the Franks from their work together in Cambodia, Iran and Nicaragua. They walked in the hangar to find two three hundred pound weights and two forty foot lengths of heavy chain being loaded by Rich. The chain was bolted to the weight at the mid-point of the chain. The weight was positioned at the door of each aircraft. Nobody could understand why Rich wanted five hundred pounds of chain and weight on each of the planes. They did a full check of both the log books ordering every item fixed. Brent and Tom met them at the hangar.

  They cut some of the rolls of detonator chord to fifty foot lengths for their demolition kit with Mark making it a point to use the Russian detonator cord. The other charges were also of Russian manufacture. There was a pack set for each utility stack and the roof above the stack. There were also two reserve packs that split the remainder of the cord in half. They would wrap any accessible supports in the basement with it. The doors on each floor would be blown off the hinges to form a wind tunnel for the fire. Each of the attack vans had a 100-gallon tank with a high volume pump on it. The pump would pump one hundred gallons of diesel up to the third floor and down the utility stacks in ten minutes. They had a rough location for each building’s gas main. The idea was to have each building fully involved with in minutes. With the detonator cord plus the hundred gallons of diesel fuel, the fire department could be squirting water on the building at the time the fire started, and still have no chance of putting it out. The first target would be Dennis and Tanya’s place. The team wanted to have it swept and ready to blow before Anna reached Victors. Five minutes after they were in the door, Mark would secure the garage at Victor’s place. Brent would wait in Dennis’s garage for Tony’s two assholes to show up with the transportation.

  Suki and Angela scored with what they needed. They purchased two dark green blazers, two green and white plaid pleated wool skirts, two white linen blouses and two identical pair of black patent leather flat shoes. They found two used backpacks at the Goodwill Store and a trip to the second hand store produced a pink Schwinn girls bicycle. Wanda bought some pink hand grips with long streamers. Their final run was to the girl’s department at Target looking for some pink ruffled panties and white tights. The girls did not elaborate why they needed any of these items. Alex found the magic shop that he was looking for purchasing magician’s handcuffs and flash paper.

  The ‘Old Men’ started working over the weapons which consisted of here silenced Makarov pistols, two 32 Berretta pistols and one silenced 38 for Anna. Five AK seventy fours and a Dragunov sniper rifle for each outside team. Suki and Angela each had a silenced Makarov pistol for their backpacks. Tom checked all of the weapons twice. Except for the 38 all of the weapons would operate perfectly. Tom loaded the 38 with special blanks. The slugs were in the rounds, but there was no powder in the brass or the primer caps so that the bullets looked like regular rounds to the eye. Each person took two sets of hand cuffs. Anna had three sets that Alex had purchased for her at the magic shop. She split her medical kit between her and Sarah. Brent and Ryan each had a bag with thirty sets of Russian manufacture hand cuff and leg iron combinations. Tom tested the pumps for the fuel tanks and examined the vehicles for any sign of trouble. Mark did the first check and Frank did the second check. Each man then checked the other one’s work so that nothing was left to chance.



  Friday morning Margarita and Valentina were sitting on the front porch of Victor’s six flat looking for any sign of police surveillance. The street looked as quiet as any other neighborhood, so they took a walk around the block finding no sign of police cars marked or unmarked. They walked slowly down the street a second time arm and arm looking in the windows of the houses for any surveillance. They walked back around the block in the opposite direction checking the opposite side of the street with the same result. The only people that they could see were two young women on the porch of the apartment building next door looking up and down the street. Valentina and Margarita sat on the front stairs watching them pace up and down looking at the white van parked in front of the six flat.

  “How do you propose to restock your operation,” Margarita asked.

  “I keep my eyes open for opportunities.” They watched the two women walk to the porch of the building next door and back out to the curb. They appeared to be twins. They walked down to the alley and a few houses down the block in the other direction. They were identically dressed in light spring jackets, loose blouses, stretch pants and low heeled ankle boots. Valentina decided they had quite good bodies. “I’ll bet I can get them to the party.”

  “You mean as one of the guests?”

  “I mean as the center of attraction.” Valentina called out to the closest one, “You look like a couple of cats in a room full of rocking chairs.”

  “We just subleased from a friend of mine at work. We were waiting for the moving van. It was supposed to be here from Wyoming. We slept on the floor last night,” Constance said anxiously. “The storage company seems
to have lost our furniture. If they don’t deliver it today, we will have to sleep on the bare floor through the whole week end.” Valentina put a little more into her Russian accent.

  “Wyoming, you mean where they raise cattle? You are cowgirls, yes?”

  “We come from Cheyenne, and we lived in the city. Both of us just moved here to work. We are in advertising, but Chicago is as far east as we want to go.” The one in the silk jacket held out her hand. “My name is Constance and my sister’s name is Lori. I guess we will be neighbors.”

  Valentina extended her hand. “I am Valentina and the quiet one is my sister Margarita. We are from Georgia.”

  “You mean Atlanta or Savanna,” Constance asked

  Valentina laughed heartily, “With this accent, we are refugees from Soviet Georgia.” She thought that the refugee thing would be a nice touch. “We were just going to fix some breakfast would you care to join us?”

  “We had some cereal, but it would be nice to sit down in a chair. We don’t want to miss the moving van though.” Valentina pointed to the front apartment. “That is my mother’s place we can go up there and talk. I believe that it would be more comfortable. She is still trying to get out of Russia, but we keep it ready for her. It is furnished and ready to live in. We keep hoping.” Valentina managed to have a wistful sound in her voice.

  “That would be very nice.” They walked in the apartment. Valentina stopped Margarita.

  “Have everybody stay to the back of the house and bring some coffee.” Margarita hurried off. “The bath is just down the hall. Feel free to use it.” Constance hurried down the hall. Lori smiled warmly at Valentina. We ran out of toilet paper this morning and we didn’t want to miss the movers, so we didn’t go to the store. She pointed to the two cars in front of the building. We blocked two spaces for the truck, but we need to find out who owns this van.”


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