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Dirty Daddies: 2020 Anniversary Anthology

Page 17

by Maren Smith

  “A what?” she screeched, careful to keep hold of the binky with her teeth.

  “An enema,” Grant repeated, matter-of-factly. “They are very effective health tools and highly underused in my opinion.” He showed her a small nozzle. “This will slide nicely into your tight bottom hole and the solution will go through the hose and straight into your rectum. You will feel very full and when the solution starts to do its job, you may feel crampy. I won’t make you hold it for long because we will do two rounds. If you are an obedient little girl, the entire procedure will go smoothly and relatively painlessly. If you fight me... well, it won’t.”

  Molly blinked rapidly as she sucked hard on her binky. She didn’t know what to say or what to do. No one had ever touched her… there. And she certainly didn’t want what he was offering. Not offering, she corrected herself, demanding.

  “Why?” she asked in a wobbly voice.

  “Because when I put a diaper on you later, you won’t have to worry about any unwanted incidents. Turn around and bend over the tub please, you can rest your chest right here.” He laid a soft fluffy towel on the side of the large Jacuzzi tub.

  Molly didn’t move. She stared at him and the evil torture device he held in his hands.

  “The longer you sit there, the longer you will have to hold the solution in your tummy and trust me, it will get very uncomfortable, very quickly.”

  Molly dropped her chin to her chest in defeat. She didn’t want this, but she didn’t really have a choice in the matter. She’d been naughty and she was being punished. If only she could go back in time and not even fucking bring the weed with her to the Ranch. That would have been a way smarter choice.

  Turning around, she laid her chest on the towel and braced herself as best she could.

  “Good girl, hold still. You will feel something cold and then some pressure. If you bear down, it will slide in without a problem.”

  Molly squeezed her eyes closed, waiting for the invasion.

  “Relax, sweet girl. Relax.” He petted her lower back as he spread her bottom cheeks with the other hand. “This is only my finger with some lube.”

  She kind of wished he would shut up and get it over with. She’d never been more embarrassed in her life, yet the worse the humiliation got, the wetter she got. What the hell was wrong with her?

  Grant probed her ass with his finger, spreading the lube all around her puckered hole before inserting his finger.

  Molly whimpered as her bottom hole stretched to accommodate him. It wasn’t unbearable, but it certainly wasn’t comfortable. If only he could slide a little lower and…

  “Oh god,” Molly moaned as another one of his fingers came to play.

  “Daddy’s girl likes this kind of attention, it seems,” Grant murmured. “Such a good little girl.” He pumped in and out simultaneously, driving her quickly to the brink of orgasm before removing his fingers from both her pussy and her ass. “If only Daddy’s naughty girl had earned herself some pleasure. Maybe later.” He patted her bottom. “Here’s the nozzle. It’s smaller than my finger so you will be fine.”

  It may have been smaller but the hard material was a lot less comfortable and more invasive than his finger had felt.

  Then her bottom started to stretch slightly on the inside. “What’s that?” she screeched, trying to pull away.

  “It’s a bulb that will hold the nozzle in place so you don’t accidentally push it out before you’re permitted to. You don’t want to make a big mess, do you, little one? No, I don’t think you do. Now stay still. You will start to feel a warm sensation filling your tummy. It's going to feel like you have to go potty right away, but you will be fine. Once it's all in, you will hold it for five minutes. Here goes.”

  Molly felt the foreign sensation of her bowels filling with solution and realized it was about to be the longest five minutes of her life. She wiggled as her belly uncomfortably distended from the heavy solution. How could this be healthy? She sucked her binky, finding herself thankful for its presence. At least it gave her something else to focus on as her stomach started to feel bubbly.

  “It’s all in,” Grant informed her. “I’m setting a timer. You’re being such a good girl and I am so proud of you,” he praised, rubbing her back and thighs.

  Molly whimpered as the discomfort grew and the cramps began.

  “I need to go,” she pleaded.

