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Dirty Daddies: 2020 Anniversary Anthology

Page 18

by Maren Smith

The hall changed from hotel to elementary school decor as they got to their destination. The visual differences did wonders for her brain and she felt like she was thrust back to the early days of school when her parents would drop her off. She even had the nervous feeling in her tummy that her mom used to call ‘the first day jitters.’ Though, these jitters felt a whole hell of a lot different.

  “Here we are.” Grant stopped them in front of a heavily decorated door covered with colorful caterpillars. “This is the nursery, also known as the caterpillar room.” He pushed the door open, slowly revealing the room to her.

  She was shocked and she couldn’t have schooled her features if she’d tried. When Grant said nursery, she never in a million years thought it would be an actual honest to goodness nursery. He nudged her from behind and she stepped inside, her eyes wandering around and taking in the whole scene. It was an actual nursery. Playpens, rocking chairs, blankets, toys, and adult babies. The walls were adorned with pastel colored paint and juvenile art projects.

  “Hello, Master Grant.” A woman approached. Her outfit consisted of a professionally white starched shirt and a straight black skirt that stopped right before sensible black shoes. Her hair was pulled into a tight bun and not a strand was out of place. A pair of thick-rimmed glasses completed her ensemble.

  “Thanks for having us, Nanny J. This is Molly. She’s the one I’ve spoken with you about.”

  Nanny turned to her and smiled kindly. “Hello, little one. You have gone and gotten yourself into quite a bit of trouble in quite a short amount of time, haven’t you?”

  That comment hit her right in the gut as she wondered how many people knew about her colossal fuck-up.

  She didn’t answer; she didn’t want to. All she wanted was out of the room and away from the woman who was currently way too close for comfort. She yanked her hand away from Grant and turned to flee, but just as quickly as the night before, he caught her.

  “No, no, little girl. We are going to stay right here and chat with Nanny for a bit.”

  “I don’t want to.” She fought against his hold.

  “I don’t care what you want. Nanny J was nice enough to meet with us and you are going to be a polite little angel or I am going to let her show you what happens to naughty babies in her nursery.”

  That idea was enough to give her pause. It was enough that she had to be punished by Grant, but a woman? A woman everyone called ‘Nanny?’ What would that be like? She wasn’t sure she was ready to find out.

  “Wise choice, little girl.” Nanny nodded. “Naughty babies do not have a pleasant experience here in my nursery. I make sure of it myself. We want our charges to behave like the sweet little ones we know that they can be and we go to great lengths to make that happen.”

  The ominous threat was definitely enough to quell her outburst, but she was still upset that this woman knew what she had done and she wanted to scream at Grant for telling the whole damn Ranch her business. She stood quietly stewing before realizing both Nanny J and her Daddy were watching her.

  “What?” she asked, unable to handle their silent observation.

  “Nanny asked you a question,” Grant told her.

  She did? How’d Molly miss that? “I didn’t hear it,” she admitted.

  “I asked how you are feeling as an adult baby?”

  “I don’t know.” Molly shrugged. It wasn’t a lie. She wasn’t sure how to process everything that was happening. There were aspects she liked a lot and aspects she hated just as much. She certainly wasn’t inclined to spill her guts to this stranger.

  “That’s understandable.” Nanny J nodded. “Your Daddy will help you navigate. Meanwhile, we’re here if you need back-up, Master Grant.”

  “I appreciate that. If my little girl can’t learn to behave when she is on her own, she will be spending a lot of time here with you between her classes while I work.”

  Ignoring the warm feelings that the phrase ‘my little girl’ invoked in her heart, Molly pulled the binky out of her mouth. “What?” she screeched. “That wasn’t part of the plan.”

  “It wasn’t? That’s funny, I don’t recall telling you the plan because you don’t get a choice in the matter. If you can’t be trusted on your own, you will come here where you will be watched closely, end of story.”

