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Mercury Decending (Mercury Black Authority Book 3)

Page 33

by Finian Blake

  “It is mine, and I will be happy to move it when the moving truck gets here. We believe…” Constance walked back in the room.

  “You would not believe their towels. They are really thick.” Lori smiled weakly.

  “We have been sharing one towel and…” Constance started.

  “Why don’t you two bring your suitcases over here,” Valentina asked interrupting Constance. “You can use this bath to clean up. I really don’t know when my mother is coming. You can stay here until your things come and then finish the move. The only thing that I ask is that you clean up after yourselves. Go get your luggage and come back.” Margarita saw the two women burst out the front door running down the steps as she entered the room.

  “You frightened them off,” Margarita said standing away from the door.

  “No, they are getting their things,” Valentina snapped back. “They will be back with everything that they own. Please be sure to mention the party when they return.”

  “Why, we have them?” Margarita protested.

  “I love the game. They will prepare themselves, come to the party dressed as whores and stand still while we bind them as they hold their hands to the whipping pole.”

  Margarita wanted a quick solution. “A little chloroform on a rag and they are ours.”

  Valentina loved the game, “There is no art in that. Right now everything that they have is coming over here. Those two will remove every trace of themselves from next door. They will walk down the basement stairs dressed as sluts voluntarily and then they will have their trick. I will love the look on their cow faces when they find out how stupid they have been.” The women hurried back with their bags and Constance headed straight for the shower stopping half way down the hall.

  “I have nothing clean to wear.”

  “You should be size thirty-four B, size six and Lori is thirty-four C, size seven. You should both wear a size seven shoe?” Valentina smiled warmly as Constance and Lori stared at her. “It is my business to know these things. I manufacture women’s clothing. I think that I may have something for you to wear while your clothes are being washed. I have some samples. Go shower and I will have my maid wash your clothes. She is just starting a few loads.” The women were embarrassed to give Valentina their dirty clothes. “Go clean up I will be right back.”

  Valentina walked to the basement handing Petra the laundry. “Throw these away their owners will never need them again. Come up stairs dressed in your most modest clothing and go along with whatever I say. Valentina switched on the basement lights to make sure that all of the bondage gear was stowed away in cabinets. There was a small stage with a brass pole in the center of it, just inside the door. She turned out the rest of the lights and turned on the stage lights. Valentina ran to her storage area and picked out some panties, bras, two full length silk robes and two pair of fancy bedroom slippers. Valentina ran in the apartment and knocked on the bathroom door.

  “I had underwear and slippers, but all I could find were robes. Do you mind?” Connie was ecstatic.

  “I would wear burlap if it were clean.” After several minutes Lori came out in her slippers and silk robe, with it clinging to every curve of her damp body. Valentina walked up to her boldly squaring the shoulders and smoothing the robe. Connie’s body was just as desirable as she suspected. Lori stepped back as she smoothed the garment.

  “I’m sorry, but working in the fashion industry I can’t stand to see a garment that is not hanging properly.” Valentina put her arm around her waist escorting her to the bedroom. Connie squirmed at her overly familiar embrace. “We have a full length mirror back here you will see what I mean.” She stood Connie in front of the mirror and Valentina arranged the robe the way that it was before. “This is what you looked like before,” Valentina rearranged the garment again. “Now, this is what it looks like when it hangs properly.” Valentina thrilled at the opportunity to run her hands over Connie’s firm body again. She was twenty-two and too old for their operation but she was fresh and naïve. This little morsel would draw a good price at auction for a snuff as would her sister Lori.

  “You’re right that is an amazing difference.” Valentina loosened the tie of the robe and tightened the robe. It was almost too easy.

  “This is the correct way clothing should present the body not just hide it. I’m sorry if I embarrassed you. I work with models all the time on the runway. We don’t have much time for ceremony when we are working.”