  “Not yet. Only a couple more minutes,” he encouraged. “We want to make sure to give it enough time to work properly.”

  She shook uncontrollably and sweat broke out all over her body. “Please, Daddy.”

  “Aww, buttercup, I sure do like to hear you beg. Almost done.”

  Molly counted in her head trying to distract herself in any way possible. Finally, the timer beeped. “Okay, let’s get you on the potty.” He helped her stand and led her to the toilet.

  “Do you want help or do you want to do this part on your own?”

  Mortification took a back seat to her discomfort. “Get it out,” she pleaded, sitting down on the cold seat.

  “Okay, little one. Here we go.” Reaching beneath her, he deflated the bulb and took out the nozzle. “I’m going to give you some privacy and get you something to drink. I’ll wait outside the door until you call for me. Do not get off of that toilet.”

  Molly only registered a quarter of what he said and as soon as he was out of the room, she relaxed and let the liquid flood from her body. Her stomach cramped as she expelled everything inside of her, yet the relief she felt was amazing. She almost forgot for a second that they were going to do the whole thing over again. Almost. That thought made her want to throw up, but she also remembered his comment about the diaper and she certainly did not want to have any mishaps as far as that was concerned. Would he really make her do her business in a diaper? Oh hell, could this day get any worse?

  Just as expected, the second was as bad as the first and the sadist even made her hold the solution in for an extra minute because she had been reluctant to obey when he ordered her back over the tub.

  Tired and spent, she didn’t have any fight or argument left when he put her into the tub and insisted on bathing her, or when he wrapped her in towels and carried her back into the bedroom. Letting herself be taken care of by a Daddy was something she could get used to really quickly. She stood still, sleepily sucking on the binky as he thoroughly dried all of her parts before laying her in bed, still naked, and deeming it nap time.

  Her last thought before falling asleep was not of the terrible pain or embarrassment she was experiencing, but of the most tender and caring Daddy she never knew she needed.

  Chapter Seven

  Molly woke up groggy and confused, and more frustrated than she’d ever imagined possible. Grant had invaded her naptime dreams, torturing her and taking her to the brink of orgasm, but never letting her fall over the edge.

  “I’m not wearing that.” She pointed at the yellow frilly dress Grant was holding up for her to see. All of the warm fuzzy feelings from before her nap had flown out the window as she took in the hideous outfit he wanted to make her wear and processed her anger at dream Grant all at the same time.

  “Why not? It’s adorable and it will look even more adorable on my little buttercup.”

  “It’s ridiculous.” She pouted.

  He let out a long sigh. “It’s not ridiculous and you will wear it or you will remain naked and, fair warning, we are not staying in my apartment this afternoon.”

  He stayed silent for a moment and her brain raced. There was no way she was stepping one foot out the door naked, but she didn’t want to go anywhere wearing the little princess costume either.

  “Well you won’t be quite naked,” he amended. “You’ll be wearing some pretty marks for your disobedience and a naughty girl diaper.”

  “What’s a naughty girl diaper?” she asked, not sure she even wanted to know.

  “Remember the seat of the highchair?”

  How could she forget
? It had been ridiculously uncomfortable against her bare, freshly spanked backside.

  “Imagine that sandpaper pressed against your skin, rubbing and scraping against your thoroughly punished bottom with every step you take. Also, it says Naughty Girl across the back so everyone you pass will know exactly what you are.” He smiled, like it would be his absolute pleasure to humiliate her like that. Her nipples puckered tightly and her pussy tingled. With every threat, he was getting to her, and she hated it. Crossing her arms over her chest in a pout, she did her best to stop the sheets from teasing her erect nipples. When did her skin get so sensitive?

  “I’ll wear the dress, but I’d like you to know you’re mean.” She picked up the binky and put it back into her mouth before she could say something that would actually get her into trouble or, worse yet, before she gave in to her traitorous body and begged him to throw her down on the bed and fuck her hard.

