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The China Mission

Page 45

by Daniel Kurtz-Phelan

  161 by early fall AW to Eisenhower, 11 March 1946, AW Papers 81/13, Hoover; Wedemeyer had Shepley to HST, 26 February 1946, GCM Papers 124/28, GCMRL; “I will serve” AW to GCM, 17 February 1946, GCM Papers 124/8, GCMRL.

  161–162 speculation Washington Post 6 March 1946, and JM to Hellman, 28 March 1946, JM Papers 36, HSTL; “I’m tired” HST to Byrnes, 5 January 1946, Secretary’s Files 283/30, HST Papers, HSTL; talked it over Jeans, Marshall Mission, 248.

  162 Marshall must take Truman’s offer AW to GCM, 17 February 1946, GCM Papers 124/8, GCMRL; “When the time comes” AW to GCM, 25 April 1946, AW Papers 82/23, Hoover.

  162 “She says George” KTM to McCarthy, 19 February 1946, Frank McCarthy Papers 31/23, GCMRL.

  162 “lust for” Army Liaison to War Department, 10 April 1946, GCM Papers 124/36, GCMRL; speeches and interviews FRUS 1946 Vol. 9, 742; “seriously weaken” FRUS 1946 Vol. 10, 980.

  163 “We don’t know how long” New York Times 15 April 1946.

  8. Balance of Mistrusts

  164 Manchuria account Marshall, “Forgotten Scenes of Heroism,” GCM Papers 1/9, GCMRL.

  164 any foreign officer before Marshall, “Report of visit to Manchurian battlefields, with recommendations,” GCM Papers 1/9, GCMRL.

  165 “Chinese Manchuria” Westad, Restless, 117; coal, electricity Paine, Wars, 28; “Ruhr” AW to GCM, 13 June 1946, GCM Papers 124, GCMRL; “cockpit” Melby, Mandate, 103.

  165 made a recommendation to his army superiors Marshall, “Report of visit to Manchurian battlefields, with recommendations,” GCM Papers 1/9, GCMRL.

  165–166 Tokyo Eichelberger to GCM, 15 April 1946, GCM Papers 122/31, GCMRL; Beijing Papers Vol. 5, 525; she peered down . . . ever seen Papers Vol. 5, 525.

  166 welcome Katherine New York Times 19 April 1946; 100 degrees, humidity, heat, dust, and smells Papers Vol. 5, 525.

  166 “With your wisdom” Chang to GCM, 22 April 1946, GCM Papers 122/14, GCMRL; “Marshall will take” Chicago Tribune 15 April 1946; “disgusted” JHC to Betty Caughey, 10 April 1946, JHC Papers 2/8, GCMRL; “out of the fire” JHC to Caraway, 14 April 1946, Paul Caraway Papers, MHI; “About time” Melby, Mandate, 138.

  166 “It is about like it was” New York Times 19 April 1946.

  166 “out of hand” FRUS 1946 Vol. 9, 788; CCP troops waged Military intelligence review, 25 April 1946, Naval Aide Files 17/3, HST Papers, HSTL; ragged Nationalist force Tanner, Battle, 123; American officer there FRUS 1946 Vol. 9, 823.

  167 From the airfield New York Times 19 April 1946; At first pleased CKS diary, 23 March 1946, Hoover; galling CKS diary, 2 April 1946, Hoover; “every effort to ruin” Qin, Chronicles, Vol. 6.1, 2842; Zhou had been Chicago Tribune 5 April 1946; “America needs” Tanner, Battle, 111.

  167 “tragedy” FRUS 1946 Vol. 9, 793.

  167 Yu had Yu Ta-wei Oral History, GCMRL; fully trusted Alvan Gillem Oral History, GCMRL; forthright GCM-Yu meeting notes, 14 June 1946, Marshall Mission Records 4, NARA.

  167–168 Marshall erupted FRUS 1946 Vol. 9, 788–789; Nationalist fighters Gillem journal notes, 17 April 1946, Alvan Gillem Papers, MHI.

  168 avoiding him Tanner, Battle, 152; Marshall’s anger FRUS 1946 Vol. 9, 1305; “Marshall probably” Sheng, Battling, 139; Zhou seemed worried JM to Hellman, 26 April 1946, JM Papers 36, HSTL.

  168 dreadful Marshall, Together, 284; crowds Papers Vol. 5, 526; a lyric Spence, To Change, 251; Katherine wrote home Bland, George C. Marshall’s, 574.