  Suddenly she realized why Grant had brought her to the nursery in the first place and while it didn’t look like a bad place at all, Molly had zero interest in being there, especially without her Daddy.

  “Yes, Sir,” she replied meekly.

  “That’s better.” He gave a curt nod and turned his attention back to Nanny J. “As I was saying, thanks again for having us. I’ll be sure to let you know if Molly will need to spend some time with you.”

  “That will be no problem, but I think she’s going to try her hardest to keep that from happening. You want to please your daddy, don’t you, little one?”

  Molly nodded without even considering the question. Yes, she wanted to get rid of her bad habits. Yes, she wanted to succeed and be able to prove to everybody that she wasn’t a fuck up. But most of all, she wanted to make her Daddy proud.

  Grant wrapped an arm around her shoulder and pulled her in for a hug. Giving a little squeeze, he kissed the crown of her head. “You’re a good girl, buttercup, and you have already pleased me more than you know.”

  Molly laid her head against his chest, soaking in his praise.

  “It’s time to leave Nanny to her business. Say goodbye and thank her for her time.”

  “Bye, Nanny. Thank you for talking to me. Your nursery is very pretty, but I don’t think I will visit again soon, if that’s okay with you.”

  “That’s just fine.” Nanny J smiled as Grant led them back out into the hall. “Shall we visit some of the other rooms you could find yourself in if you need extra supervision?”

  Molly was on overload and she was ready for the day to be over, but she wasn’t in charge and she was starting to like it that way. “If you want to, Daddy.”

  “There are a lot of things I’d like to show you, but the things I’d like to do to you right now do not involve clothing so I think it’s time we head back.”

  As quickly as Molly had fallen into being Little, she snapped out of it just as fast. “Yes, Sir.” She nodded excitedly. Even though she had been naked longer than clothed since she’d met Grant, she was looking forward to shedding the frilly dress and allowing him to do deliciously naughty things to her body. She even hoped she would get the chance to reciprocate.

  Chapter Eight

  The trip back to Grant’s apartment took a whole lot longer than it should have at the rate they were walking, and by the time he got them inside and locked the door, Molly was ready to strip them both naked herself, consequences be damned.

  She didn’t even have the chance because Grant was on her quicker than she could move to unbutton the dress. Grabbing the bottom hem, he whipped it up over her head before grabbing her shoulders and pinning her up against the door. He slammed his lips against hers so hard she swore for a second she could taste blood. He plundered her mouth with his tongue in such a possessive way, all Molly could do was relax and enjoy. She’d always liked kissing, but this was a whole new level of amazing. He palmed her breasts roughly as he continued the exploration of her mouth.

  Breaking their kiss, Grant rested his forehead against hers. “Daddy’s cock has been hard since the second you sassed me the first time. That is approximately thirty-eight hours of discomfort and I’m not waiting any longer. Get on your knees, little girl, you owe me.”

  Molly didn’t argue, though sinking to her knees between him and the wall with the thick padding of the diaper still between her legs was pretty awkward.

  Grant unbuttoned his pants and pulled down the zipper. “Be a good girl and do a good job and Daddy will be sure to pleasure you with his cock later on. I want to be able to make love to you slowly and gently and in this current state, that’s just not possible.”

bsp; Molly didn’t respond, only watched as he finally freed his glorious cock from the confines of his boxer briefs.

  She leaned forward eagerly, so badly wanting to please him.

  Grant braced his hands on the wall behind her. “You can play and taste to your heart's content, but remember, you’re mine after this and the longer you tease me the worse it will be for you when it's my turn.”

  That threat was enough to get her going. She wasted no time taking him as far as she could into her mouth and rubbing her tongue up and down his shaft.

  “Fuck, little one. I’m not going to last long at all,” he informed her after only a minute or so of her sucking him off. “What have you done to me? I’m going to come. I want you to do your best to take it all for Daddy.”

  Molly was thankful for the warning; she’d never sucked a man to completion before. She had always been afraid she wouldn’t be able to handle it, but for Grant, she’d do anything.