  “This is something I’m well aware of. I’m pleased you have taken such a liking to your binky.” He winked and approached the side of the bed. She immediately stopped sucking and warmth flooded her body. She wanted to please him, in more ways than one. She wanted it more than her next breath.

  “Let’s get you ready for our adventure, shall we?” He flipped the blankets off and she instinctively tried to cover her private parts. Quick as lightning, he grabbed her leg and flipped her onto her belly. “No hiding from Daddy.” He punctuated each word with a hard smack of his hand.

  “I’m sorry!” she squealed, reaching back to try to stave off the attack.

  “You will be a whole lot sorrier if you do it again,” he warned, ignoring her flailing hands and adding a few more stinging swats to her sit spots before he decided to stop. “Now be a good girl and let me dress you so I don’t have to get my wooden spoon to paint the backs of these pretty thighs pink as well.”

  Finally, he let go of her leg and she slowly rolled onto her back where she saw the

  large diaper next to her. Her stomach rolled and she thought she was going to be sick. “I don’t know if I can do this,” she admitted tearfully.

  Grant’s expression softened. “I know this is hard, and it's all new. Can you trust me not to push you further than I think you need to go?”

  “It’s really hard.”

  “Life is really hard. Things are going to be thrown at you that you are going to have to endure and you need to learn to accept that and move forward.”

  Understanding dawned on her. This was all a part of teaching her how to cope with the difficulties of life without numbing herself. Too bad that understanding didn’t make it any easier to submit when he instructed her to lift her bottom, but she forced herself to obey and he slid the white fluffy diaper beneath her.

  “Such a good girl for Daddy,” he praised. For some reason, that made it easier. “You know it's really hard for Daddy to do this. I would much rather play with this pretty little kitty.” He stroked her mound and she squirmed. “You want that too, don’t you, sweet girl?”

  Molly didn’t know how to respond. Yes, of course she wanted that. She wanted it pretty badly, but she was too embarrassed to admit it. She patted around her, looking for her binky that she’d lost when Grant flipped her over. If she had something in her mouth, maybe he wouldn’t make her talk or answer stupid questions.

  He smiled and held it up with the hand that was not currently teasing her pussy. “Looking for this?” he asked, before setting it on the nightstand out of her reach. “I think we will take a break from the binky for a couple of minutes. Daddy wants to hear you moan for him.” He slid two fingers into her slick core and she gasped and arched her back in surprise. “Does that feel good, little one?”

  “Mmmm.” It was all she could manage as he stroked in and out of her. Adding his thumb to the play, he rubbed her sensitive clit.

  “Maybe I should let you come? Hmm? Maybe it's time to show you the pleasurable side of submitting to your Daddy’s will?”

  Unable to help herself, she moaned and writhed against his hand. “Please.”

  “I do love to hear you beg. Please what, buttercup? Tell Daddy what you want.”

  “I want to come. Please, Daddy, please let me come.” She couldn’t control the words as they left her mouth. She was beyond comprehension and past the point of caring about anything except for the building need inside of her.

  “How can I say no to that? You may come whenever you would like.” He lowered his head to her chest and captured one of her nipples in his mouth, laving it with his warm tongue.

  Between the stimulation of her breast and the teasing of her pussy, she fell apart completely and screamed as the tight ball of need finally released and she came, hard.

  “Holy fuck, that was beautiful,” Grant said, smiling at her with an expression of awe.

  “How come you can cuss and I can’t?”

  “Even in a post-orgasm haze, she’s full of sass.” Grant chuckled.

  “It’s a gift.” She sighed, allowing her eyes to close so she could relax.

  “Because I’m the Daddy which means I am in charge and you are not. You’re lucky we don’t have more time or I would make this little kitty cry for me over and over again.” He petted her mound gently and she wiggled her hips.

  “You say that like it’s a threat.”

  “Oh, little one, you have no idea, but it’s going to be so fun to teach you. Now let’s get you diapered and dressed. Nanny J is waiting.”

  “Is this my life now? Spankings and binkies and diapers and nannies?”