  169 aides had wondered JHC to Betty Caughey, 10 April 1946, JHC Papers 2/8, GCMRL; “I have forced” GCM to McCarthy, 22 February 1946, Frank ­McCarthy Papers 31/20, GCMRL; he quickly recognized GCM to Churchill, 18 June 1946, GCM Papers 122/25, GCMRL.

  169 “most extreme position” JM to Hellman, 13 April 1946, JM Papers 36, HSTL.

  170 “coup” Qing, From Allies, 77; Nationalist hands Westad, Cold War, 157; His ambassador Westad, Cold War, 157; “I should wait” Wehrle in Bland, George C. Marshall’s, 89.

  170 sharp misgivings Sheng, Battling, 127; backtrack and stall Victor Shiu Chiang Chen, “Imagining China’s Madrid in Manchuria,” 92; “substantial concessions” Qing, From Allies, 81; “We can neither” He in Bland, George C. Marshall’s, 191.

  170–171 global concord Westad, Cold War, 69; “counterrevolutionary tide” Sheng, Battling, 138; fascist plot Sheng, Battling, 127; imperial designs Yang Kuisong, “The Soviet Factor and the CCP’s Policy toward the United States in the 1940s,” 26; “too courteous” Sheng, Battling, 132; expand contacts Westad in Bland, George C. Marshall’s, 611; American military assessment China theater memo, 25 April 1946, AW Papers 87/6, Hoover.

  171 punishing Chiang Westad, “Losses,” 108; American aims Westad in Bland, George C. Marshall’s, 512.

  171 “democratic forces” Niu, From Yan’an, 278.

  171 Kennan had written another Hopkins to HST, 29 May 1945, Naval Aide Files 9/6, HST Papers, HSTL.

  172 breakfast, Caughey was newly confident JHC to Betty Caughey, 23 April 1946, JHC Papers 2/8, GCMRL.

  172 “war in the making” JHC to Betty Caughey, 11 April 1946, JHC Papers 2/8, GCMRL; “strangest things” JHC to Betty Caughey, 19 April 1946, JHC Papers 2/8, GCMRL; “Maybe everybody” JHC to Betty Caughey, 19 April 1946, JHC Papers 2/8, GCMRL.

  173 less capable replacements FRUS 1946 Vol. 9, 737; no accident Final Report, 76; shot at by Communists FRUS 1946 Vol. 9, 807.

  173 Chiangs’ country house, prosecute a case, Marshall’s anger CKS diary, 20 April 1946, Hoover; had sabotaged Final Report 103; “all blame” Qin, Chronicles, Vol. 6.1, 2868.

  173 terms of military unification Final Report, 104.

  174 “radicals and militarists” FRUS 1946 Vol. 9, 831; attack on Changchun Tanner, Battle, 156; he had advocated Zhang in Bland, George C. Marshall’s, 222; “maintain friendly relations” He in Bland, George C. Marshall’s, 193.

  174 wrote the university’s president GCM to Conant, 20 April 1946, GCM Papers 122/25, GCMRL.

  174 “I’ve exhausted” Papers Vol. 5, 534; “difficult man” FRUS 1946 Vol. 9, 804.

  175 “watch a city die” JM to Hellman, 2 February 1946, JM Papers 36, HSTL.

  175 “Minor civil war” Gillem to GCM, JHC Papers 1/7, GCMRL.

  175 his party’s survival Tanner, Where Chiang, 29; “expansion of Soviet power” May, Truman, 66–67.

  175–176 “completely unprepared for occupation” FRUS 1945 Vol. 7, 628; Kremlin would respond Levine, “New Look,” 354; Moscow had long warned Heinzig, Soviet Union, 67; Wedemeyer AW Memorandum for CKS, 10 November 1945, AW Papers 81/2, Hoover.

  176 would likely win Tanner, Battle, 60; prudent move CKS diary, 20 April 1946 and 23 April 1946, Hoover; “a unified country” Spector, In the Ruins, 225; “no choice” Life 24 December 1945.

  176 “waste paper” FRUS 1946 Vol. 9, 720; Marshall pointed out Final Report, 104.

  176–177 Soviets threatened Heinzig, Soviet Union, 93; American dominance Yang, “Soviet Union,” 26; “fight without restraint” Westad, Brothers, 60; Communist commanders Sheng, Battling, 132; boats and trains Tanner, Battle, 109.