  “You took me by surprise, but I guess it’s alright. The robe looks great now.” Valentina let her lead the way down the hall way as Lori stepped out of the bathroom fresh from her shower. Valentina turned and stopped her.

  “You are just like your sister. Come with me.” Lori looked questioningly at Constance.

  “She is a fanatic about fit. We are going to the mirror.” Valentina opened the robe and adjusted the garment wrapping it tightly around Lori’s body having a close inspection of her curves.

  “Your bra needs to be adjusted.” Valentina loosened the bra adjusting the straps. She adjusted the cups around the breast turning Lori to the mirror. “Just look at how much better that looks. Constance I might as well adjust you too.” Valentina was going crazy with desire deciding to stop before she ruined the surprise. “So, you are twins.”

  “No, we aren’t. We look so much alike that people assume that we are sisters.”

  “Constance, you ladies are not entirely honest.”

  “Please call me Connie. It is a harmless deception and we like to pretend.” Valentina embraced them and kissed them on their cheeks.

  “No harm done. Let’s have some breakfast. Margarita should have something for us.” Valentina jested, “I will just have to spank you later.” Connie hung her head pretending to pout.

  “Lori should be spanked too.” Lori did the same pout.

  “You two are quite the actresses.” Valentina was wondering whether to play the game or take them now when Petra knocked. “This is my personal assistant Petra. Petra this is Lori and Connie. Were you able to get those actresses for our skit tonight?”

  “No they were busy, so we will just have to skip it.” Valentina looked disappointed.

  “I was hoping to do that show for our clients. We will just have to do without it. It would have been such a good starter for the party.”

  “What show?” Lori pressed.

  “We are having a theme party for Halloween ‘Whores and Pimps’. We hired two actresses to dress up as whores and Petra was going to dress as a cop. We fake a little street walker thing with Petra busting the whores. Then we kick off the party. It was only a five-minute skit to set the mood. We are going to have some unbelievable treats and tricks. If you stay for the party, we have a drawing to see if you get a trick or a treat.”

  Lori stepped up, “Connie and I could do it. We wouldn’t have to undress would we?”

  Valentina played them slowly avoiding the question, “I just met you. I couldn’t ask you to parade around dressed as whores. It would not be right!”

  “You have been so nice to us. You said that we were actresses. We did some theater in school. Let me ask Connie.”

  Lori was boiling with enthusiasm, “Connie, what do you say?”

  Connie shared Lori’s enthusiasm, “We will do it. Can we have a rehearsal? I would like to see what you need. We would like your little audience to believe what they see.”

  Valentina led everybody downstairs with Victor slipping behind the camera as Valentina staged Lori and Connie by the pole.

  “You two will strut around with your best wiggle and Petra will be dressed as a cop. She will handcuff you to this pole giving you a stern lecture. The lights come up and the act is finished and then you may remain at the party or leave. We will have both tricks and treats for everyone including you.” Valentina held up a pair of Rhinestone studded shoes. “Who knows you may win these.”

  “I always wanted to try a pole dancing.” Lori delicately stroked the pole from to
p to bottom. “Some of the brass seems to have worn.”

  “We have trained several girls how to dance on this pole.” Valentina put her hand over Lori’s holding it to the pole. “I am a strict teacher. If you follow my instructions, you will never be able to leave this pole.”

  “Can Constance take lessons too? We do everything together and this would be really exciting.”

  “I have had as many as six people on this pole at one time and let me tell you it was a real scream.” Valentina push both women up to the pole. “I am a strict teacher. I can have you dancing around this pole on your first lesson.” Valentina grabbed each girl by the back of their neck holding them firmly. “I guarantee you an experience that will be permanently etched in your mind, but for now let’s start our rehearsal.”

  Victor started to run video. They went through the scene with Valentina declaring that their wiggle needed some work. Valentina and Margarita had their hands all over the girls helping them improve their wiggle.

