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Dirty Daddies: 2020 Anniversary Anthology

Page 29

by Maren Smith

  Letting herself out at the back door, Samantha locked it before walking just a few feet to Blake’s. Tentatively, she slid the unknown key into the lock and turned it. Click. The handle turned, and she pushed it the door open.

  Blake’s house was dark and quiet. Samantha turned the dead bolt and hung the sparkly unicorn key ring on the empty rack. Walking to the kitchen, she noticed that everything seemed less vibrant without its owner there—as if someone had sucked out all the energy when he left. Steadying herself with a hand on the wall as she yawned, Samantha’s last vestige of energy dissipated.

  Without another thought, she turned into the nursery and walked to the crib. Kicking off her shoes, Samantha hopped up to land on her knees on the soft mattress inside. She stretched out and sighed in contentment. The enclosed bed felt as good as she remembered. As her eyelids fluttered shut, Samantha rolled onto her tummy and wiggled until she was comfortable.

  The standoff had been long and drawn-out. Unable to storm the house due to the two small children inside, the police had chosen to negotiate from a distance. Finally, the suspect’s mother was located and transported to the scene. Badly shaken by the details the police had pieced together, the new arrival convinced her daughter to send the kids out to her. As their grandmother, she had been there to hug and reassure the frightened children.

  From their conversation with their grandma, the police had gained confirmation that an argument between their parents had become violent. The father had threatened his wife with a knife. When he lunged to stab her, the woman had defended herself. Unfortunately for them, the kids had seen their mother kill their father. A social worker on the scene took command of the trio.

  Considering this new information, Blake delayed the SWAT team, who were now ready to fill the house with tear gas before going in to capture the woman. He called her cell phone one last time. “Cynthia, the kids told us what happened. We know you’re upset. We also know that you acted in self-defense. Before the situation goes any further, please come out so I can help you?”

  Silence met his request as she considered his words. Thirty seconds later, she responded, “Are you going to take me to jail? I just want my kids to be safe.”

  “You acted in self-defense. We know your husband attacked you with the weapon. You’re allowed to defend yourself,” he reassured her. He’d seen this before, a woman who had suffered for years before finally fighting back. In the violence’s aftermath, she’d panicked. Unsure what to do when the police surrounded the house, the woman had hidden inside.

  “Can I trust you?” she whispered.

  “Your little girls need you just as mine needs me. There’ll be an investigation, of course. As long as the evidence matches your accounting of the event, you’ll be released from custody quickly.”

  The front door cracked open. The thin, shaking woman walked through the door holding both hands above her head. Immediately an officer was there to handcuff her and escort her to a squad car. The situation ended. Now, it was time for the investigation to begin.

  “Well done,” his police lieutenant complimented. Doug Stone leaned in to ask confidentially, “You found your Little girl?”

  “I did.” Blake accepted the slap on the back and congratulations. A small core of Daddies on the police force had discovered each other. Some were still looking for their perfect Little. The lieutenant was one of the lucky ones. He’d known his Little since they were in second grade. “Think Lettie would be interested in a playdate?”

  “My Lettie is a bit shy, but she loves to meet new Littles. We’ll coordinate later. For now, head to the station and write up your report. Then, head home to that precious Little girl,” the lieutenant ordered.

  “On my way.”

  Two hours later, Blake pulled into his garage. Seeing all the lights on in Samantha’s house, he frowned. This late at night, she should be sound asleep. He knocked on her door, but no one answered. Wonder grew inside him. Could his Little have gone to visit him?

  He let himself into his side of the duplex and toed off his creaking leather shoes. Walking through the pitch-black rooms, Blake appreciated his ability to see well in the dark. The nursery door was open. As he headed directly to the crib, Blake could see an outline of a figure inside. Each step brought him closer to the view he wished to remember forever. Samantha lay curled on her side with her hands tucked under her cheek.