  177 OSS detachments Yu, OSS, 24; Strategic Services Unit Revised plan for SSU operations, 20 April 1946, AW Papers 91/2, Hoover; “lookouts” FRUS 1946 Vol. 10, 1134; persuasive evidence Papers Vol. 5, 421; Byroade assessed FRUS 1946 Vol. 9, 727; Marshall had pressed Papers Vol. 5, 500; “Russian game” JM to Hellman, 9 March 1946, JM Papers 36, HSTL.

  177 “Due to their” Military intelligence review, 25 April 1946, Naval Aide Files 17/3, HST Papers, HSTL; “facts on the ground” Tanner, Battle, 100; “cocky” Papers Vol. 5, 526; 300,000, “high morale” Lau to Byroade, “Situation in Manchuria,” 17 April 1946, Alvan Gillem Papers, MHI; Lin Biao Tanner, Where, 33; “Everything is decided” Westad, Cold War, 160.

  178 they were sure Qing, From Allies, 81; “Chiang has no choice” Tanner, Battle, 111.

  178 sadistic methods Iris Chang, The Rape of Nanking, 6. W. H. Auden sonnet “In Time of War,” The Collected Poetr
y of W. H. Auden.

  179 “greatest shame” Mitter, Forgotten, 202.

  179 Ming emperor’s Schell, Wealth, 119; “coiling dragon” Chang, Rape, 62.

  179 overcrowded that planes Melby, Mandate, 41; refugees sleeping Topping, Journey, 15; American diplomats Ralph Clough Oral History, Foreign Service Oral History Program, LOC; “barracks existence” JM to Hellman, 26 April 1946, JM Papers 36, HSTL; electricity, pillows Melby, Mandate, 145; two vehicles Papers Vol. 5, 537; “Basic foodstuffs” Papers Vol. 5, 545.

  179 failed to follow through FRUS 1946 Vol. 9, 795; lent his own plane FRUS 1946 Vol. 9, 802.

  180 “Being too eager” FRUS 1946 Vol. 9, 812; “Lincoln’s idea” New York Times 5 May 1946; Yet in Manchuria Zhou statement, 4 April 1946, Alvan Gillem Papers, MHI.

  180 both sides stepping back FRUS 1946 Vol. 9, 814; empowering the Committee of Three FRUS 1946 Vol. 9, 798; provocative and exceptionally unwise Final Report, 101; Both sides FRUS 1946 Vol. 9, 740.

  180 “shameful” CKS diary, 27 April 1946, Hoover.

  180–181 “prepare for war” Westad, Decisive, 42; “afraid and helpless” Myers in Bland, George C. Marshall’s, 158; “terrified” Qin, Chronicles, Vol. 6.1, 2876; “poisoned” CKS diary, 28 February 1946, Hoover; “appeasement and compromise” CKS diary, 20 April 1946, Hoover; World War II CKS diary, 29 April 1946, Hoover.

  181 asked rhetorically Qin, Chronicles, Vol. 6.1, 2878; America would have no choice Westad in Bland, George C. Marshall’s, 509.

  181 clear blue sky JM to Hellman, 5 May 1946, JM Papers 36, HSTL; “people’s government” FRUS 1945 Vol. 7, 1458.

  181 “to deal with” Qin, Chronicles, Vol. 6.1, 2884; “be pressured” CKS diary, 4 May 1946, Hoover.

  181–182 Chiang’s satisfaction CKS diary, 4 May 1946, Hoover; solution in Manchuria Jeans, Marshall Mission, 250; Soviets’ departure Tanner, Battle, 147.

  182 Marshall wrote Truman Papers Vol. 5, 540–544.

  9. Fighting While Talking

  183 His mood JHC to Betty Caughey, 20 April 1946, JHC Papers 2/8, GCMRL; “Oh, George” JHC to Betty Caughey, 7 May 1946, JHC Papers 2/8, GCMRL; “A wife” GCM to McCarthy, 22 February 1946, Frank McCarthy Papers 31/20, GCMRL; “The affection” JM to Hellman, 29 September 1946, JM Papers 36, HSTL; “very pleasant” GCM to Bright, 4 May 1946, GCM Papers 122/7, GCMRL; those moments Stoler, George C. Marshall, 54.

  183 “all fungus” Bland, George C. Marshall’s, 574; “patience of Job” Bland, George C. Marshall’s, 575; Marshall continued to find himself as busy GCM to Bright, 4 May 1946, GCM Papers 122/7, GCMRL; “tempers the General’s formidability” JHC to Betty Caughey, 10 May 1946, JHC Papers 2/8, GCMRL; “General’s wife” Jeans, Marshall Mission, 255.