  “Look at me, baby girl, I want to see your face as you get the first taste of my cum on your tongue.”

  Molly looked up at him just as he let go and she forced herself not to pull away as he shot straight to the back of her throat, filling her mouth almost completely.

  “Swallow, baby,” he coaxed.

  Holding back a gag, she did as she was told and even though it was really difficult, the smile she received in return was completely worth it.

  “You’re amazing.”

  “Thank you.” She blushed, all of a sudden feeling shy and unsure.

  Grant reached out his hand and she took it, allowing him to help her stand. “Daddy’s going to spank you now, not because you were naughty, but because I want you stingy and red when I fuck you.”

  His dirty talk had her quivering with need and she all but threw herself over his knee the second he sat down.

  “Eager for a sore bottom, little girl?”

  “No, Sir, eager for the after,” she confessed.

  “The after is liable to take all night, no need to rush it.” He undid the sides of the diaper as he spoke, pulling it from between her legs. “Your diaper is pretty wet, baby girl. If I didn’t know any better, I’d think you actually used it.”

  “I didn’t!” She reared back in protest but he held her down, giving her six hard spanks to each cheek.

  “You stay put,” he warned. “I know you didn’t. It’s wet with your excitement. Daddy’s girl likes to suck cock.”

  She wanted to argue because she really didn't like it at all. Well, she hadn’t before now. She didn’t get the chance to respond before Grant was spanking her again, not as hard, but it still hurt and she forced herself to take it for him. Without his lectures and disappointment, it was a lot easier to accept the spanks with grace and submit to the spanking simply for his pleasure. It was heady and she could feel the juices dripping from her pussy.

  “There now, nice and red. How do you feel?”

  “Light headed,” she informed him. There was no telling if it was the position over his knee or all of the endorphins rapid firing in her brain or a combination of both, but either way, she was dizzy.

  Grant scooped her into his arms and took her into the bedroom. “Stay here and I’ll get you some water,” he commanded, laying her on her back in the middle of the bed.

  Nibbling her lip, she did as she was told, but laying there on top of the covers stark naked was very strange. Thankfully, Grant was quick.

  “Are you okay?” The concern on his face touched her heart.

  “Yes, Daddy.”

  “Good, because I’m not even close to finished with you yet. You are going to come so many times tonight you’re going to forget your own name.”

  “Is that supposed to be a threat?”

  “No, baby, it’s a promise.” Taking the water bottle from her hands, he set it on the nightstand. “Let’s play a game, shall we?” he asked. “I am going to play with these gorgeous titties and you are going to stay still and silent while I do. Every time you aren’t, you’ll get a penalty.”

  “What kind of penalty?”

  “One of my choosing. Don’t interrupt. If you can endure for three minutes straight, you’ll get a reward.”

  “What kind of reward?” It didn’t really matter, there was no way she was going to win this game. Her senses were heightened, and she was horny as all get out. She was doomed.

  Grant smiled. “One of my choosing, because I am in charge here and you are not.”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  “Good girl, now back to our game. Remember, still and quiet.”

  He started slowly teasing her nipples, rubbing and pinching one at a time. Molly held herself so still that it was almost painful.

  “Breathe, little one. You’re being such a good girl.” He added his other hand, playing with both nipples at the same time. “Unfortunately, you aren’t going to win this one.”

  She took in a shuddering breath, ignoring the growing need inside her. Her nerves were firing on all cylinders and she knew for a fact he’d only just begun.

  Her suspicions were confirmed when he leaned down and placed a chaste kiss on each hard peak. “You have the most beautiful breasts I have ever seen,” he praised before using his tongue to lave at one nipple while his fingers continued to tease the other.

  She held steadfast as long as she could, but when he sucked so hard she thought he might disconnect her nipple from her body, she couldn’t endure anymore. Arching her back, she moaned loud and long.