  Pulling his phone from his pocket, Blake couldn’t resist taking a picture of this precious sight. Staring into the crib, Blake felt all the stress of his day evaporate. How has she become so vital so quickly? He leaned against the railing at the head of the crib. When his equipment belt rattled against the wood, Samantha sleepily murmured, “Daddy?”

  He reached in to brush his fingers through her silky brown hair. “I’m here, Sami. I’m glad you came to sleep in your crib.”

  Her eyes blinked open to meet his. “I couldn’t resist,” she admitted.

  “I’m glad. Would you like to stay here in your crib to sleep, or would you rather join Daddy in his big bed?”

  “Daddy’s bed.”

  Blake leaned into the crib and scooped his Little girl into his arms. Holding her close, he bent to kiss her lips lightly. “I like that choice.” Turning, he carried her from the room, ignoring her sleepy protests that she was too heavy and that she could walk. Samantha would learn that she needn’t worry about his strength. She felt perfect in his arms.

  Setting her feet on the carpet next to his bed, Blake tossed back the covers before helping her slide into bed. “I’m going to take a shower. Someone would like to keep you company.” Holding up one finger to ask her to wait, Blake disappeared into his closet. He quickly stored his weapons in the safe before searching. In a box underneath the hanging clothes, he had stored something precious for his Little.

  As he returned, Blake switched on the light in the master bathroom to illuminate the room slightly. He did not want to miss her reaction. With a smile, Blake held the plush tiger out to Samantha. Tentatively, she reached out to the floppy orange-and-black-striped stuffie. Samantha sat up to examine it closer.

  “It’s the stuffie on the walls! He’s so cute! He’s the one without a name!” she protested, squeezing the soft creature to her body.

  “It’s very sad that he doesn’t have a name. He’s been waiting for me to find my Little forever. Doesn’t he look happy now?”

  She nodded immediately as small lines of worry appeared between her brows. “The stuffie needs a name.”

  “Yes. You think of one while I take a shower.”


  “Little girls come up with the best names. He wanted you to decide. Lie back and think about it,” Blake directed. When she complied, he rewarded her with a kiss.

  He hesitated at the doorway to the bathroom as he unbuttoned his shirt. Hearing her voice as she talked softly to the tiger, Blake knew between the two of them, they’d come up with the perfect name. He turned to take a quick shower. Blake couldn’t wait to hear what she decided.

  Ten minutes later, he emerged to find Samantha fast asleep and curled up in bed around the tiger. She’d obviously worked very hard when he’d been away. Moving quietly, Blake slid into bed behind her to spoon his exhausted Little. He inhaled deeply, enjoying the clean scent of the woman he still couldn’t believe had found him. Blake wrapped an arm around her waist, pulling her snug against his body. Within minutes, he, too, was asleep.

  Chapter Six

  The sun filled the bedroom by the time Blake woke up the next morning. Samantha was glad to see his beautiful green eyes. She’d been awake for a couple of hours and had thought about getting up but didn’t want to disturb him. She enjoyed the opportunity to study his impressive form as the sheet drooped dangerously low over his hips. The man was definitely eye candy.

  “Morning,” she greeted him. Moving the stuffed tiger between their bodies, Samantha growled a greeting for him as well. “Rwahr!”

  “Good morning to both of you. T
o whom do I have the pleasure of speaking?” Blake asked formally. His voice was low and gravelly with sleep.

  “Choosing the name for a stuffie is a serious business. We both liked Cheeto for a little while, but that was too close to cheater, and neither one of us like them. I thought of Regit, but he didn’t like that one because you have to spell backward. So, we settled on Grrr!”

  “Grrr? I think I like that. It’s a perfect name.” Blake reached a hand forward to lift one floppy paw. “Nice to finally know your name, Grrr.” Blake wrapped his arms around them and pulled the duo close before rolling them over so that he was poised above them. “Excuse us, Grrr. I need morning kisses from my Little girl.”