  184 luxurious Papers Vol. 5, 555; air conditioners Connors to JHC, 20 June 1947, JHC Papers 1/16, GCMRL; former ambassador JHC to Betty Caughey, 21 June 1946, JHC Papers 2/9, GCMRL; croquet JHC to Connors, 5 June 1947, JHC Papers 1/16, GCMRL.

  184 back terrace, Old Fashioned Alvan Gillem Oral History, GCMRL; Richard Wing JHC to Connors, 5 June 1947, JHC Papers 1/16, GCMRL; “best looking girls” JHC to Betty Caughey, 6 June 1946, JHC Papers 2/9, GCMRL.

  184 Bullfrogs, birds JM to Hellman, 27 April 1946, JM Papers 36, HSTL.

  184–185 choice night spot Beal, Marshall, 120; Tosca Melby, Mandate, 151; Officers’ Club Topping, Journey, 81, and Military Advisory Group welcome booklet, Virginia Lee Papers, GCMRL; Arriving American women Military Advisory Group welcome booklet, Virginia Lee Papers, GCMRL; social commentator South China Morning Post 26 August 1946; evening gatherings Melby, Mandate, 209; fighting while talking He in Bland, George C. Marshall’s, 184.

  185 biggest battle Reardon-Anderson, Yenan, 155; “Do not fear” Tanner, Battle, 141.

  185 Siping Tanner, Battle, 1.

  185 “one blow” Tanner, Battle, 132; troops, weapons Tanner, Battle, 168.

  185 “Battle of Madrid” Cheng, “Imagining,” 99; will to fight Tanner, Battle, 136.

  185 “Politics is war” Short, Mao, 646.

  186 “The year after V-E Day” Jeans, Marshall Mission, 250.

  186 sunshine GCMRL newsreels; “that of a father” Stoler, George C. Marshall, 113.

  186 “influence Russia” Perry, Partners, 12; 350 more senior officers Perry, Partners, 29; Eisenhower was so disturbed Perry, Partners, 229.

  186 more aggressive stance CKS diary, 9 May 1946, Hoover; Eisenhower had been summoned Robert H. Ferrell, The Eisenhower Diaries, 363; presidential succession Smith, Eisenhower, 463; “ace in the hole” Papers Vol. 5, 547.

  186–187 Marshall quipped Smith, Eisenhower, 463; at least September Papers Vol. 5, 547; code on a scrap of paper Ferrell, Eisenhower Diaries, 363.

  187 Metropolitan Hotel Beal, Marshall, 21; Peking duck, Henry Aplington, “Sunset in the East,” 163; unhelpful signal GCM to HST, 9 February 1946, Naval Aide Files 8/9, HST Papers, HSTL; so many troops to Manchuria FRUS 1946 Vol. 10, 867; one of his tasks GCM-Zhou meeting notes, 3 June, Marshall Mission Records 4, NARA.

  187 railroad equipment FRUS 1946 Vol. 10, 983; surplus American property FRUS 1946 Vol. 10, 1038; “The Chinese problem” FRUS 1946 Vol. 10, 794.

  188 imminent departure GCM to Byrnes, 11 May 1946, GCM Papers 124/31, GCMRL.

  188 official account GCM to War Department, 28 April 1946, Marshall Mission Records 47, NARA; Durdin Topping, Journey, 204; “He will be tackling” New York Times 16 December 1945; “Would you be” Papers Vol. 5, 555; Durdin joined Marshall’s staff GCM to Acheson, 15 July 1946, Marshall Mission Records 7, NARA.

  188 Eisenhower’s note Papers Vol. 5, 547.

  188 land reform Westad, Decisive, 38.

  188 sign on a shop Peck, Two Kinds, 715.

  189 “Several hundred million persons” Pantsov, Mao, 172.

  189 “battle for China” Westad, Decisive, 62; landlord retribution Pantsov, Mao, 186.

  189 “personal property” Spector, In the Ruins, 60; Chiang railed Suzanne Pepper, Civil War in China, 20; Loyal southerners, Manchurian elites Levine, Anvil, 245; Wedemeyer lamented AW to McClure, 22 August 1947, AW Papers 93/45, Hoover.

  189 rice market Melby, Mandate, 143; intelligence report relayed alarm Summary of telegrams, 21 June 1946, Naval Aide Files 22/2, HST Papers, HSTL.

  190 what power had done GCM Memorandum on China for HST, 18 May 1954, GCM Papers 241/5, GCMRL.