  Grant didn’t stop right away, switching to the other side and repeating the treatment. Molly was done for, she writhed and cried out, even went as far as wrapping her arms around him and holding him to her chest. After another minute, he sat up and looked at her, a shit-eating grin adorning his perfect face.

  “I win,” he announced before reaching into the drawer of his nightstand and pulling out two clothespins. “A lot of Doms get all fancy with their nipple clamps, but I find the perfect solution is a brand new clothespin.” Without any further warning, he opened one of the pins and attached it to her very sensitive nipple.

  Molly didn’t think, only reacted to the pain. She screamed at the sudden pinch and immediately reached to remove it. Grant must not have expected that because she had it off and was rubbing away the soreness before he grabbed her wrists and pinned them by her ears.

  “Oh, little girl. That was very, very naughty.” He tsked. “You don’t get to control this situation, I do.”

  “But it hurt!”

  “Do you have a safeword?”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  “Did you use it?”

  “No, Sir. I just was surprised it hurt so much, I’m sorry.”

  “Yes, well, you certainly will be. See, I had only planned to keep them on for a minute, but now you get to wear them for much, much longer and I’m going to remove any notion you might have to take control again.”

  Molly whimpered as he climbed off the bed and went to his closet. She watched him go inside and retrieve a large leather duffle bag.

  “What’s that?” she couldn’t help but ask to break the silence.

  “My toy bag. It’s full of all sorts of fun things.”

  “Fun for who?”

  “Well, me of course, but they could be fun for good little girls as well. Unfortunately, I don’t see any of those around.” He made a show of looking all around the room.

  Molly squirmed as he approached, setting the bag on the foot of the bed. He opened it slowly, and she swore she heard every individual snick of the zipper as it slid across the top.

  “Look at that, right on top. I love when that happens.” Grant pulled out a set of sparkly pink leather cuffs. “These should help hold my naughty girl in place.”

  Molly moved to sit up to see what he was doing, but was stopped short with a stern look. “Stay. Put.”

  She managed to force herself back down, but craned her head to watch him attach a chain to the headboard and fasten the wrist cuff to it. “Give me your hand,
buttercup.” She obeyed, fascinated and so turned on she thought she might spontaneously combust. He placed the cuff on her, tightening it so it was secure, but not uncomfortable. Then he moved to the other side and repeated the process.

  Once finished, he moved back to the foot of the bed and smiled at her. “You’re in so much trouble, little girl. You look so pretty naked and bound to my bed, you’ll be lucky if I ever let you go again.”

  He crawled up from the foot of the bed, spreading her ankles so that he could rest between her legs. “Now, let’s get these clips back where they belong.”

  He leaned down to suck on each nipple before adding the clip, a little slower than before.

  Molly squeezed her eyes shut, tears leaking from the corners at the pain it caused.

  “Deep breaths, baby girl, Daddy will make it all better in a second.”

  He kissed her lips, and then made his way down her body, kissing a trail to her belly button. “Daddy is going to tease your little kitty and make you forget all about the pain.”

  Even with the sharp vise pinching her nipples, she was acutely aware of Grant’s intentions. No one had ever gone down on her before and even with all the embarrassing hurdles she had overcome, she was having a hard time with the idea of his face so close to her private parts.

  “Open up for Daddy, buttercup. I have waited long enough to taste your sweet nectar.”

  She squeezed her thighs together, blocking his access. “Did you know buttercups could actually kill you if you eat them?”

  “I’ll take my chances.” He winked. “Do you need help obeying, little one?”

  She alternated between nodding and shaking her head. She didn’t know what she wanted.

  “Do you trust me?”

  “Yes, Daddy.”

  “Good girl. I know exactly what will help these legs stay nice and wide for Daddy to play.” Without leaving his position between her feet, he reached into the toy bag again and pulled out a metal rod with leather cuffs at each end. “This is a spreader bar,” he explained as he buckled one padded cuff to her ankle. “With this on, you can squirm and writhe all you want and I will still be able to have my way with your sweet kitty. Won’t that be fun?”


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