  Plucking the stuffed tiger from her hands, Blake laid him on the pillow beside them. He turned to look down at her. “Sami, I was very pleased to find you in your crib last night.” He pressed soft, sweet kisses to her lips.

  Samantha didn’t try to stifle her soft sounds of pleasure as she clung eagerly to his broad shoulders. His pelvis nestled against her. She could feel his eager response to being close. All the doubts that had floated through her head of how he could be attracted to her disappeared. He was. She pushed all the other stuff out of her mind. Blake had decided that she was his. Samantha wasn’t going to argue with him.

  When he lifted his head, she stared up at his passion-filled expression. She hoped he’d always look at her this way. Something deep inside her clicked into place. Who cared if he was younger than she was?

  “There’s my Little,” he said softly. “I have a day off today. Can we spend it together?”

  Thrilled, she agreed, “I’d love that.”

  When Blake rolled away to stand next to the bed, Samantha tried to figure out what he was doing. The sight of him standing nude wiped most questions from her mind. When he cleared his throat to draw her attention, she realized that she missed noticing the hand he extended to her. Feeling her face heat with embarrassment, Samantha quickly placed her hand in his and allowed him to pull her out of the covers. She was way overdressed.

  “We need to get a nighty for you to wear,” he observed, taking in her leggings, oversized T-shirt, and socks. “Do you need to potty before we have breakfast?”

  “Mmmm, what about…?” She gestured at his raging erection.

  “If you’re good, Daddy will let you play with his penis later. For now, go potty and meet me in the kitchen,” he directed.

  “I’m not hungry,” she lied. She’d already been awake for a couple of hours, and her stomach had growled repeatedly. She could ignore it for a little while longer.

  “Little girl, Daddy decides when you may have pleasure. Now, it’s breakfast time. Are you ready to do what I’ve asked, or should we review rule number one?”

  “I don’t care about the rules. I’m not planning on following them,” she distractedly informed him as she reached forward to stroke one fingertip across the side of his erection. Watching it jump, she was pleased that he reacted to her touch. Emboldened, she wrapped her hand around his shaft.

  Blake’s hand closed around hers and lifted it from his body. “You do not have permission to touch Daddy. I think it’s time that you learned what happens when you don’t follow Daddy’s directions or any rule.” Blake sat on the edge of the bed and drew her toward him.

  Samantha cooperated fully, believing that he would take her back to bed. She didn’t expect for him to hook his fingers in the waistband of her leggings and underwear to pull them down to her knees. Trying to back away, Samantha almost tripped as the tight knit acted like handcuffs around her thighs. She reached out automatically to steady herself. Blake pinned her hands behind her back and quickly pulled Samantha over his knees before she could regain her balance.

  “What are you doing?” she demanded, trying to press herself back up to standing. His knees widened to prevent her toes from touching the ground.

  “You’ve earned your first consequence.” Blake’s hand caressed her exposed bottom before raising it to land smartly on her flesh.

  Gasping at the sharp pain, Samantha’s first thought was that there was a negative side to his strength. Then she began struggling. “Stop! This isn’t funny. I don’t like this!” she protested as she tried to free herself.

  “Little girls need to behave. If they don’t, it’s up to their Daddies to help them learn,” Blake explained evenly as he continued to spank her full bottom.

  “No!” she wailed. Stubbornly, Samantha continued to struggle. Tears began to tumble from her eyes to soak the carpet underneath her. Finally worn-out, Samantha slumped in exhaustion and pain over his lap. Immediately, Blake stopped spanking her. He collected her tenderly in his arms and rotated her body to sit on his lap.

  Samantha hissed as her weight settled on her fiery hot bottom. She leaned against his broad chest, allowing him to comfort her as tears raced down her cheeks. His softly whispered words soothed her as Blake held her close, tenderly stroking her back. Samantha welcomed his loving attention.

  Loving? Doubts flooded into Samantha’s brain. She was the idiot. She’d let Darrell crap all over her for way too many years. Then what did she do? She hooked up with a hot guy next door who just happened to have the same kink that she’d read and lusted over for years. And now she thought he loved her?