  190 “strategy of force” FRUS 1946 Vol. 9, 975; Stalin had invited GCM-CKS meeting notes, 12 May 1946, Marshall Mission Records 20, NARA; Although Marshall thought GCM to HST, 12 May 1946, GCM Papers 124/31, GCMRL; bargain for Stalin’s help Tanner, Battle, 169.

  190 hours into a northward retreat Tanner, Battle, 162.

  190 Lin thought of Napoleon Tanner, Battle, 180.

  190–191 When Marshall got angry Cray, General, 57; “save your ammunition” Papers Vol. 2, 396; “I don’t believe” JM to Hellman, 18 February 1946, JM Papers 36, HSTL.

  191 lunch on the sunny terrace Beal, Marshall, 51.

  191 The Communists FRUS 1946 Vol. 9, 807; outside help Beal, Marshall, 28; alert from Zhou Taylor, Generalissimo, 349; “Marshall has gained” CKS diary, 16 May 1946, Hoover.

  191–192 He was hesitant FRUS 1946 Vol. 9, 857; “so many violations” New York Times 12 May 1946; “keep the ship trim” Papers Vol. 5, 558; “trembling on the verge” FRUS 1946 Vol. 9, 827.

  192 “never was enviable” New York Times 12 May 1946.

  192 “fire and enthusiasm” JHC to Betty Caughey, 4 May 1946, JHC Papers 2/8, GCMRL; “each side consulted” FRUS 1946 Vol. 9, 860; every potential threat FRUS 1946 Vol. 9, 861.

  192 “propaganda blast” Jeans, Marshall Mission, 252; “reckless propaganda” Papers Vol. 5, 561; Marshall knew the message Papers Vol. 5, 564; Nanjing was buzzing JHC to Betty Caughey, 20 May 1946, JHC Papers 2/9, GCMRL; “something had to be done” GCM to HST, 22 May 1946, Secretary’s Files 160/10, HST Papers, HSTL.

  193 “We are confronted” Papers Vol. 5, 551.

  193 Chiang had a concern FRUS 1
946 Vol. 9, 880; “terminate all hope” Papers Vol. 5, 563; offered his plane GCM to Carter, 10 June 1946, GCM Papers 122/9, GCMRL.

  194 “quite hopeful” GCM to HST, 22 May 1946, Secretary’s Files 160/10, HST Papers, HSTL.

  194 He told Marshall he would be back GCM-Zhou meeting notes, 23 May 1946, Marshall Mission Records 20, NARA.

  194 Zhou visit GCM-Zhou meeting notes, 23 May 1946, Marshall Mission Records 20, NARA.

  194 story about the Marshalls GCM to Eisenhower, 11 June 1946, GCM Papers 122/32, GCMRL.

  194 “die-hard government political boys” GCM to Eisenhower, 11 June 1946, GCM Papers 122/32, GCMRL.

  194 “weaken my influence” GCM to Eisenhower, 11 June 1946, GCM Papers 122/32, GCMRL; senior Nationalist officials said openly Beal, Marshall, 61.

  195 “serious undercover rumor campaign” Shepley to GCM, 23 May 1946, Marshall Mission Records 47, NARA; “sold out to the Communists” Beal, Marshall, 58; also been leaks Washington Post 13 May 1946.

  195 Life editorial Washington Post 28 May 1946; “That becomes ‘appeasement’ ” Chicago Tribune 22 May 1946.

  195 kept Marshall abreast of the chatter AW to GCM, 29 May 1946, GCM Papers 124/9, GCMRL.

  195–196 letters to Marshall AW to GCM, 29 May 1946, GCM Papers 124/9, GCMRL; Luce’s reporters Herzstein, Luce, 59; “Communists will take over” AW to Harriman, 20 May 1946, AW Papers 81/24, Hoover.

  196 pro-Communist ruse Carter to GCM, 23 May 1946, Marshall Mission Records 2, NARA; “anti-American forces,” “emanate from Moscow” Gallicchio in Bland, George C. Marshall’s, 403.

  196 “symbolic gesture against the actual power” Papers Vol. 5, 554.

  197 Zhou himself bristled FRUS 1946 Vol. 10, 552; “Direct positive proof” Final report of Yenan Observer Group, 15 April 1946, Marshall Mission Records 27, NARA; “irrefutable deductive proof” Military intelligence review, 23 May 1946, Naval Aide Files 17/4, HST Papers, HSTL.

  197 “The destruction of the Communist military forces in Manchuria” Tanner, Battle, 155; a million Nationalist troops Paine, Wars, 75.


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