  “You girls need some hooker shoes to push that wiggle. Petra that would be size seven, get the strappy ones.” She returned with two pair of the eight-inch platform heels that locked at the ankles. Petra strapped them on extra tight with the girls wobbling around on the shoes.

  “We can’t walk in these,” Lori said.

  “It will take some practice, but I am sure that you can manage for a few minutes. Practice for the afternoon and we can swap out the shoes if you can’t manage.”

  “The shoes are just impossible,” Lori complained.

  “Just forget the whole thing!” Margarita said, “If you can’t walk in those shoes how do you think you can learn how to pole dance in them.”

  “You have to admit they do look slutty.” Connie looked at Lori. “Let’s try. It will only be for a little while. I don’t want to disappoint our hostess.”

  “If you do this you can stay in the apartment rent free until your furniture arrives.” Valentina offered some incentive. “You would be working for your keep.”

  “We will do whatever it takes.” Valentina turned Margarita’s back to Lori guiding her hands over the older woman’s body while pulling Connie close behind her doing a seductive walk until the girls got the idea.

  When they were finished, Petra grabbed Lori and Connie by the wrists roughly handcuffing them back to back with the brass post between them.

  “You sluts are busted. I need to frisk you.” Petra ran her hands over their robes giving their sensitive areas extra attention. Both Connie and Lori’s eyes went wide with Petra’s invasive search.

  “That is almost perfect. Lori and Connie, can you give Petra more lip about being busted. Tell Petra that if she is going to get familiar she needs to pay like everyone else. You are women that make their living breaking the law and you need to portray that and Petra that frisking was way too personal. Remember that you are frisking them and not groping them. Ok Petra let them go.”

  “They are so sexy. I think that I will keep them here.” Petra purred as Lori and Connie looked worried.

  “Petra quit screwing around and let them go. These women were kind enough to help us. They don’t have to put up with your off beat sense of humor.” Petra unlocked the cuffs staring frostily at Valentina. Connie and Lori wobbled up the stairs to the apartment wearing their shoes.

  “Petra, if you screw up my plan I will hand cuff you to the pole and let Nadia have her way with you when Anna brings her. Now pick out something sexy for them very slinky, but not too exposed. I want them to look like elegant high class whores, not sluts and don’t use gags either. We have sound, and I want to hear them begging so it will break your heart. If they do not walk down those stairs voluntarily I will allow Nadia to beat, you until you look like a zebra. Our clients will pay thousands to rape something that fresh, especially if we bill them as twins. We have a client that would leave his signature on their pale skin with a bull whip, and they should rupture a lung screaming. I want you to look your absolute best too. Victor, call the clients and tell them this is going to be an exceptional auction. With everything going on, the net profit could go to the moon. Be sure to mention that they are twins. I don’t care if they are not really twins they are close enough. We will auction them off as a pair.”

  Valentina grabbed a bottle of her best wine. She went to the apartment knocking on the door.

  Lori answered the door, “Your assistant really scared us. We thought that she was going to leave us there.”

  “I would never allow that to happen. Petra is the only one that appreciates her sense of humor. This is the last straw she is fired. This is a spoof not a horror movie. Petra is finished.” Lori looked at Valentina.

  “I don’t want anybody to lose their job. Petra was nice. We will go ahead with the deal.”

  “What if we turn the tables on her,” Valentina asked with a wicked smile. “I believe we need to teach Petra that some things are not funny. This is what I want you to do.” Valentina detailed her plan. When she finished Valentina opened the bottle of wine. “This is a bottle of my best wine. I think that you will like it. This will be my apology. Will you accept it?” Valentina poured three glasses adding something extra to the girl’s glasses.