  Her sudden lunge off his lap freed Samantha from those supportive arms. Afraid that she would get tangled in the material, Samantha stepped out of her leggings and underwear. Racing to the back door, she ignored his shouted words of concern as she snatched the unicorn key ring from the rack and burst out the back door.

  Locking her door behind her, Samantha began to cry in earnest. When the wood behind her back thumped under the weight of his urgent knocks, Samantha shouted, “Go away! I don’t need another man to hurt me!”

  “Samantha, you need to let me in so we can talk about this. I know this was new for you, and you’re upset. Don’t run away and ruin what we have together,” he urged.

  “We don’t have anything. Go away, Blake!”

  “Sami, let me in, Little girl.” His voice seemed filled with sadness and grief.

  “Just go away!”

  Chapter Seven

  Collapsing the last box, Samantha tossed it on the pile. She could hear Blake moving around next door. She’d avoided him since that horrible morning. Her schedule could be flexible, and she timed her trips to the dumpster and out to her car when she knew he was gone. Despite her best efforts, Samantha listened carefully to make sure he came home after each shift. She didn’t want to worry about him, but she did.

  Visiting dozens of times, he’d spoken to her through the wooden barrier. Blake had tried to call when she refused to open her door. He had finally resorted to leaving messages on her cell phone. His words were always the same—he missed her terribly and asked that she talked to him in person. It had amazed her that despite her lack of response, he hadn’t stopped trying to connect with her. A guy playing a stupid game wouldn’t keep trying when he realized she was onto him, would he?

  Samantha’s eyes fell on the crumpled piece of paper that she dug out of the trash. Held on her refrigerator with a smiley face magnet, Blake’s block writing boldly stated the rules he required of his Little girl. No, not his Little girl, but for me. He’d clearly written the name Sami on each line.

  What if Blake isn’t playing a game? What if I totally screwed this up? Is it too late?

  The trembling fingers, Samantha removed that list from the fridge and carried it to her design table. Opening her file, she pulled out a piece of pale pink parchment. The crisp paper felt cool under her fingertips. It reassured her she was doing the right thing. Grabbing a calligraphy pen, Samantha began to work.

  As she finished, she heard Blake’s car start out in the driveway. His shift must be starting. Standing up, she walked to the front windows and watched from behind the curtains as he left. She would give him ten minutes to make sure he didn’t come back. Time clicked slowly past.

ng three deep breaths to give herself courage, Samantha slid the key into the back door. She opened it slowly and slipped inside. Samantha paused to hang two rings on the key rack before turning to face into the kitchen. Armed with the now glittery pink paper, Samantha crept to his refrigerator and pinned her design to the bare front with the smiley face magnet that had mocked her. She stepped back to read the rules one more time.

  #1 Follow Daddy’s instructions.

  #2 Daddy and Sami will always be honest with each other.

  #3 Daddy and Sami will care for each other deeply.

  #4 Sami will learn to trust her Daddy if he’ll give her another chance.

  That was all she could do. Reach out to Blake and see if he was still willing to be her Daddy. She’d understand if it was too late. The pain in his voice each time he talked to her had been palpable and real. By refusing to talk to him, Samantha knew she had wounded him deeply.

  Turning to leave, Sami’s thoughts jumped to the stuffed tiger who she had rejected as well. She needed to explain to Grrr. Quickly, Samantha walked down the hallway. Peeking inside the nursery, she couldn’t see the stuffie tucked into the crib. She felt as if she was invading when she stepped into the master bedroom.

  Of all the rooms in the house, this room was stamped most with Blake’s personality. A collection of police badges hung on one wall. Next to it, a shadow box filled with bath toys hinted at his desire to have a Little girl. Startled, she walked closer to see a new picture. Tears began to fall from her eyes.

  “I messed this up so badly,” she confessed out loud, staring at the image of herself asleep in the beautiful crib.


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