  “You forgot enemas and orgasms. Now let’s talk about diaper rules, shall we?” Grant teased as he wrapped the soft fluffy cotton around her. “Rule number one, this diaper stays securely in place unless I or Nanny J removes it. Rule number two, you will ask nicely for help when you need to go potty and if you have been a good girl, we will help you. If you do not behave yourself, there is a chance I will make you use this diaper for its intended purpose. Do I make myself clear?”

  “So I don’t have to… umm… potty in it if I’m good?”

  “No, buttercup, so be a good girl for Daddy, okay?” he asked, slipping the binky back into her mouth before she could answer.

  “Yes, Sir.” She spoke around it.

  She wiggled her bottom trying to get the feel of it. It wasn’t as bad as she'd thought, until he told her to stand up and she felt the thick padding between her legs.

  Pulling the binky out of her mouth, she looked down at the bulky diaper. “Do we really have to do this?” she whined, all of a sudden feeling the age he was expecting her to portray.

  “Are you already going back on your word to behave?”

  Not wanting to respond, she put the binky back in her mouth and crossed her arms over her chest.

  “So sassy. Let’s put on your pretty dress.” He lifted it up for her to put her arms into it.

  “I need a bra,” she protested quietly.

  “Little girls don’t wear underthings, you will be fine.” He placed the dress over her head and she reluctantly put her arms in.

  He was wrong. She wasn’t fine. The material rubbed against her sensitive breasts making her nipples stand on end. She was self-conscious and embarrassed and even though she couldn’t deny that the get-up really was adorable, she didn’t want anyone else to see her in it.

  Unfortunately, she didn’t figure Grant cared much about what she wanted or didn’t want. He just kept reminding her that he was the Daddy and she was the little girl. It was infuriating and freeing at the same time. She didn’t have to think, all she had to do was allow herself to be led. It was way harder than it sounded.

  He held her hand tight as they strolled at a painfully slow pace down the halls of the university and into the main Ranch building.

  “Grant, a moment?” Molly cringed when she heard the booming voice of Derek and did her best to hide behind Grant as he approached, but he kept a hold of her, not giving her much room to work with. She kept her eyes at her feet.
/>   “My, my, look at this perfect little picture.” The sound of Derek’s approval kind of made her want to smile, but she was too busy being mortified. She could feel the blush heat her cheeks as she forced herself to stay as still as possible.

  “Isn’t she, though?” Grant pulled her closer to his side. “How can I help you, Master Derek?”

  “I just wanted to check in on you and your charge.”

  “We’re wonderful, right, buttercup?”

  Molly didn’t want to talk, and she had a binky in her mouth so maybe she didn’t have to? She nodded her head, hoping beyond hope it was enough.

  “Eyes here, little one,” Derek ordered gently, waiting for her to obey before he continued. “You were given choices on how to move forward and you chose Grant’s way, correct?”

  She nodded again.

  “Good. And you know that you can change your mind if something isn’t working?”

  Another nod.

  “Well okay then. You be a good little girl and don’t go getting yourself in any more trouble, you hear me?”

  This time her nod was met with a look of disapproval from Derek and a swift smack to her padded butt from Grant that was more jolting than painful. At least the diaper was good for something.

  “Answer with respect, buttercup, or we can go into Master Derek’s office for a quick lesson from his cane.”

  Unsure of exactly what she should say, she addressed everything Derek had asked. “Yes Sir, Master Derek. I wanna stay with Da—umm, Grant and I will be a good girl.” Talking around the binky was hard but, apparently, she’d done enough. Both men smiled and her heart lightened.

  “Thank you, darlin’. I know you’ll succeed. You’re in good hands.” He winked at her before bidding them both goodbye and returning in the direction he had come from.

  “I’m proud of you, buttercup. Keep it up and it’s going to be a very pleasant day for us both.” Grant squeezed her hand. “Well, it will be pleasant for me either way.” He grinned and began walking again.


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