  Lori found herself getting tired, “I normally don’t drink, but this wine is really soft. It tastes like perfume smells.” Lori soon found herself fighting to keep her eyes open. “Sleeping on the floor took more out of me than I thought.” Valentina helped her to bed and gave her another glass producing five pills. “Here are some vitamins they should help to wake you up.” Lori accepted the pills and washed them down with the wine. Connie lasted slightly longer. Valentina called Margarita to bring a camera before she helped Connie to bed. She did not want another glass but Valentina held the glass to her lips forcing her to drink after pushing some pills in her mouth. When Margarita arrived Valentina took the camera pulling back their robes she arranged them into lewd positions snapping several pictures. Their bodies were trim and athletic. All of their curves were in the correct proportion without much support. The clients would pay well for this type of merchandise. Valentina slipped their breasts out of their bras to make sure they were natural detecting no scars or inserts. She was feeling the need to probe further, but decided against it not being sure if she could stop once she started. Valentina and Margarita undid their clothing rolling Lori on top of Connie with their heads pointed toward each other’s feet. They left the sleeping women wondering what their reaction would be when they woke up. Valentina left wondering if she wanted to reserve them for her own pleasure, but the thought of losing the money for their sale quickly killed that idea.

  Margarita went to the dorm to check on Alice. She claimed Petra and Tina on the way through the apartment. She had Alice kneel down on all fours on top of the table.

  “Tina, bring us a breast pump. I need to know if the hormones that Alice is taking are having any effect.” Petra grabbed Alice by the hair.

  “Tina is our milk maid. She milks our cows.” Tina sat down next to Alice selecting a breast. Alice started to move and Petra glared at her. Alice relaxed her arms. “Good, I see that you are learning.” Tina held the suction cup to Alice’s breast and started the suction pump with Alice wincing at the sensation. “Tina, if you get some milk out of her we won’t lash you for a week.” Petra reached over and moved the setting to maximum. Alice shrieked at the extreme sensation which produced an ounce of milk. Tina moved the pump to the other breast. Petra waited until Alice relaxed before moving the setting to maximum, causing Alice to shriek again.

  Petra gave her a patronizing smile, “I didn’t leave a mark. Remember there are many things that I can do without leaving marks.”

  “Congratulations Alice you are officially a milk cow.” Margarita took a taste, offering the rest to Alice.

  Alice shook her head in refusal. Margarita gave her breast a wicked twist causing Alice to collapse on the table. When Alice opened her mouth to scream Margarita poured the rest of the milk in her m
outh holding her hand over Alice’s mouth and nose.

  “If you want to breathe you will swallow it all. If you spill one drop, we will milk you again and we will do this again.” After Alice complied Margarita pried her mouth open to be sure that the milk was gone. Margarita gave Alice’s cheek a soft caress. “Give me a moo like a good cow.” Alice shook her head no. Margarita picked Tina off the ground throwing her on top of Alice administering three sharp swats with a cane.

  “I’m a good girl,” screamed Tina. “Alice you have to be good.” Alice put her arms around the crying girl offering a soft ‘moo’ to comply with Margarita’s demand. Margarita placed two syringes on the table.

  “We don’t do pills here; you will inject yourself now. One syringe is for fertility and the other syringe will make you a good milk cow. Do it now, or I will give Tina ten strokes of the cane and each stroke will leave a permanent mark.” Alice finally picked up the syringes injecting herself. Margarita roughly lifted Tina off of Alice pushing her to the floor in a heap. She ran her hand down the length of Alice’s body pushing Alice off the table to the floor in a surprise move when Alice flinched.

  “Soon you will be producing like the rest of the cows. You will be number thirty-nine.”

  “What do you mean number thirty-nine?” Alice looked surprised. “There are only nine girls here.”

  “There were thirty-eight before you. When a cow loses its usefulness Victor uses them in snuff films. We cannot release them to the street since there are no volunteers here. Valentina snatches them off the streets. We have two cows upstairs now that think that they are going to a costume party. Petra is going to lead them down here like the stupid cows that they are, so we can process them. Victor will auction them off tonight. That will be their trick and our treat.” She shivered as Margarita walked out the door mooing to drive her point home.


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